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研究了TiNiSn基Half-Heusler热电化合物的机械合金化(MA)结合放电等离子体烧结(SPS)制备工艺.实验以Ti、Ni、Sn单质粉末为原料,研究了MA和SPS过程中的化学反应与相组成的变化以及所制备的块体材料的电学性能,获得以下主要结果:(1)MA处理后的粉末经过SPS固化后可转变为TiNiSn化合物,但是MA难以直接合成TiNiSn化合物粉末,其原因在于Ni和Sn在球磨过程中较容易生成化合物Ni_3Sn_4;(2)优化MA时间和适量增加Ti的含量有利于提高SPS样品中的TiNiSn化合物含量,本研究获得的TiNiSn相纯度高达90%;(3)最佳条件下制备的TiNiSn化合物块体材料呈n型,测试范围内其功率因子最高可达到1380 mW/m·K~2.  相似文献   

利用机械球磨、放电等离子体烧结法制备了质量分数(%,下同)为W-(10~30)V-(10~30)Cr的三元合金,对烧结后的合金进行了显微结构和室温力学性能研究。结果表明,采用放电等离子体烧结可以制得相对密度为99.7%的W-30V-20Cr合金,其实际密度比烧结纯钨降低了49.74%;显微结构分析表明V、Cr可以很好地合金化,形成塑性连续相,包裹在钨分散相的周围,很好地改善了钨合金的力学性能,W-30V-20Cr的抗弯强度为437.13 MPa,比烧结纯钨增加了25%,HV硬度为6154 MPa;W-30V-20Cr合金具有较高的断裂韧性值,为15.51 MPa·m1/2。  相似文献   

纳米复合Al-Sn合金烧结中的组织和硬度变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用机械合金化制备纳米复合Al-Sn合金粉末,将其压制成型并烧结.运用X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜分析了纳米复合Al-Sn合金在烧结过程中的组织结构变化,测定了显微硬度.结果表明,随着烧结温度的升高,机械合金化制备的Al-Sn纳米复合结构长大.当烧结温度低于Al-Sn共晶温度时,Sn相分布均匀;当烧结温度超过Al-Sn共晶温度时,Sn相沿着粉末颗粒的周围呈网状分布,网状形态取决于球磨后的粉末颗粒尺寸.纳米复合Al-Sn合金的显微硬度随烧结温度的提高而降低,与传统的铸造方法相比,机械合金化方法显著强化了Al-Sn合金.  相似文献   

MA-SPS技术制备新型高合金工具钢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用机械合金化-放电等离子烧结工艺制备HGSF01高合金工具钢,研究了球磨后的粉末特征以及烧结后试样的组织和性能。结果表明:混合粉末经高能球磨后有以(Fe,Cr)3C型碳化物为主的新相生成,其固相线温度为1085℃。球磨后粉末经1100℃×50℃/min×50MPa SPS烧结后,试样平均晶粒尺寸为5μm,无碳化物偏聚;致密度达到98.4%,硬度达到63HRC,抗弯强度达到1510 MPa,并具有较好的耐磨性。  相似文献   

以Cu、Cr和Zr粉末为原料,采用机械合金化法活化Cu-Cr-Zr复合粉末,然后对机械合金化后的粉末进行真空热压烧结制备Cu-Cr-Zr合金材料。利用X射线衍射仪分析机械合金化过程中粉末的物相;通过对合金抗弯强度、相对密度、导电率、显微硬度的测试和金相观察,研究了合金力学性能随温度的变化。结果表明,球磨促进了Cr和Zr在Cu中的固溶,并细化了各粉末的晶粒;随热压烧结温度的升高,其固溶度降低,提高了材料导电性,导致合金力学性能下降。  相似文献   

通过放电等离子体烧结(SPS)工艺制备TiC-SiC复合陶瓷,利用XRD、SEM、压痕法等测试手段表征烧结后复合陶瓷的相组成、微观形貌、力学性能。从TiC晶粒大小、SiC的分布状态、样品的维氏硬度和断裂韧性等方面研究了亚微米级SiC对TiC陶瓷基体显微结构和力学性能的影响。结果表明,SiC的添加提高了TiC基体的断裂韧性,细化了TiC晶粒。利用弥散强化和残余应力解释了断裂韧性改善的原因。  相似文献   

爆炸烧结CuCr触头材料的性能   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
采用机械合金化工艺由Cu,Cr元素粉按质量比各半合成CuCr预合金粉,然后采用爆炸烧结工艺制备真空断路器用电触头材料CuCr合金,着重研究了工艺参数对CuCr触头材料性能的影响.结果表明采用该工艺能制备高密度(超过7.398 g/cm3)、高硬度(超过HB144)和低电导率(低于106  相似文献   

将0.075mm的Ti,Cu,Ni,Sn4种金属粉按合金成分为Ti50Cu23Ni20Sn7进行配比,并在行星式球磨机中进行机械合金化(MA)球磨。试验中的球磨机转速为300r/m,球料比为10:1。XRD和DSC分析结果表明,经过30h球磨之后,金属粉末已经全部合金化,并且为非晶态结构。继续进行球磨只能减小粉末颗粒尺寸,却会引入更多的杂质,所以30h是制备Ti50Cu23Ni20Sn7非晶合金粉末最为合适的时间。SEM下观察发现,经机械合金化所获得的非晶粉为层状团聚结构。将所制备的非晶合金粉装入碳化钨模具中,并在放电等离子烧结(SPS)设备中进行快速烧结。其烧结的温度分别为480、490、500和510℃,烧结压力为500MPa,保温时间为1min。从XRD和DSC分析结果可以看出,烧结后的合金基体为非晶结构,并伴有少量晶化相。烧结件放在光学显微镜下观察可以看到少许缩孔和疏松等烧结缺陷。将温度为490℃下烧结的试件破碎,并将断口在SEM下观察可以发现,试件断裂方式为层状脆性断裂。试验结果表明采用机械合金化和放电等离子烧结技术可以成功制备出Ti基大块金属玻璃。  相似文献   

A fine-grained TiAl alloy with a composition of Ti-47%Al(mole fraction) was prepared by double mechanical milling(DMM) and spark plasma sintering(SPS). The relationship among sintering temperature, microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-47%Al alloy was studied by X-ray diffractometry(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and mechanical testing. The results show that the morphology of double mechanical milling powder is regular with size of 20?40 μm. The main phase TiAl and few phases Ti3Al and Ti2Al were observed in the SPS bulk samples. For samples sintered at 1000 °C, the equiaxed crystal grain was achieved with size of 100?250 nm. The samples exhibited compressive and bending properties at room temperature with compressive strength of 2013 MPa, compression ratio of 4.6% and bending strength of 896 MPa. For samples sintered at 1100 °C, the size of equiaxed crystal grain was obviously increased. The SPS bulk samples exhibited uniform microstructures, with equiaxed TiAl phase and lamellar Ti3Al phase were observed. The samples exhibited compressive and bending properties at room temperature with compressive strength of 1990 MPa, compression ratio of 6.0% and bending strength of 705 MPa. The micro-hardness of the SPS bulk samples sintered at 1000 °C is obviously higher than that of the samples sintered at 1100 °C. The compression fracture mode of the SPS TiAl alloy samples is intergranular fracture and the bending fracture mode of the SPS TiAl alloy samples is intergranular rupture and cleavage fracture.  相似文献   

Spark plasma sintering (SPS) technology was used to determine the appropriate conditions for SPS sintering of commercially pure magnesium as well as the magnesium alloy AZ31. It was found that the sintering temperatures of 585 °C and 552 °C were the most suitable sintering temperatures for the magnesium and the AZ31 alloy, respectively. Magnesium matrix and AZ31 alloy matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles were then successfully fabricated by the SPS method at sintering temperatures of 585 °C and 552 °C, respectively. A uniform distribution of SiC particles was observed along the boundary between matrix particles. The mechanical properties, i.e. hardness and tensile strength increased with increasing SiC content up to 10 wt%. However, when the SiC content was larger than 10 wt%, the tensile strength decreased due to the agglomeration of SiC particles. The agglomeration of SiC particles was found to lead to the degradation of the interfacial bonding strength between matrix and reinforcement.  相似文献   

The hydrogen storage capacities, hydrogen absorption mechanism and hydride stability of Mg-based composites prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS) were investigated in this paper. The results showed that the composites had a double-phase microstructure of Mg phase and V-based solid solution, with nanocrystalline magnesium existing at their sintering interface. With the addition of the V-based solid solution in 20% volume fraction, the composite exhibited a maximum reversible hydrogen storage capacity of 4.2 wt.% at 573 K, compared with that of pure Mg of almost zero. DSC results indicated that the hydride decomposition temperature of MgH2 decreased sharply from 708 K in pure Mg to 636 K and to 591 K as the volume of V-based solid solution increased from 20 vol.% to 50 vol.%. With the addition of V-based solid solution, the hydrogen absorption kinetics of pure Mg was greatly improved at 573 K, and its hydrogen absorption mechanism changed from surface reaction control to diffusion control in the composite. Based on these experimental results, a model was put forward to describe the hydrogen absorption/desorption mechanism in these composites.  相似文献   

以Mg粉和Zn粉为原料,采用高能球磨混粉和放电等离子烧结(SPS)的方法制备了Zn含量为0%,2%,4%,6%,8%(质量分数)的生物Mg-Zn合金,对其显微组织、力学性能和腐蚀性能进行了研究。结果表明:制备的Mg-Zn合金内部结构致密,组织分布均匀;显微硬度(HV)和抗压强度随Zn含量的增加而增加,当Zn含量为6%时达到最大值(690和379.5 MPa);模拟体液中的电化学腐蚀电位随Zn含量的增加而升高,腐蚀电流密度则降低,在6%时分别达到最大值和最小值。浸泡试验中,Zn含量为6%合金表现出最好的耐腐蚀性能,随Zn含量的增加,腐蚀形式由严重的点蚀和颗粒剥落转变为轻微的点蚀和颗粒内均匀的晶内腐蚀。  相似文献   

研究了TiH2-45Al-0.2Si-5Nb未球磨和球磨两种粉末的放电等离子烧结组织特征以及经1000℃、100h高温氧化后的氧化性能.结果表明,未经球磨粉末的烧结组织由层片状TiAl和Ti3Al相组成,而经球磨粉末的烧结组织由细小的颗粒状TiAJ和Ti3Al相组成.球磨粉末的烧结组织氧化速度低于未球磨粉末的烧结组织,形成了连续的Al2O3和TiO2混合氧化物层,具有良好的高温抗氧化性.  相似文献   

Pure molybdenum was sintered with SPS under various temperatures, external pressures and heating rates. The microstructure of the specimens representing the different sintering conditions was investigated by classical metallographic methods. The relative density, the microhardness and the chord length distribution were measured. Linear shrinkage, depending on time or temperature, was calculated from piston travel, which was recorded during sintering process. These results show that the main part of consolidation takes place during fast heating up. The densification behaviour is controlled mainly by sintering temperatures and applied pressure. The molybdenum powder was successfully consolidated by SPS in very short times. A relative density of 95% was reached by sintering temperatures of 1600 °C and external pressure of 67 MPa.  相似文献   

This study investigates the microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti50Al50 alloys prepared via mechanical alloying (MA) starting from elemental powders. The process of the spark plasma sintering (SPS) has also been studied. It is found that the nanocrystallization process of the Ti–Al alloy proceeds and the sintering temperature can control the microstructure of alloy. The sintering of the compacts is carried out at the temperatures of 1100–1200 °C with a compaction pressure of 30 MPa and a heating rate of 30 °C min−1. Specimens with high densities and approaching the equilibrium state can be obtained in short time by spark sintering than conventional sintering. Such shorter high temperature is important to prevent grain growth.  相似文献   

钛锆钼合金与钨铼合金的SPS扩散焊接   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
采用放电等离子烧结(SPS)技术对TZM合金与WRe合金进行固相扩散焊接,研究了TZM/WRe接头的微观组织、力学性能和热疲劳性能. 结果表明,SPS扩散焊接技术在1 500 ℃保温30 min成功实现了TZM合金与WRe合金的高效连接,焊缝平整,无微裂纹、微孔洞和未焊合等焊接缺陷;TZM合金与WRe合金扩散焊接过程中均发生了再结晶,与W和Re相比,Mo具有较低的自扩散激活能,导致Mo的扩散深度大于W和Re在TZM合金中的扩散深度;TZM/WRe接头经历100次热震试验后,焊缝完好无裂纹,且部分再结晶Mo晶粒跨界生长;TZM/WRe接头的抗弯强度和抗剪强度分别为910 MPa±65 MPa,497 MPa±50 MPa,断裂失效发生在TZM合金一侧,断裂模式主要为穿晶解理断裂.  相似文献   

采用正交试验法确定了CuIn5合金放电等离子烧结(SPS)的最佳工艺参数,研究了烧结温度、烧结时间、烧结压力对CuIn5合金的致密度、硬度和导电性能的影响。结果表明:影响CuIn5合金致密度和硬度的主要因素均为烧结温度,其次为烧结压力,烧结时间的影响最小;影响CuIn5合金电导率的主要因素为烧结温度,其次为烧结时间和烧结压力。利用SPS技术制备CuIn5合金的最佳工艺为烧结温度850 ℃,烧结时间5 min,烧结压力50 MPa。采用最佳工艺制备的CuIn5合金组织均匀致密,In固溶于Cu中形成固溶体,其晶格常数为0.362 865 nm,晶格畸变率为0.38%,致密度为99.56%,显微硬度为136.3 HV0.1,导电率为37.86%IACS。  相似文献   

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