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文章首先分析技术性贸易壁垒的特点及本质,在假设技术性贸易壁垒导致外国企业边际成本相对于本国企业不对称增加的前提下,分析外国企业边际成本增加对两国产品均衡价格、产量,以及企业利润的影响,得出技术性贸易壁垒有利于保护本国企业,而使外国企业处于不利竞争地位。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的腾飞,中国进出口贸易越来越大已经成为全球最大的贸易大国。随之而来的贸易冲突和纠纷也越来越多。很多发展中国家尤其是欧美国家为了保护本国产业纷纷实行非关税壁垒。越来越隐蔽和具有针对性的非关税壁垒政策出台,为我国出口贸易设置了障碍。面对如此众多的非关税壁垒我们应该积极应对。完善产业结构,加强技术革新,倡导绿色环保理念,提高产品技术含量使产品能顺利通过这些壁垒。外交部门应该完善对这些信息的反应机制,定期或不定期的发布预警信息,让企业能及时采取措施应对进口国的政策,减少损失。国家政府也应该积极的进行谈判和磋商为我国进出口贸易赢的更好的发展环境。  相似文献   

刘建伟 《石材》2001,(1):25-28
关贸总协定(GATT)乌拉二回合谈判的结束和世界贸易组织(WTO)的成立,使得国际贸易中各国关税水平进一步降低,非关税壁垒措施也受到很大的限制。一国依靠高关税和非关税壁垒措施保护本国产业已不太可能,各国越来越多地转向使用反倾销等手段限制外国产品的进口,保护本国产业。各国根据WTO规则第二部分第六条“反倾销和反补贴条款”  相似文献   

1概述绿色壁垒是指进口国政府以保护生态环境为由,以限制进口、保护贸易为目的,通过颁布复杂多样的环保法规、条例,制订严格的环保技术标准和产品包装要求,建立繁琐的检验、认证和审批程序,实施环境标志制度以及课征环境进口税等方式对进口产品设置的贸易障碍。环境因素逐步成为一种服务于各国贸易保护主义政策的武器,它作为一种新兴的非关税壁垒,必将以其隐蔽性强、技术要求高、灵活多边多变等特点,被西方国家越来越多地利用。绿色壁垒的主要表现形式有:①绿色关税制度。进口国以保护环境为名,对那些污染环境和对本国生态产生消极影响的进…  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化发展的加速,国际贸易自由化程度也在不断提高,国际贸易中的关税壁垒逐步被弱化。一些国家为了达到贸易保护的目的,会在关税壁垒之外设置更多的进口商品检验检疫条件,采取变相措施实现贸易保护的目的,这就形成了名目繁多的非关税壁垒,这些壁垒对我国外贸经济的发展造成了不利影响。基于此,本文首先阐述了外贸非关税壁垒的表现形式,接下来分析了非关税壁垒对我国外贸的影响,最后结合本国外贸经济发展实际提出应对非关税壁垒的对策,以期为外贸经济及权益保障提供一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

龚国能 《建筑施工》2011,33(10):953-954,956
印度尼西亚政府出于保护本国建筑企业和劳动力目的,在外国援助资金等多种类型的项目中,均要求外国承包商必须与印尼国内承包商组建JO联合体投标。以此为例,介绍在参与印尼高速公路项目的经验以及对风险规避的一些做法,强调中资企业在JO联合模式运作的全过程中要以我为主,做好风险防范和规避。  相似文献   

美国每年约建800—1000万套住宅,对建筑陶瓷的需求很大,本国生产的陶瓷面砖很少,1984年全国产量为3170万平方米。外国产品充斥着美国建陶市场,  相似文献   

以开放经济为背景,基于不同的汇率制度,文章试图研究外国通货膨胀对本国经济的影响,以及本国最优货币和财政政策选择。研究结果包括:(1)在浮动汇率制度下,外国通货膨胀对本国经济的影响有两种可能性,这取决于外国价格变化幅度和汇率变化幅度的相对大小;(2)在固定汇率制度下,外国通货膨胀将提高国内价格,但对国内产出水平的影响不确定;(3)本国扩张性货币政策只有在固定汇率制度下才能提高国内产出和价格水平,而财政刺激总能提高国内的产出和价格水平;(4)在浮动汇率制度下,扩张性货币政策能提高国内价格水平,可能提高也可能降低国内的产出水平。  相似文献   

非关税壁垒原本是一国政府采取除关税以外的方式来对本国的对外贸易活动进行调节、管理和控制的一切手段和政策的总和,其主要的本质还是限制商品的进口。本文即通过新型贸易壁垒的主要表现形式和对于中国出口贸易,经济发展和文明发展的影响进行分析,从而提出适合发展状况的建议。  相似文献   

近日,印度政府决定出台一系列政策保护本国制造业,以消除采购市场中来自国外竞争者的威胁。据悉,印度电信部、重工业部及可再生能源部将出台相关条例保护国内生产者不被外国企业,特别是能提供大量廉价设备的国外制造商抢占市场份额。据统计,这三大领域贡献了印度年制造业产值及总额的三分之一。然而,由于近年来大多数采购者选择价格更具优势的国外产品,使这些领域的增长步伐不断放缓,造成印度本土制造商在国内市场无利可图的困顿局面。  相似文献   

非关税壁垒(第二讲)技术壁垒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代国际贸易中,技术壁垒是一种通过技术手段来限制商品进口的非关税壁垒措施,具有技术性强、适用广泛和难以预防等特点。论述了我国企业在国际贸易中遭遇技术壁垒的状况,给出了技术壁垒的主要表现形式就是产品的检测与认证,认证是突破技术壁垒的关键。指出抢占专利、抢占标准,就是抢占技术的至高点,就是掌握市场的主动权。告诫企业在开发新产品、进行技术改造时,应积极采用国际标准或国外先进标准,并且要尽量等同、等效采用,增强参与国际竞争的实力。  相似文献   

1概述 绿色壁垒是指进口国政府以保护生态环境为由,以限制进口、保护贸易为目的,通过颁布复杂多样的环保法规、条例,制订严格的环保技术标准和产品包装要求,建立繁琐的检验、认证和审批程序,实施环境标志制度以及课征环境进口税等方式对进口产品设置的贸易障碍。环境因素逐步成为一种服务于各国贸易保护主义政策的武器,它作为一种新兴的非关税壁垒,必将以其隐蔽性强、技术要求高、灵活多边多变等特点,被西方国家越来越多地利用。  相似文献   

There are many diverse forms of barrier which impede the communications process. These barriers are particularly important in the context of the spatial sciences, but our understanding of their nature and significance is scant, as is out knowledge of the most appropriate way to handle them in modelling and policy assessment exercises. The actual literature on barriers to communications is relatively substantial, but it is spread across a wide range of disciplines and set in a variety of different contexts. This review attempts to bring together some of this material. It does not consider technical questions concerning the appropriate way to embrace barrier concepts in spatial models but rather looks at the nature of barriers and how they have been studied. Understanding of these more basic issues is a necessary precondition to the development of improved spatial models of communications.  相似文献   

Five cross sections of international trade data are analyzed by means of a gravity model in order to measure the impact of geographical distance, preferential agreements, language similarities, historical ties, and exchange rate volatilities on the pattern of world trade. The model is derived as a reduced form of a partial price equilibrium. A heteroscedastic log-linear specification is chosen in the econometric application, which is estimated by the maximum quasi-likelihood approach. Results show significant coefficients with expected signs in almost all cases.  相似文献   

Problem: Despite the widespread availability of geographic information systems (GIS) in local government, there is some evidence that the potential of GIS as a planning tool is not being fully exploited. While obstacles to GIS implementation in local government have been investigated, most of these investigations are either dated or do not focus on planning applications.

Purpose: We aim to add to the limited literature on the current barriers hindering GIS use in public planning agencies. We also offer some insights into how to mitigate these barriers and help planning agencies move beyond using GIS simply for routine tasks of data access and mapmaking.

Methods: We analyzed responses to a 2007 web-based survey of 265 practitioners in Wisconsin's public planning agencies and follow-up interviews with 20 practitioners we conducted in 2008.

Results and conclusions: Planning departments still face a range of technological, organizational, and institutional barriers in using GIS. Training, funding, and data issues appear to be the most significant barriers preventing greater use of GIS for planning purposes, suggesting that organizational and institutional issues are more pertinent than technological barriers. Our literature review indicates that the barriers to GIS use in local government are similar to those of the past, but not identical. Furthermore, our observations indicate that, in general, practitioners are not aware of the full potential of GIS and planning support systems (PSS).

Takeaway for practice: Increased funding alone is not likely to move a planning agency beyond routine applications of GIS. Improved access to training that is geared toward the planning process and planning applications may help alleviate many barriers planners face in using GIS in general and in incorporating more sophisticated GIS functions in their work.

Research support: This work was supported in part by the Consortium for Rural Geospatial Innovations, funded by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Services of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and in part by the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the University of Wisconsin–Extension.  相似文献   

Barriers are defined as discontinuities in the broadly defined marginal costs of communication, usually leading to a discontinuity in interaction. This paper addresses conceptual issues about barriers to communication. Several typologies of barriers are given. For example, according to the degree of permeability, barriers may discourage interaction, or may even be entirely impermeable, but examples may also be given of barriers which stimulate communication in one or both directions. Another typology of barriers addresses reasons of existence, including natural barriers, barriers created for protection purposes, barriers created for reasons of convenience, etc. The paper concludes with a number of suggestions for further research on communication barriers.  相似文献   

What are the actual barriers and drivers for sustainable building? A literature review, interviews and case studies are presented to address this question. Sustainable building is not hindered by a lack of technologies and assessment methods, but is instead beset with organizational and procedural difficulties entailed by the adoption of new methods. New technologies are resisted because they require process changes entailing risks and unforeseen costs. These hindrances can be reduced by learning what kind of decision-making phases, new tasks, actors, roles and ways of networking are needed. The barriers are outlined as steering mechanisms, economics, a lack of client understanding, process (procurement and tendering, timing, cooperation and networking), and underpinning knowledge (knowledge and common language, the availability of methods and tools, innovation). The most important actions to promote sustainable building are the development of the awareness of clients about the benefits of sustainable building, the development and adoption of methods for sustainable building requirement management, the mobilization of sustainable building tools, the development of designers' competence and team working, and the development of new concepts and services. The interviews and case studies were carried out in Finland, but the results may be applicable or interesting to other countries as well.

Quels sont les obstacles et les vecteurs actuels en matière de construction de bâtiments durables ? Il est présenté une analyse bibliographique, des entretiens et des études de cas afin d'examiner cette question. La construction de bâtiments durables n'est pas entravée par un manque de technologies et de méthodes d'évaluation, mais est plutôt en butte à de multiples difficultés organisationnelles et procédurales occasionnées par l'adoption de méthodes nouvelles. Il y a une résistance aux nouvelles technologies parce qu'elles nécessitent des modifications des processus entraînant des risques et des coûts imprévus. Il est possible de réduire ces entraves en faisant l'apprentissage de ce qui est nécessaire, s'agissant des phases de prise de décision, des nouvelles tâches, des nouveaux acteurs, des nouvelles fonctions et des nouveaux modes de mise en réseau. Les obstacles passés en revue concernent les mécanismes de pilotage, l'économie, un manque de compréhension des clients, les processus (achats et appels d'offres, timing, coopération et mise en réseau) et les connaissances de base (connaissances et langage commun, disponibilité des méthodes et des outils, innovation). Les mesures les plus importantes pour promouvoir la construction de bâtiments durables sont le développement de la sensibilisation des clients aux avantages d'un bâtiment durable, le développement et l'adoption de méthodes de gestion des exigences propres aux bâtiments durables, la mobilisation des outils de construction durable, le développement des compétences des concepteurs et du travail d'équipe, et le développement de concepts et de services nouveaux. Les entretiens et les études de cas ont été réalisés en Finlande, mais les résultats peuvent également s'appliquer à d'autres pays ou présenter un intérêt pour d'autres pays.

Mots clés: obstacles, industrie du bâtiment, vecteurs, gestion, changement organisationnel, professionnalisme, processus de construction durable, bâtiment durable  相似文献   

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