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Both male and female juveniles disperse in Costa Rican mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). 79% of the males and 96% of the females leave their natal groups. Males may spend up to 4 years and females up to 1 year as solitaries. Extra-group individuals are faced with only three possibilities, i.e., form a new group by joining another extra-group individual, join an established social group, or remain solitary. Most surviving extra-group individuals join an established social group which contains no kin. Females join with the help of a resident male and once in a group proceed to rise to the alpha position through dyadic interactions. The immigrant female either becomes the alpha female or leaves and tries again in another group. Males challenge the alpha male and either defeat him or remain solitary. Competition with relatives for limited high quality food may be the reason for both sexes leaving their natal groups in howlers. By leaving, the successful immigrants increase their mothers inclusive fitness while suppressing the fitness of nonrelatives instead of remaining natal and competing with relatives for limited food.  相似文献   

Twins born to a young female howling monkey in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica were observed during the first 96 days of their life. The comparison of their development to that of single infants and the comparison of the behaviour of the mother of the twins to that of mothers of single infants revealed few differences. However, qualitative observations suggests that high costs are associated with maternal care of infant twins. The mother had difficulty carrying both infants and was the only female observed to become sick during the study. Increased costs of lactation were not compensated for by an increase in foraging time. It would seem that howling monkey mothers possess a maternal care system which is capable of providing suitable care to twins. However, the costs on the mother of raising twins is suggested as a factor selecting for a litter size of one.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may influence genetic variability through reductions in population size and the physical isolation of conspecifics. We explored the effects of these factors on genetic diversity in a population of mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. The study population was established in 1914 when an unknown number of resident individuals were isolated from the surrounding mainland by damming of the Río Chagres to create the Panama Canal. Analyses of 10 microsatellite loci indicated that, despite this isolation, the howler monkeys on BCI exhibit levels of genetic diversity (H S = 0.584 ± 0.063) among the highest reported for any species of Alouatta. These data also revealed that although relatedness among adults in a social group was significantly greater than zero, the BCI population is not highly genetically structured. Tests for genetic bottlenecks based on departures from equilibrium expectations failed to reveal evidence of a recent reduction in population size. In contrast, coalescent modeling indicated that this population has likely experienced a marked decline within the last few 100 years. These findings generate new insights into the genetic structure of A. palliata and suggest that while the formation of BCI may not have substantially reduced genetic variation in these animals, genetic diversity has been influenced by historical changes in population size.  相似文献   

This report documents the response of wild mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) to coseismic activity (seismic activity at the time of an earthquake). During field work on the north coast of Honduras, data were collected on a habituated troop of mantled howlers as they responded to coseismic activity. The seismic event occurred on 13 February 2001 at 0822 hours local time with a magnitude of Richter scale 6.6, focus depth of approximately 15 km at a distance of 341 km from the epicentre to the field site, Cuero y Salado. At the field site, based upon Jeffreys and Bullen (1988), body waves, noted as P and S waves, arrived at 60 and 87 s, respectively, with surface waves arriving approximately 103 s post-origin time of the seismic event. While there are three reports on non-human primate response to coseismic activity in the literature, they report on captive non-human primates. This is the first documented response on a non-captive troop. In addition, this report compares the intensity measure encountered by a wild troop of howlers and one captive group of orangutans as set out by the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale. The Modified Mercalli measure of intensity is one of two standard measures of seismic activity and rates what a person sees and feels at their location (Wood and Neumann 1931; Richter 1958). Thus, arboreal nonhuman primates are found to respond to coseismic activity ranging from Level IV to Level VI as based upon the modified Mercalli intensity scale.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term study on howling monkey behavior and social dynamics, a known natal male was observed taking over his group from his putative sire. Due to the accidental death of one of the adult males, this natal male had matured in a one-male group and had never observed juvenile male emigration nor adult male immigration and associated behaviors. Nevertheless, the behaviors associated with the takeover were indistinguishable from those of an immigrant male, including disappearance of immatures, one of whom was found with extensive injuries. While it cannot be said that the natal male inherited these behaviors from his presumed father, it can be said that he exhibited species-typical behaviors associated with male takeover in the absence of observational learning.  相似文献   

Studies of social affiliation and social spacing offer important insight into the dynamics of subgroup formation and social strategies in living primates. Among the 11 species in the genus Alouatta, mantled howlers (A. palliata) are the only species to consistently form large, stable social groups composed of several adult males and several adult females. In this study, we examine patterns of subgrouping, activity, and partner preferences in a troop of 26-29 wild mantled howling monkeys (including 12-13 marked individuals) inhabiting Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua. During two study seasons in 2000 and 2001, we simultaneously monitored the size, composition, and activities of individuals in two to three different subgroups. A half-weight association index was used to calculate partner preferences and patterns of spatial association. Results indicate that our howler study troop fragmented into subgroups of 1-20 with subgroups averaging five and six individuals. Subgroup size and membership reflected individual patterns of social affiliation and social tolerance, and in general remained consistent across activities and from year to year. We also found evidence of cliques or social networks of three to four individuals embedded within larger subgroups. A small number of adult males appeared to play an important social role as the nucleus of clique formation. We argue that the persistence of strong male-male and male-female partner preferences in mantled howlers helps to explain the stability of relatively large multimale-multifemale groups.  相似文献   

Primate species often eat foods of different physical properties. This may have implications for tooth structure and wear in those species. The purpose of this study was to examine the mechanical defenses of leaves eaten by Alouatta palliata from different social groups at Hacienda La Pacifica in Costa Rica. Leaves were sampled from the home-ranges of groups living in different microhabitats. Specimens were collected during the wet and dry seasons from the same tree, same plant part, and same degree of development as those eaten by the monkeys. The toughness of over 300 leaves was estimated using a scissors test on a Darvell mechanical tester. Toughness values were compared between social groups, seasons, and locations on the leaves using ANOVA. Representative samples of leaves were also sun-dried for subsequent scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analyses in an attempt to locate silica on the leaves. Both forms of mechanical defense (toughness and silica) were found to be at work in the plants at La Pacifica. Fracture toughness varied significantly by location within single leaves, indicating that measures of fracture toughness must be standardized by location on food items. Monkeys made some food choices based on fracture toughness by avoiding the toughest parts of leaves and consuming the least tough portions. Intergroup and seasonal differences in the toughness of foods suggest that subtle differences in resource availability can have a significant impact on diet and feeding in Alouatta palliata. Intergroup differences in the incidence of silica on leaves raise the possibility of matching differences in the rates and patterns of tooth wear.  相似文献   

Fragmentation reduces habitat area, increases the number of habitat patches, decreases their size, and increases patch isolation. For arboreal mammals such as howlers (Alouatta palliata), canopy modifications from fragmentation processes could also negatively affect habitat quality. We analyzed changes in the composition and plant structure of 15 fragments (1–76 ha) and compared them with vegetation from a continuous tropical rain forest reserve (700 ha) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. At each site, we sampled 1000 m2 of all trees, shrubs, and lianas with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥10 cm. We obtained estimates of species richness, density, and basal area for different ecological groups, DBH ranges, and top food resources for howlers. We used a stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine relationships between fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation) and plant variables. Compared to continuous forest, fragments have altered composition and plant structure, with large trees absent from the canopy. The basal area of top food resources is higher in continuous forest. Fragment size is the best explanation for the differences in composition and plant structure. The largest fragments had greater basal area of top food resources and more large primary trees in the canopy. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation altered the habitat quality for howlers.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the positional behavior of primates reveal that significant seasonal variation occurs in both locomotion and postures that is related to changes in diet and foraging techniques. Howling monkeys (genusAlouatta), which also have a seasonally varied diet, are predicted to have correspondingly varied positional behaviors. Two groups of red howling monkeys were studied in a primary rain forest in French Guinana during the dry and wet seasons. During the dry season, when howler diet is based mainly on leaves, howlers traveled more frequently by quadrupedal walking on large supports, a mode of progression that is probably inexpensive energetically and relatively stable. During feeding, quadrupedal and tripedal stand contributed considerably, a posture probably associated with the equal distribution of leaves within a tree crown. In contrast, during the wet season, when fruit was abundant, howlers fed very frequently by sitting on large supports, probably because fruit consumption required more time for special manipulation. However, most seasonal changes in feeding postures, and in travel and feeding locomotion, were difficult to associate directly with dietary shifts. These behavioral changes may be more highly correlated with slight modifications in microhabitat use (horizontal and vertical daily ranges, similar and alternative arboreal pathways) that are not considered in this paper.  相似文献   

Events surrounding an infant-killing following a male takeover are described for a group of free-ranging howling monkeys in Costa Rica, and additional evidence is presented for infant disappearances following three previous male takeovers. Infant-killing is best interpreted in this context as a male reproductive strategy, as infant-killing did effectively shorten the interbirth interval, and only infants of high-ranking females died or disappeared following a male takeover. Due to the exclusive access of the dominant male to high-ranking estrous females, an incoming male who had lived as a peripheral male before taking over the group would run little risk of eliminating his own offspring in the course of killing the offspring of high-ranking females.  相似文献   

We compared the distributions of Alouatta palliata and A. pigra in southeastern Mexico and Central America with geographic and ecological features to infer current barriers and ecological preferences. Distribution data were obtained from museum specimen localities, study sites, historic records and field surveys and integrated into digital elevation and ecosystem maps using GIS. A. pigra evidently occurs at a number of sites above 2,000 m, where temperatures can even drop below zero on some days of the year, thus indicating a broader ecological tolerance than previously reported. Both species occupy a number of vegetation types and can be found in seasonal and nonseasonal forests. We identified the highland massif of northern Central America and its associated coniferous and subalpine vegetation as a geographic barrier that separates the species. In the past, distribution maps for these species have indicated adjacent contiguous ranges, but we propose that they are largely separated by these mountains. There are two contact zones: a broad area of sympatry north of the highland massif in Mexico and a narrow zone in eastern Guatemala where parapatry is maintained by a river barrier and where only A. pigra occurs in the high elevations and cooler habitats inland. We explore an alternative biogeographic scenario for the split of the two species that accounts for the current distribution and differences in elevation and cold tolerances. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A 2-year field study of the frugivorous diet of a howling monkey troop, in a tropical rain forest in French Guiana, shows that they disperse by endozoochory ≥95% of plant species from which they eat ripe fruit. Passage through the digestive tract of howlers does not significantly modify the germination success of most plant species samples. Their low digestion rate (X = 20 hr 40 min) is the ultimate cause of a bimodal defecation rhythm that results in the concentration of 60% of defecations being deposited under sleeping sites. The distance of seed dispersal can reach more than 550 m from parent trees,with a mean of 260 m. Although howling monkeys consume fruits differing in morphological characteristics, they are particularly able to disseminate seeds of species whose fruits have a hard and indehiscent external coat or large seeds or both. In French Guiana, they may be especially important dispersers of the Sapotaceae with fruits that simultaneously present both characteristics.  相似文献   

Howler monkeys (platyrrhini) have evolved routine trichromatic color vision independently from catarrhines, which presents an opportunity to test hypotheses concerning the adaptive value of distinguishing reddish from greenish hues. A longstanding hypothesis posits that trichromacy aids in the efficient detection of reddish-ripe fruits, which could be an advantage for the detection of the nutritional content of the fruit, such as sugars. In the present study, we assessed fruit visual conspicuity and selection based on color and sucrose content by wild mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) on Agaltepec Island, Mexico. We used colorimetry to classify dietary fruits as cryptic (greenish) or conspicuous (reddish) against their background leaves. Species-specific color models indicate that trichromatic howler monkeys should be more efficient in discriminating the conspicuous ripe fruits from leaves compared to detecting cryptic ripe fruits from leaves. We found howler monkeys consume more cryptic fruits compared to conspicuous fruits, and that they consume more unripe fruits than ripe fruits. The consumption (acceptance) of fruit was independent of sucrose content, and thus this disaccharide may not play an essential role in mantled howler food selection. Our findings suggest that routine trichromatic color vision may aid in the detection and discrimination of conspicuously colored fruits, but that the final decision whether to accept or reject a fruit probably involves the use of other senses in addition to vision.  相似文献   

Howler monkeys are among the most studied primates in the Neotropics, however, behavioral studies including estimation of food availability in Andean forests are scarce. During 12 months we studied habitat use, behavior, and feeding ecology of two groups of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in an isolated fragment in the Colombian Andes. We used a combination of focal animal and instantaneous sampling. We estimated fruit production (FP) using phenology transects, and calculated young leaf abundance by observing marked trees. The home range area used by each group was 10.5 and 16.7 ha and daily distances traveled were 431 ± 228 and 458 ± 259 m, respectively. We found that both groups spent most of their time resting (62–64%). Resting time did not increase with leaf consumption as expected using a strategy of energy minimization. We did not find a relationship between daily distances traveled and leaf consumption. However, howlers consumed fruits according to their availability, and the production of young leaves did not predict feeding time on this resource. Overall, our results are similar to those found on other forest types. We found that despite limited FP in Andean forests, this did not lead to a higher intake of leaves, longer resting periods, or shorter traveling distances for red howlers. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1062–1071, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although shade coffee plantations are potentially valuable habitats for wildlife conservation, little information exists on the extent to which they provide resident wildlife populations with resources necessary for survival and reproduction. A 14-month study of the ecology of mantled howling monkeys Alouatta palliata living in a Nicaraguan shade coffee plantation was therefore conducted. Trees were surveyed at randomly located enumeration points in the coffee plantation and monitored for phenophase production to characterize resource availability. Day-long focal animal follows were used to characterize the ranging and habitat preferences of the howlers. The study site had a diverse canopy, with over 60 tree species providing shade for coffee cultivation; high tree diversity ensured year-round availability of the howlers' preferred foods. Howlers did not avoid feeding or ranging in areas of shade coffee cultivation. However, when foraging in coffee they favored large shade trees for feeding and were less likely to use areas of shade coffee with small trees and fewer arboreal pathways. Results suggest, in conjunction with controls on hunting and protection of nearby forests, that shade coffee can serve as alternate wildlife habitat and corridors between forest fragments for howling monkeys and possibly other forest mammals. Specific management recommendations to improve the conservation value of shade coffee for primates are made and the potential role of coffee plantations in primate conservation at a regional scale are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports the response of one howler monkey group (Alouatta palliata) to a group of potential predators, the tayra (Eira barbara). The apparently successful predator avoidance behavior of the monkeys was recorded in detail. We observed a group of four adult tayras moving around theAlouatta group displaying a species-typical aggressive behavioral pattern. The two adult females of the howler group successfully chased the tayras away by repeatedly moving closer to the mustelids and even following them until the predators moved off.  相似文献   

Although howlers have been traditionally considered to be pacific, showing one of the lowest rates of aggression among primates, new evidence is emerging to question this image. We present data on injuries in Mexican mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) in relation to different sociecological parameters. We censused howler populations in 19 forest fragments over a 17-mo period in the Los Tuxtlas Region, southern Veracruz, Mexico. We conducted detailed observations of scars, torn lips, broken fingers, mutilated tails and other visible injuries. We also collected data on the demography, biogeography and vegetation of each fragment in order to relate injury data to them. We censused 333 howlers, of which we exhaustively observed 254 for injuries. Four resident adult females (n = 108) and 29 adult resident males (n = 76) had injuries, while none of the solitary males (n=16), solitary females (n=1), juveniles (n=23) and infants (n=30) had them. We discuss possible interpretative scenarios for the distribution of injuries. Although some results suggest that food resource concentration may determine intergroup agonistic encounters, we propose that physical injury is primarily associated with male-male agonistic encounters during takeovers, and consequently it could indicate migration among troops.  相似文献   

Information on the fruit diets of howling monkeys and fruit-eating bats in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico was collected for a year to compare the plant species used. Howling monkeys used 19 plant species whereas bats used 32 plant species as fruit sources. Eleven species were common in the diet of both mammals. A rank analysis at the plant species level showed that the fruit diets of Alouatta and Artibeus were very different. In contrast to bats, howling monkeys displayed a seasonal pattern in fruit consumption. Diet overlap between the two mammals was highest during the monkeys' fruit-eating season. Measures of fruit production in eight trees (four species) indicated marked variations in fruit biomass produced and in length of fruiting from tree to tree and species to species. Peaks in fruit production were typical both at the species and the individual tree levels, demonstrating the very patchy nature of the fruit available to the monkeys and the bats.  相似文献   

Acacia trees in Costa Rica have an obligate mutualism with three species of Pseudomyrmex ants, which vigorously defend their host tree from insect and mammalian herbivores. Depending on the size and species of ant colony, individual acacia trees may be differentially protected. For animals able to discern between weakly and highly aggressive ant colonies, costs of ant stings from less active colonies might be offset by nutritional value acquired from feeding on acacia fruit or ant larvae in swollen thorns. We examined foraging selectivity of capuchin monkeys on acacia trees in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We measured four characteristics of the acacia trees from which capuchins fed and of acacias immediately adjacent to those in which the monkeys fed: diameter at breast height (DBH), accessibility, species of closest tree and ant species present. We found that capuchins prefer to forage in acacias that are large and accessible. We also made two measurements of ant colony activity on each tree, one before and one after disturbing the ant colony. We found that the three species of mutualistic ants differ in baseline activity levels and that mutualistic ants are more active than non-mutualistic ant species found in acacia trees. We also found that capuchins foraged more frequently in trees colonized by non-mutualistic ants, but the explanatory value (r 2) of this model was low. Furthermore, monkeys did not discriminate between acacias on the basis of baseline ant activity or the ant colony’s response to disturbance. We conclude that these monkeys select acacia trees in which to forage based on characteristics of the trees rather than the ants. In addition, our study suggests that white-faced capuchins act as predators on the acacia ants but they probably benefit the dispersal and reproductive success of acacia trees. Capuchins may in fact function as an additional mutualistic partner for acacia trees via seed dispersal, but they must overcome the ants’ defense of the trees to do so.  相似文献   

Age-specific, differential mortality occurs between male and female mantled howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata,on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. A peak in mortality between 5 and 7 years is seen in males but not infernales. Dates when howler cadavers have been found suggest a seasonal mortality, with peaks in July and perhaps also in December through January.  相似文献   

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