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为了给广大护理人员提供更多的学习和交流的机会 ,进一步提高临床护理学术水平 ,实用护理杂志社拟定于 2 0 0 3年 3月在广州召开首届全国人文社会护理学术研讨会 ,会议期间将邀请专家学者做专题学术报告。现将会议征文内容及有关事宜通知如下。一、征文内容1 护理学科的理论研究 (任务、范畴及发展方向 ) ;2 护理管理 ;3 护理实践中的科学研究 ;4 护理教育 ;5 人文科学在护理教育中的作用与地位 ;6 系统化整体护理的临床应用及研究 ;7 各种疾病的心理护理、心身护理 ;8 护理与法 ;9 临终关怀与护理伦理 ;10 健康教育与社区护理 ;11 护士…  相似文献   

为了给广大护理人员提供更多的学习和交流的机会 ,进一步提高临床护理学术水平 ,实用护理杂志社拟定于 2 0 0 3年 3月在广州召开首届全国人文社会护理学术研讨会 ,会议期间将邀请专家学者做专题学术报告。现将会议征文内容及有关事宜通知如下。一、征文内容1 护理学科的理论研究 (任务、范畴及发展方向 ) ;2 护理管理 ;3 护理实践中的科学研究 ;4 护理教育 ;5 人文科学在护理教育中的作用与地位 ;6 系统化整体护理的临床应用及研究 ;7 各种疾病的心理护理、心身护理 ;8 护理与法 ;9 临终关怀与护理伦理 ;10 健康教育与社区护理 ;11 护士…  相似文献   

2010.08.19-08.22(星期四-星期日)广东广州主办单位全国高等医学教育学会临床医学教育研究会诊断学分会承办单位南方医科大学大会主席康熙雄刘德铭陈芳源执行主席王前大会主题传承与创新——新医改背景下《诊断学》的学科定位与发展会议学术内容一、诊断学的学科定位与功能变迁①诊断学教学的传承;②诊断功能的进化与变迁问题;  相似文献   

目的:开展研究型中医院护理学科学术团队建设探索,为学科建设储备人才。方法 :按照学科学术骨干遴选条件和程序,择优选择学科学术骨干后备人才并进行分层次培养,落实研究型中医院中医护理学科学术团队相关考核和激励措施,观察研究型中医院中医护理学科学术团队建设的效果。结果 :目前我院中医护理学科学术团队骨干共计54名,学科学术团队在职称、学历和年龄上都得到了一定程度的优化。临床护理科研、教学、质量控制以及管理得到明显提升,各层面反馈良好。结论 :研究型中医院护理学科学术团队建设可持续推动我院中医护理学科的发展和学术优势。  相似文献   

<正>由中华医学、中华医学会影像技术分会主办的中华医学会第二十五次全国影像技术学术大会将于2017年9月27日~30日在天津召开。会议时间:2017年9月27日~30日会议地点:天津市大会主题:健康中国,影像精准参会者将获得国家级继续教育I类学分会议内容:影像技术学科及其亚学科等各类稿件,包括数字X线、乳腺、CT、MR、DSA、影像工程、影像PACS、影像信息学、影像教育、儿科影像、护理影像和核医学影像学术或研究论文或经验交流,及其图像质量控制,各种检查技术的规范与  相似文献   

为了给广大护理人员提供更多的学习和交流的机会 ,进一步提高临床护理学术水平 ,实用护理杂志社拟定于 2 0 0 3年 3月在广州召开“首届全国人文社会护理学术研讨会暨护理与法律知识讲习班 (重点举证倒置 )” ,会议期间将邀请专家学者做专题学术报告。现将会议征文内容及有关事宜通知如下。一、征文内容1 护理学科的理论研究 (任务、范畴及发展方向 ) ;2 护理管理 ;3 护理实践中的科学研究 ;4 护理教育 ;5 人文科学在护理教育中的作用与地位 ;6 系统化整体护理的临床应用及研究 ;7 各种疾病的心理护理、心身护理 ;8 护理与法 ;9 临终关怀…  相似文献   

为了给广大护理人员提供更多的学习和交流的机会 ,进一步提高临床护理学术水平 ,实用护理杂志社拟定于 2 0 0 3年 3月在广州召开“首届全国人文社会护理学术研讨会暨护理与法律知识讲习班 (重点举证倒置 )” ,会议期间将邀请专家学者做专题学术报告。现将会议征文内容及有关事宜通知如下。一、征文内容1 护理学科的理论研究 (任务、范畴及发展方向 ) ;2 护理管理 ;3 护理实践中的科学研究 ;4 护理教育 ;5 人文科学在护理教育中的作用与地位 ;6 系统化整体护理的临床应用及研究 ;7 各种疾病的心理护理、心身护理 ;8 护理与法 ;9 临终关怀…  相似文献   

单篇文章被国际数据库收录,表明文章的学术水平已得到国际学术界的认可,文章的研究内容为国际学科界关注的热点,评估了该篇稿件的学术价值。  相似文献   

单篇文章被国际数据库收录,表明文章的学术水平已得到国际学术界的认可,文章的研究内容为国际学科界关注的热点,评估了该篇稿件的学术价值。  相似文献   

为进一步交流临床护理经验 ,提高临床护理水平 ,促进护理学科发展 ,活跃护理学术气氛 ,实用护理杂志社拟定于2 0 0 3年 5月在厦门召开“全国第 3届临床护理学术研讨会” ,届时将邀请知名专家学者作专题报告。现将有关事宜通知如下。一、征文内容1 护理学科的理论研究 (概念、任务、范围及发展方向等 )。2 医学模式的转变对护理学科的影响。3 护理实践中的科学研究。4 系统化整体护理的临床应用及研究。5 护理临床实践中的经济、伦理、法律问题。6 临床各科的护理经验。7 心理护理与护理心理。8 护理管理与护理教育。9 护士素质与形象。10…  相似文献   

BackgroundThe role of interdisciplinary faculty in schools and colleges of nursing has evolved over time. Historically, integration of interdisciplinary faculty into nursing education was as experts in non-nursing content and to fill a gap created by the lack of doctorally prepared nurses. In the 1980s, Lenz and Morton surveyed Departments, Schools and Colleges of Nursing to explore the role of interdisciplinary faculty in nursing education.PurposeOur study adapted Lenz and Morton's work to examine new trends in faculty composition, while also considering the evolution in nursing education, including the integration of doctor of nursing practice (DNP) prepared faculty.ResultsDifferences in enrollments, programs offered, and number of faculty and faculty composition were observed between 1988 and 2017. In 1988 the most common disciplines represented were nutrition, education and psychology, while in 2017 the most common disciplines were pharmacology, statistics and biological sciences. The current study shows a decrease of 15% in interdisciplinary faculty educating nursing students, although this finding may be related to differences in sampling techniques.ConclusionsIntegration of interdisciplinary faculty has the potential to enrich nursing education by bringing in a depth of specialized knowledge from other disciplines. Further faculty role-modeling successful interdisciplinary collaboration is another way to prepare nurses for team-based patient care which is an imperative skill in today's health care arena.  相似文献   

远程护理教育的实施与评估   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
对在国内首次服务于护理教育的远程教育网络作全面考察并评估,用自行设计的调查表,对与远程教学课程传输有关的各类人员(包括管理者,授课教师,技术人员,学历教育和继续教育学员)进行询问调查,结果:学历教育学员对远程教育大部分指标的评价均达到中等或满意以上,对教师的评定和各门课程的满意度均达到满意以上,但远程组满意程度低于医科大学组,86.0%以上的继续教育学员认为:远程教育增强了继续教育的机会,远程教学内容新,容易理解,对护理知识的积累和护理技能的提高帮助。93.4%教师认为远程教学与课堂教学质量无差别,89.9%的被调查者对远程教育表示支持。而在师生互动交流,声音图像传输,板书效果等方面遇到一些挑战,有待进一步改进,结论:远程护理教育在国内的首次实施效果颇佳,提示应加强各部门之间的协调与合作,尽快提高各类人员运用远程设备的能力,使远程护理教育网络在护理人员的学历和继续教育中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

国际化医疗市场对我国护理教育提出的新挑战   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
分析了我国加入WTO后,国内医疗市场进一步融入全球医疗市场,国际化医疗市场给我国护理领域带来新的挑战和发展契机。对护理人才提出新的需求,如护士的国际性流动,护士职业资格国际化。提出了如何把握机遇,培养新型护理人才,是我国护理教育适应国际医疗市场需求必须思考的问题。认为我国护理教育质量标准及护理人才培养必须国际化,加速护理教育国际化进程,与国外教育机构联合办学,加快护理师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

Students in nursing education programs have a right to privacy as they engage in their learning. At the same time, their faculty may be engaged in nursing education research in order to facilitate student learning. These two goals may conflict when faculty engage students as participants in nursing education research while at the same time facilitating their learning. Faculty as researchers with their students may encounter a conflict of interest in collecting data for their research while providing learning experiences for the same students. As a basic principle, students must be engaged as participants in an ethical manner that respects their rights for privacy. In this article, we explore the issues of faculty as researchers of their students and suggest strategies for addressing these issues.  相似文献   

Students in nursing education programs have a right to privacy as they engage in their learning. At the same time, their faculty may be engaged in nursing education research in order to facilitate student learning. These two goals may conflict when faculty engage students as participants in nursing education research while at the same time facilitating their learning. Faculty as researchers with their students may encounter a conflict of interest in collecting data for their research while providing learning experiences for the same students. As a basic principle, students must be engaged as participants in an ethical manner that respects their rights for privacy. In this article, we explore the issues of faculty as researchers of their students and suggest strategies for addressing these issues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge and attitudes of nursing faculty and students (BSN and MS) regarding complementary/alternative therapies (C/AT) and their integration into nursing practice. Implications for curricular and faculty development were also identified. A cross-sectional survey (n = 170) of graduating BSN students (n = 73) and MS and PhD students (n = 47) and faculty (n = 50) was conducted in a university-based nursing program. The self-administered questionnaire contained 134 forced choice items. Questions assessed attitudes and knowledge about training in, personal use of, perceived barriers to, and intent to integrate C/AT into clinical practice. Over 95 percent of the students and faculty agreed that clinical care should integrate the best of conventional and C/AT practices. Few had received formal C/AT education; the highest number had received some education about massage, music, prayer/spiritual healing, and therapeutic/healing touch. They desired more education but not necessarily the skills to perform these therapies themselves. Faculty and students expressed positive attitudes about incorporating C/AT into curricula and nursing practice. Current knowledge lags behind interest, however, suggesting a situation ripe for change. The most important perceived barrier to incorporation was lack of evidence. Curricular change is needed to fully integrate C/AT in nursing programs at all levels; faculty development and nursing research is needed to facilitate these changes.  相似文献   

The attitudes of faculty towards interprofessional education (IPE) and teamwork impact the education of health professions education (HPE) students. This paper reports on a study evaluating attitudes from health professions educators towards IPE and teamwork at one academic health science center (HSC) where modest IPE initiatives have commenced. Drawing from the results of a previous investigation, this study was conducted to examine current attitudes of the faculty responsible for the training of future healthcare professionals. Survey data were collected to evaluate attitudes from HSC faculty, dentistry, nursing, medicine, pharmacy and public health. In general, positive HSC faculty attitudes towards interprofessional learning, education, and teamwork were significantly predicted by those affiliated with the component of nursing. Faculty development aimed at changing attitudes and increasing understanding of IPE and teamwork are critical. Results of this study serve as an underpinning to leverage strengths and evaluate weakness in initiating IPE.  相似文献   

黄文莉 《现代护理》2007,13(3):293-294
目的反思芬兰中医护理短期教学经历。方法在芬兰全国继续教育项目中为在职护士讲授中医护理20学时。结果中医护理短期教学得到芬兰师生良好反馈。结论明确教学难点,根据授课对象特点,采用相应的教学策略,开展中医护理国际学术交流,实现了双赢;中国护理可以依托中医护理特色,在与西方护理平等对话与交流中发展和完善自己。  相似文献   

Clinical decision making and, broadly speaking, patient care are increasingly collaborative endeavors dependent on the integration of the profession-specific knowledge, skills, and perspectives of physicians and nurses. Conflicts over the ethical dimensions of clinical decision making often arise from these differing but complementary perspectives. Neither medical nor nursing education adequately prepares future clinicians for these realities of practice. At Georgetown University, students and faculty in medicine and nursing have developed an interdisciplinary curriculum in clinical ethics. The curriculum will bring together medical students and graduate nursing students with the aim of educating and training them to analyze and resolve dilemmas in clinical ethics critically and collaboratively.  相似文献   

展望21世纪的护理教育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
曾小耘  骆郁林  周斌 《护理研究》2000,14(3):103-105
从我国护理现状及护理发展趋势 ,展望 2 1世纪护理教育 ,应加强护理职业道德建设和护士素质教育 ,优化课程结构和教师队伍 ,培养学生的批判性思维能力 ,建设具有中国特色的护理专业 ,积极开展护理科学研究 ,开放护理教育系统 ,以培养一批素质全面、集医学与护理于一身的护理人才  相似文献   

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