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伪随机编码源电磁响应的精细辨识   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
与传统阶跃源激励方式相比, 采用m序列伪随机编码对发射源波形进行编码, 提高了电磁探测的深度和分辨能力.然而受这种编码源发射波形自相关旁瓣效应的影响, 使得对大地冲激响应的精细辨识效果受到一定限制.为了解决这一问题, 在以往相关辨识方法研究的基础上, 进一步考虑发射自相关旁瓣的影响, 首先提出一种由收发互相关中高精度提取大地冲激响应的数学方法; 然后通过数值模拟给出了m序列编码源大地冲激响应的精细辨识结果; 同时对以m序列为发射波形的勘探系统相关参数选择进行了分析; 最后利用本文提出的方法对野外实测数据进行辨识处理, 通过与其他EM方法结果进行对比, 证明了本文提出方法的可靠性.  相似文献   

脉冲编码可控震源信号设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过脉冲编码技术使震源向地下激发出可人为控制的变步长的脉冲序列,采用解码技术将这种连续多次小能量激发情形的原始地震记录转换为等价的单次大能量激发的地震记录.文中通过数值模拟技术对脉冲编码震源信号地震响应的规律和特点进行了研究.模拟结果表明,脉冲编码信号冲击间隔的增量是压制相关噪声的关键因素,调整冲击间隔的增量对相关噪声的影响要比增加冲击次数对相关噪声的影响灵敏得多,而重复的冲击间隔对压制相关噪声不起任何作用.  相似文献   

陈祖斌  李娜  孙锋  张林行  龙云 《地球物理学报》2017,60(11):4231-4240

冲击夯可控震源具有移动方便、质量轻、输出力大等优点,在城市工程勘察以及中浅层地震勘探等领域具有一定的应用前景.其激励信号主要基于二元伪随机编码技术,由于旁瓣效应导致相关干扰严重、地震记录信噪比低等问题,制约了冲击夯震源的推广应用.本文针对传统控制方法的不足,开展了基于三元伪随机的冲击夯可控震源编码技术和编码匹配控制方法研究,并在此基础上设计和实现了相应的控制系统.野外实验结果表明:相比于二元伪随机编码控制方法,三元伪随机编码控制方法得到的地震子波的主旁瓣比提高了4.04 dB;震源信号穿透力强,在测线远端处能量约为30磅锤击震源的100倍,约为二元伪随机方法的4倍;单炮地震记录中干扰抑制能力强,信噪比显著提升,子波频带宽,提高了分辨率,在一定程度上提高了地震勘探效果.


王忠仁  高健  林君 《地球物理学报》2010,53(11):2754-2759
常规的可控震源Chirp扫描信号的地震响应存在着相关信号旁瓣大、分辨率低的缺点;用二元伪随机编码信号作为可控震源的驱动信号,地震响应剖面中存在严重的相关噪声,降低了地震记录的信噪比.本文提出的可控震源匹配扫描方法,利用匹配伪随机序列偶调制正弦载波信号作为可控震源驱动信号进行扫描激发,得到两个匹配的原始地震记录,对两个匹配的原始地震记录分别解码后再进行叠加形成最终的综合解码地震剖面.地震数值模拟的结果表明,该方法基本不存在常规Chirp扫描情形的旁瓣效应,可有效避免m-序列编码扫描情形的相关噪声,其最后形成的综合解码地震剖面可以与脉冲震源的炮集记录相媲美.  相似文献   

北京断陷黄庄—高丽营断层伪随机可控震源地震剖面   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
位于北京断陷西北边界的黄庄—高丽营断层是区域新构造运动中的一条重要的隐伏断层,本研究利用伪随机可控震源及其高精度反射地震方法,调查了该断层在北京奥林匹克公园段的特征.研究工作首先从理论上分析了可控震源解码原理和抗噪声能力,然后利用三分量波动方程正演指导了黄庄—高丽营断层的野外地震观测,在城市强噪声环境下采集了高精度的地震数据,经过数据处理在该地区第一次得到地震偏移深度剖面.获得的地震偏移深度剖面清晰地显示了黄庄—高丽营断层的位置,地质解释结果为进一步明确剖面上断层两侧新生代地层的厚度提供了依据.  相似文献   

可控震源非线性扫描地震响应的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
讨论了几种非线性扫描信号自相关函数的旁瓣特性.对可控震源非线性扫描的地震响应进行了数值模拟.当震源扫描持续时间是检波器接收时间的一半时,相关运算把反射扫描信号压缩成脉冲信号的效果是显著的.有限度地增加震源扫描持续时间以及与之相适应的接收时间可以使反射扫描信号得到进一步的压缩,但在固定扫描与接收时间的条件下,增加采样点个数对反射扫描信号的压缩并不起作用.采用具有低频相关子波特性的非线性扫描震源信号,将有利于相关噪声的消除.模拟结果还证实了二次扫描在某些特定条件下会出现鞍点效应这样一个事实.  相似文献   

利用地震波资料对澄江5.2级地震序列的震源机制、震源应力场和震源断层作了分析研究。结果表明,整个序列发展中,震源区及附近、构造应力场以南东东方向、水平作用为主的压应力场为主。其次还有南南东向、水平作用为主的压应力场的作用。由序列震源机制解分析,主震发震断层是走向北北东、倾角较陡的断层面,在南南东-南东向,接近水平的压应力场作用下,该断层面具有以左旋走滑为主的错动性质。该断层面是序列的主破裂面。在序列发展过程中,北西西-北西向断层也参与了活动。有的余震,虽然发生在与主破裂面一致或接近的断层面上,但破裂错动的旋性发生了变化,出现了相对主破裂事件的反向错动。极少数余震破裂错动性质呈现以倾向滑动为主的特征。在序列发展过程中,破裂面及其错动性质显地复杂。由于强震的发生,主破裂的错动,使得震源区局部应力场状态错综复杂。  相似文献   

卡.  ВГ 苏乃春 《内陆地震》1992,6(3):309-312
最近几年,在地震学中由M.A.萨多夫斯基提出的地球物理介质模型正在得到很大的普及。该模型把地壳设想为由若干地块或不同尺度的非均质层组成的多层次自相似结构。在这个模型范畴内,地震乃是一定尺度的构造单元之间快速动力学相互作用的结果。这种把岩石圈看作是广阔尺度范围内的“自组织”介质的观点,是以地壳的某些总体(综合)特征的存在,尤其是地震过程的存在为前提的。  相似文献   

伪随机编码源激发下的时域电磁信号合成   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将伪随机编码技术引入到人工源电磁法后,可以通过加大发射功率以及应用后续的相关处理技术来达到压制噪声、加大探测深度及提高分辨率的目的,因此引起了越来越多学者的关注及研究,但大多数研究集中在资料处理的相关技术上,对模拟电磁信号关注较少.然而,资料处理工作大多是从电磁信号出发的,模拟伪随机编码源激发下的电磁信号不但可以为资料处理环节提供理论数据,而且可以为检测资料处理的效果提供中间结果,因此,模拟电磁信号工作必不可少.本文根据获得接收信号的物理过程来实现伪随机编码源激发下的电磁信号合成.首先用解析公式获得特定地电结构的大地频率域响应,然后通过余弦变换得到时间域阶跃响应,接下来用阶跃响应的时间导数得到大地脉冲响应,通过将大地脉冲响应与伪随机编码源的褶积得到理想接收信号,最后,用低通滤波器来模拟发射设备和接收设备的频带限制,将之和噪声一起加到理想接收信号上,最终模拟出仿真的合成信号.通过和野外实际接收信号对比发现本文合成信号仿真度较高,可以服务于后续的数据处理环节.  相似文献   

武定6.5级地震序列震源机制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
宋文  黄毓珍 《地震研究》1997,20(3):265-272
由地震P波初动符号资料,求解得到1995年10月24日武定6.5级地震序主震及21外强余震的震源机制解。主震的两个节面走向分别为北西西向,倾向NNE,倾角70°;另一个节面走向为北北东,倾向W,倾角77°;等效释放应力场主压力力方位为324°,仰角24°。表明与区域应力场基本一致的主要震震源应力场及发震断裂控制着整个序列的地震活动。  相似文献   

针对电磁式可控震源地震数据的相关检测,研究发现,在地下结构复杂、基板-大地耦合不佳时,常规方法——基于震源控制信号或基板附近信号作为参考信号检测得到的地震记录中,存在子波到时误差和虚假多次波问题.本文分析了上述问题的理论原因,并提出基于重构激发信号的相关检测参考信号方法(Correlation Detection Reference Signal Based on the Reconstructed Excitation Signal,CDRSBRES).首先,利用直达波与其他地震波到时不一致的特点,从震源基板附近信号中分离、提取直达波.然后,利用直达波重构震源激发信号并作为参考信号对地震数据进行相关检测.最后,应用谱白化技术提高检测结果质量.数值模拟研究表明,重构激发信号与理想激发信号的相关系数为0.9869,达到高度线性相关,CDRSBRES方法检测的地震记录在子波到时和波形特征上均与模型相符.随后,在某金属矿区开展了可控震源对比实验.与液压式可控震源MiniVib T15000检测结果相比,电磁式可控震源PHVS 500的检测结果中:基于震源控制信号的检测结果存在子波到时误差约0.012 s,对应垂向精度误差约11.16 m;基于基板附近信号的检测结果部分区域出现虚假多次波,信噪比降低;而CDRSBRES方法的检测结果子波到时误差约0.001 s,对应垂向精度误差约0.93 m,波形特征一致,相同区域无虚假多次波.综上,本方法适用于电磁式可控震源地震数据的高精度检测,尤其对于地下结构复杂区域的高分辨率地震勘探具有重要意义.  相似文献   

相控震源定向地震波信号分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
姜弢  林君  杨冬  陈祖斌 《地球物理学报》2008,51(5):1551-1556
应用可控震源地震勘探,当环境噪声很强,采用组合震源工作仍不能满足信噪比要求时,引入能形成定向地震波的相控震源.由相控震源定向照明地震理论分析,主波束方向上3单元相控震源产生的反射地震波信号信噪比比单震源高6.53~9.54 dB,比组合震源高1.76~4.77dB.为研究相控地震实际效果,在同一测区进行了三种震源地震对比实验.由单炮地震记录和水平叠加时间剖面可知,相控震源反射波信号信噪比明显高于单震源情况,略高于组合震源情况.进一步对反射波信号功率谱特性做定量分析,得到如下结果:与单震源情况相比,相控震源使各道反射波信号信噪比提高了0.75~8.15 dB,平均提高3.65 dB;与组合震源情况相比,各道信噪比提高了0.93~3.17 dB,平均提高2.02 dB,实验结果与理论分析吻合.综上所述可知,基于相控震源的定向照明地震技术是可行的,可以有效提高地震信号的信噪比.  相似文献   

The vertical component of the seismic noise has been recorded in two different sites near the towns of Mercato S. Severino and Benevento in Southern Italy by a small aperture array, in order to investigate the characteristics of the noise propagation and to study the site response. Three different array techniques have been applied in the two investigated sites: Beam Forming, High Resolution and Spatial Correlation methods. We used two simple array geometry for localising possible noise sources and estimating local shallow structure using ambient noise. The cross shaped array results effective for determining the phase velocity of waves in the case when the noise is from a single localised source; the circular array, on the other hand, is successfully used when the noise sources are distributed. The main results are: the analysis of a coherent component of the noise recorded in the two sites, interpreted as Rayleigh waves, results in reasonable velocity models; the noise recorded in the M.S.S. Plain is a space stationary signal, while the noise at the Benevento site is possibly produced by a stable noise source located close to the array. Due to this evidence, the correlation method does not yield satisfactory results when applied to the Benevento site. The 2–6 Hz spectral peaks of the noise recorded in the M.S.S. Plain can be interpreted as due to a site effect, considering the satisfactory agreement of the noise spectrum at those frequencies with the theoretical transfer function computed on the basis of the velocity model deduced from the Rayleigh waves dispersion analysis.  相似文献   

The seismometer network of the Japanese expressway system has been enhanced since the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Using earthquake information from the instruments, the expressways are closed if the peak ground acceleration (PGA) is larger than or equal to 80cm/s2. The aim of this regulation is to avoid secondary disasters, e.g. cars running into the collapsed sections. However, recent studies on earthquake damage have revealed that expressway structures are not seriously damaged under such‐level of earthquake motion. Hence, we may think of relaxing the regulation of expressway closure. But before doing this, it is necessary to examine the effects of shaking to automobiles since the drivers may encounter difficulties in controlling their vehicles and traffic accidents may occur. In this study, a vehicle was modelled with a six‐degree‐of‐freedom system and its responses were investigated with respect to PGA, peak ground velocity (PGV) and Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) seismic intensity using five ground motion records. It was observed that the response of the vehicle shows a larger amplitude for the record that has larger response spectrum in the long period range compared to other records. However, similar response amplitudes of the vehicle were observed for all the records with respect to the JMA seismic intensity. The response characteristics of the vehicle model may be very useful for decision‐making regarding the relaxation of the expressway closure under seismic motion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

首先介绍了钢筋混凝土渡槽结构在地震荷载作用下的分析理论,根据这些理论建立了渡槽结构的动力有限元分析模型,分别采用干模态法、附加质量法和ALE法考虑渡槽结构液固耦合作用,通过具体的工程算例,对钢筋混凝土渡槽结构进行了不同工况下的数值模拟研究,包括混凝土非线性材料分析、渡槽结构静水与动水响应分析、渡槽结构自振特性分析和槽墩的能力曲线分析。研究表明,考虑固液耦合作用的渡槽实体有限元模型能较好地模拟渡槽结构地震反应,并得到相应的渡槽结构地震反应规律。  相似文献   

Based on the fact that the Hankel matrix constructed by noise-free seismic data is low-rank, low-rank approximation (or rank-reduction) methods have been widely used for removing noise from seismic data. Due to the linear-event assumption of the traditional low-rank approximation method, it is difficult to define a rank that optimally separates the data subspace into signal and noise subspaces. For preserving the most useful signal energy, a relatively large rank threshold is often chosen, which inevitably leaves residual noise. To reduce the energy of residual noise, we propose an optimally damped rank-reduction method. The optimal damping is applied via two steps. In the first step, a set of optimal damping weights is derived. In the second step, we derive an optimal singular value damping operator. We review several traditional low-rank methods and compare their performance with the new one. We also compare these low-rank methods with two sparsity-promoting transform methods. Examples demonstrate that the proposed optimally damped rank-reduction method could get significantly cleaner denoised images compared with the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

基于2019年中国地震局"一带一路"鹤岗地震台阵勘选资料,分析了勘选测点记录的近震Pg震相和远震P波震相在时间域和频率域的相关性。时间域相关分析结果显示,鹤岗地震台阵场地对近震Pg震相和远震P波震相的最佳监测距离分别约为550 m和1 570 m;频率域相干分析显示,监测远震P波信号的最佳距离约1 570 m,与时间域分析结果一致;近震和远震的最佳监测距离分别对应勘选台阵最内圆和最外圆半径,可作为该台阵布局设计的依据。台阵增益分析显示,勘选台阵对于Pg和P波震相识别具有一定增强作用。  相似文献   

统计永安地震台2007—2013年体应变记录的地震同震响应,与同期国家地震台网大震速报目录对比,响应率为15.21%。绘制地震能力线,量化评估永安地震台体应变仪映震能力,得到钻孔体应变对不同震级地震的响应范围为:震级5.5级,震中距425 km;震级6级,震中距860 km;震级7.0级,震中距3 514 km;震级7.5级,震中距7 104 km。  相似文献   

Seismic array can be traced back to 1950s when it mainly aimed at detecting and distinguishing the signals of nuclear explosion and seismic signals. The research on seismic array includes seismic array techniques and applications of array in geophysics. Array techniques involve array design and data processing methods (Anne, 1990). Nowadays, the continuous development of seismic array¢s theory could relate to many scientific issues in geophysical field (Tormod, 1989; Mykkeltveit, Bungum, 1984). Seismic array is mainly applied to detect weak events. The response characteristic of array is an important indication of array¢s detection ability. Therefore, when we study an array or construct an array, one of the neces-sary works is to calculate the response characteristics of the array (Harjes, 1990). The aperture and layout of array are two dominating geometrical features. The typical aperture of interna-tional array is generally from several to tens kilometers. For instance, arrays with aperture of dozens kilometers aperture are KSA, WRA, YKA, etc, while arrays with several kilometer aperture are ARC, FIN, GEE, etc. Moreo-ver, in the view of array¢s layout, NOR, GER, etc have circle layout, while WRA, YKA, etc have decussating layout. This paper mainly discusses the relation between deployment of array and wavenumber response. With the example of constructing Shanghai Seismic Array, this paper provides one practical solution to search the proper array deployment. In this paper, the simple delay beam technique is adopted to calculate the response characteris-tics of array. Certainly, the different processing methods have different result, but the result from the simple delay beam processing could be enough to reflect the feature of an array.  相似文献   

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