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采用实体退化板壳单元对杭州复兴立交桥的单箱多室箱梁的结构进行空间分析,得出应力和挠度与试验结果相符,证明了实体退化板壳单元的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

在八节点三维实体等参元基础上,将板理论基本假定引入弹性应力-应变矩阵,并为局部坐标系下的挠度位移分量附加非协调位移项,构造了非协调实体退化板单元。板假定的引入用以克服单元厚度泊松自锁,非协调项的引入可缓解单元剪切自锁。通过修正常应变矩阵,确保单元通过分片检验。分域积分方法的采用,使单元可用于层合板结构分析。算例表明:单元对等厚度的厚/薄板均适用。  相似文献   

基于退化理论的空间梁单元有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从双线性退化板壳单元出发,演绎推导出了一种可以应用于空间有限元分析的退化梁单元。退化梁单元采用基本的平截面假设,并用轴线节点位移来表示梁单元的三维位移场。在进行单元有限元列式时,仍然沿用三维结构的几何方程和物理方程。在退化梁单元的理论基础上编制了有限元计算程序,通过对几个算例的分析,证明了这种基于退化理论的空间梁单元的精确、高效和通用,这种单元也可以广泛应用于大型结构空间双重非线性有限元分析。  相似文献   

吴光宇  汪劲丰  项贻强  徐兴 《工程力学》2006,23(Z1):134-139
提出采用三维实体退化虚拟层合梁单元计算钢曲梁极限承载力的方法。考虑结构的几何非线性和材料非线性,利用该单元编制了极限承载力计算程序,并将其应用于钢曲梁极限承载力的分析。计算实例表明,该单元收敛快,稳定性好,在单元数较少的情况下,具有较高的精度。由于能克服壳体单元或梁段单元法的缺陷,该计算方法具有更强的通用性。  相似文献   

本文根据胡-鹫津变分原理和退化壳有限元概念,构造了一个拟协调(或称杂交/混合)九结点四边形退化壳单元CSH9.该单元克服了剪切闭锁和膜闭锁现象,整体上无零能模式,通过了分片检验。数值算例表明该单元是相当准确的和有效的。  相似文献   

厚薄板振动分析的通用矩形单元   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
龙志飞  岑松 《工程力学》1996,(A02):332-340
本文将两种已有的厚薄板通用广义协调矩形单元,由静力分析推广到振动分析,求解了前几阶固有频率,数值算例表明:在一定的厚跨比范围内,无论对薄板还是中厚板,单元均有较高的精度。  相似文献   

一种分析AGS结构的三角形加筋板壳单元   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张志峰  陈浩然  白瑞祥 《工程力学》2006,23(Z1):203-208
基于精细三角形Mindlin板单元构造了21个自由度三角形复合材料加筋板壳单元。在该单元构造过程中,考虑了肋骨弯曲、扭转、面内剪切和横向剪切变形的影响;由于肋骨和蒙皮的位移插值函数采用了相同的形函数,保证了两者变形的协调性,同时又放松了肋骨转动的约束,故与传统的板单元相比,能较好地反映了蒙皮和肋骨的变形特征。在此单元中,肋骨放置的数量、位置和角度可以任意,为结构的单元网格剖分带来了很大的便利。算例结果验证了单元的有效性,特别是在分析高肋结构时,显示出其比传统加筋板单元具有更高精度的优点。还以一典型的先进复合材料等格栅加筋板(AGS)为例,讨论了该结构弯曲变形的力学特性。  相似文献   

基于精化锯齿理论,构造了六节点三角形协调板单元并推导了夹层板自由振动问题有限元列式。不同于已有锯齿理论,精化锯齿理论特点是面内位移不含有横向位移一阶导数,构造有限元时仅需要C0 插值函数。为验证单元性能,分析了软核夹层板自由振动问题。结果表明,该文构造的单元能准确计算软核夹层板固有频率,然而基于已有锯齿理论建立的不协调元计算结果精度较低。  相似文献   

基于单位分解的广义有限元法的逼近空间由单位分解函数和局部覆盖函数构成,采用传统有限元形函数作为单位分解函数,其局部覆盖函数的定义不依赖于有限元网格.以十六结点六面体等参单元形函数作为单位分解函数,采用一阶多项式局部覆盖函数建立了十六结点六面体广义单元.在此基础上利用广义有限元法可以灵活构造各向异性逼近空间的特点,根据薄壳的变形特性,对壳体法向挠度和切向位移分别采用一阶和零阶多项式局部覆盖函数,构造了实体薄壳广义单元.计算结果表明:十六结点六面体广义单元和实体薄壳广义单元用于板壳结构分析时具有比相应的常规实体单元更高的收敛性和求解效率,且实体薄壳广义单元比十六结点六面体广义单元具有更高的求解效率.  相似文献   

含裂纹矩形板的横向振动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩祖南  任文敏 《振动与冲击》1997,16(3):45-49,41
本文以“含裂纹零维度单元”模型研究裂纹对矩形动态特性定量的影响,完成一种既能满足工程结构有关设计需要,又比较简单可行的计算模型。  相似文献   

从Hellinger-Reissner变分原理出发,将位移、应变、应力场分离为零阶场与频率相关的高阶场,对位移场和应力场独立插值,导出了薄板弯曲振动的杂交动态有限元列式。数值算例表明,本文方法简单、有效。  相似文献   

In order to assess the discretization error of a finite element solution, asymptotic solutions for predicted natural frequencies of two-dimensional elastic solid vibration problems in the finite element analysis are presented in this paper. Since the asymptotic solution is more accurate than the original finite element solution, it can be viewed as an alternative solution against which the original finite element solution can be compared. Consequently, the discretization error of the finite element solution can be evaluated. Due to the existence of two kinds of two-dimensional problems in engineering practice, both the plane stress problem and the plane strain problem have been considered and the corresponding asymptotic formulae for predicted natural frequencies of two-dimensional solids by the finite element method have been derived from the fact that a discretized finite element system approaches a continuous one if the finite element size approaches zero. It has been demonstrated, from the related numerical results of three examples, that the present asymptotic solution, which can be obtained by simply using the corresponding formula without any further finite element calculation, is indeed more accurate than the original finite element solution so that it can be considered as a kind of corrected solution for the discretization error estimation of a finite element solution.  相似文献   

A degenerated plate/shell element based on the combined energy variational principle and the equivalent single-layer model is proposed. It is derived from the 3-D continuum equation by imposing one constraint on the 3-D isoparametric solid element: a straight line normal to the mid-surface before deformation remains straight but not normal after deformation. The continuities of interlaminar stresses are satisfied at the interlaminar surface and the number of degrees of freedom per node is independent of the number of layers. In this work, the combined energy variational principle is used to overcome transverse stress continuity limitations of single-layer models. The traction-free conditions are satisfied on the upper and lower surfaces of a laminate by assuming the transverse stress components independently. The transverse normal strain is taken into account in order to consider the full 3-D effect in a laminated composite. The iso-function method and the classification method of the stress modes are used to construct the assumed stress field which contains a minimum number of stress modes and guarantees no zero energy mode in the element stiffness matrix. Three examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency and accuracy of the element.  相似文献   

本文建立了一种杂交有限条法,并应用于各向同性板和各向异性板。这工作是基于修正余能原理进行的。在有限条列式的过程中,在条中假设应力场而在条的边界上假设位移场。数值计算表明,过种方法是合理的,能较快地逼近准确解。   相似文献   

The objective of this work is to present a new method for the dynamic and static analysis of thin, elastic, isotropic, non-uniform circular and annular plates. The method is a combination of plate theory and finite element analysis. The plate is divided into one circular and many annular finite elements. The displacement functions are derived from Sanders' classical plate theory. These displacement functions satisfy the convergence criteria of the finite element method. The matrices for mass and stiffness are determined by precise analytical integration. A computer programme has been developed, the convergence criteria have been established, and the natural frequencies and vibration modes have been computed for different cases. The results obtained reveal that the frequencies calculated by this method are in good agreement with those obtained by other authors. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

用三角形薄板广义协调元分析开孔矩形薄板的振动   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文利用三角形薄板广义协调元分析了开孔矩形薄板的振动,其优点是自由度少、精度高、程序简便。文中算例计算出了具有内方孔的四边简支、四边固定方板的前几阶频率系数,其结果与文献[5]的结果符合良好。  相似文献   

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