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本文通过大量实例,证明了企业文化对企业发展的重要性,并着重从企业家的角度就如何搞好企业文化建设进行了一番探讨。  相似文献   

介绍了中国石化集团南京设计院坚持以人为本,循序渐进地推进企业文化建设的管理模式。该管理模式为企业得到快速发展和长足进步提供了强大的精神动力和文化支撑。  相似文献   

企业员工是企业中最活跃的因素。企业如何把自己的员工凝聚成企业的整体力量,应是企业建设自己独特企业文化的着力点。作为有着55年发展史的大型工程公司中国中元,积极贯彻以人为本的管理理念,通过关心人、尊重人、发展人的企业文化建设,塑造“家”艾化,  相似文献   

本文较为全面地探讨了企业领导、企业文化与企业三者之间的关系,认为企业领导只有通过抓好企业文化,才能管理好现代企业,从而促进企业快速发展。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的进程和我国企业改革的深入,通过企业文化建设,企业理念的营造来增强企业的核心竞争力,越来越为我国企业界所关注,所采用。从目前国内外成功的企业来看,他们都有自己独特的企业文化,并且其企业文化所倡导的企业行为准则对企业核心竞争力的形成无不显示出重要的作用。  相似文献   

林城坤 《中国煤田地质》2003,15(1):65-66,F003
企业文化是以价值观、企业精神为核心的有关信念、准则与行为规范的有机统一体。先进的企业文化是坚持以人为本,不断提高人的素质,充分发挥其主观能动性的理念,从而使企业成为一个人人都有使命感和责任感的命运共同体。建立企业文化是一种行之有效的管理方式,是提高企业经济和社会效益、增强市场竞争力的重要途径,也是企业兴旺发达的首要条件和内在动力。  相似文献   

无论是我国加入WTO,还是勘察设计体制改革,都必将使勘察设计企业面临更加激烈的竞争、在市场竞争越来越激烈的信天,最持久的竞争力就是企业文化。本文通过分析环境的变化和勘察设计企业的特点,得出提炼勘察设计企业核心价值观的依据,并提出勘察设计企业的4个核心价值观:贴近顾客,以人为本、团队精神、创新精神。  相似文献   

从企业管理发展趋势的需要,加入WTO后的迫切要求,增强企业竞争力重要手段等方面,阐述了在新世纪新形势下建立学习型企业的必要性。对建立学习型企业的前提、机制、学习方式、创新文化建设等基本途径进行了论述,并提出了建立学习型企业值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

介绍了中交三航院有限公司结合科技型企业特点,以制定规划为导向,以价值观建设为核心,以激活"第一资源"为目标,以软硬件建设为措施,积极推进企业文化建设的主要做法与成效.  相似文献   

随着金珍珠饰品的流行,市场上出现越来越多的颜色处理过的金珍珠。天然颜色的金珍珠与染色金珍珠的价格相差甚远,故金珍珠的颜色检测显得尤为重要。目前,紫外一可见光谱仪(Uv-Vis)被认为是有效鉴别金珍珠颜色的测试手段之一,但在检测工作中,当利用紫外一可见光谱仪判定某些金珍珠是否染色时,发现其结论存在一定的争议性。前人的研究显示,在紫外一可见光谱中出现350-360nm处的吸收峰为天然色素的吸收所致,410-450nm出现明显吸收峰归因于有机染料所致。在实际工作中,笔者发现一些金珍珠样品不同部位的紫外一可见光谱不一样,有时测试结果还与显微镜下的特征相矛盾。因此,笔者初步分析了金珍珠的颜色成因,探讨了紫外一可见光谱仪在检测金珍珠时存在的局限性。  相似文献   

Summary   The feasibility and safety of a mining project or the choice among alternative mining methods could depend on the joint densities and orientations within the rock mass. The accurate determination of the orientation of all joints is technically difficult and often economically unrealistic. This study presents a new approach in classifying joints found in exploration boreholes as joint sets, whose statistical distribution is determined from a few hundred oriented joints in boreholes. Each non-oriented joint is classified as belonging to a set based on its “a posteriori” probability of membership in a Bayesian framework. The theoretical rate of success of the classification can be computed for each possible borehole orientation and plotted on a stereonet to determine the optimal orientation of new boreholes. The performance and limitations of this approach are investigated. An application example at the Mont Porphyre's large scale block-caving project at Gaspé Mines, Quebec, Canada, is studied.  相似文献   

本文以中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司为例,在阐述管理提升意义、对标管理涵义的基础上,选取中国成达工程有限公司作为标杆企业进行对比分析,探讨提出形成发展合力、创新管理与商业模式、加强技术创新与转化以及完善人才开发机制等企业转型发展的方向。  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical procedures are applied to pisolitic laterite geochemistry in a study of the Golden Grove massive sulphide district. The objective is to optimize identification of geochemical anomalies caused by base metal mineral deposits.The statistical approach used in this paper depends upon geochemical data for appropriate reference groups (or training sets) being available. The target group consists of orientation data from pisolitic laterite about the Gossan Hill Cu-Zn massive sulphide deposit. A group representing background sequence was selected by combining three subareas in a geochemically quiet part of the prospective acid volcano-sedimentary sequence.A multi-element allocation procedure was set up using data from the reference groups. The exploration samples are then allocated, one sample at a time, to either one of the reference group categories, using the probability of group membership. A map showing the relative probability values for each sample site is the final product for interpretation, aided by ancillary use of an index of typicality.The allocation procedures were carried out using different element combinations, these being based on a procedure for subset selection to give maximum separation of reference groups, and on geochemical insight. Whilst many versions of the allocation procedure gave positive identification of the anomaly related to the blind Scuddles Cu-Zn deposit, allocation using only Cu, Pb, Zn and Ag did not. The results emphasize the importance of pathfinder elements in geochemical studies in weathered terrain.The allocation procedure using the most appropriate element combinations provided more positive identification of the main areas of known mineralization than had the previously used empirically derived methods of Smith and Perdrix (1983). The formal allocation procedure has the following additional advantages: results are not markedly affected by a very high value for any single element since robust procedures are incorporated into the analysis; better discrimination appears to be possible for weaker anomalies; separation of target from background can be optimized by formal calculations instead of by trial and error; and better suppression of background variation results.  相似文献   

地磁场数据处理涉及的内容颇多。实际工作中,应该针对地磁场异常特点和需要解决的地质问题,必须抓住数据处理的关键技术。本文通过对已知矿区地磁场数据的曲化平、向下延拓、局部场和背景场的分离等关键技术的应用,结果表明,经三种地磁场数据处理关键技术的应用,取得了良好的地质效果。  相似文献   

面对汹涌澎湃的建设高潮,国内外专家认为中国城市的黄金时代已经到来。著名建筑大师吴良镛院士心情急切—— “看看它,除了震撼你还有别的感觉吗?”著名建筑大师吴良镛院士今天下午在“科学与人文论坛”上指着中央电视台新楼效果图,饱经80余载风雨沧桑的脸上写下深沉而激愤的神色。“我不是反对标新立异,恰恰这是文化艺术最需要的。但是不能不讲究工  相似文献   

Quaternary terraces and pediments along Ralston Creek and Clear Creek, near Golden, Colorado, are associated with Verdos, Slocum, Louviers, and Broadway Alluviums. Terrace deposits can be locally correlated on the basis of elevation and relict paleosols. The terrace sediments probably represent aggradation by braided streams flowing from glaciated drainage basins. Engineering hydraulic calculation procedures suggest that flood flows were 2–3 m deep on steep gradients (0.008–0.01). Discharges were as great as 1400 m3/sec, nearly an order of magnitude greater than modern flood discharges. The most useful paleohydraulic calculation techniques were found to be the dimensionless shear approach applied to stream competence and bedload function theory applied to stream capacity.  相似文献   

Fernald site produced over 500 million pound of uranium metal products from 1952 to 1989 resulting in a huge quantity of hazardous waste to be stored, treated and transported for final disposal. The structural integrity evaluation of specific types of waste containers used in the Fernald Closure Project are briefly presented in this paper. Metal containers of various shapes and sizes, concrete silos, gondola rail cars were successfully used for storage and disposal of low-level waste. Computer solutions were obtained using finite element analyses techniques, destructive and non-destructive tests were used to get a realistic response to complex loading conditions. Structural integrity is evaluated for concrete silos built in the fifties, unique metal containers and fiberglass rail car lid. A failure modes and effects analysis was also made for the railcar lid to identify the weak link for postulated failure mechanisms. Establishing the structural integrity was a key to the reliability of the various containment systems for a successful storage, transportation and final disposal of the low-level radioactive wastes.  相似文献   

开发项目工程投资控制贯穿于项目建设的全过程之中。项目实施的实质是项目投资的实施。在项目工程建设的决策阶段确定投资总额,在项目工程设计及实施阶段按确定的投资总额控制投资。 长期以来,我国普遍把项目工程投资控制的中心放在工程建设的实施阶段——施工图预算、结算的审查上,这固然对控制工程造价、节约建设资金起到了一定的作用,但是这种只重视一个阶段而忽视其他阶段的做法显然不能达到有效控制投资的目  相似文献   

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