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针对传统关系数据库处理海量空间文本数据的不足,基于HBase数据库提出了一种结合Geohash编码与分词技术的空间文本索引方案,并基于该空间文本索引提出了一种多边形区域内的空间关键字查询算法。通过与传统经纬度索引方案的实验比较,验证了算法的高效性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

近年来,带有位置和文本信息的空间-文本数据的规模迅速增长。社交网络中的社交数据和移动互联网中的交易数据等都是空间-文本数据的重要来源,这些数据具有海量、异构、多维等特点。以空间-文本数据为背景的空间关键字查询技术目前得到广泛的研究与应用,给定一个查询位置(用经度和纬度表示)和一组查询关键字,返回距离查询位置最近且与查询关键字相关性较高的空间对象。对空间-文本数据的相关查询技术进行综述,主要包括查询处理模式、索引结构、语义近似查询、基于路网的查询、路线规划查询、基于社交网络查询、基于影响约束下的查询等。  相似文献   

杨茸  牛保宁 《计算机学报》2021,44(8):1732-1750
空间文本数据流上连续k近邻查询(Continuous k-nearest neighbor Queries over Spatial-Textual data streams,CkQST)能在空间文本对象组成的数据流上检索并实时更新k个包含指定关键字的空间邻近对象,是空间文本数据流上连续查询(Continuous Queries over Spatial-Textual data streams,CQST)的一种,以预订(subscribe)的方式广泛应用于广告定位、微博分析、地图导航等领域.求解CkQST采用CQST的求解框架——构建空间文本混合索引组织查询,利用索引的空间过滤和文本过滤能力,为不断到来的对象匹配查询.该框架的求解效率取决于索引的过滤能力,提高索引过滤能力的主要途径是将查询的空间搜索范围映射到索引结构的最小区域,减少需要验证的查询数量.这一途径适用于查询空间搜索范围很少变化的情况.对于CkQST,覆盖k个最邻近对象的空间范围随着符合文本匹配条件的对象的数量的变化而变化,与之对应的索引项需要同步更新,代价高.针对这一问题,本文选择能够高效支持空间范围变化的Quad-tree和关键字查找的倒排索引,构成空间文本混合索引,组织CkQST.在空间过滤方面,提出内存代价模型VUMBCM(Verification and Update of Memory-Based Cost Model),通过平衡索引更新代价和验证代价,优化查询空间搜索范围到Quad-tree节点的映射.在文本过滤方面,采用基于块的有序倒排索引,组织Quad-tree节点内的查询,以快速定位需要验证的查询,避免对倒排列表中大量不可能匹配查询的访问;批量处理包含共同文本项的对象,提高文本验证时的对象吞吐量.由此构建的混合索引,称为OIQ-tree.实验表明,OIQ-tree中的代价模型及基于块的有序倒排索引能够支持CkQST的高效求解.与目前先进的索引技术相比,当查询规模达到2000万时,因数据流中对象的变化导致的索引平均更新时间降低了 46%,数据流中对象的平均处理时间降低了 22%.  相似文献   

现有的空间关键字查询处理模式大都仅支持位置相近和文本相似匹配,但不能将语义相近但形式上不匹配的对象提供给用户;并且,当前的空间-文本索引结构也不能对空间对象中的数值属性进行处理。针对上述问题,本文提出了一种支持语义近似查询的空间关键字查询方法。首先,利用词嵌入技术对用户原始查询进行扩展,生成一系列与原始查询关键字语义相关的查询关键字;然后,提出了一种能够同时支持文本和语义匹配,并利用Skyline方法对数值属性进行处理的混合索引结构AIR-Tree;最后,利用AIR-Tree进行查询匹配,返回top-k个与查询条件最为相关的有序空间对象。实验分析和结果表明,与现有同类方法相比,本文方法具有较高的执行效率和较好的用户满意度;基于AIR-Tree索引的查询效率较IRS-Tree索引提高了3.6%,在查询结果准确率上较IR-Tree和IRS-Tree索引分别提高了10.14%和16.15%。  相似文献   

在处理路网移动对象时,由于HBase只能采用key查询,不适用于移动对象的多维查询,导致HBase存在存储索引与查询效率不高的问题。针对此问题,在HBase存储结构的基础上设计并实现了一种高效的路网移动对象HBase索引框架(RM-HBase)。首先,对原生HBase索引框架的上层HMaster和下层HRegionServer进行改进,解决分布式集群数据的热点分布问题,提高空间数据的查询效率;其次,提出路网移动索引——RN-tree,解决空间划分中的"死空间"问题,同时提高空间中路段的查询效率;然后,基于上述对HBase的索引改进,分别设计了时空范围查询、时空K最近邻(KNN)查询和移动对象轨迹查询的查询算法;最后,实验选用了同样是基于HBase分布式数据库而提出的时空HBase索引(STEHIX)框架作为对比对象,分别从索引框架的性能和算法的查询效率两个方面对RM-HBase的性能进行分析。实验结果表明,所提的RM-HBase在数据的均衡分布性能和时空查询算法的查询性能方面都优于STEHIX框架,有助于提升海量路网移动对象数据的时空索引效率。  相似文献   

空间近似关键字查询包含一个空间条件和一组关键字相似性条件,这种查询在空间数据库中返回同时满足以下条件的对象:1)对象的位置信息满足查询中的空间条件;2)对于查询中的任何一个关键字,对象中至少包含一个关键字与其相似度大于给定阈值.随着当前数据的爆炸性增长,空间数据库无法完整地存放在内存中,因此空间数据库需要支持空间近似关键字查询的外存索引.目前,还没有在外存中支持精确的空间近似关键字查询的索引结构.设计了一种新型的外存索引RB树,在外存中支持精确的空间近似关键字查询.RB树支持的空间近似关键字查询包括多种空间条件,如范围查询、NN查询,同时支持多种关键字相似性度量,包括编辑距离、规范化编辑距离等.通过真实数据中的性能测试验证了RB树的效率.  相似文献   

为了支持各类基于位置的服务,人们提出了各种查询和搜索空间文本数据的方法和技术.传统的空间关键字查询和近期提出的空间模式匹配不支持用户定义查询关键字对象以及对象之间细致的空间结构关系,使得查询结果集庞大但无效结果偏多,不能满足用户高效且精确的查询需求.本文因此提出了一种新的查询模式——空间结构匹配查询(Spatial Structure Matching,SSM),允许用户定义一组查询关键字对象并指定任意两个对象之间的距离和方向约束.为了解决SSM查询问题,本文首先提出了一种基于多路连接的基准方法,将SSM查询问题分解为单个对象的关键字匹配,两个对象的边匹配和多个对象的聚合匹配.为了提高SSM查询效率,本文提出了基于扫描线算法的边匹配计算,利用对象的地理位置信息来降低边匹配计算开销.本文利用同时满足查询关键字,距离和方向约束的空间对象构造对象连接图,从而将SSM查询问题转换为在对象连接图上搜索与SSM查询结构同构的子图匹配问题,并且利用经典的子图同构匹配算法求解获得最终的查询结果.在四个大规模空间文本数据集上的实验结果表明,本文所提算法的查询效率远高于对比算法,返回的查询结果集精简有效且...  相似文献   

目前,个人和组织的信息呈现急剧增长趋势,且非结构化数据所占比重在不断增加,这些属于某个主体的海量、分布、异构和共存的数据构成了一个异构数据空间,如何为用户提供高效、便捷和多样化的搜索查询服务是数据空间面临的巨大挑战,为数据空间中异构数据构建高效的索引方法是解决这一问题的基础。对iMeMex数据模型的特点和数据空间中查询方法进行了分析,在此基础上通过扩展倒排列表方法,提出了一种基于iMeMex数据模型的索引方法,来提高对数据空间中异构数据的搜索查询效率。新的索引方法通过扩展倒排列表的关键字列和链表节点信息索引资源视图,来支持和提高关键字查询、谓词查询和路径查询的处理效率。实验结果表明,该索引方法能够有效、可行地解决数据空间中异构数据索引和查询效率问题。  相似文献   

近年来,带有位置和文本信息的空间-文本数据的规模迅速增长,以空间-文本数据为背景的空间关键字查询技术得到广泛的研究与应用。现有大多数空间关键字查询方法通常以单个空间对象作为查询结果的基本单元,最近有少数研究工作提出以一组空间对象作为查询结果的基本单元,这组空间对象联合满足用户的查询需求,但却没有考虑组内空间对象之间的关联关系。针对上述问题,提出一种top-[k]集合空间关键字近似查询方法。提出一种基于关联规则的空间对象之间的关联访问度评估方法,设计了一种结合距离和组内空间对象关联访问度的评分函数;提出了一种基于VP-Tree的剪枝策略,用于快速搜索空间对象的局部邻域,进而加快查询匹配速度;利用评分函数计算候选空间对象组合的得分,并以此选取top-[k]组空间对象作为查询结果。实验结果表明,提出的空间对象关联度评估方法具有较高的准确性,提出的剪枝策略具有较高的执行效率,获取的top-[k]组空间对象具有较高的用户满意度。  相似文献   

针对传统的时空索引构建、维护困难且实时查询效率低等问题,首先提出基于HBase的时空索引构造方法。该方法采用HBase作为监测视频大数据时空特征索引结构,通过Z填充曲线对空间特征进行降维存储,并利用时间、空间和属性特征之间的关联及依赖规则来安排rowkey索引键,可有效解决传统的时空索引构建、维护困难的缺陷。此外,针对传统的时空索引实时查询效率低的问题,进一步提出了基于Z曲线的时空关联查询算法,该算法对查询空间计算Z值范围和建立空间划分子集,利用划分后的时空特征进行列索引查询得到候选数据集并反查HBase索引表完成关联查询。实验结果表明,与传统的R树索引算法相比,提出的基于HBase的时空索引构造方法索引插入效率更高,提出的基于Z曲线的时空关联查询算法能够快速高效地处理时空关联查询。  相似文献   

The volume of spatio-textual data is drastically increasing in these days, and this makes more and more essential to process such a large-scale spatio-textual dataset. Even though numerous works have been studied for answering various kinds of spatio-textual queries, the analyzing method for spatio-textual data has rarely been considered so far. Motivated by this, this paper proposes a k-means based clustering algorithm specialized for a massive spatio-textual data. One of the strong points of the k-means algorithm lies in its efficiency and scalability, implying that it is appropriate for a large-scale data. However, it is challenging to apply the normal k-means algorithm to spatio-textual data, since each spatio-textual object has non-numeric attributes, that is, textual dimension, as well as numeric attributes, that is, spatial dimension. We address this problem by using the expected distance between a random pair of objects rather than constructing actual centroid of each cluster. Based on our experimental results, we show that the clustering quality of our algorithm is comparable to those of other k-partitioning algorithms that can process spatio-textual data, and its efficiency is superior to those competitors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient solution for processing continuous range spatial keyword queries over moving spatio-textual objects (namely, CRSK-mo queries). Major challenges in efficient processing of CRSK-mo queries are as follows: (i) the query range is determined based on both spatial proximity and textual similarity; thus a straightforward spatial proximity based pruning of the search space is not applicable as any object far from a query location with a high textual similarity score can still be the answer (and vice versa), (ii) frequent location updates may invalidate a query result, and thus require frequent re-computing of the result set for any object updates. To address these challenges, the key idea of our approach is to exploit the spatial and textual upper bounds between queries and objects to form safe zones (at the client-side) and buffer regions (at the server-side), and then use these bounds to quickly prune objects and queries through smart in-memory data structures. We conduct extensive experiments with a synthetic dataset that verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

With the rocket development of the Internet, WWW(World Wide Web), mobile computing and GPS (Global Positioning System) services, location-based services like Web GIS (Geographical Information System) portals are becoming more and more popular. Spatial keyword queries over GIS spatial data receive much more attention from both academic and industry communities than ever before. In general, a spatial keyword query containing spatial location information and keywords is to locate a set of spatial objects that satisfy the location condition and keyword query semantics. Researchers have proposed many solutions to various spatial keyword queries such as top-K keyword query, reversed kNN keyword query, moving object keyword query, collective keyword query, etc. In this paper, we propose a density-based spatial keyword query which is to locate a set of spatial objects that not only satisfies the query’s textual and distance condition, but also has a high density in their area. We use the collective keyword query semantics to find in a dense area, a group of spatial objects whose keywords collectively match the query keywords. To efficiently process the density based spatial keyword query, we use an IR-tree index as the base data structure to index spatial objects and their text contents and define a cost function over the IR-tree indexing nodes to approximately compute the density information of areas. We design a heuristic algorithm that can efficiently prune the region according to both the distance and region density in processing a query over the IR-tree index. Experimental results on datasets show that our method achieves desired results with high performance.  相似文献   

Query reformulation, including query recommendation and query auto-completion, is a popular add-on feature of search engines, which provide related and helpful reformulations of a keyword query. Due to the dropping prices of smartphones and the increasing coverage and bandwidth of mobile networks, a large percentage of search engine queries are issued from mobile devices. This makes it possible to improve the quality of query recommendation and auto-completion by considering the physical locations of the query issuers. However, limited research has been done on location-aware query reformulation for search engines. In this paper, we propose an effective spatial proximity measure between a query issuer and a query with a location distribution obtained from its clicked URLs in the query history. Based on this, we extend popular query recommendation and auto-completion approaches to our location-aware setting, which suggest query reformulations that are semantically relevant to the original query and give results that are spatially close to the query issuer. In addition, we extend the bookmark coloring algorithm for graph proximity search to support our proposed query recommendation approaches online, and we adapt an A* search algorithm to support our query auto-completion approach. We also propose a spatial partitioning based approximation that accelerates the computation of our proposed spatial proximity. We conduct experiments using a real query log, which show that our proposed approaches significantly outperform previous work in terms of quality, and they can be efficiently applied online.  相似文献   

Recently, Reverse k Nearest Neighbors (RkNN) queries, returning every answer for which the query is one of its k nearest neighbors, have been extensively studied on the database research community. But the RkNN query cannot retrieve spatio-textual objects which are described by their spatial location and a set of keywords. Therefore, researchers proposed a RSTkNN query to find these objects, taking both spatial and textual similarity into consideration. However, the RSTkNN query cannot control the size of answer set and to be sorted according to the degree of influence on the query. In this paper, we propose a new problem Ranked Reverse Boolean Spatial Keyword Nearest Neighbors query called Ranked-RBSKNN query, which considers both spatial similarity and textual relevance, and returns t answers with most degree of influence. We propose a separate index and a hybrid index to process such queries efficiently. Experimental results on different real-world and synthetic datasets show that our approaches achieve better performance.  相似文献   

The proliferation of GPS-enabled smart mobile devices enables us to collect a large-scale trajectories of moving objects with GPS tags. While the raw trajectories that only consists of positional information have been studied extensively, many recent works have been focusing on enriching the raw trajectories with semantic knowledge. The resulting data, called activity trajectories, embed the information about behaviors of the moving objects and support a variety of applications for better quality of services. In this paper, we propose a Top-k Spatial Keyword (TkSK) query for activity trajectories, with the objective to find a set of trajectories that are not only close geographically but also meet the requirements of the query semantically. Such kind of query can deliver more informative results than existing spatial keyword queries for static objects, since activity trajectories are able to reflect the popularity of user activities and reveal preferable combinations of facilities. However, it is a challenging task to answer this query efficiently due to the inherent difficulties in indexing trajectories as well as the new complexity introduced by the textual dimension. In this work, we provide a comprehensive solution, including the novel similarity function, hybrid indexing structure, efficient search algorithm and further optimizations. Extensive empirical studies on real trajectory set have demonstrated the scalability of our proposed solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define a new class of queries, the top-k multiple-type integrated query (simply, top-k MULTI query). It deals with multiple data types and finds the information in the order of relevance between the query and the object. Various data types such as spatial, textual, and relational data types can be used for the top-k MULTI query. The top-k MULTI query distinguishes itself from the traditional top-k query in that the component scores to calculate final scores are determined dependent of the query. Hence, each component score is calculated only when the query is given for each data type rather than being calculated apriori as in the top-k query. As a representative instance, the traditional top-k spatial keyword query is an instance of the top-k MULTI query. It deals with the spatial data type and text data type and finds the information based on spatial proximity and textual relevance between the query and the object, which is determined only when the query is given. In this paper, we first define the top-k MULTI query formally and define a new specific instance for the top-k MULTI query, the top-k spatial-keyword-relational(SKR) query, by integrating the relational data type into the traditional top-k spatial keyword query. Then, we investigate the processing approaches for the top-k MULTI query. We discuss the scalability of those approaches as new data types are integrated. We also devise the processing methods for the top-k SKR query. Finally, through extensive experiments on the top-k SKR query using real and synthetic data sets, we compare efficiency of the methods in terms of the query performance and storage.  相似文献   

The rapidly increasing scale of data warehouses is challenging today’s data analytical technologies. A conventional data analytical platform processes data warehouse queries using a star schema — it normalizes the data into a fact table and a number of dimension tables, and during query processing it selectively joins the tables according to users’ demands. This model is space economical. However, it faces two problems when applied to big data. First, join is an expensive operation, which prohibits a parallel database or a MapReduce-based system from achieving efficiency and scalability simultaneously. Second, join operations have to be executed repeatedly, while numerous join results can actually be reused by different queries. In this paper, we propose a new query processing framework for data warehouses. It pushes the join operations partially to the pre-processing phase and partially to the postprocessing phase, so that data warehouse queries can be transformed into massive parallelized filter-aggregation operations on the fact table. In contrast to the conventional query processing models, our approach is efficient, scalable and stable despite of the large number of tables involved in the join. It is especially suitable for a large-scale parallel data warehouse. Our empirical evaluation on Hadoop shows that our framework exhibits linear scalability and outperforms some existing approaches by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

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