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This paper presents the study of PVD improved reconstituted specimen with and without vacuum preloading on large-scale consolidometer in the laboratory tests. Subsequently, the results of the laboratory tests were analyzed and simulated by 2D (axisymmetric) finite element method (FEM) to back-analyze and confirm the related design parameters which were used further in subsequent numerical experiments. The laboratory test results indicated that the increased hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone of PVD with vacuum preloading (Vacuum-PVD) resulted in the increase in the coefficient of horizontal consolidation (Ch) by 16% as well as the decrease in the ratio between the horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the undisturbed zone (Kh) to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone (Ks) or (Kh/Ks) of about 10%. The Vacuum-PVD and PVD only have the same settlement magnitudes with similar equivalent loads.  相似文献   

The deformation characteristics of soil among prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) subjected to vacuum pressure are investigated using a model test conducted on dredged slurry. Red iron particles are used to indirectly indicate the lateral displacement of soil under vacuum preloading. Test results showed that, in addition to the settlement of soil between two PVDs, there was also lateral displacement that varied with consolidation time and lateral distance from the PVD because of lateral vacuum suction. The lateral displacement arose successively with the increasing lateral distance. And it increased from zero on the PVD surface and dropped back to zero again at the midpoint between the two PVDs. There should have been a maximum value of the lateral displacement at a point near the PVD. The combined vertical and lateral displacement formed a soil pile around the PVD and showed a ‘V’ shaped soil surface.  相似文献   

This paper presents two well-instrumented large-scale field tests of PVD-improved soft soil with vacuum and surcharge preloading, respectively. The two large-scale field tests were conducted adjacent to each other with the same preload. A comparative analysis was performed to investigate the performance of subsoil (i.e., the ground settlement, the layered settlement, the lateral displacement of subsoil and pore water pressure) under vacuum preloading and equivalent surcharge preloading. Some design methods were verified based on the field data. Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and Vane Shear Tests (VST) were conducted to assess the improvement effects on subsoil after preloading. The results showed that as compared with surcharge preloading, vacuum preloading mitigated the differential settlement of the ground. The vacuum pressure transmitted into the soil with a minor loss through the PVD length. From a practical point of view, the improvement effects by vacuum preloading and surcharge preloading were similar in terms of influence depth and soil strength based on the in-situ tests.  相似文献   

The combined vacuum and surcharge preloading technique is extensively used to accelerate the consolidation process of subsoils. The effect of vacuum pressure is often considered as a loading/unloading cycle of mean effective stress, such that elastic rebound occurs after vacuum removal, which cannot explain the observed postconstruction settlement in the field. In this study, the stress state of subsoils subject to vacuum and surcharge preloading is analyzed and decomposed into two components: (a) geostatic consolidation at a different depth, and (b) loading/unloading in the minor principal stress direction. A series of consolidated drained triaxial tests is conducted to simulate the soil behaviour after vacuum removal. Results show that the contribution of unloading in the minor principal stress direction outweighs the magnitude of elastic rebound after vacuum removal, and hence continued settlement dominates. A field case for highways is provided to further demonstrate the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Surcharge combined with vacuum preloading is a common technique for accelerating the consolidation process in ground improvement. A unit cell model for the axisymmetric consolidation of a soft soil using a prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) under a surcharge, combined with vacuum preloading, is investigated in this study. Based on this model, analytical solutions for a multi-layer soil system are put forward and the explicit expressions for two-layer and one-layer systems are presented. The accuracy of the proposed solution is verified using an analytical solution available in the literature. In the parametric study, the influencing factors on the consolidation process, such as, the smear zone, the PVD spacing, the hydraulic conductivity in the radial direction, the coefficient of vacuum decrease, are taken into account. The water flow in the radial direction plays an important role in the consolidation process while the impact of the vertical flow mainly develops around the interfaces between two adjacent layers. In addition, the proposed analytical solution is applied in a case history with three different layers and the results are reasonable.  相似文献   

真空-堆载联合预压加固软基简化计算方法   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
在深入了解真空预压机理和砂井地基固结理论的基础上 ,根据固结度等效的原则 ,推导了与单井固结理论等效的成层均质地基等效渗透系数 ,从而将复杂砂井地基转化为无砂井成层地基 ,以达到简化计算的目的 ,并结合真空-堆载联合预压的加固特点 ,提出一种简化的真空-堆载联合预压法的有限元计算方法 ,并结合工程实例对简化方法的可靠性进行了研究 ,通过与实测资料和常规砂井地基有限元计算值对比 ,表明该简化方法具有较高的准确性 ,可方便地应用于工程设计和实践。  相似文献   

介绍了真空联合堆载预压路基沉降的方法,主要是分析在已有吹填土的深厚淤泥地段主固结沉降的计算方法,并结合工程实例,通过分析对比研究,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

软土由吹填土和原状淤泥质土构成,平均深度为25m,且表层覆盖回填土层,采用真空联合堆载预压法进行处理。检测结果表明,该场地表层承载力达到100kPa以上,下部淤泥质土层承载力达到80kPa,平均沉降153.14~202.79cm,加固效果非常明显。实践证明,针对该区的深厚淤泥质软土地基,真空联合堆载法具有加固效果好、工期短和施工安全等优点,值得在该地区工程建设中推广应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the field measurements and analysis of a preloading project with the installation of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) in Wenzhou, China. At the site, PVDs were installed to a depth of 22?m from the ground surface with a spacing of 1.5?m in a triangular pattern. The preloading fill thickness was 6?m with a unit weight of approximately 18 kN/m3. After a total elapsed time of 310 days, approximately 3?m thick fill was removed. The measured preloading settlement was approximately 1.5?m. The measurements and analytical results indicated that the soil layer with PVD improvement reached almost 100% primary consolidation when part of the fill was removed. After partial unloading, the PVD-improved zone was in an over-consolidated state. After the runway was opened for traffic, a settlement increment of approximately 7?mm was monitored over a period of 11 months. Analysis indicated that the settlement was mainly due to the consolidation of soil layers below the PVD-improved zone and post-surcharge secondary consolidation of the PVD-improved zone. The values of the parameters related to PVD improvement were back-estimated from the field measurements. These findings can be used to guide the design of PVDs improvement along the east coast of China.  相似文献   

毛添钿 《山西建筑》2011,37(8):58-59
通过引入一个工程实例,从设计、施工方面对真空堆载联合预压法进行了论述,并对实际工程中遇到的技术问题提出了相应的解决办法,为不良地基的处理积累了经验。  相似文献   

真空预压与堆载预压加固软基的微观效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以某高速公路路基软土为研究对象,在地质条件相近的、不同试验路段的软基加固方法(堆载预压、真空预压、真空.堆载联合预压)前后(加固时间达到3个月),工程单位分别进行了原位试验并采取软土样,开展了室内物理力学试验。结合工程单位所取的软土样进行了软土的微观结构试验,在试验的基础上,获得了软土在天然状态以及3种不同工况下的微结构图像,通过对图像处理得到加固前后的微结构特征参数。研究得出:在工程地质条件相近以及加固时间相同的情况下,无论是从宏观、微观结构,还是从固结过程和强度的增长上来看,3种工况的加固效果依次为:堆载预压→真空预压→真空.堆载联合预压。  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted on kaolinite to investigate the effectiveness of electro-osmotic consolidation combined with vacuum preloading using electrokinetic geosynthetics (EKG). The results showed that the combined method could remove more water and induce larger surface ground settlements compared with the traditional vacuum preloading or electro-osmotic consolidation. Vacuum preloading was quite effective during the first 4?h, though the electro-osmotic consolidation took a main role in dewatering process after 9?h. The combined method could also hinder the development of cracks, induce higher negative pore water pressure and hence increase the efficiency of electro-osmotic consolidation. The results showed that deep electro-osmotic consolidation technique combined with vacuum preloading could result in significant water removal efficiency along with shorter electrode length. Furthermore, both electro-osmotic consolidation and the combined method could consolidate the soil efficiently with low energy consumption.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effectiveness of vacuum preloading in accelerating the consolidation of PVD improved soft Bangkok clay by comparing with the corresponding results without vacuum preloading. Laboratory tests were conducted using a large scale consolidometer having diameter of 300 mm and height of 500 mm with reconstituted specimens installed with prefabricated vertical drains (PVD) with and without vacuum preloading. In addition, field data were collected from Second Bangkok International Airport (SBIA) site improved by PVD with and without vacuum pressures. Analyses were carried out to compare the compressibility parameters (Ch and kh/ks) by back-calculation of laboratory and field settlements using Hansbo (1979) method. From the laboratory tests, the horizontal coefficient of consolidation (Ch) values from reconstituted specimens were 1.08 and 1.87 m2/yr for PVD without and with vacuum pressure, respectively and the kh/ks values were 2.7 for PVD only and 2.5 for vacuum-PVD. After the improvement, the water contents of the soft clay were reduced, thereby, increasing its undrained shear strengths. Similarly, the field data analysis based on the back-calculated results showed that the kh/ks were 7.2 and 6.6 for PVD without and with vacuum, respectively. The Ch values increased slightly from 2.17 m2/yr for PVD only to 3.51 m2/yr for vacuum-PVD. The time to reach 90% degree of consolidation for soils with vacuum-PVD was one-third shorter than that for soils with PVD only because of higher Ch values. Thus, the addition of vacuum pressure leads to increase horizontal coefficient of consolidation which shortened the time of preloading. The PVDCON software was found to be useful to predict the settlements of the PVD improved ground with and without vacuum preloading.  相似文献   

真空联合堆载预压下竖井地基固结解析解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
考虑真空度沿竖井的发展是一个深度的函数,同时堆载所引起的附加应力既随时间变化也随深度变化,还考虑了地基的径竖向渗流以及扰动区土体水平渗透系数的3种变化模式,推导了真空联合堆载预压下竖井地基固结度的一个较普遍的解析解,并分析了在真空度沿竖井线性下降,堆载线性施加和附加应力沿深度梯形分布等情况下的地基固结性状。结果表明,荷载线性施加时,真空度对地基固结度有较大影响,真空度越大,沿深度衰减越慢,固结越快;而在荷载瞬时施加时,真空度对固结度没有影响。在地基井径比和水平渗透系数与竖向渗透系数之比较小时,地基的竖向渗流对地基的固结度有较大的影响。  相似文献   

主要探讨了真空联合堆载预压法在高速公路软土地基处理中的应用,简要说明了真空联合堆载预压法的基本概念及其加固机理,并介绍了真空联合堆载预压的设计、施工工艺及检测。  相似文献   

现有的含竖向排水体地基固结问题的解析解答大都是在传统的等竖向应变假设基础上建立的,而且在考虑涂抹区土体的渗流和压缩作用方面,还没有真实地体现出涂抹区土体的竖向渗透系数和体积压缩系数,其对地基固结的影响也尚不明确。为此,针对含竖向排水体地基径竖向同时固结的轴对称问题,采用等体积应变假设,考虑井阻作用、涂抹作用、随时间线性堆载预压以及地基附加球应力任意分布,推导了完整的径竖向固结微分方程的解答,给出了超静孔隙水压力和固结度的显式表达式,分析了侧向变形即泊松比效应以及涂抹区土体的竖向渗透系数和三维体积压缩系数对地基整体平均固结度的影响。结果表明,泊松比效应较为明显,基于传统的等竖向应变假设的解答高估了地基的固结速率;不考虑涂抹区土体体积压缩的解答虽然也高估了地基的固结速率,但影响有限;而涂抹区土体的竖向渗透系数对于地基固结的影响则几乎可忽略不计。  相似文献   

Conventionally prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) consists of a core and a filter sleeve as two separable components. A new type of PVD is now available in which the filter and the core are bound together by heat melting to become an integrated body. This new type of integrated PVD has offered a new method in improving the properties and performance of PVD. Laboratory test results are presented in this note to show that both the tensile strength and the discharge capacity of the integrated PVD have increased as compared with those of the separable type of the same materials.  相似文献   

Dredged marine clay has been widely used as a filling material for land reclamation in China. The difficulty of using the vacuum preloading method to improve the dredged marine clay together with the bottom sediment clay is the different spacing requirement of the PVDs. To solve this problem, the Vacuum Preloading method combined with the Short and Long PVDs (VPSL) is proposed in this paper. The short PVDs are installed only into the dredged marine clay layer in-between the long PVDs which are installed through the whole clay layer. Pilot tests are also conducted at a land reclamation site in Tianjin, China, to investigate the performance of the proposed method. The ground settlement, the applied vacuum pressure and the pore water pressure in the soil are monitored during the pilot tests. The average degrees of consolidation are calculated based on the monitored settlement and pore pressure data. It is found that the proposed VPSL method is more effective for improving top dredged clay together with the bottom sediment clay than the conventional vacuum preloading method. The vane shear strength profiles of soil layers after ground improvement also show that the VPSL method is more effective to achieve a uniform soil strength profile.  相似文献   

An electro-osmotic consolidation (EO) combined with vacuum preloading (VP) was investigated on marine clay using laboratory tests. To improve consolidation efficiency and reduce the settlement difference, a new prefabricated device was designed to combine EO and VP for the tests. The results indicated that the vacuum preloading with intermittent electro-osmotic consolidation (VP–I-ECM) provided more water discharge with higher discharge rate and produced larger soil settlement compared to traditional vacuum preloading and electro-osmotic consolidation. For the combined method, the VP effectively removed water from the soil for the first 12 h, and its efficiency decreased with the time. After 12 h, the intermittent EO was used to further consolidate the soil and maintain a high level of drainage rate. Test results also showed that the combined method of VP-I-ECM significantly improved the shear strength and bearing capacity of the marine clay to satisfy the construction requirements with a significant reduction in the anode erosion and the energy consumption. This research study provides useful information for the design guide and practical application of the combined technique for improving marine clay.  相似文献   

董月霞 《山西建筑》2005,31(21):158-159
结合甬台温高速公路真空预压加固软土路基工程实例,介绍了真空-堆载联合预压的施工工序、方法,以及施工的成果,对真空-堆载联合预压加固高速公路软基的特点进行了分析,对高速公路路基施工有积极作用.  相似文献   

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