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介绍了锂离子电池的发展历程、原理、特点和趋势,引出了负极材料开发的重要性,并根据近十多年来锂离子电池碳负极材料的研究成果,综述了在可石墨化碳、无定形碳、石墨等三个主导方向上的研究进展情况,总结了目前碳材料改性的优势和不足,提出了今后发展方向。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Lithiumionbatterieshaveattractedworldwide attentionandbeendevelopedrapidlyduetotheirhighenergydensity,goodcharge dischargeper formancesandlongcyclelife[14].Theseoutstand ingpropertiesresultfromtheuseofcarbonmateri alsasanodeinsteadoflithiummetal.However,thespecificcapacityofcarbonmaterialsisfar smallerthanthatoflithiummetal(3670mA·h/g).Muchefforthasbeenfocusedonimprovingca pacityofcarbonanodesduringthepastfew years[57].Recentworkindicatedthatdisorderedcar bons,obtainedbypy…  相似文献   

钛酸锂因零应变特性已成为性能优异的锂离子电池负极材料,但导电性差和锂离子扩散率低等问题限制了其广泛应用.在介绍钛酸锂主要制备方法的基础上综述了国内外对于该材料作为锂离子电池负极材料的改性方法,包括体相内的金属离子掺杂、碳包覆和氮化处理等表面改性手段以及材料粒子的大小和形貌控制等.除了体相内锂位的掺杂对材料性能提升不明显外,导电层包覆和颗粒纳米化对材料性能都有较大的提高,因此对于钛酸锂体相内氧位或锂位的掺杂是比较有价值的研究方向.要同时提高材料的离子导电率和电子导电率必须从多个方面综合考虑和设计.  相似文献   

用溶剂热法合成了纳米尺寸的CoSb合金粉末,并研究了该合金粉末作为锂离子二次电池新型负极材料的电化学性能.合成的合金粉末经过了X射线衍射 (XRD)、透射电镜 (TEM) 和场发射扫描电镜 (FESEM) 的表征,研究发现,该合金粉末的首次可逆容量达到362 mA·h/g,经过了20个循环后,其可逆容量仍保持在320 mA·h/g. 与用悬浮熔炼/球磨工艺所得的微米尺寸的合金粉末相比,用溶剂热方法制得的纳米CoSb粉末的可逆容量和循环性能均显著提高.这是因为,纳米CoSb粉末颗粒尺寸较小,在充放电过程中绝对体积变化较小 (尤其在最初的几个循环中),这显著地减缓了活性材料的粉化和剥落.  相似文献   

碳钠米管-Sn2Sb纳米复合材料的电化学吸放锂性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用化学还原的方法制备了碳钠米管-Sn2Sb合金的纳米复合材料.SEM和TEM观察结果表明,Sn-Sb合金纳米粒子均匀地分布在碳钠米管的网络中,部分合金包覆在碳钠米管的表面.充放电试验结果显示,碳钠米管-Sn2Sb合金纳米复合材料具有良好的电化学吸放锂性能,其可逆容量显著大于碳钠米管,而循环稳定性优于Sn-Sb合金.这种循环性能的改善主要是由于碳钠米管改善了电过程中电极结构的稳定性.  相似文献   

锂离子电池锑基复合氧化物负极材料的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用共沉淀法制备了SbFeO3和SbPbO2.5锑基复合氧化物粉末.将其分别作为锂离子电池负极材料的活性物质,利用恒电流电池测试仪研究它们的电化学性能.这两种锑基复合氧化物都有较高的电化学容量,SbFeO3的可逆容量为550mAh/g,SbPbO2.5的可逆容量为1270mAh/g,这两种锑基复合氧化物的电化学容量远高于碳材料(石墨的理论容量为372mah/g),因此,可以作为锂离子电池负极材料的候选材料.  相似文献   

结合基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理平面波赝势方法,研究了石墨晶胞中嵌入不同数量的锂离子所产生晶体结构的变化、形成能、电子结构以及锂离子的迁移过程,并通过测试磁控溅射法制备的石墨薄膜电极的充放电循环性能证明了仿真结果.研究发现:随着锂离子嵌入数量的增加,石墨晶胞的体积逐渐增加,当嵌入6个锂离子后,石墨晶胞体积膨胀了20.5...  相似文献   

空气中合成锂离子电池正极材料LiNi1-xTixO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以N i(OH)2、TiO2和LiOH.H2O为原料,采用固相反应法在空气中合成了LiN i1-xTixO2(x=0.025、0.050、0.100),用XRD研究了合成材料的物相和结构,用SEM研究了合成材料的形貌,用电池性能测试仪研究了合成材料的电化学性能.结果表明,原料中的n(Ti)/n(N i Ti)值对合成材料的结构和电化学性能影响很大.少量的钛可以进入LiN iO2的晶格形成LiN i1-xTixO2固溶体,而钛含量过大则会出现杂相.n(Ti)/n(N i Ti)值为0.050的样品结构有序度最高,充放电容量最大.  相似文献   

A series of carbonaceous mesophase spherule/activated carbon composites were prepared as anode materials for super lithium ion capacitors using carbonaceous mesophase spherules as the core materials and pitch as the active carbon shell precursor.The structures of the composites were examined by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry.The electrochemical performance was investigated in electric double layer capacitor and half-cell.The results show that,the composite exhibits good performance in...  相似文献   

5V锂离子电池正极材料的制备和电化学性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用液相法合成出用锂和镍取代的尖晶石锂锰氧化物正极材料.用XRD和FTIR对其进行了表征,并探讨了其在有机电解液的电化学性能.研究结果表明:在锂锰氧化物掺入适量的镍(锰∶镍的摩尔比为1.4∶0.6)可以改善尖晶石LiMn2O4的循环性能,提高放电平台,使其大部分容量往高电位方向移动,电池的放电电压提高,这样的材料适合做5V电池的正极材料.  相似文献   

The demands for better energy storage devices due to fast development of electric vehicles(EVs) have raised increasing attention on lithium ion batteries(LIBs) with high power and energy densities. In this paper, we provide an overview of recent progress in graphene-based electrode materials. Graphene with its great electrical conductivity and mechanical properties have apparently improved the performance of traditional electrode materials. The methods and electrochemical properties of advanced graphene composite as cathode and anode for LIBs are reviewed. Two novel kinds of graphene hybrid materials are specially highlighted: three-dimensional porous and flexible binder-free graphene-based materials. Challenges for LIBs and future research trend in the development of high-performance electrode materials are further discussed.  相似文献   

A chemical deposition was supposed to be an effwient method in preparation of nano-sized Sn/ MWNTs. The nanoconmposites of MWNTs and Sn/ MWNTs were both used as anodes of lithium ion battery. The special capacities and coulomb efficiencies of Snl MWNTs were studied by means of electrochemical methods. The coating of Sn on MWNTs observed by TEM was amorphous and nano-sized. The reversible capacity of Sn/ MWNTs , which was much larger than that of MWNTs , was 824 mAh/ g in the 1 st charge and discharge cycle. The coulomb efficiency of Sn/ MWNTs in the 1 st cycle was increased by 16% compared with that of MWNTs. The additional Sn, which was 37wt% of total Sn/ MWNTs' weight, introduced the additional reversible lithiation capacity at least 250 mAh/ g in the 40 charge and discharge cycles. The dispersing degree of Sn on MWNTs was the main reason for the influence of the electrochemical perfomance of the Sn/ MWNTs . Sn/ MWNTs is proved to be a promising candidate as an anode of lithium ion battery.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopmentoflithiumionbatteries ,thereisanincreasingdemandforelectrodematerialspossessinghighcapacity .Muchresearchwasunder takentosearchfornewanodematerialsin placeofcarbon (theoreticalmaximumcapacityof 372mA·h·g- 1)toimproveenergydensityforrechargeablelithi umionbatteries[110 ] .Notably ,tinoxide basedmate rials ,aspossiblecandidatesforthenextgenerationanodematerialsforLi ionbatteriesduetotheirhighlithiumstoragecapacityandlow potentialoflithiumionintercalation ,…  相似文献   

Tubular nanocomposite with interconnected MnO2 nanoflakes coated on MWCNTs(MWCNTs@MnO2)was fabricated by an aqueous solution method at 80°C.Scanning electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction and galvanostatic charge-discharge tests were used to characterize the structures and electrochemical performances of the as-prepared nanocomposite.The capacity reaches 1233.6 mA h g-1 at a current density of 100 mA g-1 for the first discharge,and it can still maintain a capacity of 633.1mA h g-1 after 100 charge-discharge cycles.The results show that MWCNTs with good electrical conductivity as anchors of MnO2 can provide fast electron transport channels for MnO2 in the electrochemical reactions,and the as-prepared MWCNTs@MnO2 nanocomposite is a potential anode material for lithium ion batteries.  相似文献   

A stable polyradical, poly (2 ,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy methacrylate)(PTMA) , was synthesized, and its structure was determined by infrared, ultraviolet-visible, and ESR spectroscopy. Cyclic voltammograms of the PTMA polyradical electrodes were obtained by using a three-electrode cell at a scan rate of 5 mV/s within a potential range of 3. 2-4. 0 V. The results show that the shape of oxidation peak is very similar to that of reduction peak, and oxidation peak current is equal to the corresponding reduction peak current, which suggest that PTMA possesses an excellent reversibility. The difference of the anodic peak potential (Ea,p = 3. 66 V, vs Li/Li+) and ca-thodic peak potential(Ec,p = 3. 58 V, vs Li/Li+ ) is estimated at 80 mV, which is extremely less than that of the other organic positive materials in lithium second batteries such as organosulfide compounds, leading to a capability for high current capability in the charging and discharging process of the battery. The maximum discharge specif  相似文献   

Lithium difluoro(axalato)borate (LiODFB) was synthesized in dimethyl carbonate (DMC) solvent and purified by the method of solventing-out crystallization. The structure characterization of the purified LiODFB was performed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. The electrochemical properties of the cells using 1 mol/L LiPF6 and 1 mol/L LiODFB in ethylene carbonate (EC)/DMC were investigated, respectively. The results indicate that LiODFB can be reduced at about 1.5 V and form a robust protective solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film on the graphite surface in the first cycle. The graphite/LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 cells with LiODFB-based electrolyte have very good capacity retention at 55 ℃, and show very good rate capability at 0.5C and 1C charge/discharge rate. Therefore, as a new salt, LiODFB is a most promising alternative lithium salt to replace LiPF6 for lithium ion battery electrolytes in the future.  相似文献   

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