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In the rare-earth SmCoO3 perovskite, Co3+ ions at low temperatures appear to be in the low-spin state with S = 0, t 2g 2 e g 0 . If Ca2+ ions partially substitute Sm3+ ions, oxygen deficient Sm1 ? x Ca x CoO3 ? δ solid solutions with δ = x/2 appear. The oxygen deficiency leads to the formation of pyramidally coordinated cobalt ions Co pyr 3+ in addition to the existing cobalt ions Co oct 3+ within the oxygen octahedra. Even at low temperatures, these ions have a magnetic state, either S = 1, t 2g 5 e g 1 or S = 2, t 2g 4 e g 2 . At low temperatures, the magnetization of Sm1 ? x Ca x CoO3 ? δ is mainly determined by the response of Co pyr 3+ ions. Owing to the characteristic features of the crystal structure of the oxygen deficient perovskite, these ions form a set of nearly isolated dimers. At high temperatures, the magnetization of Sm1 ? x Ca x CoO3 ? δ is mainly determined by the response of Co oct 3+ ions, which exhibit a tendency to undergo the transition from the S = 0, t 2g 6 e g 0 state to the S = 1, t 2g 5 e g 1 or S = 2, tt 2g 4 e g 2 state. In addition, the magnetization and specific heat of the solid solutions under study include the contribution from the rare-earth subsystem, which undergoes a magnetic ordering at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of samples of the systems Ba1−x KxBiO3 and BaPbyBi1−y O3 are investigated over wide ranges of composition and temperature. Two main lines in the EPR spectrum with factors g 1≈2.1 and g 2≈4.2 are found for all compositions. It is shown that the observed EPR line with g 2≈4.2 is due to oxygen ions. This probably indicates the presence of oxygen ions with different effective charges, i.e., the existence of charge density waves in the oxygen-ion sublattice in addition to charge density waves in the bismuth sublattice. Zh. éksp. Teor. Fiz. 115, 1326–1336 (April 1999)  相似文献   

A N Bazhan  S V Petrov 《Pramana》1987,28(5):602-602
The dependence of magnetic moment and susceptibility on temperature, magnetic field and frequency of some single crystals Mn1?x Zn x F2 (xx e=0.75—percolation limit) were experimentally investigated. Our experiments show that (Bazhan and Petrov 1984; Cowleyet al 1984; Villain 1984) in these crystals the nonequilibrium magnetic state of spinglass type with finite correlation length appears as temperature decreasesT<T in weak magnetic fields. This state is determined by fluctuation magnetic moments √ (wheren is the number of magnetic ions, corresponding to finite correlation length andμ the magnetic moment Mn+1). In the experiments in low magnetic fields and frequencies there are no peculiarities in the magnetic susceptibility temperature dependence atTT f. At temperaturesT>T f andT<T f magnetic susceptibility is determined by 1 $$\chi \left( {T > T_f } \right) = \frac{{N\left\langle \mu \right\rangle ^2 }}{{3k\left( {T + \theta } \right)}} = \frac{N}{n}\frac{{\left\langle {\sqrt n \mu } \right\rangle ^2 }}{{3k\left( {T + \theta } \right)}} = \chi \left( {T< T_f } \right)$$ . In strong magnetic fields and large frequencies there are peculiarities in thex(T) dependence atT=T f. AtT<T f and strong magnetic fieldsX(T)=x 0 andT<T f and at large frequenciesx(T)=x 0+α/T. The dependences of magnetic susceptibility on the frequency are determined by the magnetic system relaxation. Calculations and comparison with experiments show that the relaxation of the investigated magnetic systems atT<T f follows the relaxation lawM(t)=M(0) exp[?(t/τ) r ], suggested in Palmeret al (1984) for spin-glasses relaxation taking into account the time relaxation distributionτ 0....τ max in the system and its ‘hierarchically’ dynamics.  相似文献   

The heat capacity of three single-crystal samples of La1?x SrxMnO3 (x=0, 0.2, and 0.3) is measured in the temperature range 4–400 K. It is found that the heat capacity undergoes abrupt changes due to the transitions from the antiferromagnetic phase to the paramagnetic phase (x=0) and from the ferromagnetic phase to the paramagnetic phase (x=0.2 and 0.3). The phonon contribution to the heat capacity and the Debye characteristic temperatures for the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 sample are determined over a wide range of temperatures. The electronic density of states at the Fermi level is evaluated. It is demonstrated that an increase in the strontium concentration x brings about an increase in the electronic density of states at the Fermi level. The contributions of spin waves to the heat capacity and the entropy are estimated under the assumption that the phonon spectrum remains unchanged upon doping with Sr.  相似文献   

A study is reported of the anisotropy in magnetic-field-induced linear polarization in (001) CdTe/Cd1−x MnxTe quantum wells. The observed limiting anisotropy is shown to be due to the low C 2v symmetry of the quantum well. The relations obtained for the C 2v point group are in a good agreement with experiment. Considered on the microscopic scale, the effect is associated with the heavy-hole g-factor anisotropy in the well plane. Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 41, 903–906 (May 1999)  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on measurements of the specific heatC of single-crystalline Eu x Sr1–x Te at temperatures between 60 mK and 15 K and in magnetic fields up to 6 T. Pure antiferromagnetic EuTe shows unusual critical behavior in the vicinity of the Néel temperatureT N=9.8 K with a positive critical exponent instead of the 3d-Heisenberg exponent =–0.12. Possible reasons for this discrepancy between theory and experiment include magnetic anisotropy effects due to magnetic dipole-dipole interactions, which may give rise to a cross-over of the critical behavior very close toT N. This anisotropy is also seen in the specific heat below 1 K where an exponential decay ofC is observed, and in the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility on the direction of the applied field. With increasing dilution of EuTe with nonmagnetic Sr, the critical behavior changes: becomes negative and decreases continuously towards –1 atxx c. This concentration dependence of was previously observed in the diluted ferromagnetic system Eu x Sr1–x S. Our data thus support that the apparent change in the critical behavior depends on the degree of disorder. Samples with concentrationx lower than the critical concentrationx c reveal spin-glass behavior in the specific heat. In addition, the dependence ofT N on magnetic fields is discussed. The data yield a normalized magnetic phase boundaryB c(T)/Bc(T=0) vs.T N(B)/TN(B=0) which is independent of concentration.  相似文献   

Frequency dependences of the real (?′) and imaginary (?″) parts of the complex permittivity, the dielectric loss tangent (tanδ), and the ac conductivity (σac) in frequency range f = 5 × 104?3.5 × 107 Hz have been investigated for TlGa1 ? x Er x Se2 crystals of various compositions. It has been established that the relaxation dispersion of ?′ and ?″ takes place for the studied crystals. The influence of the erbium content in the crystals on their dielectric coefficients has been studied. The ac conductivity of the TlGa1 ? x Er x Se2 single crystals in the high-frequency range obeys the law σacf 0.8, which is characteristic of the hopping mechanism of charge transfer over the states localized in the vicinity of the Fermi level. Parameters of the states localized in the band gap of TlGa1 ? x Er x Se2 and the influence of the composition of the crystals on these parameters have been evaluated.  相似文献   

LaAg x In1−x     
The structures of LaAg x In1–x alloys withx=0.75, 0.89 are determined by neutron diffraction on powder samples. The space group isI4/mmm (D 4h /17 ). The lattice constants splitting, the order parameter and the mean square vibrational amplitudes of the atoms are given in the temperature range from 20 KT300 K.  相似文献   

Spin states in amorphous Fe100–x Zrx (7x12) are investigated using hyperfine field distributions (HFDs) as derived from57Fe transmission Mössbauer experiments. The existence of low-, medium- and high-spin states is demonstrated by three-dimensional projections of HFDs. Temperature dependences of the corresponding average values revealed anomalous behaviour in the vicinity ofT fc. An increase in the hyperfine magnetic fields observed towards low temperatures is discussed in terms of a ferromagnet-to-spin-glass transition. Utilizing also theT c values, which were obtained from a thermal scanning Mössbauer technique, we propose a diagram of spin states in amorphous Fe-Zr.  相似文献   

Magnetostriction measurements above 4.2 K and up to 2.2 T have been performed in the amorphous alloys GdxAg1−x (0.30 ⩽ x ⩽ 0.40). Magnetostriction is purely of volume character. It shows with composition a maximum at x = 0.35, and this behaviour can be explained if forced volume magnetostriction derives form the strain dependence of the two-ion longitudinal spin correlation. The isotropic spin exchange correlation seems irrelevant in these series, as also put forward by thermal expansion measurements.  相似文献   

Recently ultrabroadband infrared solid state lasers based on a new vibronic material Cr2+:ZnSe x S1–x were demonstrated [1–3]. Cr2+ ion substitutes the metal ion (tetrahedral sites), the crystal field of the solid solution is responsible for large inhomogeneous broadening of Cr2+ electron states. The crystal field can be reconstructed by investigation of lattice dynamics — optical phonon parameters and dielectric function in IR. We paid special attention to investigation of vibrational and infrared spectroscopic properties of ZnSe x S1 ? x crystals. A very interesting and somewhat unexpected result of these studies was the existence in the crystals of effective S-Se dipoles, which generate an additional deep dynamically charged level in the forbidden gap of the semiconductors. The results of the first-principles calculations of both the phonon structure and the electron localization in ZnSe x S1–x crystals as well as acceptor levels in Cr2+: ZnSe crystal are discussed.  相似文献   

Within the effective-mass approximation the subband electronic levels and density of states in a semiconductor quantum well wire under tilted laser field are investigated. The energies and wave functions are obtained using a finite element method, which accurately takes into account the laser-dressed confinement potential. The density of states obtained in a Green's function formalism is uniformly blueshifted under the laser's axial field whereas the transverse component induces an additional non-uniform increase of the subband levels. Our results confirm that the tilted laser field destroys the cylindrical symmetry of the quantum confinement potential and breaks down the electronic states' degeneracy. Axial and transversal effects of the non-resonant laser field on the density of states compete, bringing the attention to a supplementary degree of freedom for controlling the optoelectronic properties: the angle between the polarization direction of the laser and the quantum well wire axis.  相似文献   

Optical properties of Hg1 ? x ? y Cd x Eu y Se crystals grown by the Bridgman method have been investigated based on the independent reflectance and transmittance measurements, which were performed on a Nicolet 6700 spectrometer at T = 300 K in the wavelength range 0.9 ≤ λ ≤ 26.6 μm. The values of refractive index n, absorption index k, and absorption coefficient α have been determined for the crystals studied. Based on the dependences α = f(hν), the presence of direct allowed interband optical transitions in the crystals is established and the band-gap values are determined. The influence of temperature on the transmittance and band gap are investigated in the range T = 114–300 K.  相似文献   

Various negatron effects in films of alloys of II–VI compounds deposited from solutions as a function of the deposition mode and heat treatment are studied. It is found that the negative photocapacitance effect, which was first discovered in ZnS1?x Se x films, and the slowly relaxing negative photoelectric effects, which are caused by the transition of electrons located in a nanoscale surface layer from the shallow energy levels of trapping centers to deeper levels with a lower polarizability and by the presence of nanoscale clusters in these materials, which play the role of a “reservoir” for minority charge carriers, occur according to a single mechanism. A model to explain the basic laws of negative photoconductivity in CdSe1 ? x Te x films deposited from a solution is proposed. Negative residual conductivity is explained in terms of double-barrier relief model, while negative differential photoconductivity is attributed to the presence of nanoscale electric domains.  相似文献   

We report the results of a Mössbauer study of the alloy sytem FeAl1?x Co x forx ≥ 0.3 at temperatures down to 83 K. Magnetic splitting is observed forx ≥ 0.35 at all temperatures. However, forx=0.3, no splitting is observed at room temperature, and superparamagnetic behavior occurs at LN2 temperature. The magnetically split spectra are fitted each with a distribution of hyperfine fields and the average hyperfine field \(\bar B_{hf} \) as a function of temperature is obtained. The variation of \(\bar B_{hf} \) withT is explained using the model of magnetic clusters with collective magnetic excitations from which the saturation hyperfine field and the magnetic anisotropy energy for these clusters are obtained. Also, the results are discussed using the model of random atomic distributions, and the agreement between the calculated and the experimentally obtained distributions of hyperfine fields is found improve asx increases.  相似文献   


The SeCu 1 m x Zn x O 3 solid solution, with a distorted perovskite-type structure, has been synthesized under high pressures and temperatures. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the zinc ions occupy the copper sites, a solid solution being formed. It seems that high-pressure stabilises a small cation such as Se 4+ in the A site of the perovskite structure ABO 3 although the material is better described as formed by selenite anions \rm{SeO}_{3}^{-} and Cu 2+ /Zn 2+ cations.  相似文献   

The static dielectric constant of Pb1–x Ge x Te (0x0.05) has been determined from differential capacitance measurements on Schottky-barriers in the temperature range of 4.2–300 K. A comparison with data deduced from the phonon frequencies via the Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation shows substantial discrepancies which are attributed to lattice defects.Work supported by Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank  相似文献   

The stationary photoconductivity, the photomagnetic effect, and the relaxation kinetics of photoconductivity in n-InAs1–x–ySbxPy crystals (x=0.06, y=0.11) with n0 = 8·1015 and 3·1016 cm–3 were measured and the lifetimes of nonequilibrium current carriers in the temperature interval T=78–295 K were determined. The possible mechanisms of recombination, which limit the lifetimes (radiative R, Auger recombination A, and recombination through centers with Ef=0.13 eV), which, as is demonstrated, are determined by interband recombination processes with RA = RA/(R + A), are calculated theoretically. The contribution of the 0.13 eV recombination centers can be significant when n01014 cm–3.Translated from Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Fizika, No. 4, pp. 52–54, April, 1991.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity of (Sn1?z Pbz)1?x InxTe alloys with different concentrations of lead (z=0–0.60) and indium (x=0.03–0.20) were studied at temperatures T=0.4–4.2 K in magnetic fields from zero to H=15 kOe. A resistivity drop of no less than three-four orders of magnitude was observed in this range of alloy compositions. Application of a magnetic field above a critical level resulted in a recovery of the sample resistivity to the original value. The observed resistivity drop is identified with a superconducting transition. The critical parameters of the superconducting transition (T c and H c2) were determined at the drop to one half the normal resistivity level. Experimental dependences of the critical supercon-ducting-transition temperature T c and of the second critical magnetic field H c2 on the contents of lead (z) and indium (x) were measured. The data obtained confirm a strong localization of the In impurity states and are evidence of the extrinsic nature of superconductivity in the class of materials under study. It was established that as the Pb content in (Sn1?z Pbz)1?x InxTe increases, T c and H c2 decrease as the Fermi level E F (fixed in the In impurity resonance band) leaves the Δ extremum and the superconductivity breaks down when E F leaves the LΣ saddle point in the valence-band energy spectrum.  相似文献   

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