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The relation between the structure of a market and the diversity of its product offering has been extensively explored by theorists. We develop 2 measures of diversity and explore the content of local news for 60 stations and 20 designated market areas (DMAs) in the United States. Using a relative station-level diversity metric, ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates imply that relative diversity of local news content decreases as market concentration increases. This result is not, however, robust to an instrumental variables specification. Using a total market diversity metric, the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (Hirshman, 1964) is significant in OLS and robust to instrumental variable estimation. Because the total market diversity metric is arguably superior to the incremental metric as a measure of overall diversity, this result is useful-it suggests that the total diversity of local news content within a DMA is sensitive to the level of concentration.  相似文献   


This paper examines the emergence of a news ecosystem, focusing on Hespress, Morocco’s first, largest, and most popular news website and its current economic success. My analysis investigates Hespress’s emergence and growth into a significant source for news content, reaching an unprecedented number of readers in Morocco and abroad. This paper argues that the success of Hespress’s business model is grounded in a particularly well-developed understanding of social media, the changing habits of digital readers, and a strategic combination of investigative reporting and curated user-generated content. My findings, then, show how Hespress used a strategy that can serve as a sustainable revenue model which was diversified to include other sources of revenue such as e-commerce, branded events, and native advertising, combined with distribution strategies that rely heavily on social and other digital platforms.  相似文献   

Framed by the technology acceptance and customer-based brand equity (CBBE) models, this study investigated how audiences intend to use broadcast television network Web sites. Drawing upon the results of a survey (N = 178), this research found that perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment significantly influence intent to use broadcast Web sites. Findings also reveal that CBBE plays a significant role as a mediator between motivations and behavioral intention to use broadcast networks' Web sites. It is concluded that as the medium of television evolves, networks' Web sites should be conduits for sustained brand allegiance and broadcasters should make more strategic use of their Web sites.  相似文献   

In the business world, electronic mail (e-mail) has emerged as a widely used communication tool for transmitting knowledge between managers. As a result, these messages will require organization should future access to this trapped knowledge be expected and desired. A manager's e-mail classification scheme should be logically constructed in anticipation of future need, but future need may be driven by the information needs of other people within the organization such as superiors or subordinates. This researcher explored the nature of e-mail classification and documented the emergence of a high utility, multi-stage, classification process. The resulting framework consists of four categories that help explain how managers classify business-related e-mail. The first category reflects the immediate needs of the manager and the behavior of establishing relationships between messages. The second category reflects the manager's use of the in-box as a crude task-manager. The third category aligns with the manager's interest in scanning the environment. The fourth category reflects the managers perceived future need for the captured knowledge. The subjects rejected automatic classification and preferred an enumerative scheme. The researcher illustrates how the results of this study align with Marco and Navarro's three stage cognitive process that leads to stored knowledge (On some contributions of the cognitive sciences and epistemology to a theory of classification, Knowledge Organization, 20(3), 126–132). The cognitive processes that underlie classification are an essential component in understanding knowledge organization and have remained in focus during this study.  相似文献   

The diffusion of international television programs has been an important area of international communication research. In this article, we use theoretical constructs from country-of-origin and cultural proximity literatures and develop a model to explain audience's attitudes toward and willingness to watch imported television programs from China. Our study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data from 553 respondents in Taiwan. We examined television programs imported from China, a country that has tried to invade Taiwan to destroy its democracy in the past decades. Regression analyses found that, whereas cultural proximity was an important predictor, animosity turned out to be a more powerful predictor of Taiwanese audience's attitudes toward television programs from China. The results also demonstrated that if the Taiwanese audience perceived China as holding less animosity and more cultural proximity, they had more positive attitudes and were more willing to watch television programs imported from China.  相似文献   

本文以专业主义研究的社会、认知和伦理三个维度为分析框架,以奥运会国际公用电视信号制作者群体与制作理念为分析对象,探索性地分析了体育电视专业主义指标框架的三个维度,识别出体育电视专业群体、强调体育精神的传播理念、保持角色中立,为体育精神服务等三个维度的11个指标。  相似文献   

试论新闻写作的叙事角度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪60年代末,叙事学(Narratology)理论在西方兴起,经过三十多年的发展,这一理论在解读和阐释文学作品方面取得了令人瞩目的进展。新闻报道作为一种典型的叙事作品,不仅要关注“说什么”,而且要讲究“怎么说”,因而它在遵循新闻规律的同时,也需要从叙事学理论中汲取营养,以不断丰  相似文献   

A content analysis of television network news was conducted to assess the portrayal of race and criminal behavior. Findings revealed that Whites were more likely than African Americans to appear as perpetrators, victims, and officers. Both African Americans and Whites were more likely to appear as perpetrators than as victims and officers. African American and White law-breakers were represented in a way consistent with their perpetration rates. However, Whites were overrepresented while African Americans were underrepresented as victims of violent crime. Furthermore, Whites were over represented and African Americans were under-represented as police officers. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

图书馆具有信息服务的优势,但网络环境下,图书馆信息服务要在激烈的市场竞争中增强竞争力,必须加强服务品牌的建立,实施服务名牌的市场宣传、市场扩展、市场质量评价和品牌效益的战略方针和步骤。  相似文献   

The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) was often considered the awaited revolution in the way people use television; however, TV recipients seem reluctant to adopt this innovation. This article suggests a new perspective in that the DVR should be interpreted as a supply-side service innovation instead of a hardware consumer innovation. Evaluating the perceived attributes of the DVR as an innovation, it turns out that the supply-side service innovation is more likely to succeed. The article discusses the possible impact of the DVR on the value chain of television and on the exploitation chain of motion picture rights. Focusing on the features of time shifting and advertising avoidance, it is shown that the relevance of broadcasters will diminish in comparison to the distributors'. Finally, the article discusses how the DVR might develop as a new profit window in the exploitation chain of motion picture rights and thereby make a lead into video distribution without a physical medium. Altogether, it is shown that the distributors will benefit more from the DVR than the recipients will, and therefore, it is indicated to change perspectives and evaluate the DVR as a supply-side innovation.  相似文献   

构建图书馆诚信服务体系初探   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
图书馆构建诚信服务体系,具有深远的现实意义。职业道德、制度规范、服务质量、信息导向和知识产权保护等是构成该体系的要素。为保证该体系正常运转和不断完善,必须在馆员教育、用户宣传、信息反馈、监督机制等方面做出努力。  相似文献   

阅读美国记者精心撰写的新闻特稿,常常感到有一些抓人的东西。细细品味,除了视角新颖、笔法娴熟等采写技巧方面的因素之外,文章字里行间充溢着的浓浓的人情味,时时都在感染着你,吸引着你,使你难以抗拒地一直往下读。可以毫不夸张地说,注重发掘和善于表现新闻中的人物、事件所蕴含的人情味要素,这是许多美国新闻特稿的一个鲜明特色。我认为,这也是一个值得我国新闻界认真思考和深入研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the potential of a cognitive mapping variant called argument mapping for representing the process of ethical reasoning in journalism. The assumption is that some ethical reasoning journalists do on the job may be observable in the ethical argumentation that takes place among peers in newsroom discussions about ethically problematic situations. After some background on cognitive mapping and the novel aspects of its application in this study, an extended example is presented to illustrate the usefulness and limitations of the argument mapping technique in this context.  相似文献   

The macro versus micro debate in the brand personality literature has yielded a variety of micro approach brand personality scales for different media, with both differences and parallels in personality dimensions uncovered. The observed parallels in media brand personality dimensions and the varying media contexts under which empirical tests of selective exposure theories have been conducted suggest some common ground in the way that media product brands of different formats are perceived by individuals prior to selection and that the optimal method of measuring brand personality for media products may be neither broad macro inventories nor highly context-specific micro measures but somewhere in between. This article discusses the construction of a unified scale of media brand personality that can measure the personality of movie, TV show, pop song, news, and video game brands. The results of a two-step study consisting of free-association task (N = 1,440) and factor structure formation survey of selected items (N = 4,967) suggest a three-factor structure consisting of aggression, heroism, and warmth. Communication, media management, and marketing ramifications of this scale and potential directions of future research are discussed.  相似文献   

关于信息管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对信息要素的地位和作用,信息资源的内涵,信息管理的形成与演变,信息管理与信息技术和一般管理之间的关系,信息管理的领域、层次和目标,信息管理和信息资源管理的关系等问题进行分析和探讨,并提出具体的见解。  相似文献   

随着传媒技术的发展,网络传播环境进入WebX.0时代.在新的媒体传播环境下,消费者的媒体接触习惯和消费行为都产生变化.本文探讨了福建品牌特步在新的媒体环境下使用网络广告传播其品牌内涵"时尚运动"的策略.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of mobile phone use for mutual support within social networks of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). A sample of mobile phone owners and non-owners in AA was surveyed to assess their perceptions and uses of this technology. Mobile phone owners reported very positive perceptions of the technology as a resource for recovery and heavy use of the mobile phone for this purpose. Non-owners also reported positive perceptions of the mobile phone as a resource for recovery and that expense was the primary reason for not using a mobile phone in their recovery efforts. Heuristic, theoretical, and practical implications of the study are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of mobile phone use for mutual support within social networks of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). A sample of mobile phone owners and non-owners in AA was surveyed to assess their perceptions and uses of this technology. Mobile phone owners reported very positive perceptions of the technology as a resource for recovery and heavy use of the mobile phone for this purpose. Non-owners also reported positive perceptions of the mobile phone as a resource for recovery and that expense was the primary reason for not using a mobile phone in their recovery efforts. Heuristic, theoretical, and practical implications of the study are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

在中国电视的整体格局中 ,省级卫视如何突破成为近几年业界关注的一个热点 ;在“全球化”的语境中 ,“本土化”、“本地化”的道路究竟应当怎么走 ,对于中国电视的改革与发展至关重要 ,拉动中国电视的“发动机”到底是什么 ,不论是拉动社会效益 ,还是拉动经济效益 ,也都是颇为值得探讨的重要命题。安徽电视台经济生活频道《第一时间》一年来的实践 ,对于回答以上问题具有典型的个案价值。为此 ,我们约请有关专家 ,对此进行了较为深入的探讨  相似文献   

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