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TFT LCD作为显示领域的明星,因其无辐射、无闪烁、体积小以及很低的功耗开始受到越来越多的用户关注。年底年初之际,几家显示器“大家”纷纷出手,意欲在即将开始的竞争中先分一杯羹。本刊评测实验室日前收到了DecaView公司送来的一款液晶显示新秀——DP151 TFT LCD显示器。 这是一款38cm(15英寸)的TFTLCD显示器,与CRT显示器不同的是,LCD显示器的标称尺寸也是其最大可视  相似文献   

TFT LCD(Thin Film Transistor LiquidCrystal Displayer)薄膜晶体管显示器于1985年诞生,它是主动矩阵式的产品。与传统的CRT显示器相比,TFT LCD不但体积小、厚度薄、重量轻、耗能少、工作电压低、无辐射、无闪烁,而且能直接与CMOS集成电路相匹配,易于实现大规模集成化生产。由于优点众多,TFT LCD显示器近几年开始进入台式机应用领域,并得到迅速发展。  相似文献   

作为当前显示器中的顶尖产品液晶显示器与传统的显示器相比,液晶技术开辟了显示器的一个新境界。它采用与普通显示器完全不同的显示原理,从最早的TN一LCD到现在主流的TFT一LCD,液晶显示器技术的发展已大约经历了三代,并正在高速发展。从技术上,它具备了高分辨率、高对比度、高灰度级、宽视角、低功耗、无辐射和强抗干扰能力等功效;在显示效果上,它具备可视面积大、完全平面、无闪烁和无失真等特点,让用户在使用的时候  相似文献   

裸眼立体显示器效果评定方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
裸眼立体显示器使用光学空分法使屏幕上左右眼视图的可见区域按一定规律重新排列,产生对应于左右眼的独立视区,在独立视区内立体对图像的相互串扰应限制在一定的范围内。本文根据视图分离的光学特性提出使用立体度参数作为立体显示器效果的评价指标,并设计了一套测试装置,对立体显示器效果进行测量和评定。实验证明提出的理论和方法正确。  相似文献   

一种自动立体显示器立体对比度和视区检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种基于CCD摄像头的自动立体显示器立体对比度和视区检测方法。首先,运用Direct3D API设计的计算机图形显示在自动立体显示屏上。然后,用一台CCD摄像头代替人的双眼接受立体视图。最后,根据算法提取数字图像的特征参数来计算说明自动立体显示器显示效果的立体对比度,并获得观看自动立体显示器的左右眼视区分布。实验结果表明,此方法能很好地检测自动立体显示器的立体对比度和左右眼视区。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于瞳孔跟踪的多用户自由立体显示器,利用菲涅尔透镜形成左右眼分立照明区域。本系统采用LCD作为基本显示屏幕,通过指向式LED照明背光设计,高精度瞳孔实时定位装置对人眼位置的探测,AVR单片机的系统控制,形成实时定向跟踪人眼的立体视窗。本装置可提供±25°水平视角范围内1至3人的实时无辅助立体显示。  相似文献   

TFT LCD作为显示领域的明星,因其无辐射、无闪烁、体积小以及很低的功耗等尖端技术开始受到越来越多的用户关注。在今年上半年,几家显示器“大家”纷纷出手,意欲在即将开始的竞争中先分一杯羹。今年,著名的显示器生产厂商三星也隆重推出了系列液晶显示器,包括15英寸的570TFT系列、150MP,17英寸的170MP、770TFT和18英寸的800TFT液晶显示器产品,不仅丰富了三星显示器的产品线,而且也为广大用户选购液晶显示器带来了更多的可供选择的产品。其中800TFT汇集了三星液晶显示器目前几乎所有的精华,无论在产品的外形设计上,还是在…  相似文献   

即使液晶显示屏成本居高不下,各显示器厂商仍然看好TFT LCD这一代表“健康显示”潮流的市场前景。更有行家预测,TPT LCD显示器将于今年底明年初成为市场热点,所以我们可以看到市面上的 TFT LCD显示器越来越多。 AOC(冠捷电子)公司近日向本刊评测实验室送测了一款38cm(15 英寸)的TFT LCD显示器。从外形上看,这款重量只有4.5kg的LM-500颇受我们的喜爱,简洁明快的外观设计使其桌面  相似文献   

LCD液晶显示屏自1968年问世以来,随着技术的不断完善和成熟,其应用日趋广泛。而自1985年世界第一台笔记本电脑诞生以来,LCD液晶显示屏就一直是笔记本电脑的标准显示设备。LCD通常有DSTN、TFT、HPA三种。 DSTN是由超扭曲向列型显示器(STN)发展而来的,由于DSTN采用双扫描技术,因而显示效果较STN有大幅度提高。笔记本电脑刚出现时主要是使用STN,其后是DSTN。STN和DSTN的反应时间较慢,一般为300ms左右。用户能感觉到拖尾(余辉),一般俗称为“伪彩”。TFT即薄膜场效应晶体管,属于有源矩阵液晶显示器(AM-LCD)中的一种,反应时间一般可以达到80ms左右。因其具有比其他两种显示器更高的对比度和更丰富的色彩,荧屏更新频  相似文献   

对于好多人来说,一提到健康的显示器,都会想到LCD显示器。的确,依靠清晰无闪烁的显示画面、无X射线,LCD赢得了众多用户的“芳心”。可是考虑到一台17寸的LCD价格是17寸CRT显示器价格的三倍,而且丝毫没有下降的趋势,很多人还是决定继续留守自己的CRT。在目前的CRT显示器市场上,LG、三星、飞利浦等众多厂商你来我往,  相似文献   

基于红眼效应的人眼探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的立体显示系统中,观看者需要配戴头盔、眼睛等辅助设备才能欣赏到立体效果,但是这些辅助设备也给观看者带来诸多不便。相比之下,自由式立体显示系统的优点在于观看者能够观看到立体效果的同时,并不需要配戴头盔、眼睛等辅助设备。为了能自由地观看立体效果,需要根据观看者的视点调整系统,使得立体图像能够分别进入观看者的左右眼,因此,人眼位置的探测是立体显示技术的重要组成部分。文章提出了一种基于红眼效应的人眼探测方法。算法利用瞳孔在近轴和远轴红外光分别照射下的不同状态,得到眼睛的候选区域。在对候选区域进行判别的时候,算法介绍并比较了主成分分析以及基于概率的主成分分析法。实验结果表明基于红眼效应的探测方法具有较高的准确率和实时性。  相似文献   

立体图像按存储方式不同分为立体图片和视频,把左右格式立体图像准确传输到裸眼3D显示器的亚屏幕,是3D播放的关键技术。针对不同存储格式的立体图像,使用矩阵变换及视频融合算法,在FFmpeg函数库基础上构建立体视频播放器。实验表明该算法能将立体图像正确映射到左右眼亚屏幕。  相似文献   

This paper concerns stereoscopic virtual reality displays in which the head is tracked and the display is stationary, attached to a desk, tabletop or wall. These are called stereoscopic HTDs (head-tracked displays). Stereoscopic displays render two perspective views of a scene, each of which is seen by one eye of the user. Ideally, the user's natural visual system combines the stereo image pair into a single, 3D perceived image. Unfortunately, users often have difficulty fusing the stereo image pair. Researchers use a number of software techniques to reduce fusion problems. This paper geometrically examines and compares a number of these techniques and reaches the following conclusions: In interactive stereoscopic applications, the combination of view placement, scale, and either false eye separation or α-false eye separation can provide fusion control that is geometrically similar to image shifting and image scaling. However, in stereo HTDs, image shifting and image scaling also generate additional geometric artifacts that are not generated by the other methods. We anecdotally link some of these artifacts to exceeding the perceptual limitations of human vision. While formal perceptual studies are still needed, geometric analysis suggests that image shifting and image scaling may be less appropriate than the other methods for interactive, stereo HTDs  相似文献   

虚拟现实中立体视觉的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文研究了空间视觉中的立体线索,阐明了立体视觉深度的形成原理,并基于立体透视投影推导了有关的计算公式。  相似文献   

立体画是立体视觉技术与计算机技术相结合的产物。立体画的基本原理就是“墙纸效应”。立体视感是人的左右两眼视图交叠后通过大脑形成的立体虚象。同一幅立体画可以看出多个立体机感,分为交叉眼立体视感和非交叉眼立体视感。立体画分为两大类:基于模式的立体画和随机点立体画。在改进Tyler算法和Thimbleby模型的基础上,本文实现了一个Windows环境下的立体画生成系统──WinStereo。在WinStereo系统中,着重解决了“平面分层”现象,并提出了一种新的立体画──双向立体画及其生成算法。  相似文献   

基于Windows平台的立体视频显示研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文说明了立体视觉的基本原理,探讨了基于OpenGL立体显示驱动以及基于NVIDIA公司开发的显示驱动的视频立体显示技术的基本方法,给出了立体视频系统的结构,并说明了相关原理。此外,本文还介绍了DirectShow视频处理技术。最后,本文探讨了视觉系统的校准,使系统工作在最佳状态下。  相似文献   

Many different types of stereoscopic display devices are used for commercial and research applications. Stereoscopic displays offer the potential to improve performance in detection tasks for medical imaging diagnostic systems. Due to the variety of stereoscopic display technologies, it remains unclear how these compare with each other for detection and estimation tasks. Different stereo devices have different performance trade‐offs due to their display characteristics. Among them, crosstalk is known to affect observer perception of 3D content and might affect detection performance. We measured and report the detailed luminance output and crosstalk characteristics for three different types of stereoscopic display devices. We recorded the effect of other issues on recorded luminance profiles such as viewing angle, use of different eye wear, and screen location. Our results show that the crosstalk signature for viewing 3D content can vary considerably when using different types of 3D glasses for active stereo displays. We also show that significant differences are present in crosstalk signatures when varying the viewing angle from 0 degrees to 20 degrees for a stereo mirror 3D display device. Our detailed characterization can help emulate the effect of crosstalk in conducting computational observer image quality assessment evaluations that minimize costly and time‐consuming human reader studies.  相似文献   

Full window stereo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Visualisation is the bioinformaticist’s most important tool for the study of macromolecules, and being able to see molecules in stereo is a crucial aspect. Stereo vision is based on the principle that each eye is presented with the best possible image of what it would have seen if the object was really there in 3D. The simplest approach to stereo vision is to display the right eye picture on the right half of the screen and the left eye picture on the left half while using a mirror system to ensure that each eye sees what it is supposed to see. More expensive workstations use hardware to alternately display the left and right eye pictures while synchronously blocking the transparency in the right or left lens of the special glasses worn by the user. We present here some simple software that uses inexpensive hardware, originally designed for the computer game industry, to make full screen stereo available on Linux-based PCs. The quality of the stereo vision is similar to the top-of-the-line graphics workstations that are capable of quad-buffering. This stereo option has been incorporated in the X11 based version of WHAT IF (Vriend, G. J. Mol. Graphics 1990, 8, 52–56), but the stereo source code is freely available and can easily be incorporated in other visualization packages.  相似文献   

CAVE立体显示系统的搭建及立体图像的几何校正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决由投影机的位置不准确而引起的立体图像视差畸变问题,根据立体图像产生方式以及显示方式的不同,给出了适合于工程上搭建"经济型"CAVE立体显示系统的几种实现方式,包括主动立体方式、主动变被动方式以及直接被动立体方式.将帧缓存中双眼的视景图像分别拷贝到纹理内存中,通过重投影变换计算出B样条曲面控制点坐标并绘制B样条曲面,分别映射纹理内存中双眼图像的纹理到各自的B样条曲面上.通过对左右眼立体图像分别进行几何校正,实现了CAVE多通道立体显示的无缝拼接;通过微调 B样条曲面的控制点坐标以及确定曲面阶数,实现了左右立体图像局部位置的调整以及图像平滑度的调整.实验结果显示,该方法不影响视景实时绘制.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of stereo parameters in multiview synthesis for planar 3D display and presents a novel parameter adjustment method for reducing visual discomforts and geometric distortions. The proposed method combines the geometry of stereoscopic capturing system with the comfortable viewing rules for the human vision system in three steps. First, an identically sized representation between the virtual space and the display space is established, and the virtual camera parameters are derived based on the stereo geometry. Second, the scale factor between the physical space and the virtual space is computed based on the depth of focus theory to diminish vergence–accommodation conflicts. Last, the capturing and displaying parameters are adjusted according to the comfortable viewing zone and personal preference. Experimental results demonstrated that a reliable basis for multiview image synthesis and a more comfortable stereo perception can be achieved by applying the proposed method.  相似文献   

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