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为优化一种单晶高温合金中的Re含量,在真空定向凝固炉中制备了3%Re和5%Re的镍基单晶高温合金,热处理后分别在980 ℃长期时效400、800、2 000 h,测试合金热处理后1 100 ℃拉伸性能,采用JMatPro软件计算了合金相图,通过光学显微镜、扫描电镜和能谱仪研究Re含量对合金枝晶组织,热处理组织和980 ℃时效400、800、2 000 h的组织和1 100 ℃拉伸性能的影响。结果表明,随着单晶高温合金中Re含量增加,一次枝晶间距轻微减小,共晶的体积分数升高;γ′相尺寸下降,立方化程度增加;不同Re含量合金时效800 h后无TCP相析出,时效2 000 h后有TCP相析出,随着Re含量增加,TCP相析出量增加。合金组织稳定性随着Re含量增加而降低。随着Re含量增加,合金的高温拉伸性能显著提高。   相似文献   

为优化第四代单晶高温合金的Mo含量,在真空定向凝固炉中采用选晶法制备1 % Mo和3 % Mo的2种单晶高温合金, 采用JMatPro软件计算了不同Mo含量合金相图,通过扫描电镜和能谱仪研究Mo含量对合金凝固特征,铸态组织,热处理组织和1 100 ℃/1 000 h长期时效组织的影响.结果表明,随着Mo含量增加,固液相线下移,糊状区变宽,γ′相和TCP相含量增加;铸态合金中共晶含量减少,γ相尺寸减小,其均匀化和立方化程度稍有增加;此外,热处理组织中γ′相立方化程度增加,长期时效组织中TCP相析出量增加,合金的组织稳定性下降.   相似文献   

采用磁控溅射方法在镍基单晶高温合金基体上沉积NiCrAlY微晶涂层.用热重分析(TGA)、X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)等手段研究了镍基单晶高温合金及其NiCrAlY微晶涂层在900~1100℃静止空气中的氧化行为.结果表明,镍基单晶合金及其微晶涂层在900℃表现出相同的增重规律,即经初期快速增重后,两者的氧化增重都变得非常平缓;在1000℃,单晶合金的氧化膜不断剥落,使动力学曲线上下起伏,而微晶涂层经初期快速增重后,动力学曲线趋于平缓;在1100℃,单晶合金由于氧化增重远大于氧化膜剥落所造成的失重,使氧化动力学曲线在整个氧化过程中都呈迅速增长趋势,而微晶涂层的氧化动力学基本符合抛物线规律.单晶合金表面形成含Al2O3、Cr2O3、NiO、CrTaO4和Ni(Al,Cr)2O4尖晶石等的复合氧化膜.施加NiCrAlY微晶涂层后,镍基单晶合金表面形成连续、致密且结合良好的单一氧化物Al2O3,使合金的抗氧化性能明显提高.  相似文献   

热加工参数对Rene‘41合金组织和持久性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
讨论了在锻造过程中不同变形温度、变形程度对Rene'41合金组织和持久性能的影响。结果表明,Rene'41合金的锻造温度过高和锻压比低时,锻造过程中容易在晶界形成二次MC型薄膜状碳化物,影响后序的变形工艺;锻造时的过热也使合金在随后的时效过程中,在粗大晶粒上形成连续的M23C6型碳化物薄膜。晶界薄膜相严重影响Rene'41合金的持久寿命。  相似文献   

研究了低成本的第二代单晶高温合金DD6在铸态、固溶处理状态和完全热处理状态的显微组织、拉伸性能和持久性能.结果表明在铸态、固溶处理和完全热处理三种状态中,完全热处理状态下DD6合金拉伸强度和持久寿命最高,分别为铸态的1.1倍和2.5~3倍;采用适当的热处理工艺可提高DD6合金中γ'相的数量,改善γ'相的尺寸和分布,显著提高合金的综合力学性能.  相似文献   

 通过制备两种不同尺寸单晶试样的凝固试验,研究了试样尺寸对DD3单晶高温合金组织的影响。结果表明,在相同的凝固工艺条件下,试样尺寸增大,合金的一次枝晶间距和二次枝晶间距变大,合金元素的偏析程度稍有增加,枝晶干和枝晶间的铸态γ′相尺寸稍有增大,显微疏松无明显改变,共晶的尺寸和含量增加;经相同的热处理工艺处理后,试样尺寸增大,合金枝晶干和枝晶间的γ′相尺寸稍有增大。  相似文献   

研究了一种镍基单晶高温合金在1 070℃热暴露不同时间后的组织变化。结果表明:合金的热处理组织由立方化较好γ'相和基体γ相组成。经过1 070℃热暴露处理后,γ相基体通道宽度增加,γ'强化相合并长大;热暴露200 h后,合金没有析出不稳定相(TCP相)。热暴露400 h后,少量TCP相开始在枝晶干区域以细针状的形态析出。经过800 h处理后,显微组织呈现出明显的筏排结构。随热暴露时间增加TCP相析出量明显增多,并由枝晶干范围向枝晶间区域生长。TCP相含有Re、W、Mo和Co等合金元素,衍射分析为σ相,与合金基体取向关系为(110)_σ∥(220)_γ,[012]_σ∥[001]_γ。  相似文献   

在定向凝固炉中采用螺旋选晶法制备了一种单晶高温合金试棒,标准热处理后分别在980 ℃,1 070 ℃,1 100 ℃和1 140 ℃长期时效处理500 h,研究了不同温度长期时效后合金的显微组织和1 100 ℃的拉伸性能.结果表明合金在不同温度长期时效后,γ′相发生粗化或筏排化.随着时效温度增加,γ′相粗化或筏排化程度增加,γ′相体积分数减少,γ相基体通道变宽.在980 ℃长期时效500 h后,无TCP相析出;1 070 ℃,1 100 ℃,1 140 ℃长期时效500 h后,有针状TCP相析出.随着长期时效温度增加,TCP相含量增加.随着时效温度升高,合金拉伸强度降低,拉伸延伸率先增加后在1 140 ℃时效时又降低.长期时效后γ′相粗化或筏排化、γ′相含量减少和TCP相析出是合金拉伸强度降低的主要原因.   相似文献   

热处理对一种Ni3Al基单晶合金组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏丽  张恒  李树索  马岳  宫声凯 《稀有金属》2012,36(2):178-183
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对Ni3Al基单晶合金IC21的铸态组织和不同热处理制度后的组织进行了观察,研究了固溶温度和时效温度对合金热处理组织的影响.研究结果表明,IC21单晶合金的铸态组织由γ’相、γ相以及枝晶间的白色块状析出相组成,枝晶干上γ’相尺寸比枝晶间的γ’相尺寸大.IC21单晶合金的初熔温度约为1345℃,热处理窗口约为65℃.枝晶间γ’相的溶解温度低于枝晶干γ’相的溶解温度.固溶温度越高,时效处理后γ’相的尺寸越均匀.一级时效处理温度对γ’相的尺寸、形态和数量有明显影响.随着一级时效温度的增加,γ’相的体积分数和尺寸增加,形状由类球状向立方状再向长条状转变.1320 ℃/10 h/aac+ 1060℃/2 h/ac +870℃/32 h/ac热处理后可使合金获得γ’相尺寸和分布均匀且立方度高的优良组织.  相似文献   

通过螺旋选晶法制备了DD476第4代镍基单晶高温合金试棒。经过完全热处理的样品,在950℃下分别保温10、50、100、200、500、1 000、2 000 h后,通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜对合金的枝晶形貌、微孔及γ′相随时间的演化行为进行观察。结果表明,随着热暴露时间的增加,试样中显微孔洞的数量和大小也随之增加,2 000 h后孔洞面积分数(0.62%)约为标准热处理后(0.32%)的2倍;γ′相在热暴露过程中前100 h的变化并不明显,平均尺寸在0.4μm左右,100 h后尺寸呈指数增长最大至1.67μm,但是由于Re元素的加入仅出现轻微的筏排化,整体保持立方状。合金经过950℃,2 000 h处理后合金组织稳定,未观察到TCP相析出。  相似文献   

研究了一种第二代单晶高温合金的显微组织和不同条件下的持久性能.研究结果表明合金铸态组织由γ相、γ′相和共晶相组成.完全热处理后,无共晶和初熔,γ′相立方化较好.合金不同条件下持久性能良好.在760 ℃/800 MPa条件下持久断裂为类解理断裂,而合金980 ℃/250 MPa、1 100 ℃/140 MPa的高温持久断裂显示出韧窝断裂特征.持久断裂组织分析表明,在760 ℃/800 MPa条件下,γ′相仍保持立方状.在980 ℃/250 MPa条件下,γ′相发生筏排化.在1 100 ℃/140 MPa条件下,γ′相筏排化更严重.   相似文献   

研究了[001]、[011]和[111]3种不同取向的DD15单晶高温合金的热处理组织、980 ℃/300 MPa和1 150℃/120MPa的持久性能、持久断口和断裂组织.结果表明在与定向凝固方向垂直的截面上,3种取向合金具有明显不同的热处理组织形貌,γ'相的形状分别为规则的正方形、矩形和多边形.合金在980℃/30...  相似文献   

碳含量对GH4199合金拉伸、持久性能及组织的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了碳含量对镍基变形高温合金GH4199拉伸、持久性能及显微组织的影响,并对碳含量变化所引起的组织及性能改变的原因进行了分析.结果表明:增加碳含量会阻止晶粒度长大,并明显改变碳化物的数量、形状及分布,碳化物类型主要以(W, Mo)6C为主,800℃长期时效500h后有M23C6析出,较低的碳含量对合金的拉伸及持久性能是有利的.  相似文献   

This article describes the effect of phosphorus on the microstructure and stress rupture property at 650 °C in an Fe-Ni-Cr base superalloy. The results showed that phosphorus markedly improved the intergranular precipitation in the range of 0.0005 to 0.016 wt pct, which facilitated M23C6 and M3B2 precipitation but inhibited the formation of MC carbide. A too high phosphorus addition (0.051 wt pct P) resulted in an excessive precipitation at grain boundaries, while a too low phosphorus content (0.0005 wt pct P) led to many precipitate-free grain boundaries. Phosphorus also enlarged the size of the γ′ particles and lowered its stability, that η-Ni3Ti preferred to form in the alloy with 0.051 wt pct P. Due to the improvement of the microstructure, appropriate amount of P content significantly prolonged the rupture life of the alloys in the range of 0.0005 to 0.016 wt pct. The peak value was 660 hours at 0.016 wt pct, more than 4 times that of the alloy with 0.0005 wt pct phosphorus, but phosphorus reduced the fracture elongation. The mechanism by which phosphorus influenced the alloy is discussed.  相似文献   

Rhenium additions to a Ni-base superalloy: Effects on microstructure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Refractory metal alloying to superalloy single crystals has resulted in alloys possessing higher temperature capabilities than have previously been known. In this study, additions of rhenium to a modified MAR-M200* alloy were made at the expense of tungsten. A study was carried out on the γ′ precipitate growth characteristics, morphology, and lattice misfit as a function of rhenium content and aging time and temperature. Rhenium additions substantially lowered the γ′ coarsening kinetics and resulted in negative γ-γ′ misfit alloys. A qualitative model is developed which explains these results. Particle growth was shown to bevia the widely accepted diffusion controlled coarsening mechanism. Precipitates were also shown to grow by particle coalescence into irregular blocky shapes at high aging temperatures while remaining cuboidal at lower temperatures, and the necessity of using large precipitate volume fraction modifications to theoretical coarsening models is illustrated.  相似文献   

The influence of orientation on the stress rapture properties of MAR-M247 single crystals was studied. Stress rupture tests were performed at 724 MPa and 774 °C where the effect of anisotropy is prominent. The mechanical behavior of the single crystals was rationalized on the basis of the Schmid factors for the operative slip systems and the lattice rotations which the crystals underwent during deformation. The stress rupture lives at 774 °C were found to be greatly influenced by the lattice rotations required to produce intersecting slip, because second-stage creep does not begin until after the onset of intersecting slip. Crystals which required large rotations to become oriented for intersecting slip exhibited a large primary creep strain, a large effective stress level at the onset of steady-state creep, and consequently, a short stress rupture life. Those crystals having orientations within about 25° of the [001] exhibited significantly longer lives when their orientations were closer to the [001]-[011] boundary of the stereographic triangle than to the [001]-[1l 1] boundary, because they required smaller rotations to produce intersecting slip and the onset of second-stage creep. Thus, the direction off the [001], as well as the number of degrees off the [001], has a major influence on the stress rapture lives of single crystals in this temperature regime. REBECCA A. MacKAY, formerly Graduate Assistant, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH RALPH D. MAIER, formerly Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University  相似文献   

The influence of γ’ precipitate morphology on the-creep behavior of the single crystal nickel-base superalloy NASAIR 100 at 760-°C was investigtated. As-heat treated crystals with cuboidal γ’ particles and crystals given an additional pre-rafting treatment to form a continuous lamellar structure were creep tested at stress levels which produced rupture lives ranging from 40 to 2500 hours. At high applied stresses, the crystals with cuboidal γ’ had both lower minimum creep rates and longer rupture lives than the crystals with lamellar γ. At lower stress levels, the initially cubic γ’ material maintained a lower crep rate, but exhibited a similar rupture life compared to the pre-rafted crystals. Examination of the microstructures which developed during creep indicated that dislocations could shear the semi-coherent γ’ rafts relatively easily compared to the coherent cuboidal γ’. In tests at lower applied stresses, slow directional coarsening of the initially cuboidal γ’ resulted in the development of a lamellar structure similar to that in the pre-rafted material, such that the rupture lives of the two materials were similar.  相似文献   

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