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This study aimed to determine the prevalence rates of helmet use, and of correct helmet use (chinstrap firmly fastened) among motorcycle riders and their passengers in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China. A cross-sectional survey involving direct observation of motorcycle riders was conducted at 20 randomly selected intersections. A total of 13,410 motorcycles were observed during a 10-day period in February 2009. The overall prevalence of helmet use was 72.6% (95% CI: 71.8–73.3%) among drivers and 34.1% (95% CI: 32.7–35.5%) among pillion passengers. The prevalence of correct use was 43.2% (95% CI: 42.4–44.0%) and 20.9% (95% CI: 19.8–22.1%) for drivers and passengers respectively. The helmet wearing rate on city streets was almost 95%, however city riders were more likely than rural riders to wear non-motorcycle helmets while riding. In multivariate analyses, factors associated with increased helmet use included riding on city streets, male gender, being a driver, carrying less passengers and riding a registered motorcycle. The results indicated enforcement and education activities need to be strengthened with respect to both helmet use and helmet quality, especially in rural areas, in order to improve wearing rates.  相似文献   

Motorcycle helmet wearing rates remain low in smaller cities in developing countries. We therefore examined the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of motorcyclists towards helmet use in two mid-sized cities in China. The methods included roadside observation and interview. Observational sites were randomly selected from main roads and secondary streets; all motorcycles passing by were observed. Riders near the sites were opportunistically approached and asked about knowledge of and perceptions about helmet use. Altogether, 75,949 drivers and 17,230 passengers were observed. A large proportion of both drivers and passengers (34% and 71%, respectively) did not wear a helmet, or did not have their helmet fastened (34% and 14%). Proper helmet usage rates were lower among male drivers, younger people, on secondary streets, and during the evenings and weekends. The majority of the 2325 drivers interviewed (90%) acknowledged the benefits of helmet wearing, but 72% reported that helmets are not always comfortable, and only 20% said they would wear a helmet for preventive purposes. Furthermore, many felt that police enforcement was not strict (62%). These results suggest that educational programs about helmet use in provincial China should emphasize the risks of improper use. Strict enforcement, especially on secondary roads and during non-peak hours, could also improve helmet usage.  相似文献   

Helmet use and motorcycle fatalities in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motorcycle deaths accounted for more than half of total traffic fatalities in Taiwan in 2002. This study uses the police-reported crash data from Taiwan between 1999 and 2001 to estimate the effectiveness of helmets, simultaneously taking into account of sample selection bias. Sample selection arises because helmet usage will affect the probability of death or injury, which in turn influences whether a crash is included in the data. The results show that sample selection does not seriously bias the estimate of helmet effectiveness and helmets reduce the probability of death in a crash by 40%, which is higher than what was previously found. Without helmets, the number of motorcyclists killed in 2001 would have jumped by 51%. The estimated proportion of helmeted motorcyclists has increased from 71 to 78% between 1999 and 2001, suggesting that helmet use is rising after the implementation of mandatory helmet law in 1997. Also, helmets significantly reduce the likelihood of head and neck injuries in a crash by 53%, and lead to a 71% reduction in the probability of death caused by head and neck injuries.  相似文献   

The use of novelty motorcycle helmets is often prompted by beliefs that wearing a standard helmet can contribute to neck injury during traffic collisions. The goal of this analysis was to examine the association between helmet type and neck injury risk and the association between helmet type and head injury. Data were collected during the investigation of motorcycle collisions of any injury severity by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and 83 local law enforcement agencies in California between June 2012 and July 2013. We estimated head injury and neck injury risk ratios from data on 7051 collision-involved motorcyclists using log-binomial regression. Helmet type was strongly associated with head injury occurrence but was not associated with the occurrence of neck injury. Rider age, rider alcohol use, and motorcycle speed were strong, positive predictors of both head and neck injury. Interventions to improve motorcycle helmet choice and to counteract misplaced concerns surrounding neck injury risk are likely to lead to reductions in head injury, brain injury, and death.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of type of roadway, weather conditions and other factors on motorcycle helmet use rates in Iowa. Using data from six statewide roadside observational surveys of motorcycle helmet use, a bivariate probit model is estimated. The applied methodological approach allows for potentially interrelated choices of motorcycle helmet use by drivers and passengers to be examined. The estimation results can enhance our understanding of other factors than state helmet laws which correlate with motorcycle rider helmet use, and the effect that the presence of a passenger has on motorcycle driver helmet use rates.  相似文献   

Most studies find strong evidence that motorcycle helmets protect against injury, but a small number of controversial studies have reported a positive association between helmet use and neck injury. The most commonly cited paper is that of Goldstein (1986). Goldstein obtained and reanalyzed data from the Hurt Study, a prospective, on-scene investigation of 900 motorcycle collisions in the city of Los Angeles. The Goldstein results have been adopted by the anti-helmet community to justify resistance to compulsory motorcycle helmet use on the grounds that helmets may cause neck injuries due to their mass. In the current study, we replicated Goldstein’s models to understand how he obtained his unexpected results, and we then applied modern statistical methods to estimate the association of motorcycle helmet use with head injury, fatal injury, and neck injury among collision-involved motorcyclists. We found Goldstein’s analysis to be critically flawed due to improper data imputation, modeling of extremely sparse data, and misinterpretation of model coefficients. Our new analysis showed that motorcycle helmets were associated with markedly lower risk of head injury (RR 0.40, 95% CI 0.31–0.52) and fatal injury (RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.26–0.74) and with moderately lower but statistically significant risk of neck injury (RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.40–0.99), after controlling for multiple potential confounders.  相似文献   

Motorcycle riders are over 30 times more likely than car occupants to die in a traffic crash. While this fact is well known, specific issues of methodology in epidemiological motorcycle-injury research have been rarely researched. To facilitate more-valid research on motorcycle injuries, this article evaluates the current state of our knowledge on how we measure the population at risk of injury, completeness of case finding and identification, validity of crash/injury data sources, and completeness of information on important exposures such as alcohol consumption, helmet status, crash severity, and crash speeds, as well as problems of existing injury severity scales and statistical analyses for correlated injury data.  相似文献   

Per vehicle mile traveled, motorcycle riders have a 34-fold higher risk of death in a crash than people driving other types of motor vehicles. While lower-extremity injuries most commonly occur in all motorcycle crashes, head injuries are most frequent in fatal crashes. Helmets and helmet use laws have been shown to be effective in reducing head injuries and deaths from motorcycle crashes. Alcohol is the major contributing factor to fatal crashes. Enforcement of legal limits on the blood alcohol concentration is effective in reducing motorcycle deaths, while some alcohol-related interventions such as a minimal legal drinking age, increased alcohol excise taxes, and responsible beverage service specifically for motorcycle riders have not been examined. Other modifiable protective or risk factors comprise inexperience and driver training, conspicuity and daytime headlight laws, motorcycle licensure and ownership, riding speed, and risk-taking behaviors. Features of motorcycle use and potentially effective prevention programs for motorcycle crash injuries in developing countries are discussed. Finally, recommendations for future motorcycle-injury research are made.  相似文献   

Effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists in Thailand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect of the helmet act for motorcyclists on increasing helmet use and reducing motorcycle-related deaths and severe injuries in Thailand. METHODS: Data were derived from a trauma registry at the Khon Kaen Regional Hospital in the northeast Thailand. Helmet use and outcome in motorcycle crashes were compared 2 years before (1994-1995) and after (1996-1997) enforcement of the helmet act. During the study period, there were 12002 injured motorcyclists including 129 death cases in the municipality of Khon Kaen Province who were brought to the regional hospital. RESULTS: After enforcement of the helmet act, helmet-wearers increased five-fold while head injuries decreased by 41.4% and deaths by 20.8%. Those who had head or neck injuries or died were less likely wearing a helmet. Compliance of helmet use was lower at night. Fatality of injured motorcyclists did not significantly decrease in the post-act period and among helmet-wearers. CONCLUSION: Enforcement of the helmet act increased helmet-wearers among motorcyclists but helmet use did not significantly reduce deaths among injured motorcyclists. Motorcyclists should be instructed to properly and consistently wear a helmet for their safety.  相似文献   

The oblique impact methods of motorcycle helmet standards prescribe using an isolated headform. However, in accidents the presence of the body may influence impact responses of the head and helmet. In this study, the effects of the presence of the body, in helmet oblique impacts, are investigated. Using the Finite Element method, oblique impacts of a commercially available helmet, coupled with a model of the human body, are simulated. A comparison between full-body impacts and those performed with an isolated headform show that the presence of the body modifies the peak head rotational acceleration by up to 40%. In addition, it has a significant effect on head linear acceleration and the crushing distance of the helmet's liner. To include the effect of the body on head rotational acceleration in headform impacts, modifying inertial properties of the headform is proposed. The modified inertial properties are determined for a severe and frequent impact configuration. The results of helmet impacts obtained by using the modified headform are in very good agreement with those of full-body impacts; this verifies the accuracy of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of California's bicycle helmet law on bicycle-related head injuries in San Diego County with a year 2000 population of approximately 3 million people. The study design is an ecological trend design based on observational data from a Trauma Registry. Outcome measures include helmet use compliance, site/severity of injury and abbreviated injury scale (AIS). There were 1116 bicycle trauma patients recorded in the San Diego County Trauma Registry between 1992 and 1996. The percentages of pre-law and post-law helmet use were 13.2 and 31.7%, respectively. Over the whole study period, the overall helmet use increased by an average of 43% per year with an averaged 84% rate increase in helmet use among children. Only 16.1% of patients with serious head injury used helmets, compared to 28.2% in those who did not have serious head injury. The odds ratio of helmet use against serious head injuries is 0.43 (95% CI 0.28-0.66) after adjusting for age, ethnicity and time. The p-values for comparing pre- and post-legislation serious head injury rates are p=0.764, 0.4 and 0.194 for the overall, adult and child populations, respectively. Helmet legislation increased helmet use in the targeted child population and the effect was carried over to the adult population. Helmet use has a protective effect against serious head injury. Probably due to several of its limitations, the current study did not confirm that helmet legislation alone significantly reduced head injury rates in San Diego County during the study period.  相似文献   

This study investigated the temporal distribution of risky behaviors among injured motorcyclists, that is, riding unhelmeted or while intoxicated, and showed how they are associated with risk of fatal injuries. Data of motorcyclists injured in Khon Kaen municipality in northeastern Thailand and transferred to Khon Kaen Regional Hospital were obtained from the trauma registry system of the hospital. Case fatalities were compared by time of day, age group, helmet use, and alcohol intoxication. Unhelmeted riding peaked late in the evening and riding while intoxicated peaked around midnight. Both were associated with increased fatality risk after stratification by time of day; the odds ratios were 3.49 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.48-9.36) and 3.01 (CI = 1.71-5.19), respectively. Nighttime injuries were not significantly associated with increased fatality risk after stratification by helmet use or alcohol intoxication. Unhelmeted driving was prevalent and associated with higher fatality risk among younger drivers, whereas intoxicated driving was less prevalent among teens but associated with increased risk among those aged 20-39 years. This study shows that riding unhelmeted or while intoxicated can explain the increased fatality risk at night, suggesting that safety education or enforcements should be targeted at specific age groups and appropriate times.  相似文献   

Cycling, being easy, inexpensive and healthy, is becoming one of the most popular means of transport. Cyclists, however, are among the most vulnerable road users in traffic collisions.  相似文献   

The factors that influence students' attitudes towards mobile learning (ML) is an intriguing topic. Though previous studies have examined the determinants influencing the acceptance of ML, few studies have investigated the influences of different cross-cultural factors on ML acceptance in higher education. When students from various countries participate in class, it is very important to address and improve the learning experiences of cross-cultural students. To elucidate this issue, this study proposes a conceptual model and theoretical framework through the theory of planned behavior (TPB) by incorporating diverse constructs to examine the influences of cross-cultural students' attitudes toward ML. Moreover, the following issues must be addressed: (1) examining cross-cultural ML problems within cross-cultural perspectives in a culturally sensitive manner, and (2) identifying the similarities and differences in cross-cultural students' behavioral intentions (BI) when influenced by attitude (ATT), subjective norm (SN), and perceived behavior control (PBC). Data were collected using an online survey from 947 respondents in Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and China. Our results show that BI towards the adoption of ML was influenced by ATT, SN, and PBC among the Taiwanese, Chinese, Indonesian, and Vietnamese undergraduate students. In addition, PBC was a significant predictor for students in Taiwan and Vietnam but was not a significant predictor for students in China and Indonesia. On the contrary, SN was significant in China and Indonesia but not in Taiwan and Vietnam. These findings showed a weaker relationship with SN in both China and Indonesia. Overall, our proposed model has reached an acceptable level. As a result, 82.3% and 81.2% acceptance levels were found for Taiwan and Vietnam, respectively, indicating that these students exhibit PBC-orientated distinguishing characteristics. This implies that students in Taiwan and Vietnam seem to be have more confidence in their ability to accept and perform a specific task for ML. Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that the 77.3% and 80.2% acceptance levels for China and Indonesia, respectively, indicate that these students also have SN-orientated distinguishing characteristics. The findings imply that students tend to follow other students’ decisions to use or not use ML. These findings are expected to facilitate decision makers and service providers in formulating appropriate strategies to improve the uptake of ML activities. Furthermore, these findings can help us understand the issues facing ML adoption in different cultural settings and contribute to the design and adequate provisions of ML programs.  相似文献   

Motorcyclists’ injuries and fatalities are a major public health concern in many developing countries including Ghana. This study therefore aimed to investigate the prevalence of helmet use among motorcyclists in Wa, Ghana. The method used involved a cross-sectional roadside observation at 12 randomly selected sites within and outside the CBD of Wa. A total of 14,467 motorcyclists made up of 11,360 riders and 3107 pillion riders were observed during the study period. Most observed riders (86.5%) and pillion riders (61.7%) were males. The overall prevalence of helmet use among the observed motorcyclists was 36.9% (95% CI: 36.1–37.7). Helmet use for riders was 45.8% (95% CI: 44.8–46.7) whilst that for pillion riders was 3.7% (95 CI: 3.0–4.4). Based on logistic regression analysis, higher helmet wearing rates were found to be significantly associated with female gender, weekdays, morning periods and at locations within the CBD. Riders at locations outside the CBD were about 7 times less likely to wear a helmet than riders within the CBD (48.9% compared to 42.3%; χ2(1) = 49.526; p < 0.001). The study concluded that despite the existence of a national helmet legislation that mandates the use of helmets by both riders and pillion riders on all roads in Ghana, helmet use is generally low in Wa. This suggests that all stakeholders in road safety should jointly intensify education on helmet use and pursue rigorous enforcement on all road types especially at locations outside the CBD to improve helmet use in Wa.  相似文献   

As in other parts of the Western world, there is concern in New Zealand about increasing popularity of motorcycles because of potential increases in road trauma. This study sought to identify important factors associated with increased risk for motorcyclists to inform potential policy approaches to reduce motorcyclist injury, such as changes to motorcyclist licensing, training and education. Using data extracted from a register of all New Zealand licensed motor vehicles that were matched to crash data, statistical models were fitted to examine patterns of motorcycle risk in comparison with small cars. These showed generally elevated risks for motorcyclists compared to cars, but particularly elevated risks for motorcycle owners aged in their 20s or who lived in more urbanised settings. In crashes, motorcyclists have little protection from injury, putting the motorcyclist at high risk of injury. When comparing new motorcycles with new cars, the odds of fatal or serious injury to a motorcycle rider involved in an injury crash were almost eight times the odds for a car driver.  相似文献   

A cohort of 4729 junior college students in an urban and a rural area in Taiwan was followed up for a period of 20 months. Students' characteristics, including riding exposures, as well as human, vehicular, and environmental factors were collected using one initial and three follow-up questionnaires. The Anderson-Gill (AG) multiplicative intensity model was used to determine the risk of a motorcycle crash over time while also allowing for the modeling of multiple events. The average response rate for the four assessments was 92%. The adjusted relative hazard (RH) for students living in the rural as opposed to the urban area for crashes was 1.67 at the beginning of the study but decreased to 0.66 by the end. Past motorcycle crash history, number of riding days, average riding distance, risk-taking level, alcohol consumption, and traffic violations were all significantly associated with an increased risk of being involved in a crash. Conversely, increasing age, riding experience, and automobile licensure were related to a decreased risk of crashing. Furthermore, helmet use was not independently related to the risk of crashing. In conclusion, a high-risk group predisposed to involvement in a motorcycle crash, including both non-injury and injury-related crashes, can be identified using selected risk factors for crash prevention among young riders.  相似文献   

Motorcycle crashes frequently involve a combination of high-risk behaviors by the motorcyclist or the other crash-involved driver. Such behaviors may include riding or driving without appropriate licensure or while under the influence of alcohol, as well as deciding not to use a safety device such as a helmet or safety belt. Given that these factors frequently occur in combination with one another, it is difficult to untangle the specific effects of individual factors leading up to the crash outcome. This study assesses how various rider-, driver-, and other crash-specific factors contribute to at-fault status in two-vehicle motorcycle crashes, as well as how these same factors affect the propensity for other high-risk behaviors. Furthermore, the interrelationships among fault status and these other behaviors are also examined using a multivariate probit model. This model is developed using police-reported crash data for the years 2006–2010 from the State of Ohio. The results show that younger motorcyclists are more likely to be at-fault in the event of a collision, as are riders who are under the influence of alcohol, riding without insurance, or not wearing a helmet. Similarly, motorcyclists were less likely to be at-fault when the other driver was of younger age or was driving under the influence of alcohol, without insurance, or not wearing their safety belt. Crash-involved parties who engaged in one high-risk behavior were more likely to engage in other such behaviors, as well, and this finding was consistent for both motorcyclists and drivers. The results of this study suggest that educational and enforcement strategies aimed at addressing any one of these behaviors are likely to have tangential impacts on the other behaviors, as well.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Kuznets curve relationship for motorcycle deaths. The Kuznets curve describes the inverted U-shape relationship between economic development and, in this case, motorcycle deaths. In early stages of development we expect deaths to increase with increasing motorization. Eventually deaths decrease as technical, policy and political institutions respond to demands for increased safety. We examine this effect as well as some of the factors which might explain the Kuznets relationship: in particular motorcycle helmet laws, medical care and technology improvements, and variables representing the quality of political institutions. We apply a fixed effects negative binomial regression analysis on a panel of 25 countries covering the period 1970-1999. Our results broadly suggest that implementation of road safety regulation, improvement in the quality of political institutions, and medical care and technology developments have contributed to reduced motorcycle deaths.  相似文献   



This study was designed to separate the association of age, sex and helmet use with the risk of death for occupants of two-wheeled motor vehicles (TWMV) involved in crashes into its two theoretical components: severity of the crash and occupant resilience.


We analyzed the retrospective cohort comprising all 48 016 pairs of drivers and passengers aged 14 years or more in TWMV involved in crashes with victims in Spain from 1993 to 2007 recorded in the Spanish traffic crash registry. The outcome (death or survival), age, sex and helmet use was known for both occupants. Adjusted relative risks (RR) for the association of age, sex and helmet with the risk of death were calculated with Poisson regression models.


Each 1-year increase in age was related with a 3% increase in the risk of death related with lower resilience. The severity-dependent RR of death was 1.84 for male sex and 0.86 for non-helmet use, and the resilience-dependent RR was 0.72 and 2.53, respectively.


The direction and magnitude of the association between age, sex and helmet use and the risk of death of an occupant of a TWMV involved in a crash changed depending on which component of risk was considered: crash severity or occupant resilience. Specifically, female sex and non-helmet use seemed to be associated with crashes of lower severity, but together with increased age they were also related with lower resilience to the energy released in the crash, and therefore with a higher risk of death after adjustment for crash severity. This should be taken into account when assessing the association of individual factors with the risk of death after a crash.  相似文献   

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