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化学需氧量COD_(cr)的测定有经典法、库仑法,还有无锡市环境监测研究所的半微量烘箱法。近几年来一些杂志均有改进方法的报导,方法多样化,其实质均以重铬酸钾作为氧化剂,不同的是氧化剂用量,氧化酸度和测定时间上的差异。快速测定COD_(cr)法将氧化回流时间缩短为十分钟,经准确度、精密度和最低检出限的测定,并与经典法间进行总体均值t检验和两总体方差下检验表明,经典法和快速法间没有显著性差异。实验证明,在一定的氧化酸度下,快速法对直链脂肪族,芳香族中的蒽醌类等系类以及分散性染料、活性染料、有机颜料、杂环类等化工废水的COD_(cr)测定均得到满意的结果,在监督性监测的批量分析中具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

化学需氧量作为水质分析中的常规项目,在实际工作中常受诸多因素影响,为有效地减少实验误差,本文以空白实验值作为质控手段,分析了实验用水、化学试剂的质量、加热时间、加热温度等因素对CODcr实验结果的影响,并提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

从CODcr废液中回收银及硫酸银   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从CODcr废液中回收银及硫酸银刘艳,张向东(石河子市环境监测站832000)用重铬酸钾法测定CODCr需加入硫酸银作催化剂。每测定一个水样需消耗约0.3g硫酸银,每升废液中约含2.1g硫酸银。含Ag+废水排入城市下水道,不仅污染环境,也是经济损失。...  相似文献   

从CODcr测定废液中回收硫酸银   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用重铬酸钾法测定水样化学需氧量需加入硫酸银作催化剂,滴定后每个样品约有0.4克硫酸银随废水排入环境,可溶性银盐排入环境可造成环境的污染,且银是贵金属。因此,将COD_(Cr)实验废液中的硫酸银进行回收处理,再生硫酸银是有意义的,本文探讨了硫酸银的回收方法及回用于实验的可行性。  相似文献   

废水COD_(cr)测定中硫酸亚铁铵溶液稳定性的试验周秀华(浙江省平湖市环境监测站314200)目前废水中COD(cr)值测定普遍采用重铬酸钾滴定法,但由于该方法所用的回滴试剂(硫酸亚铁铵溶液)易受空气、光氧化,导致该溶液浓度下降,在每次使用时,必须?..  相似文献   

采用自行研制的COD在线连续自动监测仪测定水中COD,并得到较好的精密度和准确度。  相似文献   

常武地区河道CODcr污染负荷及其来源构成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对常武地区运河及主要支流进行了为期7个月的监测,结合污染原调查,计算出常武地区河道CODcr污染负荷,并对其来源构成进行了分析。  相似文献   

杨静  朱敏  顾帆 《中国环境监测》2023,39(2):195-206
通过前处理与检测条件的全面优化,建立了一种同时实现环境沉积物中9种痕量双酚类化合物的加速溶剂萃取(ASE)-固相萃取(SPE)-高效液相色谱/三重四极杆质谱(HPLC/MSMS)检测方法。沉积物样品先采用甲醇作为溶剂,在70℃条件下进行加速溶剂萃取,萃取液约100 mL,加入甲酸调节pH约为2.5,再经Oasis型HLB固相萃取柱富集与净化,该过程可将沉积物的基质效应控制在85%~95%之间。9种目标化合物在0.05~25.0μg/L(以双酚AF计)范围内呈良好的线性关系,相关系数r>0.999,检出限为0.01~0.25μg/kg,加标回收率为62%~122%,相对标准偏差为0.9%~12.7%。  相似文献   

在CODcr催化快速测定法中,配制理论COD值为1000mg/L的邻苯二甲酸氢钾9KHCsH4O4)标准溶液500mL,所称取的KHC8H4O4的质量为0.425lg,但笔者根据理论计算,认为不是0.425lg而应该是0.425g.  相似文献   

本文对蒸发浓缩法用于地面水中低浓度COD的测定作了研究,实验结果表明,地面水中COD物质在碱性条件下,能得以定量浓缩,然后采用重铬酸钾法进行测定,所得结果的精密度和准确度良好,若通过蒸发浓缩处理使COD物质浓缩5倍,则可使重铬酸钾法的最低检测限浓度由50mg/L降低到10mg/L,从而使该方法能够适用于地面水水质标准中各类水质COD检测要求。  相似文献   

仪器法测定CODCr试剂配方的改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对仪器法测定CODCr用的专用试剂成本高,影响正常使用的问题,对测定试剂进行调整改进,降低了测试成本,经实验,检测结果符合要求。  相似文献   

含油废水CODCr分析的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王小春  金慕珍 《干旱环境监测》2002,16(2):128-128,F003
分析了引起含油废水CODcr测值偏低的原因主要为取样误差,并通过实验验证其影响是巨大的。提出了通过加入表面活性剂AEO-9改善废水均值程度,提高分析结果准确性的解决办法。  相似文献   

棉浆粕废水具有排放量大、有机污染物浓度高、色度深等特点,用在线监测仪测定废水中的TOC,同时用重铬酸钾法测定废水中的CODCr,以此寻找出棉浆粕废水中CODCr与TOC之间的相关性.采用在线监测仪快速测定废水中的TOC值,可间接求出CODCr的测定值,能够真实反映棉浆粕废水中CODCr值,从而达到对棉浆粕废水中CODCr含量的有效监控.  相似文献   

高氯废水中有机物污染指标CODcr测定方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CODcr作为评价有机物污染的重要指标,高氯及无机还原性耗氧物质是影响CODcr测试结果准确性的主要干扰因素.提出用0.1mol/L的K2Cr2O7为氧化剂,HgSO4为掩蔽剂并辅以空白扣除法消除高氯的影响;用酸化吹气法去除S2-等无机还原物质的影响.所用方法科学准确,测定结果可靠.  相似文献   

An area of 0.6 km(2) in the manganese nodule field of the Central Indian Basin was physically disturbed and sediments discharged in the near bottom waters to simulate seabed mining and study its impact on benthic ecosystem. An estimated 2 to 3 tonnes of sedimentary organic carbon (C(org)) was resuspended into the water column during a 9-day experiment. The majority of the sediment cores from within the disturbed area and areas towards the south showed a ~30% increase in C(org) content as well as an increase in carbon burial rates after disturbance, though with a reduction in carbon/phosphorus ratios. High specific surface area (SSA~25 m(2) g(-1)) and low C(org)/SSA ratios (mostly <0.5) are typical of deep-sea sediments. The increased C(org) values were probably due to the organic matter from dead biota and the migration and redeposition of fine-grained, organic-rich particles. Spatial distribution patterns of C(org) contents of cores taken before and after disturbance were used to infer the direction of plume migration and re-sedimentation. A positive relationship was observed between total and labile C(org) and macrobenthos density and total bacterial numbers prior to disturbance, whereas a negative relationship was seen after disturbance owing to drastic reduction in the density of macrofauna and bacteria. Overall decrease in labile organic matter, benthic biota and redistribution of organic matter suggest that the commercial mining of manganese nodules may have a significant immediate negative effect on the benthic ecosystem inducing changes in benthic community structure.  相似文献   

The binding of arsenic in sediments of the heavily industrialised Port Kembla Harbour, NSW, Australia, has been investigated. Both dredge and core samples have been used to develop a sieving/sequential extraction (SE) procedure. Dredge samples included oxic surficial and deeper anoxic sediment. The main core sample analysed was 18 cm deep, sliced at 2 cm intervals. Sediment was sieved to three size ranges (<63 microm, 63-250 microm, >250 microm) and each of these was then subjected to a four step SE, sequentially solubilizing arsenic as ion exchangeable, 1 M HCl soluble, NH(2)OH.HCl soluble, and strong oxidising acid soluble. Concentrations of 50-500 mg As kg(-1) were found, elevated well above local background values. The core sample showed elevated concentrations of arsenic within the top 6-8 cm (300-500 mg As kg(-1)), relative to the deeper sediment (100-200 mg As kg(-1)). Substantial portions of the total arsenic present in the 0-8 cm sediments of core and dredge samples, were found to be soluble in 1 M pH 5 phosphate buffer or 1 M HCl. Arsenic in the lower 8-18 cm of the core displayed different solubility, the fourth stage SE strong acid digestion being required to solubilize >90% of the deep sediment arsenic. It appears that diagenesis had resulted in remobilisation of weakly bound arsenic with subsequent diffusion and deposition in surficial layers. Strong acid soluble arsenic present in deeper sediments has two possible origins: sedimented as strongly bound remaining untouched by diagenetic events, or subjected to diagenetic reactions such as pyritization, which lead to more stable crystalline forms of minerals.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) mobilization to the groundwater of Brahmaputra floodplains was investigated in Titabor, Jorhat District, located in the North Eastern part of India. The groundwater and the aquifer geochemistry were characterized in the study area. The range of As concentration in the groundwater varies from 10 to 440 μg/l with mean concentration 210 μg/l. The groundwaters are characterized by high dissolved Fe, Mn, and HCO3 ? and low concentrations of NO3 ? and SO4 2? indicating the reduced conditions prevailing in the groundwater. In order to understand the actual mobilization processes in the area, six core drilling surrounding the two target tube wells (T1 and T2) with high As concentration (three drill-cores surrounds each tube well closely) was done. The sediment was analyzed its chemical, mineralogical, and elemental compositions. A selective sequential extraction suggested that most of the As in the sediment is bound to Fe oxides fractions (32 to 50 %) and the competition for adsorption site by anions (PO4 3?) also accounts to significant fractions of the total arsenic extracted. High variability in the extraction as well as properties of the sediment was observed due to the heterogeneity of the sediment samples with different chemical properties. The SEM and EDX results indicate the presence of Fe, Mn coating along with As for most of the sample, and the presence of As associated minerals were calculated using PHREEQC. The mobilization of As into the groundwater was anticipated to be largely controlled by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides and partly by the competitive anions viz. PO4 3?.  相似文献   

The soils of the Brazilian Amazon exhibit large geochemical diversity reflecting the different soil formation processes in an area covering 49% of the Brazilian territory. Soil contamination by heavy metals is one of the threats to the sustainability of this Biome but establishing quality reference values (QRVs) for the region is a challenging owing to the immense territorial area of the Amazon. This study aimed to determine the natural background of heavy metals in soils from the southwestern Brazilian Amazon in order to propose QRVs for Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn for alluvial sedimentary soils. One hundred and twenty-eight soil samples were collected at a depth of 0.0–0.2 m in sites with minimal anthropogenic interference. Soil sample digestion was based on the EPA 3051A method and metal concentrations were determined by ICP-OES. QRVs calculated for the southwestern Brazilian Amazon are among the lowest recorded in Brazil (mg kg?1): Ba (16.5), Cd (0.1), Cr (6.9), Cu (2.8), Fe (15.4), Mn (13.4), Ni (1.7), Pb (4.4), Sb (0.9), and Zn (5.7). The low metal concentration is likely a result of the sedimentary origin of the soils. The results of this study can serve as a basis for defining public policies to investigate the environmental impacts resulting from changes in land use in areas of the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of the bottom sediments of Lake Shinji and the River Ohashi in southwestern Japan was carried out to determine their elemental compositions and to evaluate the pollution status of lake sediments by employing enrichment factor (EF), pollution load index (PLI), and geoaccumulation index (I geo). Present-day water quality was also assessed. Results showed that the water quality of Lake Shinji contrasts slightly between the upper and lower parts. The chemical composition of the sediments, as measured by X-ray fluorescence, included major and trace elements and total sulfur (TS). Average abundances of As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr in the Shinji sediments were 10, 29, 143, 27, 19, and 54 ppm, respectively, compared to 6, 18, 57, 16, 10, and 37 ppm in the river sediments. Based on the EF, PLI, and I geo, the lake sediments are moderately to strongly polluted with respect to As, moderately polluted with Pb, Zn, and Cr, and unpolluted with Cu and Ni. The high EF and I geo for As, Pb, and Zn in the lake sediments indicate that metal concentration has occurred in Shinji. Increases in the abundances of these metals are likely related to the fine-grained nature of the sediments, reducing conditions of the bottom sediments, enrichment in organic matter, and possibly a minor contribution from non-point anthropogenic sources. Trace metal contents are strongly correlated with Fe2O3 and TS, suggesting that Fe oxides and sulfides play a role in controlling abundances in the investigated areas.  相似文献   

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