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The structure of manganites R 1?x A x MnO3 (R = La, Sm, or a mixture of rare earth cations; A = Ca, Sr; x = 0.3, 0.5) has been studied by neutron diffraction to find out the reasons for the giant oxygen isotope effect—the transition from a low-temperature metallic state to an insulating state as a result of replacement of 16O with 18O. It is shown that this effect is observed in compositions in which the two phases P1 and P2 coexist at low temperatures. They have the same crystal symmetry (sp. gr. Pnma) but different types of Jahn-Teller distortions of oxygen octahedra and different magnetic structure. Phase P1 has a conductivity of the metallic type, weakly distorted MnO6 octahedra, and a ferromagnetic structure. Phase P2 is insulating, with MnO6 octahedra extended or compressed in the apical direction and the moments of Mn ions forming an antiferromagnetic structure. The relative volume of phases P1 and P2 in samples depends on the average radius of the A cation and changes occurring upon replacement of 16O with 18O. The percolation transition from the metallic to insulating state upon substitution of 16O with 18O is caused by the sharp decrease in the volume of the ferromagnetic metallic phase in favor of the insulating antiferromagnetic phase. An effect of the sample microstructure on the formation of the two-phase state is found.  相似文献   

The correlation \((\bar a_2 + \bar a_3 ) = (\bar a_1 + \bar a_4 )\) has been established for the mean parameters of the reduced perovskite unit cells, \(\bar a_1 ,\bar a_2 ,\bar a_3 \) and \(\bar a_4 \) of four arbitrary compounds with the perovskite structure having the compositions (1) ABX3, (2) A′BX3, (3) AB′X3, and (4) A′B′X3, where A, A′ and B, B′ are the pairs of metal atoms with equal valences and X is an oxygen or halogen atom. The above correlation is consistent with the model of harmonic quasi-elastic atomic interactions.  相似文献   

The Si Kα1,2 emission lines and their satellite lines α′, α3 and α4 were measured for several samples of vitreous silica (Suprasil W, Infrasil, Suprasil), sodium silicate glasses (8, 15, 20 and 25 wt% Na2O), and crystalline Mg2SiO4 (Forsterite). The observed shifts of the peak positions indicate a systematic increase of the electron density on the silicon atoms with increasing break-up of the SiO2 network by OH? or alkali ions. These results are compared with information from the corresponding Si Kβ and O K emission bands and also with the O K emission bands from quartz, MgO and Al2O3. They are discussed on the basis of the MO theory and are compared with the characteristic physical properties and structure of silica and silicate glasses. Both the O K and Si Kβ emission bands are closely related to the electronegativities of the relevant metal atoms of the oxides and glasses.  相似文献   

A method for determining the strain characteristics of interatomic bonds in crystals of ABX3 compounds with perovskite structure is developed. The bond strain energy ΔU s is estimated. This energy is responsible for the formation of ordered lattice distortions related to the rotation of octahedra and/or the cooperative displacement of cations. It is shown that ΔU s correlates with the characteristics of ordered distortions and the temperature of the phase transition of compounds to the cubic structure. It is ascertained that the interatomicinteraction potential in crystals with strained bonds is a local multiple-well potential, the form of which depends on the nature of interacting atoms. It is shown that the occurrence of the ferroelectric state in the noted crystals may be due to the presence of bond strains and the anisotropy of the covalent component of the cation-anion interaction.  相似文献   

Atomic ordering in the structure of cubic perovskite has been investigated by the group-theoretical method. The possibility of existence of 13 ordered phases in the 1(a) position (including four binary, two ternary, and five quaternary cationic superstructures) and 13 phases with different types of ordering in the 1(b) position (including four binary, two ternary, and five quaternary cationic superstructures) is established. Calculated structures of some types of ordered low-symmetry perovskite modifications are reported.  相似文献   

Optical activity along the optical axis of four piezoelectric crystals Sr3TaGa3Si2O14 (STGS), Sr3NbGa3Si2O14 (SNGS), Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) and Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 (CNGS) with ordered langasite structure were studied via a convenient method. All the crystals investigated show unusually large values of the specific rotation. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The dependence of the strain energy of anion-cation bonds on the sum Ψ2 of squares of the angles of ordered rotations of octahedra around the coordinate axes of the reduced cell has been determined for ABX 3 compounds with perovskite structure in the two-particle approximation. A relation determining the change in the thermodynamic Gibbs potential with allowance for the change in the bond-strain energy in the dependence on Ψ2 is proposed. An expression for the equilibrium value of Ψ2 as a function of the bond-strain energy and temperature is obtained. Analysis of Ψ2 is performed for a homologous series of LnVO3, LnFeO3, and LnAlO3 compounds (Ln are rare earth elements) and a series of CaBO 3 and SrBO3 compounds has been performed. It is shown that the calculated values of Ψ2 for each of these series of compounds are in agreement with the values experimentally obtained from the structural data. The transition temperatures of the compounds belonging to the series studied into the cubic phase are estimated and compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

A method for determining average lengths of unstrained bands A-X (l0AX) and B-X (l0BX) and the ratio of the rigidity constants of these bonds for ABX3 compounds with perovskite structure is proposed. The values of l0AX and l0BX correspond to the minimum energies of cation-anion interaction of the crystal sublattices. Values of l0AX and l0BX are obtained for several groups of halide and oxide compounds: A+B2+F3, Cs+B2+Cl3, A+B5+O3, A2+B4+O3, and A3+B3+O3. It is ascertained that, for most compounds studied, the values of l0AX and l0BX are equal or close to the interatomic distances in crystals of binary compounds. The values of l0AX and l0BX are compared with the sums of the radii of the corresponding cations (R A , R B ) and anions (\(^{VI} R_{O^{2 - } } ,^{VI} R_{F^ - } ,^{VI} R_{Cl^ - }\)). It is found that the differences \(l_{0AO^ - } ^{VI} R_{O^{2 - } } (L_{0AF^ - } ^{VI} R_{F^ - } )\) and \(l_{0BO^ - } ^{VI} R_{O^{2 - } } (l_{0BF^ - } ^{VI} R_{F^ - } )\), regarded as the radii of the A and B cations in unstrained bonds, are close to the Shannon radii for a coordination number of six. It is shown that the rigidity constant for A-X bonds is several times smaller than that for B-X bonds.  相似文献   

The title complex [Ni4(SPri)8] was confirmed by single crystal X-ray crystal diffraction analysis. The crystals are monoclinic, space group P2/n with a = 12.760(3), b = 10.059(2), c = 14.484(3) Å, α = 90, β = 93.70(3), γ = 90°, V = 1855.3(6) Å3, Z = 4, F(000) = 880, Dc = 1.496 g/cm3, μ = 2.463 mm?1, the final R = 0.0352 and wR = 0.0580. A total of 18,588 reflections were collected, of which 4404 were independent (Rint = 0.0631). In the crystal packing diagram, intermolecular C—H···Ni hydrogen bonds stabilize the solid state of the title complex.  相似文献   

The simultaneous ordering of cations in the A and B sublattices of cubic perovskite structure has been investigated by the group-theoretical method. It is found that 147 ordered phases may exist. Among them, there may be 121 phases with simultaneous cation ordering in the 1(a)- and 1(c) positions of perovskite structure. It is shown that 53 phases are described by improper order parameters related to cation ordering, the formation of 56 phases is related to improper rotations of octahedra, and 15 phases are improper ferroelectrics. Calculated structures of some types of ordered low-symmetry perovskite modifications are presented.  相似文献   

The polarizabilities of ions in the MgF2, ZnF2, TiO2, and SnO2 compounds have been calculated based on the point-dipole model. It is shown that cation polarizabilities produce a stronger effect on the bire-fringence of AX 2(X = F, O) compounds than anion polarizabilities.  相似文献   

Some methods for estimating the concentration of vacancies in crystals and procedures for decreasing their number are considered by the example of LiNbO3, SrTiO3, YAlO3, and PbWO4 crystals. In LiNbO3 crystals, nonstoichiometry was determined by comparing the density determined via X-ray diffraction with the experimental value. In SrTiO3 and YAlO3 crystals, the vacancy concentration was estimated with methods based on additivity of refractions. The vacancy concentration in the LiNbO3 and PbWO4 crystals was decreased by doping them with elements of lower valence and annealing in air and vacuum. Some specific features of the growth of PbWO4 crystals affecting their quality are discussed. Peculiarities of the formation of lithium niobate, strontium titanate, yttrium orthoaluminate, and lead tungstate crystals are considered.  相似文献   

The molecular and crystal structures of a complex of echinochrome (2,3,5,6,8-pentahydroxy-7-ethyl-1,4-naphthoquinone) with dioxane are determined. The molecular complex 2(C12H10O7) · C4H8O2 crystallizes in the form of dark red transparent thin plates. The crystal data of the compound are as follows: a = 4.563(1) Å, b = 6.382(1) Å, c = 22.812(4) Å, α = 91.955(5)°, β = 90.408(5)°, γ = 104.801(4)°, space group $P\overline 1 $ , and Z = 2. The crystal structure is solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.0656 and wR 2 = 0.1196.  相似文献   

Nuclear gamma-resonance (NGR) spectra were studied in ceramics of ternary perovskite-type oxides Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3, Pb(Fe1/2Ta1/2)O3, and Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 and in the Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3 oxide synthesized under pressure. A singlet corresponding to compositional-ordering regions was observed in the NGR spectra for Pb(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3. Weak doublets associated with paramagnetic regions (in which the degree of cation ordering is higher than the volume average) were observed in the spectra for Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3 and Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 at temperatures 30–70 K below the antiferromagnetic phase transition point.  相似文献   

A single crystal of the [Ir(Thio)2Cl4][Ir(Thio)4Cl2] compound synthesized by the reaction of K3[IrCl6] with thiocarbamide (Thio, SC(NH2)2) in a microwave field is investigated using X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with space group Cc(C s 4 ). The unit cell parameters are as follows: a = 13.554(1) Å, b = 8.251(1) Å, c = 24.992(2) Å, β = 92.58(1)°, V = 2791.87(10) Å3, and Z = 4. The compound has an island structure with two crystallographically independent iridium atoms. Thiocarbamide is coordinated to the central atom through the sulfur atom. The coordination sphere of the Ir(1) atom involves two Cl atoms and four S atoms, whereas the coordination sphere of the Ir(2) atom consists of four Cl atoms and two S atoms. The assignment of the bands in the IR absorption spectrum of the synthesized compound is presented. The thermal behavior of the compound in air is investigated.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex of enniatin B, cyclo[-(L-MeVal-D-Hyi)3-](C33H57N3O9), with KNCS is determined by X-ray diffraction [CuKαradiation, R = 0.0594 for 7925 reflections with I > 2 σ(I)]. The crystals belong to the space group P3, a = 24.448(5) Å, c = 23.578(5) Å, V = 12277(9) Å3, and Z = 6. The unit cell contains 12 symmetrically independent molecules of the antibiotic, which are located on crystallographic threefold axes. The K+ ions are located on the threefold axes and are coordinated by the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the hydroxy acid or amino acid residues of the enniatin molecules to form prisms, twisted prisms, and antiprisms. All the independent enniatin molecules retain the principal conformational features revealed earlier in the structures of enniatin B and its complexes.  相似文献   

The pseudohexagonal crystal structure of the mineral catapleiite Na1.5Ca0.2[ZrSi3(O,OH)9] · 2(H2O,F) from the Zhil’naya Valley in the central part of the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) is studied by X-ray diffraction (XCalibur-S diffractometer, R = 0.0346): a = 20.100(4), b = 25.673(5), and c = 14.822(3) Å; space group Fdd2, Z = 32, and ρcalcd = 2.76 g/cm3. Fluorine atoms substituting part of H2O molecules in open channels of the crystal structure have been found for the first time in the catapleiite composition by microprobe analysis. The pattern of distribution of Na and Ca atoms over the voids of the mixed anionic framework consisting of Zr-octahedra and three-membered rings of Si-tetrahedra accounts for the pronounced pseudoperiodicity along the a and c axes of the pseudohexagonal unit cell and for the lowering of crystal symmetry to the orthorhombic one. It is shown that part of the hydrogen atoms of water molecules is statistically disordered; their distribution correlates with the pattern of the population of large eight-vertex polyhedra by Na and Ca atoms.  相似文献   

The melt compositions (M c) are calculated for growing crystals with valuable physical properties. The calculation is based on the compositions of the invariant points of the liquidus curves for 33 congruently and 12 incongruently melting solid phases of 42 fusibility diagrams of binary systems. These systems include Na, Ca, Ba, Mg, and Y aluminates; Bi and Pb germanates; Li, K, Ba, and Bi borates; Ba, Fe, Sr, and Bi titanates; Li, K, Cs, Ba, Zn, Ca niobates; Li, Pb, and Gd molibdates; Pb and Nd tungstates; etc. More than 60 studies with data on the experimentally found melt compositions (M e) for growing the noted crystals are analyzed. It is shown that the melt compositions M c and M e for growth of congruently and incongruently melting crystals are similar. Large-size stoichiometric crystals of high optical quality are grown using these melt compositions. Nonstoichiometric crystals of low structural quality are grown from melt compositions either corresponding to the stoichiometric ratio of the components (M s) or similar to the compositions at invariant points (M i). In these cases, a large difference is observed between the melt compositions M c, M s, and M e.  相似文献   


The properties of La1−x Sr x CoO3 (x = 0, 0.15, 0.20, 0.30) solid solutions are investigated using neutron diffraction, positive-muon spin relaxation (precession) measurements, and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The results obtained are interpreted within the model of phase separation into ferromagnetic regions enriched with Sr2+ ions and nonmagnetic regions similar in composition to the LaCoO3 compound.


An X-ray diffraction study of Y(NO3)3 · 3TMU crystals is performed (heavy-atom method, difference electron-density maps, H atoms in calculated positions, full-matrix anisotropic-isotropic (H) least-squares refinement). The crystals are monoclinic, a = 9.353(1) Å, b = 15.966(3) Å, c = 18.805(8) Å, β = 95.41(2)°, Z = 4, and space group P21/c. The structural units of the crystals are molecular complexes. The coordination number of the Y atom is nine due to three bidentate NO3 groups and three monodentate tetramethylurea molecules. The mean Y-O bond lengths are 2.464 and 2.274 Å for NO3 and tetramethylurea, respectively.  相似文献   

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