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Biologists who study the timing of development in insects have focused on variation in duration of pre‐adult stages almost without exception. However, development is not complete until adults are not only morphologically mature, but also reproductively mature. Here we describe an experiment in the fruit fly, Drosophila simulans, in which we used artificial selection to create lines with shortened and lengthened duration from eclosion to the age when the first egg was laid. We found significant genetic variation for this trait. The response to selection on age when the first egg was laid was due to variation among females. Delayed adult development was correlated with rapid pre‐adult development and longer life span in females. The approach we use here resolves some difficulties with previous approaches used to study the genetics of senescence, and provides an opportunity to study the hitherto unexamined predictions derived from classic models for the evolution of senescence.  相似文献   

Many animal taxa exhibit a positive correlation between sexual size dimorphism and sex differences in age at maturity, such that members of the larger sex mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex. Previous workers have suggested that sexual bimaturation is a product of sex differences in growth trajectories, but to date no one has tested this hypothesis. The current study uses growth-based models to study relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation in species with asymptotic growth after maturity. These models show that sex differences in asymptotic size would produce sexual bimaturation even if both sexes approach their respective asymptotic sizes at the same age, mature at the same proportion of asymptotic size and have otherwise equivalent growth and maturation patterns. Furthermore, our analyses show that there are three ways to reduce sexual bimaturation in sexually size-dimorphic species: (1) higher characteristic growth rates for members of the larger sex, (2) larger size at birth, hatching or metamorphosis for members of the larger sex or (3) smaller ratio of size at maturity to asymptotic size (relative size at maturity) for members of the larger sex. Of these three options, sex differences in relative size at maturity are most common in size-dimorphic species and, in both male-larger and female-larger species, members of the larger sex frequently mature at a smaller proportion of their asymptotic size than do members of the smaller sex. Information about the growth and maturation patterns of a taxon can be used to determine relationships between sexual size dimorphism and sexual bimaturation for the members of that taxon. This process is illustrated for Anolis lizards, a genus in which both sexes exhibit the same strong correlation (r 0.97) between size at maturity and asymptotic size, and in which the relative size at maturity is inversely related to asymptotic size for both sexes. As a result, sexually size-dimorphic species of anoles exhibit the expected pattern of a smaller relative size at maturity for members of the larger sex. However, for species in this genus, sex differences in the relative size at maturity are not strong enough to produce the same age at maturity for both sexes in sexually size-dimorphic species. Members of the larger sex (usually males) are still expected to mature at older ages than members of the smaller sex in Anolis lizards.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a conspicuous yet poorly understood pattern across many organisms. Although artificial selection is an important tool for studying the evolution of SSD, previous studies have applied selection to only a single sex or to both sexes in the same direction. In nature, however, SSD likely arises through sex-specific selection on body size. Here, we use Tribolium castaneum flour beetles to investigate the evolution of SSD by subjecting males and females to sexually antagonistic selection on body size (sexes selected in opposite directions). Additionally, we examined correlated responses to body size selection in larval growth rates and development time. After seven generations, SSD remained unchanged in all selected lines; this observed lack of response to short-term selection may be attributed to evolutionary constraints arising from between-sex body size correlations. Developmental traits showed complex correlated responses under different selection treatments. These results suggest that sex-specific larval development patterns may facilitate the evolution of SSD.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L. (ribwort plantain) produces two costly terpenoid secondary plant compounds, the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol. We performed an artificial selection experiment to investigate direct and correlated responses to selection on the constitutive level of iridoid glycosides in the leaves for four generations. Estimated realized heritabilities (±SE) were 0.23 ± 0.07 and 0.23 ± 0.04 for upward and downward selection, respectively. The response to upward selection was caused by selection for a developmental pattern characterized by the production of fewer leaves that on average contain more iridoids, and by selection for a development‐independent increase in the level of these compounds. Significant correlated responses were observed for plant growth form. Upward selection resulted in plants with larger sized, but fewer leaves, fewer side rosettes, and fewer spikes, corresponding to a previously distinguished ‘hayfield’ ecotype, whereas downward selection produced the opposite pattern, corresponding to a ‘pasture’ ecotype. This indicates that the level of iridoid glycosides is genetically correlated with morphological traits in P. lanceolata, and is part of the complex of genetically correlated traits underlying the two ecotypes. The genetic association between iridoid level and growth forms suggests that there may be constraints to the simultaneous evolution of resistance to generalist insects (by iridoid glycosides) and to larger grazers (by a high production rate of prostrate leaves and inflorescences) in open grazed habitats where the ‘pasture’ ecotype is found.  相似文献   

In experiments on 5 age groups of anesthetized guinea pigs (from newborns to 4 weeks of postnatal ontogenesis), activity of cerebellum Purkinje cells (PC) (IV-VII lobules of cerebellar vermis) was studied in the single track of microelectrode passing through cell layers. It has been shown that as early as several hours after birth, in the superficial layer of cerebellar cortex, there are recorded occasional background-active, but functionally mature PC represented by simple and complex spikes and accordingly reflecting synaptic PC activation by afferent inputs of mossy and climbing fibers. The functional manifestation of the guinea pig motor behavior at this period of ontogenesis is act of their standing. At this period of ontogenesis, in the newborn and one-day old guinea pigs, from 1 to rarely 11 active PC are recorded, on average, in the single microelectrode track. At the one-week age, the highest number active PC in the track somewhat increases, predominantly at the expense of the mean from the total number of the cells in the track. In the 2-week old guinea pigs the mean number of active PC in the track somewhat falls, while in the 4-week old and adult animals exceeds again, although slightly of the maximal number of PC in the track of newborn animals. The relatively high number of active PC at the very initial period of postnatal ontogenesis can indicate importance of motor function in the congenital food-procuring reflex.  相似文献   

In experiments on 5 age groups of anesthetized guinea pigs (from newborns to 4 weeks of postnatal ontogenesis), activity of cerebellum Purkinje cells (PC) (IV–VII lobules of cerebellar vermis) was studied in the single track of microelectrode passing through cell layers. It has been shown that as early as several hours after birth, in the superficial layer of cerebellar cortex, there are recorded occasional background-active, but functionally mature PC in the form of simple and complex spikes and accordingly reflecting synaptic PC activation by afferent inputs of mossy and climbing fibers. The functional manifestation of the guinea pig motor behavior at this period of ontogenesis is act of their standing. At this period of ontogenesis, in the newborn and one-day old guinea pigs, on average, from 1 to rarely 11 active PC are recorded in the single microelectrode track. At the one-week age, the highest number of active PC in the track somewhat increases, predominantly at the expense of the mean from the total number of cells in the track. In the 2-week old guinea pigs the mean number of active PC in the track somewhat falls, while in the 4-week old and adult animals it again exceeds, although slightly, the maximal number of PC in the track of newborn animals. The relatively high number of active PC at the very initial period of postnatal ontogenesis can indicate importance of motor function in the congenital food-procuring reflex.  相似文献   

Cell size, measured electronically, was correlated to changes in cellular composition, number, and morphology of Azotobacter vinelandii OP during batch growth. The effect of a changing abiotic environment on these features of the cell is discussed. For this organism exponential growth was unbalanced growth and cell-size change was a sensitive indicator of this growth pattern. Cell-size measurements have the potential to give a rapid assessment of intracellular compositional changes.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of bilateral asymmetry in epiphyseal union as an indicator of environmental stress affecting the skeleton. We compared the extent of asymmetry in the postcranial skeleton between two cemetery samples excavated from Medieval Kulubnarti, Sudanese Nubia. Past studies have strongly suggested that these ancient Nubians experienced environmental stress-the early Christian period (550-750 AD) population to a greater extent than the late Christian period (750-1450 AD) population. We hypothesized that if bilateral asymmetry is a reflection of stress, then it should be present or greater in the more stressed population, the early Christian period population, while absent or found to a lesser extent in the less stressed population, the late Christian period population. We computed two mean values, representative of right-side and left-side epiphyseal union, for each individual in both cemetery samples, and tested for significant differences. Bilateral asymmetry was significant in the combined cemetery sample of 90 individuals (P < 0.019). When cemetery samples were tested separately, bilateral asymmetry was significant for the early Christian period sample (P < 0.001), but not for the late Christian period sample. There were no differences attributable to sex. Finally, we discuss why we conclude that environmental stress was favored over a biomechanic explanation as the cause for asymmetry. To the extent that our results support previous findings that early Christian period individuals were more affected by environmental stress than late Christian period individuals, it is reasonable to consider bilateral asymmetry in skeletal growth and maturation a good indicator of environmental stress.  相似文献   

The ratio of entropy generation rate to entropy embodied in structures relatively to the surroundings can be considered as an indicator of the ability of a self-organizing dissipative system to maintain itself far from equilibrium by pumping out entropy. The higher the ratio (which may be called the specific entropy production or the specific dissipation of a system), the lower the capacity of a system to convert the incoming low-entropy energy into internal organization. It appears that the ratio attains special significance for interpreting the evolution of biological systems, as the maximum expression of self-organizing systems, from the sub-cellular to the ecosystem scale. This paper proposes specific dissipation, written as the ratio of biological entropy production to exergy stored in the living biomass, as a thermodynamic orientor as well as an indicator of the development state of ecological systems. After having presented a method for estimating the specific dissipation in lakes, the adequacy of the proposed indicator is discussed and also tested by comparing its response to those of some classical ecological attributes (successional sequences of species, biodiversity, individual body size, structural organization and generation time of organisms) throughout the seasonal progression of the plankton community in Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, Italy). The results support the hypothesis that the minimization of specific dissipation is a primary criterion of evolution of ecological systems and also sustain the use of specific dissipation as an indicator of ecological maturity.  相似文献   

In this paper I am concerned with the behaviour of seabirds that bring back just one prey item at a time to their young. I use a simple model from central place foraging theory to show that the size of fish that a parent bird brings back may increase or decrease with an increase in the abundance of fish. This means that it may not be possible to use the size of fish that is fed to the young as an indicator of prey abundance.  相似文献   

Pollen size varies little within angiosperm species, but differs extensively between species, suggesting the action of strong selection. Nevertheless, the potential for genetic responses of pollen size to selection, as determined by additive genetic variance and genetic correlations with other floral traits, has received little attention. To assess this potential, we subjected Brassica rapa to artificial selection for large and small pollen during three generations. This selection caused significant divergence in pollen diameter, with additive genetic effects accounting for over 30% of the observed phenotypic variation in pollen size. Such heritable genetic variation suggests that natural selection could effect evolutionary change in this trait. Selection on pollen size also elicited correlated responses in pollen number (–), flower size (+), style length (+), and ovule number (+), suggesting that pollen size cannot evolve independently. The correlated responses of pollen number, flower size and ovule number probably reflect the genetically determined and physically constrained pattern of resource allocation in B. rapa. In contrast, the positive correlation between pollen size and style length may represent a widespread gametic‐phase disequilibrium in angiosperms that arises from nonrandom fertilization success of large pollen in pistils with long styles.  相似文献   

Selection based upon testicular diameter adjusted for body weight at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age was used to produce two lines of sheep, with either high or low testicular size. Ten generations of selection were carried out and the estimate of the realized heritability of the selection criterion was 0.53 +/- 0.01. There were significant positive correlated responses to selection for testicular diameter at 6, 10 and 14 weeks of age, but the correlated responses in body weight at these ages were negative. In mature females, there were significant negative correlated responses to selection in premating body weight in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd breeding season and in the day of the first oestrus in the 2nd breeding season. Litter size per ewe mated had a small positive correlated response to selection in the second breeding season. This latter response appeared to be due to a positive correlated response in fertility, ewes from the High-line having a significantly higher probability of conceiving to a single mating than those from the Low-line. There was no significant correlated response in ovulation rate or litter size per ewe lambing and the genetic correlation between these traits and the selection criterion is likely to be close to zero. This may be due to the adjustment for body weight used, but it is possible that, in any event, body weight in young rams may be a better predictor of female ovulation rate than testicular diameter. These results do not rule out the possibility that testicular size in rams older than those selected would provide a good predictor of genetic merit for female ovulation rate.  相似文献   

The possible associations between longevity, early fecundity, and stress-resistance traits were explored using artificial selection on longevity in a laboratory population of Drosophila buzzatii . Three replicated lines were selected for increased lifespan (L lines) and compared with the respective unselected controls (C lines) after the 14th generation of selection. Mean longevity exhibited a significant response to selection. The baseline mortality tended to decrease in the L lines and a negative correlated response to longevity selection was found for early fecundity. Egg-to-adult developmental time increased in L lines. Longevity selection increased stress resistance for both high and low temperatures, as measured by heat knockdown resistance and chill-coma recovery. Starvation resistance also tended to be higher in L than in C lines. The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis of trade-offs between longevity and early fecundity, and also suggest a trade-off association between adult longevity and developmental time. Correlated selection responses were generally consistent with correlations among the traits previously inferred from altitudinal clines for longevity and stress-resistance phenotypes.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 738–748.  相似文献   

Growth of periphyton was studied in the Archipelago Sea (Finland) during summer 1994 as a part of the annual monitoring control of fish farms. Experimental growth plates (Whatman GF/C filters) were incubated (two weeks) at 213 sites in different parts of the Archipelago Sea and in the coastal area north of the Archipelago Sea. At each site incubations were repeated two or three times during the summer (July 4- -September 1). The growth of periphyton was measured as the amount of chlorophyll a (mg m-2) extracted from the incubation plates. The growth varied significantly among different parts of the study area. The strongest growth was observed in the inner archipelago and in areas with high fish production and relatively slow water exchange. In the outer archipelago, rapid water exchange ensured good mixing of nutrients from fish farms and other sources into relatively large water volumes. The local impacts of nutrient loading thus remained too low to be detected by measuring nutrient concentrations or periphyton growth. Periphyton growth was positively correlated with concentrations of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll a in the productivity layer (approximately 2 × Secchi depth). A significant inverse correlation was also shown between periphyton growth and Secchi depth. Archipelago areas with different levels of eutrophication could satisfactorily be distinguished in this study. The results were consequent with previous classifications of the eutrophication levels in the Archipelago Sea. Periphyton studies thus are a useful addition to conventional monitoring programs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The metabolic properties of crustacean eggs and the major organic reserve utilized for embryogenesis are dependent on the egg-size correlated deposition of fat/protein in the yolk.  相似文献   

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