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Histometric evaluations as a function of time were performed with zirconium implants during the healing period in 10 Wistar rats. The implants (7 mm x 1 mm x 0.1 mm) were placed in the right tibia of the animals. Five rats were killed after 14 days and the remainder were sacrificed 30 days after implantation. The tibiae were resected, radiographed, and embedded in poly(methyl methacrylate). Three cross-sections were obtained transverse to the major axis of each tibia. Osseointegrated tissue thickness, percentage of direct bone-to-implant contact, and osseointegrated tissue volume were evaluated for each specimen. Bone formation was observed on the surface of the implanted strip that was in contact with tibia marrow. This method is proposed for the evaluation of the first stage of healing of bone in contact with different implant materials subjected to various surface treatment.  相似文献   

Ninety-four hips involved with total avascular necrosis in the treatment of congenital dislocation of the hips were reviewed in a search for etiological factors and effective salvage procedures. Pre-reduction traction and adductor tenotomy did not prevent avascular necrosis. Abduction of the hip in the "frog" position was the incriminating common denominator. This position may cause (1) interference of the blood supply to the femoral head by compression of the medial branch of the deep profundus artery; and (2) pressure on the intraepiphyseal grooves by the glenoid labrum. The containment of the femoral head by acetabuloplasty (preferably) below age 8, followed at a later date (over age 10) by transfer distally of the greater trochanter, with the abductor muscles, offers a satisfactory salvage procedure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate intravascular MR imaging in normal New Zealand rabbits and hereditary hyperlipidaemic Watanabe rabbits (WHHL) with histological correlation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The suprarenal abdominal aortas of two normal and two WHHL rabbits were examined by conventional angiography, high resolution MRT with a surface coil and intravascular MRT in a 1.5 T system. The intravascular reception coil consisted of a copper wire loop built into the balloon of an angioplasty catheter. The findings were correlated with histological examinations. RESULTS: Excellent spin echo images with a resolution of 78 x 156 microns were obtained in less than 4 minutes. The arteriosclerotic changes in the vessels of the WHHL rabbits could not be recognised angiographically. High resolution MRT with surface coils showed mural thickening but a detailed demonstration of arteriosclerotic lesions was possible only by means of high resolution intravascular imaging. There was good histological correlation. CONCLUSION: Arteriosclerotic lesions can be demonstrated in vivo by high resolution intravascular imaging.  相似文献   

We examined the femora of 2665 adult human skeletons from an osteological collection to determine the prevalence of post-slip morphology termed femoral head-tilt deformity by Murray and pistol-grip deformity by Stulberg et al. The hypothesis was that primary osteoarthrosis of the hip is a secondary manifestation of a subclinical developmental disorder of the hip. The prevalence of post-slip morphology was 8 per cent (215 of 2665 skeletons). Severe osteoarthrosis was more prevalent in association with post-slip morphology (116 [38 per cent] of 306 hips) than in the matched controls (seventy-nine [26 per cent] of 306 hips) (p < 0.005). In the skeletons that had unilateral post-slip morphology, severe osteoarthrosis was more prevalent in the involved hips (thirty-one [37 per cent] of eighty-three) than in the contralateral, normal hips (eighteen [22 per cent] of eighty-three) (p < 0.05). Post-slip morphology, which was unrelated to age, was found to be a major risk factor for the development of high-grade osteoarthrosis. We noted evidence of high-grade osteoarthrosis in sixty-three (68 percent) of the ninety-three hips with minimum post-slip morphology in skeletons from individuals who had been fifty-six years old or more at the time of death compared with forty-five (48 percent) of the ninety-three control hips. This difference was significant (p < 0.025) [corrected]. The osteoarthrosis in the hips with post-slip morphology was distinctly characterized by anterior flattening of the acetabulum, cystic degeneration in the anterior metaphyseal-epiphyseal region, and progression to global osteoarthrosis of the hip.  相似文献   

AIMS: To objectively assess the psychological and psychosexual morbidity of patients with vulvar vestibulitis. METHODS: 30 patients with variable degrees of vulvar vestibulitis were recruited from a vulval clinic. Each patient underwent a detailed history and clinical examination. Friedrich's criteria were used for the diagnosis of vulvar vestibulitis. Standardised questionnaires to assess psychological and psychosexual function were completed by the patient before review. These questionnaires were the STAI and a modified psychosexual questionnaire introduced by Campion. RESULTS: Patients experienced considerable psychological dysfunction compared with controls. All aspects of psychosexual dysfunction were affected. CONCLUSIONS: When managing patients, psychosexual and psychological issues must be considered in addition to other conventional types of therapy. Vulvar vestibulitis may be a risk factor for developing psychosexual complications including vaginismus, low libido, and orgasmic dysfunction. Consideration of these factors must be an integral part of the management of patients with all chronic vulval conditions.  相似文献   

A surgical technique, which uses a transverse osteotomy, for subtrochanteric femoral shortening and derotation in total hip arthroplasty for high-riding developmental dislocation of the hip is described. Anteversion is set by rotating the osteotomy fragments, and torsional stability is augmented with allograft struts and cables when indicated. Eight patients with 9 total hip arthroplasties were followed for an average of 43 months (range, 24-84 months). Good to excellent results were obtained in 87% of patients (7 of 8). Eight of 9 osteotomies (89%) demonstrated radiographic evidence of healing at an average of 5 months. One patient had an asymptomatic nonunion of the osteotomy site but still had a good overall clinical result. Another patient suffered fatigue failure of a distally ingrown porous device, which necessitated revision total hip arthroplasty 18 months after surgery. Subtrochanteric osteotomy in total hip arthroplasty for developmental dislocation of the hip allows for acetabular exposure and diaphyseal shortening while facilitating femoral derotation. Furthermore, proximal femoral bone stock is maintained and some of the potential complications of greater trochanteric osteotomy may be avoided.  相似文献   

In a prospective clinical study the intraarticular pressure of 55 patients with intracapsular femoral neck fractures was measured intraoperatively with the hip in different positions. Intraarticular hemarthrosis was quantified by a preoperative sonography examination. In 75% of the patients, increased intraarticular pressure caused by the hemarthrosis was found. The spontaneous median pressure increased significantly from 22 mm Hg with extension (28 mm Hg) and internal rotation of the hip joint (56 mm Hg). The lowest pressure was found in 70 degrees flexion (15 mm Hg). The median pressures increased within the first 24 hours after injury from 26 mm Hg in the first 6 hours to 46 mm Hg from 7 to 24 hours. Even in the first and second weeks after trauma, increased median pressures were detected (8.5 mm Hg and 13 mm Hg, respectively). No significant difference was found between undisplaced and displaced fracture types. Because increased joint pressure in other studies correlates with reduced perfusion of the femoral head, it can be deduced that reduction maneuvers without capsulotomy can compromise the circulation of the femoral head. Capsulotomy and osteosynthesis of the femoral neck at the earliest time possible is the best prophylaxis of tamponade. If the osteosynthesis is delayed, a preoperative sonography after admission and a control sonogram after 6 hours is recommended. In the event of relevant hemarthrosis, immediate therapeutic drainage is suggested for patients who will receive joint conserving osteosynthesis.  相似文献   

A total of 910 clinically normal hips in neonates younger than 48 h old was examined using an anterior-dynamic ultrasound method to determine normal values for the femoral head diameter and physiological movement of the femoral head in relation to the acetabulum. The femoral head diameters were found to correlate positively with both birthweight and gestational age and to be larger in boys than in girls, the mean values being 16.08 +/- 1.49 mm and 15.56 +/- 1.43, respectively. The values for maximal movement of the femoral head in relation to the acetabulum at provocation by Palmén/Barlow's test were 6.0, 6.6, and 6.8 mm for the birthweights 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 g, respectively. No significant difference was found between the results of four independent observers in the femoral head movement at provocation. The results of the first and the fourth examination were not significantly different, suggesting that more than four examinations are required to induce hip instability by using the Palmén/Barlow test. Repeated examination after 4 h did not show any significant difference between examinations.  相似文献   

60 patients with arthrosis who received a Charnley total hip replacement were randomly assigned to either an uncemented porous Harris-Galante type I socket or a cemented all-polyethylene Charnley socket. Socket migration and rotation were studied by radiostereometry (RSA) for 2 years. After 2 years, all sockets were still in situ. There was no difference in migration or rotation between the 2 socket designs, nor was there any difference in pain or function. We conclude that the initial fixation of the Harris-Galante socket resembles that of the Charnley socket.  相似文献   

In a canine model, the fixation stability of a prosthesis and proximal bone graft composite were measured relative to the distal femur. One group had the prosthesis graft composite cemented into the distal femur. The second group had the prosthesis graft composite press fit into the distal femur for biologic ingrowth. Displacements of the proximal femoral grafts relative to the host bone in each group were measured after ex vivo (acute with graft) implantation and 4 months after implantation. A third group with no osteotomy (acute intact) simulated perfect graft to host bone union. Relative displacements representing 6 degrees freedom (translation and rotation) were calculated from the displacement values measured by 9 eddy current transducers. Measurements of displacement were used to test the hypothesis that distal press fit fixation equals distal cement fixation at 4 months after implantation. In all cases the measured translations and rotations of the graft to implant construct were small and of a magnitude that should encourage bone ingrowth (< 0.05 mm and < 0.1 degree, respectively). The stability of the press fit group at 4 months was not significantly different from the cemented group in axial and transverse displacement during axial and transverse loading, respectively. There was no difference in stabilities at 4 months between distal press fit and cemented fixation in hip replacements requiring a proximal femoral graft.  相似文献   

Third generation cementing techniques using intramedullary restrictors, low porosity cement with pressurization, lavage, and cement-stem bond enhancement do not prevent implant malalignment and inadequate cement mantle thickness. This has led to the development of modular proximal and distal centralizers to control the alignment of the femoral component and maintain an adequate thickness of the cement, thereby theoretically decreasing the rate of aseptic loosening. A retrospective analysis was performed of 100 primary cemented centralized femoral components. At an average followup of 5.7 years (range, 4-8 years), the average Harris Hip Score was 90. There were no cases of aseptic loosening, osteolysis, or impending failure. Ninety-one percent of femoral stems were implanted with satisfactory alignment with an optimal cement thickness. However, six distal centralizers and one proximal centralizer fractured at the time of insertion and voids frequently were seen in and around the distal centralizer. Although centralizers improve prosthesis alignment and cement mantle thickness, the long term effects of centralizer fracture and distal cement voids need to be observed to determine if centralizers improve previous implant survival.  相似文献   

The levels of plasma lipids and the values of the different electrophoretic fractions of lipoproteins were measured in cord blood of 300 new borns selected at random. The value found are expressed as me +/- S.D. (limits X +/-2s) and were the following: total cholesterol 80.4 +/- 17.5 (limits 45-115) mg./100 ml., LDL cholesterol (by precipitation) 33+/-11 (limits 11-55) mg./100 ml., betalipo-protein (by immunodifusion) 142.7+/-26.4 (limits 90-195) mg./100 ml. and triglycerides 35+/-13 (limits 9-61) mg./100 ml. The figures for the different electrophoretic fractions of lipoproteins were expressed in per cent of the total area and were the following: betalipoproteins 42.9+/-10.3 (limits 22-63%), prebetalipoproteins 3.09+/-2.79 (limits 0-8.6%) and alphalipoproteins 53.8 +/- 9.5 (limits 35-73%). The beta/alpha ratio was 0.91+/-0.33 (limits 0.25-1.6).  相似文献   

The radiographic course of 101 hips with residual dysplasia treated with roof plasty combined with intertrochanteric varus derotation osteotomy using the osteotomy wedge as a roof graft after Mittelmeier were reviewed. The average followup period was 8.8 years. The acetabular angle was improved by an average of 16 degrees (postoperative mean, 19 degrees; average at followup, 18 degrees). The center edge angle also was improved by 16 degrees and was stable at 25 degrees average at followup. The neck shaft angle, abnormal in 70% of hips preoperatively, was reduced by the varus osteotomies to a mean of 111 degrees and showed a spontaneous postoperative increase to normal values of an average of 129 degrees. There was no correlation of the postoperative of the neck shaft angle to patient age, preoperative valgus extension, correction angle, or length of followup. In nearly all cases, an almost anatomic joint shape was achieved. With a complication rate of only 1%, especially regarding the rate of necroses of the femoral head, the presented surgical technique can be recommended as highly effective, reliable, and safe for the treatment of congenital hip dislocation.  相似文献   

Explores the impact of rape as a precipitant of an emotional crisis. Guidelines are offered for assisting the therapist in determining whether a crisis-oriented vs intensive psychotherapy model is more appropriate for rape victims seeking treatment. Consideration is given to chief complaint, symptom duration and onset, developmental status, ability to discuss assault, meanings ascribed to assault, social system response, coping style, and life changes since assault. The cases of 4 females and 1 male who were sexually assaulted are included. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Gamma nail, an implant specifically designed for intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric femoral fractures, has been criticized for its high risk of secondary shaft fractures. A modified design, the intramedullary hip screw has recently been introduced to correct this complication. We present a case of mechanical failure of this new implant that occurred in a pathological subtrochanteric fracture. The centering sleeve of the implant became loose and migrated while the head screw penetrated the acetabulum. Refixation was successful.  相似文献   

Since the distribution of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) is not regular, this study was performed to evaluate the normal regional variation in its ophthalmoscopic appearance. Wide-angle red-free photographs of the RNFL and color stereo optic disc slides of 195 normal eyes of 119 subjects were morphometrically examined. The RNFL was most visible in the temporal inferior sector, with the neuroretinal rim being correspondingly broadest (P < 0.001) and the diameter of the corresponding retinal artery the widest; these parameters were found to diminish appreciably in the temporal superior sector, the nasal superior sector, and the nasal inferior sector in this order. The visibility of the RNFL in a particular region therefore correlates positively with the rim width and retinal artery caliber in that region, the RNFL being most detectable in the temporal inferior part of the fundus. This may be important in the evaluation of eyes with optic nerve damage.  相似文献   

The radiographic results of 15 uncemented femoral revisions after a minimum follow-up period of 2 years are reported. Digital imaging was used to quantify the remodeling of the cortical bone. A method using computer-assisted video densitometry was developed and radiographs were scanned and digitized by a computer. The femoral cortex in five regions, as well as the endosteal diameter, was determined. After rearthroplasty, there was a significant loss in cortical bone with widening of the medullary canal. The periosteal diameter did not change. This endosteal resorption could contribute to further aseptic loosening. In addition, it could be an explanation of the primary prosthetic failure; one mode of failure could be an accelerated rate of endosteal expansion in a subgroup of the general population after hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

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