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We fabricated new 2.78‐in 1058‐ppi organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) displays. The displays used OLED devices with a tandem structure and a single structure and a field effect transistor (FET) using c‐axis aligned crystalline In–Ga–Zn–O (CAAC‐IGZO) for an active layer and employing the 1.5‐µm rule over a glass substrate. Even in the displays with such high resolution exceeding 1000 ppi, crosstalk that was observed in the lower luminance region was suppressed. The displays achieved high color reproducibility and reduced viewing angle dependence.  相似文献   

In this work, novel blue‐fluorescent dopants with a heteroaromatic ring skeleton instead of the conventional pyrene skeleton were investigated. Bottom‐emission organic light‐emitting diodes (OLEDs) fabricated using the novel blue‐fluorescent dopants in light‐emitting layers achieved better deep‐blue chromaticity than OLEDs based on a conventional pyrene‐based dopant, while maintaining both high external quantum efficiency (EQE) and comparable reliability. The attainment of deep‐blue chromaticity without losing high EQE was ascribed to the improvement of the efficiency of energy transfer from the host to the dopant. Furthermore, it was estimated that using this novel dopant in a top‐emission OLED panel that satisfies BT.2020 chromaticity enables the power consumption of the whole panel to be 24% lower than that of the panel with a conventional dopant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present novel organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) display panel compensation technologies for large‐sized ultra‐high‐definition OLED TVs considering variations of threshold voltage, mobility, channel size, OLED efficiency, and OLED uniformity. Using these technologies, we have successfully launched 55‐, 65‐ and 77‐in. ultra‐high‐definition OLED TVs.  相似文献   

Abstract— The encapsulation of organic light‐emitting layers is a key development item on the road‐map to OLED commercialization and needs to be resolved in order to compete with the incumbent LCD technology. DuPont? Drylox? cover glass is a product developed by DuPont Displays to improve the features of the OLED encapsulation solution. Thin displays, low design cycle time, and substantial reduction in encapsulation cost are the driving forces for the product improvement. This paper discusses permeation theory, describes a manufacturing method, and documents the performance characteristics achieved to date.  相似文献   

Abstract— The blue‐light‐emission properties of organic light‐emitting‐diode (OLED) displays must be enhanced to meet the requirements for color purity and luminous efficiency because few blue‐light‐emitting materials meet these requirements. This is particularly true for polymeric and phosphorescent light‐emitting materials. To attain the required purity and efficiency, a polarized‐light‐recycling structure for blue light that is called a blue enhanced circular polarizer (BECP) has been developed. The principle of the structure and the fabricated prototype device is described and it is shown that the structure increases blue‐light intensity and color purity, improves efficiency, provides a wide color gamut, and limits ambient‐light reflection.  相似文献   

Abstract— A transfer‐printing method for the patterning of thin polymer layers is described. A hard stamp with a raised feature is brought into contact with a spin‐coated organic film under elevated pressure and temperature to break the films. The patterned film is then transfer printed onto the devices. This method is used to print red/green/blue subpixel arrays with a pattern size as small as 12 μm at a resolution of 530 ppi to demonstrate its ability for full‐color organic light‐emitting‐display fabrication. Devices with printed organic layers have similar performance to spin‐coated controls under optimized printing temperature and pressure settings. The critical physical parameters include a soft intermediate plate for the sharp breaking of edge patterns, control of surface energies, and printing at moderate temperature and pressure to achieve intimate contact between the printed layer and the underlying substrate.  相似文献   

Abstract— Whether the manufacturing of the large‐sized OLED devices in display and lighting industry succeeds or not will strongly depend on the concept of a thermal evaporation source and the manufacturing tool. The most important factors in OLED‐device manufacturing are the organic material utilization and the TACT time. An in‐line tool for OLED manufacturing using a novel belt‐source evaporation technique is proposed. The belt source maintains the organic film uniformity at 3% and provides high material utilization of over 80%, and the in‐line system can achieve this in 1‐min TACT time.  相似文献   

Abstract— A novel front‐light system that uses an organic light‐emitting‐diode (OLED) light source patterned with a fine pitch has been developed. The front‐light system has the following characteristics: (1) excellent uniformity within the light‐emitting area; (2) emittance that is consistent at all viewing angles; (3) no light leakage at any viewing angle from the side of the observer. This system can be adopted for reflective LCDs, electrophoretic displays (EPDs), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and other applications.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 15‐in. HD panel employing two‐stacked WOLEDs and color filters for which the color gamut can be as high as 101.2% (CIE1976) and the power consumption is 5.22 W. The WOLEDs exhibit a current efficiency of 61.3 cd/A and a power efficiency of 30 lm/W at 1000 nits and their CIE coordinate is (0.340, 0.334). A 15‐in. RGBW panel was investigated to verify the electrical and optical performance compared to that of a 15‐in. RGB TV made by using FMM technology. The characteristics of the 15‐in. RGBW panel are comparable to those of the 15‐in. RGB panel. Color filters combined with WOLEDs is a possible patterning technology for large‐sized OLED TV, which surpasses the limits of fine‐metal‐mask technology.  相似文献   

Abstract— Organic‐light‐emitting‐diode (OLED) displays employing white‐light‐emitting OLEDs in combination with RGBW color filters can demand high peak currents to present images with bright, highly saturated colors. Image‐processing methods that take advantage of a very highly efficient white subpixel in addition to filtered RGB subpixels to reduce the peak current and power of these displays are described. The image‐quality impact of these algorithms are explored to develop a final image‐processing algorithm.  相似文献   

Abstract— A compensation model for blue OLED devices, which is based on an OLED degradation model derived from luminance measurements of OLED devices, has been developed; it reduces degradation effects by monitoring the activity of a set of subpixels and adjusting the driving conditions of the blue subpixels of the display accordingly. To evaluate its performance, the compensation model has been embedded in an OLED display controller model, where its implementation is based on a lookup table. Simulations show that even with a reduced number of monitored subpixels, degradation is effectively reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lifetime issues have been a hot topic throughout the history of OLEDs. The rapid development of lifetimes since 2002 has enabled OLED displays to become acceptable for mobile phones. The lifetime requirements of 30,000 hours expressed by the representatives of mobile‐phone‐terminal makers were felt to be unrealistic to be obtained in 2003, since the lifetime of the blue color was below 1000 hours. Today, 5 years later, lifetimes of AMOLED panels are over 50,000 hours. OLED displays are suffering from a burn‐in effect due to limited lifetime. After 2003, it was understood by the panel and terminal makers that instead of lifetime, burn‐in sensitivity became the limiting factor from an AMOLED‐panel usability point of view. The burn‐in effect becomes visible at 2–3% luminance degradation levels between adjacent pixels. To take this effect into account in mobile‐phone applications, the lifetime needs to be increased from 30,000 to 60,000 hours, and suitable algorithms need to be used for the display of the terminal. There is also pressure to double the peak luminance values used in the terminals in order to improve the performance of the screen in outdoor environments. The roles of the material developers, panel makers, and terminal makers are reviewed in this paper from a lifetime perspective.  相似文献   

A top‐emission organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) with a microcavity structure combined with a blue/yellow tandem structure was developed. A high‐resolution active‐matrix OLED display with the world's lowest level of power consumption using the tandem OLED with red, green, blue, and yellow subpixels was fabricated.  相似文献   

Abstract— It is well known that proper encapsulation is crucial for the lifetime of organic light‐emit‐ting‐diode (OLED) displays. With the development of increasingly better barrier coatings and perimeter seals, it has now become very desirable to be able to precisely measure the rate of water‐vapor and oxygen permeation through barrier coatings and perimeter sealing. This paper demonstrates a new permeation‐measurement method that uses tritium‐containing water (HTO) as a tracer material. The theoretical detection limit of this direct method is 2.4 × 10?8 g/(m2‐day).  相似文献   

Abstract— Active‐matrix OLED panels have inherent features that allow a higher‐quality image reproduction than LCD panels, i.e., high‐contrast, fast response time, and the capability to produce locally high peak luminance levels. We demonstrated a 13‐in.‐ink‐jet‐printed active‐matrix polymer‐OLED prototype for TV applications at SID 2004. This prototype is used as a carrier for studying video‐processing algorithms that take full advantage of the specific characteristics of OLEDs. Addressing schemes, gamut conversion, histogram‐based brightness control, and sparkle processing will be discussed.  相似文献   

A new 4T2C pixel circuit formed on a silicon substrate is proposed to realize a high‐resolution 7.8‐μm pixel pitch AMOLED microdisplay. In order to achieve high luminance uniformity, the pixel circuit compensates its Vth variation of the MOSFET for the driving transistor internally by using self‐discharging method. Also presented are 0.5‐in Quad‐VGA and 1.25‐in wide Quad‐XGA microdisplays with the proposed pixel circuit.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fabrication technique for color OLED panels by means of wettability‐controllable hole‐injection material (HIM) and a photocatalytic lithography method achieves both precise ink‐jet printing and long‐lifetime devices. The technique enables us to selectively change the non‐wetting surface of a hole‐injection layer (HIL) of metal‐oxide nanoparticles (MONPs) into a wetting surface without damage to the device performance. Wetting patterns formed by this method with photocatalyst‐coated photomasks made it possible to print emission material with patterns of precisely 98‐μm widths on the hole‐injection layer. A fluorescent green‐emitting device fabricated with an HIM of MONPs by the photocatalytic treatment exhibited a long lifetime of 365 hours at30,000 cd/m2, which can be extrapolated to a lifetime of more than 110,000 hours at 1000 cd/m2, assuming an acceleration coefficient of 1.7. A two‐color device and a monochrome passive‐matrix panel were also successfully fabricated. The two‐color device emitted light without the mixing of colors. The monochrome panel displayed alphabetical characters with good uniformity and no flaws.  相似文献   

Abstract— By using current technology, it is possible to design and fabricate performance‐competitive TV‐sized AMOLED displays. In this paper, the system design considerations are described that lead to the selection of the device architecture (including a stacked white OLED‐emitting unit), the backplane technology [an amorphous Si (a‐Si) backplane with compensation for TFT degradation], and module design (for long life and low cost). The resulting AMOLED displays will meet performance and lifetime requirements, and will be manufacturing cost‐competitive for TV applications. A high‐performance 14‐in. AMOLED display was fabricated by using an in‐line OLED deposition machine to demonstrate some of these approaches. The chosen OLED technologies are scalable to larger glass substrate sizes compatible with existing a‐Si backplane fabs.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the realization of red, green, and blue colors from top‐emitting white organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) for display applications. In our approach, red, green, and blue colors are realized by microcavity‐based mode selection from the spectrum of a white OLED. For the tuning of individual microcavities, the OLED hole transport layer is patterned by an electron beam process.  相似文献   

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