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Quartz sand grains obtained from a deeply gullied topography along the banks of two tributaries of River Pravara in Godavari Basin, Maharashtra have been examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) in order to make the environmental interpretations of these deposits. The sediments reveal features resulting from mechanical grinding as well as from chemical alteration. Conchoidal fractures, cleavage planes, grooves, v-shaped indentations etc are the mechanical features documented on the grains whereas solution pits of varying sizes and intensity, precipitation surfaces, oriented v-pits, solution crevasses and etching are the features of diagenetic origin. Few sand grains show the evidence of wind transported sediments. Several evidence indicate that the samples have undergone digenetic changes. Few grains exhibit the features of intense chemical breakdown. The overall assemblages of the grain surface features suggest that the samples have been subjected to subaqueous transport for a considerable period of time. The chemical features such as etching, solution pits or semi circular arcuate steps that are found in abundance in these grains are due to the dissolution of the sediments in a low energy fluviatile environment, such as in floodplain region.  相似文献   

We analyzed 77 surface sediment samples collected in the southwestern East/Japan Sea from the Korea Strait through the Ulleung Basin and the Korea Plateau for grain size, calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and major (Na, Mg, Al, Fe, K, Ca, and Ti) and trace elements (P, Mn, Sr, Li, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, and Pb).The chemical composition of the surface sediments was found to be highly variable spatially. Cluster analysis of surface sediment chemical compositions indicated five major geochemical sedimentary environments: basin, lower slope, coast and upper slope, inner shelf, and outer shelf. Continental-shelf sediments were rich in shell fragments and had relict and coarse-grained characteristics. Recent fine-grained sediments were only distributed in coastal, slope, and basin areas. Concentrations of Al, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Sc were highest in the coastal and upper slope areas and decreased with water depth. Elemental ratios using major and trace elements indicated that coastal and upper slope detrital sediments were mixtures of sediments derived from the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Nakdong Rivers. Although the concentrations of organic carbon, P, Mn, V, Co, Ni, Cu, and Pb increased with water depth, their distribution patterns indicated authigenic (V, Cu, and Pb) and diagenetic (Fe, P, Mn, Co, and Ni) origins. The distribution pattern with water depth suggested that the chemical composition of surface sediment was determined by sedimentologic and geochemical processes, such as the supply of detrital and biogenic materials, and authigenic and post-depositional diagenetic processes in sediments.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(1):69-88
Surface sediments of the NW Aegean Sea were analyzed for clay mineral composition (94 samples), organic C and carbonate content, and major and minor elements (112 samples). Illite is the most abundant clay mineral, followed by smectite, chlorite and kaolinite. Clay minerals are preferentially deposited within the continental shelf and slope environment, due to the prevailing cyclonic circulation and the formation of flocs in the rivers’ pro-delta areas. The spatial distribution of major lithogenic elements (Si, Al, Ti, Fe) is substantially biased by the presence of relict sands located in the central-eastern part of the Thermaikos Gulf continental shelf. Biogenic elements (Ca, Sr) are noticeably pronounced on the northern flank of the North Sporades Islands. Organic C content and minor elements Cu, Zn, As and Pb are enriched markedly over the Thessaloniki Bay and Gulf suggesting substantial human impact, deriving largely from untreated or partly treated domestic and industrial effluents. The terrigenous component of the elements is preferentially contributed from the Axios River (Zn and Pb), the Aliakmon River (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu and As), and to a lesser extent from the Pinios River (V, Co, Ni and Cu); a considerable part of the metals originates in ultra-mafic and volcanic formations, which are abundant in the rivers’ catchment basins. Carbonate content exhibits great variability, with the highest values observed in biogenic sediments of the Sporades Basin. In the latter area, Mn (and Fe) oxides and hydroxides were found as coatings on calcite. The coatings were enriched in Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Mo and Pb, due to adsorption or ion-exchange during early diagenesis. The combined influence of the river systems, the Thessaloniki metropolis, and the diverse sedimentological background, generates great patchiness in the distribution of major and minor elements.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(1-2):155-169
Diatom abundance and assemblage composition determined for 47 surface sediment samples from the Southeast Pacific (50°S–15°N), combined with existing data for the Peru and Chile margins, demonstrate responses to regional temperature, upwelling, and productivity. High diatom abundances (# valves/g) mark the eastern equatorial Pacific upwelling and the coastal upwelling areas, in particular the upwelling centers off Peru. Freshwater diatoms reflect the low-salinity tongue off the Chilean fjords. Diatom species composition distinguishes between coastal and eastern equatorial Pacific upwelling conditions, and records sea-surface temperatures. Q-mode factor analysis defines five floral assemblages. Factors 1 and 4 determined by the genus Chaetoceros (F1) and Thalassionema (F4) reflect coastal and equatorial upwelling conditions, respectively. Factors 2 and 3 characterized by the genus Thalassiosira and Azpetia nodulifera can be associated with El Niño conditions. A 5th factor, described by Paralia sulcata, records a near-shore upwelling center off Point Concepción, central Chile. Statistical transfer functions relate diatom species percentages to sea-surface temperature and productivity with error estimates of ±0.9 °C and ±23 gC/m2 yr, respectively, and provide new tools for estimating past temperature and productivity along the west coast of South America.  相似文献   

The relationships amongst modern pollen assemblages, vegetation, climate and human activity are the basis for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental changes using pollen records. It is important to determine these relationships at regional scales due to the development of vegetation under different climatic conditions and human activities. In this paper, we report on an analysis of modern pollen assemblages of 31 surface lake samples from 31 lakes (one sample per lake) on the southwestern Tibetan Plateau where the knowledge of modern pollen and their relationships with vegetation, climate and human activities is insufficient. The region includes five vegetation zones: sub‐alpine shrub steppe, alpine steppe, alpine meadow and steppe ecotone, mountain desert and alpine desert. The lakes span a wide range of mean annual precipitation (50–500 mm) and mean annual temperature (?8 to 6 °C). Modern pollen assemblages from our samples mainly consist of herb taxa (Artemisia, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Chenopodiaceae, etc.) and some tree taxa (Pinus, Fagaceae, Alnus, etc.). The results indicate that modern pollen assemblages are able to reflect the main vegetation distribution. Redundancy analysis for the main pollen types and environmental variables shows that precipitation is the leading factor that influences the pollen distribution in the study area with the first axis capturing 13.7% of the variance in the pollen data set. The Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio is valid for separating the desert component (<2) from the steppe and other vegetation zones (>2) but is unable to distinguish moisture variations. The Artemisia/Cyperaceae ratio is able to identify meadows (<1) and steppes (>1) and can be used as a moisture index on the southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Our results show that an appropriate range is needed for a modern pollen data set in order to perform pollen‐based quantitative climate reconstructions in one region. It is essential to perform modern studies before using pollen ratios to reconstruct palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate at a regional scale.  相似文献   

High concentrations and accumulation rates of Ba occur on active (spreading) ridges, and in some areas of high biological productivity. These patterns show that Ba is deposited on the deep sea floor by both volcanic and biological processes.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Peruvian near-surface sediments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sixteen short sediment cores were recovered from the upper edge (UEO), within (WO) and below (BO) the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru during cruise 147 of R/V Sonne. Solids were analyzed for major/trace elements, total organic carbon, total inorganic carbon, total sulfur, the stable sulfur isotope composition (δ34S) of pyrite, and sulfate reduction rates (SRR). Pore waters were analyzed for dissolved sulfate/sulfide and δ34S of sulfate. In all cores highest SRR were observed in the top 5 cm where pore water sulfate concentrations varied little due to resupply of sulfate by sulfide oxidation and/or diffusion of sulfate from bottom water. δ34S of dissolved sulfate showed only minor downcore increases. Strong 32S enrichments in sedimentary pyrite (to −48‰ vs. V-CDT) are due to processes in the oxidative part of the sulfur cycle in addition to sulfate reduction. Manganese and Co are significantly depleted in Peruvian upwelling sediments most likely due to mobilization from particles settling through the OMZ, whereas release of both elements from reducing sediments only seems to occur in near-coastal sites. Cadmium, Mo and Re are exceptionally enriched in WO sediments (<600 m water depth). High Re and moderate Cd and Mo enrichments are seen in BO sediments (>600 m water depth). Re/Mo ratios indicate anoxic and suboxic conditions for WO and BO sediments, respectively. Cadmium and Mo downcore profiles suggest considerable contribution to UEO/WO sediments by a biodetrital phase, whereas Re presumably accumulates via diffusion across the sediment-water interface to precipitation depth. Uranium is distinctly enriched in WO sediments (due to sulfidic conditions) and in some BO sediments (due to phosphorites). Silver transfer to suboxic BO sediments is likely governed by diatomaceous matter input, whereas in anoxic WO sediments Ag is presumably trapped due to sulfide precipitation. Cadmium, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Ag, and T1 predominantly accumulate via biogenic pre-concentration in plankton remains. Rhenium, Sb, As, V, U and Mo are enriched in accordance with seawater TE availability. Lead and Bi enrichment in UEO surface sediments is likely contributed by anthropogenic activity (mining). Accumulation rates of TOC, Cd, Mo, U, and V from Peruvian and Namibian sediments exceed those from the Oman Margin and Gulf of California due to enhanced preservation off Peru and Namibia.  相似文献   

对龙河口水库建库以来代表性沉积物柱样(ALE)进行了磁性参数测量和粒度分析,探讨了各磁性参数随深度变化的特点及与粒度参数的关系。同时通过与流域降水量曲线的比较,认为库区沉积物受降水量影响显著,cARM/c可作为反映流域降水量变化的一个间接指标。  相似文献   

Thermal zoning of the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka has been delineated using the Fe2+–Mg distribution coefficient between garnet and biotite from garnet–biotite gneiss samples collected with wide geographical distribution. In order to minimize the potential for retrograde Fe–Mg exchange and maximize the potential for retaining peak equilibrium KD (garnet–biotite) and temperature, garnet and biotite included within feldspar and quartz without other mineral inclusions have been selected. The calculated results indicate four distinct temperature contours with KD values varying from 1.84 to 6.38 and temperature varying from 996 to 591 °C. From the present results, it is possible to divide the Highland Complex into two major metamorphic zones: a high‐temperature area in the central region and a low‐temperature area in the south‐western and north‐eastern region. In conjunction with the metamorphic pressure variations estimated from the granulites of the Highland Complex in previous studies, it is shown that the high‐ and low‐temperature areas are complemented by a high‐pressure region towards the eastern side and a low‐pressure region towards the western side of this complex. This thermal dome is interpreted to be an artifact of the different crustal levels exhumed following Pan‐African metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Messolonghi lagoon complex in Western Greece receives agricultural and domestic effluents both from point and diffused sources. Surface sediments were analyzed for grain size, organic carbon, total nitrogen, total sulfur, major and minor elements, aiming at the identification of geochemical relationships between all variables. Enrichment factors and the modified degree of contamination methods were applied to assess potential heavy metal enrichment related to human activities. Sediment texture was highly variable, with muddy sediments prevailing. In the central sector of the Messolonghi lagoon, organic carbon contents were high. Principal factor analysis revealed the following main groups of variables with common geochemical behavior: (1) terrigenous aluminosilicates (2) organic matter, (3) biogenic carbonates, (4) mineral quartz-aluminosilicates, and (5) Mn-oxides. Enrichment factors estimated for V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb using local pre-industrial sediment showed that all metals exhibit almost natural background levels, except for Pb, which was found to be slightly elevated (legacy of leaded fuel). Estimation of contamination factors concluded in similar results, whereas the overall modified degree of contamination was at the lowest level, therefore suggesting that this transitional water body has not been affected by anthropogenic activities. The data set may be considered as a baseline for future monitoring projects according to EU policy.  相似文献   

A geochemical survey of Belgium and Luxembourg was carried out as part of an international research project entitled ‘Regional geochemical mapping of Western Europe towards the year 2000'. The aim of this research was to map regional background geochemical patterns based on pristine or at least pre-industrial overbank samples and to deduce regional information on the degree of environmental pollution of floodplain and present-day river sediments. Over the entire study area (about 33,000 km2), 66 overbank sites have been sampled. Catchment areas range between 60 and 600 km2. At each site an overbank profile has been dug out in the immediate vicinity of the river and described in detail. A first composite sample was taken 5–25 cm below the surface. This sample is supposed to represent deposition over the last centuries. Human interferences in this interval are often inferable based on changed sedimentary characteristics and the presence of anthropogenic particles such as charcoal, slags and brick fragments. A second composite sample was taken at depth, usually >1.5 m below the surface over an interval of about 20 cm. In most sites, the profile characteristics allowed to assume pre-industrial or even pristine conditions for this lower overbank sample. In some profiles this was confirmed by 14C-dating and/or by the absence of anthropogenic particles. Finally, a present-day stream sediment was sampled on the site to infer the actual pollution status. After drying at 80°C, disaggregation and sieving, the <125 μm fractions of the three sediment samples were analysed by XRF for major elements and several trace elements. Lower overbank samples generally show a direct link with the geological substrate and allow to assess natural background concentrations. Results from the mapping exercise as well as from the statistical analyses display a clear contrast between the northern part of Belgium where Cenozoic unconsolidated sandy and silty formations dominate which are especially vulnerable for erosion, and the southern part of Belgium and Luxembourg where Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones, carbonates, marls and shales are the prevalent lithologies. Here the shales are the most intensively eroded lithologies. This is especially reflected in the element patterns of Al2O3, MgO, K2O, Ga, Ni, Rb, Sc and V which negatively correlate with SiO2. Despite the human related pollution, the geological contrast between north and south Belgium is still recognisable in the geochemical pattern of the upper overbank and present-day stream sediment samples for the above-mentioned elements. Furthermore there is a clear increase in heavy metal contents (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu), As and in certain locations in Ba from the lower to the upper overbank sediment, as well as to the present-day stream sediment. The relative increase in element content allows to assess the degree of pollution and helps to define those drainage areas where more detailed research is needed.  相似文献   

Geochemistry and genesis of granitoid rocks from Southern Sri Lanka   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Pyroxene granulites of intermediate to felsic composition comprise a major part of the Precambrian terrain exposed in southern Sri Lanka. Chemical characteristics and field relations reveal that there are two closely associated groups of granitoids both occurring as discrete layers or deformed bodies. Granitic-adamellitic rocks are more common and can be distinguished from tonalitic-trondhjemitic rocks. Granitoids of these two groups and minor metabasalt and metadiorite/meta-andesite have been subjected to high-grade metamorphism and were mapped as charnockite or charnockitic rocks. Rocks of granitic composition are mostly meta-aluminous and, in the AFM diagram, fall in the tholeiitic field. These rocks are mainly A-type granites characterized by high K2O/Na2O, FeO/MgO and high Zr, Nb and LREE contents, most belonging to the relatively Ce- and Y-enriched A2-type. Tonalitic rocks are meta-aluminous to per-aluminous and display a calc-alkaline trend. These rocks are classified as I-type, although some of them have very low K2O and REE contents.Tonalites and granites are not products of a consanguineous fractionation process. In spite of their close field association, they appear to be polygenetic. The parent magmas of the A-type granites seem to have been differentiated melts derived from felsic continental crust. They were emplaced into normal or attenuated continental crust in a non-Compressive (extensional or trans-tensional) tectonic regime. Tonalites most probably represent volcanic arc granitoids emplaced in a compressive tectonic setting. Present intercalation of these polygenetic granitoids, generated in different tectonic environments, is a result of the complex tectonic activity which prevailed before or during Pali-African (550–610 Ma) granulite facies metamorphism.
Geochemie und Genese von Granitoiden aus dem süchen Sri Lanka
Zusammenfassung Pyroxengranulite intermediärer bis saurer Zusammensetzung bilden einen Hauptbe standteil des präkambrischen Terrains im südlichen Sri Lanka. Chemische Untersuchungen und Feldbeziehungen ermöglichen die Unterscheidung von zwei räumlich eng assoziierten Gruppen von Granitoiden, die beide lagenförmig oder in Form deformierter Körper auftreten. Granitisch-adamellitische Gesteine sind häufiger und sind von tonalitisch-tronhjemitischen Gesteinen zu unterscheiden. Diese Granitoide und untergeordnet vorkommende Metabasalte und Metadiorite/Metaandesite wurden von hochgradiger Metamorphose erfaßt und als Charnockite bzw. charnokitische Gesteine kartiert. Gesteine granitischer Zusammensetzung sind meist metaluminös und fallen im AFM Diagramm ins Feld der Tholeiite. Es sind A-Typ Granite des an Ce und Y angereicherten A2-Subtyps mit hohem K2O/Na2O, FeO/MgO und hohen Gehalten an Zr, Nb und LREE. Tonalitische Gesteine sind met-bis peraluminös und folgen einem kalk-alkalischen Trend. Sie werden als I-Typ Granite klassifiziert, obwohl einige Proben sehr niedrige K2O und REE Gehalte aufweisen. Die Tonalite und Granite sind nicht die Produkte eines cogenetischen Fraktionie rungsprozesses und sind, trotz ihrer räumlichen Assoziation, polygenetischen Ursprungs. Die Ausgangsmagmen der A-Typ Granite scheinen differentierte Schmelzen saurer krustaler Herkunft zu sein, die in normal dicker oder verdünnter Kruste in einem nicht kompressionellen tektonischen Regime (ex- oder transtensional) intrudierten. Die Tonalite sind wahrscheinlich in einem Kompressionsregime enstandene Granitoide eines Vulkanbogens. Das heutige Nebeneinander dieser polygnetischen, in unterschiedlichen geotektonischen Bereichen gebildeten, Granitoide ist das Ergebnis komplexer tektonischer Aktivität vor oder während der panafrikanischen (550–610 Ma) granulitfaziellen Metamorphose.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

This study investigates the geochemistry of soft, organic-rich brackish-water surface sediments in the Archipelago Sea (SW Finland). The area is one of the world’s largest archipelagos, and, although it is scarcely populated, frequent ship and boat traffic along with fish farming occurs. From 76 sites, 47 chemical elements were determined after aqua regia digestion. Other parameters determined were grain size, water, organic and nitrogen contents. At sampling, the sediments were visually classified into groups representing oxic, anoxic and fluctuating (intermediate) oxic seafloor conditions. The results show that the element concentrations are quite similar to other studies in the region but with clear signs of lower anthropogenic loading. Point source pollution was identified in one sample taken nearby a fish farm and a cable ferry. This site was strongly enriched in Cu, Zn and Sn derived from chemicals used in either, or both, activities at the site. Overall, the sediments can be divided into two groups that separate chemically and geographically. One group contains more fine-grained sediments that occur near shore, while the other group contains more anoxic, organic and sulfur-rich sediments occurring more offshore. The second group is interpreted to reflect material reworked from previous deposits as a result of shoaling of the area due to glacio-isostatic land uplift. The visual classes were included in both partial least squares regression (PLSR) and PLS discriminant analysis. These analyses showed that the oxic and anoxic seafloor sediments can be predicted from the chemical variables and grain-size distribution.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineral magnetic studies of lake sediments from the Kårsa valley in north Sweden demonstrate that down-core variations in magnetic properties have been determined by post-depositional magnetite dissolution rather than by sediment source changes. A low sediment accumulation rate during times of climatic amelioration combined with a higher organic carbon content produced intense reducing conditions with almost complete magnetite loss. An increase in the sedimentation rate and a reduction in the organic carbon content, primarily due to glacier reformation, allowed magnetite preservation. Thus the mineral magnetic profiles record lake sediment palaeoredox conditions brought about by climate change. This new interpretation of mineral magnetic transformations in freshwater sediments may have far reaching implications for other mineral magnetic studies concerned with the alternation between glacial (stadial) and interglacial (interstadial) episodes during the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of Mo are present in both the waters and sediments of Tenmile Creek, downstream from the large Mo deposit at Climax. Colorado. Concentrations of Mo reach a maximum of 10mg/1 in the water and 384μ/g in the (?) 80 mesh fraction of the sediment. The Mo anomaly extends for more than 80 km downstream from Climax, and results from the mining and milling at Climax. Background Mo concentrations in the nearby mountainous area are < 10μg/l (water) and < 5μg/g (sediment). Immediately below three small unmined Mo-rich orebodies elsewhere in Colorado < 3μg/l Mo are present in the waters and 20–30μg/g Mo in the fine fraction of the sediments.The Mo in the sediment of Tenmile Creek is chiefly adsorbed on coatings of amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide. and is similar to its form below two small, unmined Mo deposits. Mining has not changed the character of the chemical processes responsible for Mo dispersion from the Climax site.A modified version of the WATEQF computer program (Plummeret al., 1976) predicts that Tenmile Creek is undersaturated with respect to ferrimolybdite. molybdenite, powellite, and ilsemannite. The Mo in the stream water occurs as the molybdate ion which can be adsorbed on amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides. These predictions are supported by the absence of Mo minerals in the sediment of Tenmile Creek.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of the non-carbonate fraction of sediments from the continental shelf and slope off northwest Africa has been investigated using R-mode factor analysis. The geochemistry is governed by a small number of factors controlled quantiatively by glauconite, phosphorite, quartz, clay minerals and secondary iron oxides. The distributions of the factors and of their controls are governed by mineral provenance and by depositional processes. Clay mineral factors predominate in fine grained sediments. Phosphorite, glauconite and oxide factors and quartz predominate in sands. Provenance controls the relative abundances of the minerals of the sand fraction all of which, except a proportion of the glauconite which is clearly recent, are relict and detrital. The recent glauconite is concentrated in poorly oxidised sediments off the southern Sahara. Provenance differences are detected between Saharan and Moroccan clays, and also exist between the clays of north and south Morocco.  相似文献   

对取自西菲律宾海西部的GX149柱状样沉积物进行详细的环境磁学研究,揭示其蕴含的环境意义和物源信息。岩石磁学结果表明,GX149柱状样沉积物中携磁矿物以低矫顽力磁铁矿为主;反映磁性颗粒粒径的King图与Day图显示沉积物中磁性矿物以准单畴(PSD)为主。剖面上磁学参数变化明显,以磁性矿物粒径参数(χARM/χ)作为替代指标反演古气候变化结果显示:冷期沉积物中磁性矿物含量相对更高,粒径更粗,高矫顽力矿物含量增加;而暖期沉积物中磁性矿物含量相对较低,粒径更细,高矫顽力矿物含量降低。干燥、寒冷、风大的冷期气候下,东亚季风携带的粉尘输入增加导致沉积物中高矫顽力矿物含量增多;而温暖湿润的暖期,沉积物中风成粉尘输入减少,高矫顽力矿物含量降低。GX149柱状样沉积物与西菲律宾海其他区域以及南海沉积物相似的磁学特征,相同的冰期-间冰期旋回趋势说明沉积物磁学特征对气候变化的响应在东亚地区具有共性。  相似文献   

Major and trace element distribution in the bottom sediments from Hole 13 drilled in Lake Grand, Magadan district, was studied using the method of principal components. It was established that geochemical characteristics are correlated with environmental changes. The sediments of cold MIS2 and MIS4 are characterized by the enriched TiO2, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Cr and low Na2O, K2O contents, which is related to the grain-size composition of sediments. Sediments of warm stages show an opposite tendency. High concentration peaks of iron, phosphorus, and manganese correspond to the accumulation levels of vivianite and ferromanganese rocks. Silica is represented by biogenic and abiogenic varieties. Maximum SiO2 contents were found in the Late Holocene sediments and mark the high biological productivity of the basin. Revealed variations of some elements are correlated with the Heinrich events.  相似文献   

The following conclusions can be drawn from the work reported in this paper:
  1. Sixteen samples were determined for uranium by spectrophotometric method. The uranium content in the sea floor sediments of the Bohai Gulf ranges from 1.6 to 6.3 ppm, with an average of 4.3 ppm.
  2. Statistical data show close relationship between U concentration and grain size. Relatively larger amount of uranium was found accumulated in mud than in sand. The bulk of uranium is assumed to be derived from terrestrial detrital minerals.
  3. A positive correlation between U and Fe is recognized. Similar relation also can be seen between U and Al. The plot of U concentration vs. Fe is linear, and can be expressed by the linear regression equation:Y=?0.37+1.35X. The plot of U against Al gives an equation ofY=?2.48+1.01X.
  4. The average U/Corg. ratio for these sediments is 7×10?4, and the average ratios of U/P, U/Mn, and U/CaCO3 are 100×10?4, 50×10?4 and 2×10?4, respectively.
  5. Compared with the abundances of other shelf sediments, the average concentration of U in the area under consideration is close to that of sediments on the selves of Japan and the Gulf of Mexico, and the Black Sea. Uranium concentration in the Bohai Gulf sediments is comparable to that of the continental crust, but differs from that of deep-sea clay.

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