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目的 评价硬膜外预充生理盐水对置管诱发剖宫产术患者硬膜外血管损伤的影响.方法 单胎足月妊娠拟在硬膜外麻醉下行子宫下段剖宫产术的患者150例,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,年龄27~33岁,体重66~75 kg.随机分为3组(n=50),Ⅰ组直接置入硬膜外导管,Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组在硬膜外置管前通过硬膜外针注射0.9%生理盐水或含肾上腺素(1:200 000)的生理盐水5 ml,注射完后保持注射器压缩针栓20 s,使液体充分扩散.记录置入硬膜外导管时硬膜外穿刺针针尾见淡红色血水、硬膜外导管回抽见淡红色血水、硬膜外导管置入血管(从导管回抽出新鲜血液)的发生情况.结果 与Ⅰ组比较,Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组硬膜外穿刺针针尾见淡红色血水的发生率、硬膜外导管回抽见淡红色血水的发生率和硬膜外导管置入血管的发生率均明显降低(P<0.01);Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组间上述指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论硬膜外预充生理盐水5 ml可有效预防置管诱发剖宫产术患者硬膜外血管的损伤.1∶200 000肾上腺素并不能进一步预防置管诱发的硬膜外血管损伤.  相似文献   

背景硬膜外导管误入静脉是硬膜外腔麻醉或镇痛的常见并发症。在初步研究和以往报道的基础上,我们试图证明这种假设:用盐水预扩张硬膜外腔,可使硬膜外导管更容易置入并可减少导管误入静脉的发生率。方法203例接受硬膜外麻醉的产妇被随机分为2组。一组为扩张组:在硬膜外导管置入前行阻力消失试验时注入生理盐水5ml,并且保持注射入口处于封闭状态;一组为非扩张组:在硬膜外导管置入前行阻力消失试验时注入生理盐水2ml。两组均在置入导管后通过硬膜外导管注入1.5%利多卡因试验剂量3ml。结果扩张组:硬膜外导管误入血管的发生率明显降低(2%vs16%,P=0.0001)。扩张组91%患者未出现阻滞不全,而非扩张组为67%(P=0.0001)。2组镇痛起效时间差异小(扩张组:5.0±2分钟,非扩张组:6.0±3分钟,P=0.0001)且无临床意义。2组间镇痛效果(视觉模拟评分和罗哌卡因用量)相似。结论置入硬膜外导管前注入5ml生理盐水预扩张硬膜外腔可减少导管误入静脉和麻醉阻滞不全的发生率。  相似文献   

联合椎管内麻醉时硬膜外注药升高阻滞平面的机制研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
探讨联合椎管内麻醉时硬膜外注药升高阻滞平面的机制。方法:30例下肢矫形手术患者均采用蛛网膜下隙与硬膜外联合穿刺针行L2-3穿刺,蛛网膜下隙注入等比重的0.75%布比卡因1.5ml后硬膜外置管。患者随机分成三组,每组10例:硬膜外不给药(A组),蛛网膜下腔注射药后15、20、25分钟经硬膜外导管给予2%利多卡因各3ml(B组)或生理盐水各3ml(C组)。结果  相似文献   

硬膜外碱化利多卡因麻醉可缩短麻醉诱导时间,但也可加速交感神经阻滞的起效时间及加重低血压的发生。为探讨硬膜外去氧肾上腺素(PHE)是否降低碱化利多卡因硬膜外麻醉低血压的发生率,选择80例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,在硬膜外麻醉下行腹股沟疝手术病人,用随机双盲法分为4组,每组20例。不用术前药,麻醉前输入乳酸盐林格液500ml。用18号针于L_(3~4)或L_(4~5)穿刺置入硬膜外导管。置管后注入2%利  相似文献   

我院在开展近十年持续硬膜外麻醉中,发生2例硬膜外导管折断于棘间韧带的麻醉意外,现报告如下: 例1.男,45岁。因外伤性后尿道狭窄,拟在持续硬膜外麻醉下行尿道吻合术。于腰_2~腰_3间隙,用16号硬膜外穿刺针刺破黄韧带时,突破感明显,直入进针4cm,针斜面向头侧注药10ml(1%利多卡因、0.25%地卡因混合液)。旋转穿刺针斜面向足侧,置入硬膜外导管7cm后退出穿刺针固定导管,平卧后注药5ml,麻醉平面完善后,摆截石位开始手术,手术结束准备拔管  相似文献   

病人,女,37岁,拟在脊椎-硬膜外联合麻醉(CSEA)下行剖宫产术。于L2,3间隙以17 G硬膜外针穿刺,突破感明显、负压试验阳性、注气无阻力,确认进入硬膜外腔。以25 G腰麻针经硬膜外针穿过硬脊膜,见脑脊液流出后45 s内注入 0.5%布比卡因等比重液1 ml,经硬膜外穿刺针向头端置入硬膜外导管,5 min后测麻醉平面达T6,手术历时45 min。术  相似文献   

目的小剂量氯胺酮硬膜外腔给药辅助硬膜外麻醉用于剖宫产术的临床效果。方法108例产妇随机分为两组:A组(观察组)在1.73%碳酸利多卡因硬膜外麻醉同时辅助硬膜外腔注入小剂量氯胺酮0.3 mg/kg;B组(对照组)常规用1.73%碳酸利多卡因硬膜外麻醉,不用其他辅助药。观察产妇在切皮、开腹、取胎、胎儿娩出后及探查关腹各时点对手术的耐受性和舒适性。结果A组与B组产妇对手术的耐受性和舒适性比较在取胎、胎儿娩出后及探查关腹差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论小剂量氯胺酮硬膜外腔给药辅助硬膜外麻醉用于剖宫产术可减少手术时的内脏牵拉痛,增加产妇对手术的耐受性和舒适性。  相似文献   

患者,女性,30岁,孕39周^+3,因头盆不称拟在硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产术。ASAⅠ级,无椎管疾病史、椎管麻醉史及药物过敏史。血液生化检查均在正常范围,心电图未见异常。入手术室后建立上肢静脉通路,左侧卧位下行L2,3间隙直入法硬膜外穿刺,穿破黄韧带时有明显落空感,注空气(3ml)无阻力,回抽无血液及脑脊液,向头端顺利置入硬膜外导管3cm,固定硬膜外导管后转平卧位。经导管注入试验剂量局麻药3ml(2%利多卡因),5min出现节段性阻滞平面,又分两次注入5、7ml局麻药(1.35%碳酸利多卡因混合0.25%地卡因),约15min后感觉阻滞平面达T6。术中镇痛及肌松满意,生命体征平稳,手术顺利,取出胎儿后静脉注射咪达唑仑2mg、芬太尼0.05mg,病人入睡。术毕拔除硬膜外导管,  相似文献   

患者,女,26岁,因足月妊娠行剖宫产手术。既往身体健康,体检正常,辅助检查正常。选择硬膜外麻醉,L1~2作为穿刺点,穿刺顺利,经穿刺针向头端硬膜外腔置管约1 cm处,稍有阻力,不明显,患者左下肢有酸胀感,再往里置入时阻力消失,硬膜外腔顺利置管,拔出穿刺针,给2%利多卡因12 ml,麻醉平  相似文献   

患者,女,30岁,87妇,身高160cm。因足月妊娠,胎儿宫内窘迫于2005年4月15日在连续硬膜外阻滞下行剖宫产术。该患者无手术麻醉史。选择L1~2间隙为硬膜外穿刺点,用16号穿刺针正入法穿刺,置管顺利,置管约7cm后退针顺利,但退管困难。给药稍费力但仍能注入。麻醉效果确切,手术1h后顺利结束。术后多次尝试变换体位导管仍未拔出,将导管固定好后接镇痛泵返回病房。[第一段]  相似文献   

Epidural catheter placement offers flexibility in block management. However, during epidural catheter insertion, complications such as paresthesia and venous and subarachnoid cannulation may occur, and suboptimal catheter placement can affect the quality of anesthesia. We performed this prospective, randomized, double-blind study to assess the effect of a single-injection dose of local anesthetic (20 mL of 2% lidocaine) through the epidural needle as a priming solution into the epidural space before catheter insertion. We randomized 240 patients into 2 equal groups and measured the quality of anesthesia and the incidence of complications. In the needle group (n = 100), catheters were inserted after injection of a full dose of local anesthetic through the needle. In the catheter group (n = 98), the catheters were inserted immediately after identification of the epidural space. Local anesthetic was then injected via the catheter. We noted the occurrence of paresthesia, inability to advance the catheter, or IV or subarachnoid catheter placement. Sensory and motor block were assessed 20 min after the injection of local anesthetic. Surgery was initiated when adequate sensory loss was confirmed. In the catheter group, the incidence of paresthesia during catheter placement was 31.6% compared with 11% in the needle group (P = 0.00038). IV catheterization occurred in 8.2% versus 2% of patients in the catheter and needle groups, respectively (P = 0.048). More patients in the needle group had excellent surgical conditions than the catheter group (89.6% versus 72.9; P < 0.003). We conclude that giving a single-injection dose via the epidural needle before catheter placement improves the quality of epidural anesthesia and reduces catheter-related complications.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that bolus injections of local anesthetic through an epidural needle produce a more rapid onset of blockade, but at the expense of an increased incidence and severity of hypotension, whereas intermittent injections through a catheter take longer to achieve adequate anesthesia but with a lower risk of hypotension. The present study investigated two commonly used needle and catheter epidural injection techniques for differences in speed of onset of surgical anesthesia and incidence and severity of hypotension. Term parturients scheduled for elective cesarean section were randomized into two groups to receive epidural anesthesia with intermittent injection either through the epidural needle (n = 44) or via a previously placed catheter (n = 44). The incidence and severity of hypotension was similar in the two groups. No significant difference was found for the time to onset of surgical anesthesia. In the absence of benefits of needle injection, incremental catheter administration of local anesthetic with its multiple safety advantages is the technique of choice for induction of epidural anesthesia for cesarean section.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study evaluated efficacy, safety and patient satisfaction with incisional analgesia with a subfascial catheter compared to epidural analgesia for pain relief following caesarean section. METHODS: Forty patients were randomised after elective caesarean section to receive either intermittent 10-mL boluses of 0.125% levobupivacaine into the epidural space and physiologic saline into the surgical wound or intermittent 10-mL boluses of 0.25% levobupivacaine into the wound and epidural saline with a repeated 10-dose regimen. Analgesic efficacy was evaluated by numerical pain scores (0-10, 0=no pain, 10=worst pain) and based on the consumption of supplemental opioid. Side effects, patient satisfaction and plasma concentrations of levobupivacaine were recorded. RESULTS: In the epidural group average pain scores were lower (1.8 vs. 3, P=0.006) and the consumption of local anaesthetic (29 mL vs. 38 mL, P=0.01) was smaller during the first four postoperative hours, after which both groups had pain scores of 3 or less at rest. All parturients were able to walk after the 24-h study period. The total consumption of rescue opioid oxycodone (32 vs. 37 mg, P=0.6) during the whole 72-h study period was low in both study groups. Side effects were mild and rare. Satisfaction scores were equally high in the two groups. Peak plasma concentrations of levobupivacaine were below the toxic range. CONCLUSION: Incisional local analgesia via a subfascial catheter provided satisfactory pain relief with patient satisfaction comparable to that seen with epidural analgesia. This technique may be a good alternative to the more invasive epidural technique following caesarean section as a component of multimodal pain management.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Previous experience has suggested that the insertion of an epidural catheter becomes easier when the patient takes a deep breath. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of respiration on the epidural space. METHODS: We examined the epidural space using a flexible epiduroscope in 20 patients undergoing thoracic epidural anesthesia. A 17-gauge Tuohy needle was inserted using the paramedian technique and the loss-of-resistance method with 5 ml air. The epiduroscope was introduced into the epidural space via the Tuohy needle. Each patient was requested to take a deep breath when the epiduroscope was positioned at the needle tip and at approximately 10 cm cephalad from the needle tip within the epidural space. The changes in the epidural structure during deep breathing at each site were then measured. RESULTS: In 80% of the patients, fatty tissue occupied the needle tip. Through the patients' maximal inspiration, the fatty tissue moved and a visible cavity expanded at the needle tip. Cross section area of the visible cavity at the needle tip was greater at the maximal inspiratory level than at the resting expiratory level: 12.1 +/- 6.7% vs 2.8 +/- 2.1% (mean +/- SD, P < 0.0001). In all patients, the visible cavity within the epidural space, which had already been expanded by injected air, became more expanded after maximal inspiration. Cross section area of the visible cavity at the 10 cm cephalad position was greater at the maximal inspiratory level than at the resting expiratory level: 20.6 +/- 10.0% vs 7.0 +/- 5.3% (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Epiduroscopy showed that deep breathing expanded the potential cavity of the epidural space. We suggest that the changes in the epidural structure during deep breathing may assist in the insertion of an epidural catheter.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo determine if epidural volume extension and continued postoperative epidural injections prevent hearing loss associated with a 23-gauge (G) Quincke spinal needle.DesignProspective, double blinded trial.SettingOperating rooms.Patients30 adult patients scheduled for lower abdominal or perineal surgery during spinal anesthesia.InterventionsPatients were divided into two groups of 15 each. All patients received subarachnoid injection with a 23-G Quincke needle. While patients in Group S received a single-shot spinal, Group E patients underwent epidural catheter placement one intervertebral space above. The epidural catheter was bolused with 10 mL of normal saline followed by postoperative epidural boluses of local anesthetic for analgesia as needed.MeasurementsPatients’ auditory function was evaluated by pure tone audiometry (frequencies of 250-8,000 Hz) on the day before and two days after receiving the spinal anesthesia.Main ResultsUnilateral low-frequency hearing loss (500 Hz) was seen in Group S (P < 0.05). It was prevented by the repeated epidural injections as used in Group E.ConclusionFollowing spinal anesthesia, epidural volume extension with 10 mL of normal saline followed by epidural local anesthetic boluses titrated to adequate postoperative analgesia (6-8 mL each time) prevents post-spinal hearing loss.  相似文献   

Goy RW  Sia AT 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2004,98(2):491-6, table of contents
The extent of the intrathecal compartment depends on the balance between cerebrospinal fluid and subatmospheric epidural pressure. Epidural insertion disrupts this relationship, and the full impact of loss-of-resistance on the qualities of subarachnoid block is unknown. In this study we sought to determine if subarachnoid block, induced by combined spinal-epidural (CSE) using loss-of-resistance to air could render higher sensory anesthesia than single-shot spinal (SSS) when an identical mass of intrathecal anesthetic was injected. Sixty patients, scheduled for minor gynecological procedures, were randomly allocated into three groups all receiving 10 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. In the SSS group, intrathecal administration was through a 27-gauge Whitacre spinal needle inserted at the L3-4 level. For the CSE group, the epidural space was identified with an 18-gauge Tuohy needle using loss-of-resistance to 4 mL of air. After intrathecal administration, a 20-gauge catheter was left in the epidural space. No further drug or saline was administered through the catheter. The procedure was repeated in group CSE ((no-catheter)) except without insertion of a catheter. Sensorimotor anesthesia was assessed at regular 2.5-min intervals until T10 was reached. In all aspects, there was no difference between CSE and CSE ((no-catheter)). Peak sensory level in SSS was lower than CSE and CSE ((no-catheter)) (median T5 [max T3-min T6] versus (T3 [T1-4] and (T3 [T2-5]) (P < 0.01). During the first 10 min postblock, dermatomal thoracic block was the lowest in SSS (P < 0.05). Time for regression of sensory level to T10 was also shortest in SSS. Hypotension, ephedrine use and period of motor recovery were more pronounced in CSE and CSE ((no-catheter)). We conclude that subarachnoid block induced by CSE produces greater sensorimotor anesthesia and prolonged recovery compared with SSS. There is also a more frequent incidence of hypotension and vasoconstrictor use despite using identical doses and baricity of local anesthetic. IMPLICATIONS: This study confirms that induction of subarachnoid block by a combined-spinal epidural technique produces a greater sensorimotor anesthesia and results in prolonged recovery when compared with a single-shot spinal technique. There is a more frequent incidence of hypotension and vasoconstrictor administration despite identical doses of intrathecally administered local anesthetic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Combined spinal epidural anesthesia (CSEA) involves the epidural administration of local anesthetic and opioid solutions adjacent to the prior dural puncture, potentially increasing their diffusion into the subarachnoid space. This study was designed to evaluate the influence of dural puncture on the adequacy and extent of analgesia, and drugs requirements of patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) in the postoperative period. METHODS: In this prospective double-blind study, 40 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery under general anesthesia followed with PCEA were randomly assigned to either group I (preoperative insertion of an epidural catheter) or group II (preoperative dural puncture with a 25-g Quincke needle + insertion of an epidural catheter). Postoperatively, a PCEA pump delivered an infusion of 0.1% bupivacaine + fentanyl (3 microg/mL) at 5 mL/h. Participants were allowed to self-administer 5-mL boluses of the same solution with a 15-minute lock-out interval. Hourly epidural solution requirements were recorded for 40 hours. Sensory and motor block, and pain scores were also analyzed. RESULTS: There was no difference between groups with regard to epidural solution requirements, pain scores, spread of sensory blockade, or intensity of motor block. CONCLUSION: Dural puncture with a 25-gauge Quincke needle, performed as part of CSEA, does not influence the drug requirements when a combination of 0.1% bupivacaine and fentanyl (3 microg/mL) is used for PCEA after major abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

Combined subarachnoid-epidural technique for obstetric analgesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Combined spinal-epidural blockade for labor pain has enjoyed increasing popularity in obstetric anesthesia. The usual procedure is to use a single space and a single needle for dural puncture, inserting a spinal needle through an epidural needle followed by insertion of a catheter. A small dose of one or several substances (usually a lipophilic opioid and a local anesthetic) is first injected in the intrathecal space to provide rapid, effective analgesia with minimal muscle blockade. The epidural catheter is used if labor lasts longer than the spinal block, if the spinal block is insufficient, or in case of cesarean section. Combined spinal-epidural blockade is a safe, valid alternative to conventional epidural analgesia and has become the main technique for providing obstetric analgesia in many hospitals. The most widely-recognized advantage of the technique is high maternal satisfaction with rapid and effective analgesia. Mobility of the lower extremities is preserved and the mother is often able to walk. Because opioids are injected into the intrathecal space and because the technique is more invasive than standard epidural analgesia, the potential risk to mother and fetus increases.  相似文献   

Borghi B  Agnoletti V  Ricci A  van Oven H  Montone N  Casati A 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2004,98(5):1473-8, table of contents
We evaluated the effects of turning the tip of the Tuohy needle 45 degrees toward the operative side before threading the epidural catheter (45 degrees -rotation group, n = 24) as compared to a conventional insertion technique with the tip of the Tuohy needle oriented at 90 degrees cephalad (control group, n = 24) on the distribution of 10 mL of 0.75% ropivacaine with 10 microg sufentanil in 48 patients undergoing total hip replacement. The catheter was introduced 3 to 4 cm beyond the tip of the Tuohy needle. A blinded observer recorded sensory and motor blocks on both sides, quality of analgesia, and volumes of local anesthetic used during the first 48 h of patient-controlled epidural analgesia. Readiness to surgery required 21 +/- 6 min in the control group and 17 +/- 7 min in the 45 degree-rotation group (P > 0.50). The maximum sensory level reached on the operative side was T10 (T10-7) in the control group and T9 (T10-6) in the 45 degree-rotation group (P > 0.50); whereas the maximum sensory level reached on the nonoperative side was T10 (T12-9) in the control group and L3 (L5-T12) in the 45 degree-rotation group (P = 0.0005). Complete motor blockade of the operative limb was achieved earlier in the 45 degree-rotation than in the control group, and motor block of the nonoperative side was more intense in patients in the control group. Two-segment regression of sensory level on the surgical side was similar in the two groups, but occurred earlier on the nonoperative side in the 45 degree-rotation group (94 +/- 70 min) than in the control group (178 +/- 40 min) (P = 0.0005). Postoperative analgesia was similar in the 2 groups, but the 45 degree-rotation group consumed less local anesthetic (242 +/- 35 mL) than the control group (297 +/- 60 mL) (P = 0.0005). We conclude that the rotation of the Tuohy introducer needle 45 degrees toward the operative side before threading the epidural catheter provides a preferential distribution of sensory and motor block toward the operative side, reducing the volume of local anesthetic solution required to maintain postoperative analgesia. IMPLICATIONS: Turning the Tuohy introducer needle 45 degrees toward the operative side before threading the epidural catheter is a simple maneuver that produces a preferential distribution of epidural anesthesia and analgesia toward the operative side, minimizing the volume of local anesthetic required to provide adequate pain relief after total hip arthroplasty.  相似文献   

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