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X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene. Twenty Australian patients with an XLA phenotype, from 15 unrelated families, were found to have 14 mutations. Five of the mutations were previously described c.83G>A (p.R28H), c.862C>T (p.R288W), c.904G>A (p.R302G), c.1535T>C (p.L512P), c.700C>T (p.Q234X), while nine novel mutations were identified: four missense c.82C>A (p.R28S), c.494G>A (p.C165Y), c.464G>A (p.C155Y), c.1750G>A (p.G584E), one deletion c.142_144delAGAAGA (p.R48_G50del), and four splice site mutations c.241-2A>G, c.839+4A>G, c.1350-2A>G, c.1566+1G>A. Carrier analysis was performed in 10 mothers and 11 female relatives. The results of this study further support the notion that molecular genetic testing represents an important tool for definitive and early diagnosis of XLA and may allow accurate carrier status and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (X-CGD) is an immunodeficiency disorder characterized by defective intracellular killing of microorganisms due to the neutrophils' inability to generate superoxide ions. Although it is always caused by mutations in the CYBB gene, clinical and molecular characteristics vary in different ethnic backgrounds. Two unrelated Thai boys presented with severe persistent pulmonary infections at the age of two months. Their abnormal dihydrorhodamine (DHR) flow cytometry assays supported the diagnosis of X-CGD. Mutation analysis was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of the entire coding regions of CYBB. Mutations identified were confirmed by restriction enzyme analyses. PCR-sequencing of the entire coding regions of CYBB identified nonsense mutations, 271C>T (R91X) in exon 4 and 456T>A (Y152X) in exon 5, in probands of each family. Both of the patients' mothers were found to be carriers. This observation supports that CYBB is the gene responsible for X-CGD across different populations and nonsense mutations are associated with severe phenotypes.  相似文献   

Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) has been identified as the protein responsible for the primary immunodeficiency X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) and has been described as a new member of Srcrelated cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases. We have recently characterized the structure of the entire gene encoding Btk and developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay to detect germline mutations within it. In this report we describe six mutations, five of which are novel, of the Btk gene in patients with XLA and demonstrate the inheritance pattern of the defect within the families of the affected individuals. The mutations found include two nonsense and two missense mutations, a single base deletion at an intron acceptor splice site, and a 16-bp insertion. A single Strand conformation polymorphism was also found in the 5′ end of intron 8 with the same assay. This technique has provided a powerful tool for direct analysis of the Btk gene for the diagnosis of XLA and carrier detection. The identification of new mutations may eventually reveal the role of Btk in the signaling pathways involved in B-cell development. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

X-linked forms of retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) are among the most severe because of their early onset, often leading to significant visual impairment before the fourth decade. RP3, genetically localized at Xp21.1, accounts for 70% of XLRP in different populations. The RPGR (Retinitis Pigmentosa GTPase Regulator) gene that was isolated from the RP3 region is mutated in 20% of North American families with XLRP. From mutation analysis of 27 independent XLRP families, we have identified five novel RPGR mutations in 5 of the families (160delA, 789 A>T, IVS8+1 G>C, 1147insT and 1366 G>A). One of these mutations was detected in a family from Chile. Hum Mutat 17:151, 2001.  相似文献   

X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED) is characterized by severe hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, and hypodontia. The gene responsible for this pleiotropic syndrome (ED1) consists of 12 exons, 8 of them coding for a transmembrane protein (ectodysplasin-A; EDA-A) involved in the developmental process of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction. ED1 mutations that cause alterations in this protein lead to the XLHED phenotype. The major objective of the present study was to detect ED1 mutations in four Brazilian families with the XLHED phenotype and to compare them to the more than 60 different mutations already reported. DNA of the EDA-A coding exons was amplified by PCR, and single strand conformation analysis (SSCA) of the electrophoretic bands was carried out in polyacrylamide gel stained with silver nitrate. Two of these four families showed altered DNA band patterns. Subsequent DNA sequencing of the two mutated exons showed: (1) a 36 nucleotide deletion at exon 5 responsible for the loss of four Gly-X-Y repeats of the collagen subdomain of EDA-A; (2) a guanine deletion at exon 6 (966 or 967 sites) that alters EDA-A after amino acid 241 and leads to a premature ending at amino acid 279. This mutation at exon 6 seems not to have been reported previously and determines a truncated EDA-A without a part of its extracellular domain that contains the whole TNF homologue subdomain. These two DNA mutations are compatible with the XLHED phenotype. In the other two families the PCR-SSCA methodology was unable to detect any mutation responsible for the XLHED phenotype.  相似文献   

Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) is involved in B-cell development. Mutation of BTK results in X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). BTK is expressed in most haemopoietic lineages except mature T cells and plasma cells. We identified six novel and two known mutations of BTK in 11 Chinese XLA patients from 8 families. Family 1 had a novel point mutation at the start codon (135G-->T) in exon 2. Family 2 had known mutation of single A insertion in a stretch of 7 A residues (341-347insA) recognized as mutation hotspot in exon 3. Family 3 had a novel point mutation in exon 11 (1074A-->G) which led to aberrant splicing. Family 4 had known mutation in exon 19 (2053C-->T) in CpG mutation hotspot. The novel mutation of family 5 was an A deleted in a run of three As (1017-1019delA) in exon 10. In family 6, exons 2 and 3 were lost in BTK mRNA, a novel deletion. Family 7 had a novel substitution in exon 2 (227T-->C) which led to change of a conserved leucine to serine. Family 8 had a novel point mutation at beginning of intron 14 (IVS14+ 6 T-->G) resulting in aberrant splicing. Hum Mutat 15:385, 2000.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene for neural cell adhesion molecule L1 are responsible for the highly variable phenotype found in families with X-linked hydrocephalus, MASA syndrome, and spastic paraplegia type I. To date, 32 different mutations have been observed, the majority being unique to individual families. Here, we report nine novel mutations in L1 in 10 X-linked hydrocephalus families. Four mutations truncate the L1 protein and eliminate cell surface expression, and two would produce abnormal L1 through alteration of RNA processing. A further two of these mutations are small in-frame deletions that have occurred through a mechanism involving tandem repeated sequences. Together with a single missense mutation, these latter examples contribute to the growing number of existing mutations that affect short regions of the L1 protein that may have particular functional significance. Hum Mutat 9:512–518, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe three new mutations in a recently identified exon, ORF15, of the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator gene (RPGR) in three unrelated Japanese families (Families 1-3) with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). The affected males had typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP), whereas the obligate carrier females showed a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from minor symptoms to severe visual disability. Some carrier females in Families 1 and 2 showed typical RP, most carriers manifested high myopia and astigmatism, and their corrected visual acuity was insufficient. They showed an impairment of cone function following the rod dysfunction and accompanied by refractive errors. Microsatellite analysis of Family 1 revealed that the RP in the family was linked to the RP3 locus. Although one patient in the family had no mutation in the previously published exons 1-19 including exon 15a, he had a single-nucleotide insertion in exon ORF15 (g.ORF15 + 753-754 insG). Likewise, patients in Families 2 and 3 had two-base insertion/deletion in the exon, i.e., g.ORF15 + 833-834delGG and g.ORF15 + 861-862insGG, respectively. These insertional/deletional mutations observed in the three families are all different and new, and are predicted to lead to a frameshift, resulting in a truncated protein. These findings may support the previous hypothesis that RPGR-ORF15 is a mutational hot spot.  相似文献   

The peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) form a genetically and clinically heterogeneous group of disorders due to defects in at least 11 distinct genes. The prototype of this group of disorders is Zellweger syndrome (ZS), with neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD) and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) as milder variants. Liver disease, variable neurodevelopmental delay, retinopathy and perceptive deafness are common to PBDs. PBD patients belonging to complementation group 3 (CG3) have mutations in the PEX12 gene, which codes for a protein (PEX12) that contains two transmembrane domains, and a zinc-binding domain considered to be important for its interaction with other proteins of the peroxisomal protein import machinery. We report on the identification of five PBD patients belonging to CG3. Sequence analysis of their PEX12 genes revealed five different mutations, four of which have not been reported before. Four of the patients have mutations that disrupt the translation frame and/or create an early termination codon in the PEX12 open reading frame predicted to result in truncated protein products, lacking at least the COOH-terminal zinc-binding domain. All these patients display the more severe phenotypes (ZS or NALD). The fifth patient expresses two PEX12 alleles capable of encoding a protein that does contain the zinc-binding domain and displayed a milder phenotype (IRD). The three biochemical markers measured in fibroblasts (DHAPAT activity, C26:0 beta-oxidation and pristanic acid beta-oxidation) also correlated with the genotypes. Thus, the genotypes of our CG3 patients show a good correlation with the biochemical and clinical phenotype of the patients.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA), which is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, profound hypogammaglobulinemia, and decreased numbers of mature B cells in the peripheral blood. We evaluated 17 male Brazilian patients from 13 unrelated families who showed markedly reduced numbers of blood B cells and hypogammaglobulinemia. BTK gene analysis detected mutations in 10 of the 13 presumed XLA families. Seven mutations (Q196X, G613D, R28L, 251-273del, Q234X, H364P, and R13X) had been reported previously, whereas the remaining three mutations (M501T, IVS15+1G>C, and IVS14+1G>A) were novel. Mutation IVS15+1G>C occurred in a splice donor site and caused exons 15 and 16 to be skipped, and IVS14+1G>A might cause exon 14 to be skipped. Flow cytometry revealed deficient expression of BTK protein in 10 of the 13 families. This is the first report of the diagnosis of XLA by analysis of mutations of the BTK gene in Brazilian patients.  相似文献   

目的 检测肾上腺脑白质营养不良(adrenoleukodystrophy,ALD)(MIM300100)患者编码ALD蛋白的ABCD1基因[ATP-结合盒(ATP-binding cassette,ABC)超家族中D亚家族1]突变。方法 提取无亲缘关系的14例中国ALD患者及其中2例患者父母基因组DNA。聚合酶链反应(polymerase chainreaction,PCR)扩增ABCD1基因的第6外显子,以琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定PCR产物,PCR产物纯化后DNA直接测序。结果 证实3个患者的ABCD1基因第6外显子有突变,其中1例患者为5’末端上游第6个碱基C缺失(1489-6 del C),推测该突变可能导致剪切错误;1例患者为错义突变1559T→A(L520Q),这两例患者的母亲均为杂合突变。另1例患者为1548G→A(L516L)的同义突变。结论 首次报告了中国大陆ALD患者ABCD1基因突变.第6外显子无大片段缺失和重组突变。同一血缘族中可有不同的表型存在,提示是否有其它遗传或环境因素参与表型的表达。通过DNA测序方法亦证实其中2例患者之母为ABCD1基因的杂合子。  相似文献   

Recently, the polyglutamine-binding protein 1 (PQBP1) gene was found to be mutated in five of 29 families studied with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) linked to Xp. The reported mutations include duplications or deletions of AG dinucleotides in the fourth coding exon that resulted in shifts of the open reading frame. Three of the five families with mutations in this newly identified XLMR gene have been reported previously. We characterized the phenotypic and neuropsychological features in the two unpublished families with aberrations in PQBP1 and in a family reported 10 years ago. In total, seven patients diagnosed with aberrations in this gene were examined, including a newly identified patient at 18 months of age. Additionally, the features were compared to those reported in the literature of three other families, comprising MRXS3 (Sutherland-Haan syndrome) MRX55 and MRXS8 (Renpenning syndrome). Characteristics seen in these patients are microcephaly, lean body habitus, short stature, striking facial appearance with long narrow faces, upward slant of the eyes, malar hypoplasia, prognathism, high-arched palate and nasal speech. In addition, small testes and midline defects as anal atresia or imperforate anus, clefting of palate and/or uvula, iris coloboma and Tetralogy of Fallot are seen in several patients. These observations contribute to the phenotypic knowledge of patients with PQBP1 mutations and make this XLMR syndrome well recognizable to clinicians.  相似文献   

 The childhood cerebral form of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a severe congenital metabolic disease without a definite effective therapy except for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the appropriate disease stage. Seven Japanese families with X-ALD were analyzed for mutations in the ALD gene (ALD). Of the seven families, three were referred to us for prenatal diagnosis, four for carrier detection, and three for confirmation diagnosis of patients. By nucleotide sequencing and/or restriction analysis, all the subjects to be examined were successfully diagnosed. Six different missense mutations in ALD were identified. There was a G→A substitution (G512S) in two unrelated families, and a G→A (R617H), a C→T (R660W), a G→C (R163P), a C→T (S606L), or a G→A (G116E) substitution in each of the other five families. Among the six substitutions, five were those reported previously and the other was a novel mutation. In three families, prenatal diagnosis was carried out after genetic counseling. Received: September 9, 2002 / Accepted: November 26, 2002 Correspondence to:T. Matsumoto  相似文献   

Mutations of the gene encoding the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) have been previously shown to be responsible for classical Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS), isolated X-linked thrombocytopenia (XLT) and severe congenital X-linked neutropenia. AIMS: Identification of WASP mutations in 10 unrelated Australian families presenting with clinical features of WAS/XLT. METHODS: Mutation analysis was performed by PCR and sequence analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Two novel mutations and seven mutations which have previously been reported were identified. The novel mutations consisted of a missense mutation in exon 2 (C290A) associated with the phenotype of XLT and a mutation in intron 10 (1372+1G>A) in the mother of two boys presenting with a classical WAS phenotype.  相似文献   

X-linked retinoschisis (XLR) is a rare medical condition that involves in the splitting of neurosensory layers and the impairment of vision in the retina. In majority of the XLR cases, pathogenic variants in Retinoschisin 1 (RS1) gene have been implicated in males with an early age of onset during early childhood. In the present study, we have recruited two North Indian families having multiple affected male members, who were diagnosed with XLR. The entire protein-coding region of RS1 was screened by PCR-Sanger sequencing and two recurrent pathogenic variants (p.I81N and p.R102Q) were unraveled. The in vitro study of these variants demonstrated the aggregation of mutant RS1 within the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, mutant forms of this protein showed significant intracellular retention, which was evident by the absence of retinoschisin protein fractions in the extracellular media. These inferences were also supported by extensive bioinformatics analysis of the mutants, which showed dramatic conformational changes in the local structure of retinoschisin. Thus, our study suggests that the identified pathogenic variants interfere with proper protein folding, leading to anomalous structural changes ultimately resulting in intracellular retention of retinoschisin within the retina.  相似文献   

Summary The mutations of codon 17, 23, 58, and 347 of rhodopsin gene were investigated in 24 unrelated Japanese families including 33 patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). A patient with codon 17 mutation (Thr-17-Met, ACGATG) and a family including 4 patients with codon 347 mutation (Pro-347-Leu, CCGCTG) were detected among them. Their clinical findings were extremely different between the two mutations. The former showed type 2 and the latter showed type 1 ADRP. No mutation of codon 23 and 58 was detected in any families so far analyzed in the present study. Clinical findings associated with the mutation in codon 17 and 347 of the rhodopsin gene show an existence of allelic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

We have carried out a mutation screening of the PHEX gene in Finnish patients with hypophosphatemia. A total of 100% (5/5) of the familial HYP patients (X-linked hypophosphatemia) and 93% (14/15) of the sporadic cases were found to carry a mutation in the PHEX gene. We identified 18 mutations, of which 15 were novel. We report also a new polymorphism 46bp upstream of exon 16. Two families were segregating the same nonsense mutation in exon 1 (R20X), but since this mutation has been previously reported in three independent studies, we consider it to be a mutational hotspot rather than a Finnish founder mutation. We did not find PHEX gene mutations in two additional hypophosphatemia families in which the mode of inheritance was other than X-linked dominant. Also, no mutation could be detected in a patient with suspected oncogenic osteomalacia (OHO).  相似文献   

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