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采用聚乙二醇(PEG)溶液进行预处理,然后加以冷冻干燥,是保护出土饱水木质文物的有效方法。在自制的冷冻干燥装置上进行了仿木质文物的冻干实验,根据实验数据拟合得到了干燥区的水蒸气扩散系数。该数据将为文物冻干过程的时间预测和控制优化提供帮助。  相似文献   

食品微波冷冻干燥技术的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
段续  张憫  朱文学 《化工机械》2009,36(3):178-184
介绍了微波冷冻干燥技术的原理,综述了微波冷冻干燥技术发展的历程及其应用和研究情况,进一步促进该技术从实验室研究走向工业应用领域。  相似文献   

王朝晖  施明恒 《化工学报》1997,48(3):294-299
以非饱和含湿牛肉为例,进行了微波冷冻干燥实验研究。获得了干燥时间与物料初始饱和度近似成正比的结论。与升华面模型的计算结果比较表明,升华冷凝模型更符合实验规律,证实了非饱和含湿多孔介质微波冷冻干燥时升华冷凝区的存在。  相似文献   

根据Luikov法建立了一个介电物质强化的微波冷冻干燥质、热传递数学模型,以考察介电物质对微波冷冻干燥的影响。该模型采用更具有实际意义的柱坐标系,考虑了非饱和多孔冰区内的升华一凝华现象。干燥过程存在两个移动边界。  相似文献   

真空冷冻干燥非稳态热质传递模型的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
真空冷冻干燥非稳态热质传递模型的应用齐锡龄1杜小泽2李惟毅1(1天津大学热能工程系,天津300072)(2清华大学热能工程系,北京100084)关键词冷冻干燥热质传递升华压力1引言通过理论计算确定真空冷冻干燥速率或干燥时间对指导生产实践很有意义。但是...  相似文献   

设计、加工和装配了一套实验室规模的微波冷冻干燥装置,旨在实验验证介电材料对微波冷冻干燥液体物料的强化作用。介电材料用烧结的碳化硅(SiC),石英玻璃作为介电材料的参照物;甘露醇,一种典型的药物赋形剂被选为待干溶液中的溶质。实验结果表明使用介电材料可以有效地强化微波冷冻干燥过程。与传统冷冻干燥相比干燥速率大大加快,在试验条件下干燥时间可以节省20%。微波加热逐渐生效并且主要体现在干燥过程的后半部分。当溶液中的固含量很低或者固体物质具有很小的介电损耗因子时,如果不用介电材料,微波加热的效果不明显。  相似文献   

介电材料辅助的微波冷冻干燥的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过数值求解一个考虑吸湿效应的带有移动升华界面的多孔介质热、质传递耦合模型,理论考察介电材料对微波加热冷冻干燥过程的影响.介电材料用烧结的碳化硅(SiC).甘露醇,一种典型的药物赋形剂被选为待干溶液中的溶质.模拟结果表明在微波冷冻干燥过程中使用介电材料可以加快冷冻干燥速率,特别是在待干溶液的固含量很低或者固体产品的介电损耗因子很小的情况下尤为有效.模型预测和实验测定的干燥曲线相比较显示了良好的一致性.通过考察冰饱和度和温度的分布侧形,研究分析了物料内部的质热传递机理,并讨论了干燥速率的控制因素.  相似文献   

食品冷冻干燥过程的模型及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
涂伟萍  程江 《化工学报》1997,48(2):186-192
在合理简化的基础上,得到了只需较少参数的冷冻干燥过程一维数学模型。通过对胡萝卜和土豆食品的冷冻干燥实验,研究了加热方式、加热搁板温度和干燥室真空度对干燥时间的影响,模型的数值解与实验值吻合良好。  相似文献   

热敏性、高粘度物料的干燥仍是现代干燥技术中的一个难题。灵芝水提后,由薄膜蒸发器浓缩至含水量70%左右,然后采用微波真空干燥(真空度3000Pa)至水分含量10%左右,改用传统的电热真空干燥(55~60℃)至含水量6%~7%。对干燥产品的主要生物活性成分——灵芝多糖和三萜酸进行了分析检测并与其它干燥方法进行了比较。结果表明:利用微波真空干燥的灵芝产品其灵芝多糖和三萜酸的保留率与冷冻干燥产品十分接近。而比传统真空干燥(60—65℃)的产品要高得多,此外采用微波真空干燥的干燥时间要短得多。  相似文献   

冷冻干燥过程的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷冻干燥过程的实验研究涂伟萍,田文清,杨卓如,陈焕钦,谭盈科(华南理工大学化学工程研究所,广州510641)关键词冷冻干燥;热质传递1前言冷冻干燥法最主要的特点是在冷冻干燥过程中物品内部的不可逆变化很小,能保持物品的色、香、味、形基本不变,是生产优质...  相似文献   

In order to achieve faster drying along with high product quality, microwave freeze-drying (MFD) was applied to dry button mushrooms. Although MFD can lead to similar product quality compared with freeze-drying (FD), the color deterioration of MFD mushroom is higher than FD ones. Therefore, two drying methods were used to investigate the browning behaviors of button mushrooms during MFD in terms of parameters including polyphenol oxidase activity, total phenolic content, moisture content, reducing sugar content, and vitamin C content. It was found that both whiteness and browning degree can be used to describe the browning kinetics of button mushrooms during the MFD process. Both nonenzymatic browning and enzymatic browning took place during MFD of button mushrooms, but the effect of enzymatic browning was more significant, which should be controlled during MFD. In order to avoid enzymatic browning during MFD of button mushrooms, a relatively low microwave power at initial stage of MFD should be adopted. Meanwhile, a low microwave power also should be used at the end stage of MFD so as to reduce nonenzymatic browning.  相似文献   

A new porous media mathematical model for freeze-drying was developed based on the adsorption-desorption relationship proposed in this paper. A finite difference solution was obtained from a moving boundary problem for the dielectric-material-assisted microwave freeze-drying process. Silicon carbide (SiC) was selected as the dielectric material; and frozen skim milk was used as the aqueous solution to be dried. Simulation results showed that the dielectric material can significantly enhance the microwave freeze-drying process. The drying time was 33.1% shorter than that of ordinary microwave freeze-drying under typical operating conditions. When the solid content of the solution to be freeze-dried was very low, or the solid product had a very small loss factor, microwave heating was less effective without the assistance of dielectric material. The mechanisms of heat and mass transfer during drying were analyzed based on profiles of ice saturation, temperature and vapor concentration. Drying rate-controlling factors were discussed. A comparison was made between the model predictions and the reported experimental data.  相似文献   

The typical approach to multicomponent mass transfer calculations assumes that the multicomponent diffusivities are constant. The errors which result because of this assumption have been accepted because of the complexity of the calculations resulting when diffusivity as a function of concentration is included. The influence of this assumption, previously not demonstrated, has now been determined for two physical situations—a stagnant film and a rigid drop (a solid sphere, or liquid drop in which there is no internal circulation). Multicomponent diffusivities, concentration profiles, and mass fluxes have been computed to compare results for constant, and for concentration-variable, diffusivity. Results include the cases of flux operating against the concentration gradient and non-zero flux of components with no imposed gradient. The technique used to estimate mass transfer rates in multicomponent mixtures considers the effects of multicomponent interactions (friction) among molecules and also the thermodynamic correction to these interactions based on the Maxwell-Stefan (MS) formulation. A program written in Mathcad was used to carry out the calculations. The coupled differential equations which represent solute balances were solved numerically applying a central finite difference scheme and the Crank-Nicholson method. The resulting system of equations in matrix form were solved with a program also generated with Mathcad. Results show that concentration-variable diffusivity may give significantly different (as much as 80%) component mass transfer flux values, when determined for high fluxes and large imposed concentration differences. However, even in this regime, it may be possible to formulate suitable constant ‘average’ diffusivities to produce results which are much closer to those predicted with concentration-dependent diffusivities.  相似文献   

To decrease microbial quantity and conserve antioxidant substances of Ashitaba leaves, microwave freeze-drying was conducted at 1, 1.5, and 2 W/g in pilot scale. After drying, microbial inactivation and quality parameters of color, chlorophylls, flavonoids, moisture content, and flavor of dried Ashitaba leaves were evaluated. After drying, the highest contents of chlorophylls and flavonoids maintained 14.62?g/kg and 15.75?mg/g, respectively; microbial colonies decreased by about 2-log; various tastes of dried sample were improved. It could be a suitable dehydration in processing of Ashitaba leaves.  相似文献   

李俊奇  李保国 《化工进展》2015,34(8):3128-3132
对药品冻干过程进行优化的关键是在保证药品质量不受损害的情况下尽量缩短干燥时间。因此,对冻干过程进行准确的监控是十分重要的,既要保证药品的温度保持在合理的范围内,对干燥结束时间进行准确地判断,同时又要对冻干过程压力和温度进行良好的控制以达到冻干过程的最优化。本文对近年来药品真空冷冻干燥过程监控技术的研究进展进行了综述,主要有基于动态参数估计法(DPE)的监控系统、基于卡尔曼滤波法的监测系统、露点法判断一次干燥结束点、模型预测控制法(MPC)。提出药品真空冷冻干燥监控技术的研究应着重于以下几点:考虑辐射、对流和导热3种传热方式在冻干传热过程中所占的比重,建立二维、三维冻干模型以更加精确地监测药品冻干过程的参数,在此基础上研究对加热隔板温度和冻干室压力的实时最优控制策略,以对药品冻干过程进行及时、有效地控制。  相似文献   

A variable diffusivity shrinking-core model that allows for temporal and spatial variation of the effective diffusivity in the solid product layer was developed in this study. The model was used to analyze a set of experimental data for the direct sulfation of three limestones (that is, their reaction with SO2 under noncalcining conditions), and a parameter estimation procedure was formulated for extracting the effective diffusivity as a distributed parameter from the experimental conversion vs. time curves. Very strong effects of temperature, concentration, and depth in the product layer on the effective diffusivity were revealed by the analysis. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that despite being essentially nonporous, uncalcined limestones can react with SO, under noncalcining conditions at rates comparable to those of calcined samples because they present much lower resistance for diffusion of SO2 through the product layer than the latter.  相似文献   

李长龙  彭金辉  张利波  李雨  雷鹰 《化学工程》2011,39(4):46-49,68
采用微波干燥技术进行了硫酸铵干燥的研究.通过系统实验分析了硫酸铵微波干燥特性,并采用薄层干燥模型进行数值分析.结果表明:修正Page模型(Ⅱ)较之其他模型更适于薄层硫酸铵微波干燥的模拟.应用Fick第二定律得到微波功率230-700 W,物料质量150-300 g条件下薄层硫酸铵微波干燥的有效扩散系数的变化范围分别为:...  相似文献   

唐树培  李保国  李俊奇  郭柏松 《化工进展》2016,35(11):3454-3458
为了探索检测生化药品真空冷冻干燥过程中冻干室内发生微量漏油和判断升华干燥结束点的有效方法,采用质谱仪对冻干机内硅油泄漏和一次升华干燥过程进行在线监测。结果表明,质谱仪能检测到冻干室内本底硅油量为1×10-12,当硅油泄漏量为1×10-6时,采用质谱仪可在15min内检测到;当冻干机空载运行时,采用质谱仪检测N2、O2、H2O、Ar占气体体积分数分别为82.31%、15.68%、1.37%、0.64%,药品在一次升华干燥过程后期,4种气体占气体体积分数分别为82.47%、14.9%、1.75%、0.88%,可用空载冻干室内空气各组分所占比重判断药品一次升华干燥过程的结束。本研究为冻干机内硅油泄漏和生化药品冻干进程的判断提供了新方法。  相似文献   


Vacuum freeze-drying (VFD) is a dehydration method based on the sublimation of the liquid phase contained in a certain product, previously frozen, at low pressure and temperature. Since it is a time and energy consuming process, it is crucial to select the best processing conditions to minimize drying duration, thus reducing the energy requirement. Additionally, product temperature must be monitored since it plays an important role in preserving product quality. The aim of this study was to develop a Diffuse Interface Model (DIM) for in-silico simulation of the freeze-drying process of individually frozen products. Due to the geometrical features of the samples, and to the role of radiation in the heat transfer to the product, the usual one-dimensional approach is inappropriate. Using a DIM, each cell of the computational domain can be described as a porous solid matrix filled by ice and vapor with a time-varying composition, thus allowing the use of a fixed computational grid and making the computation effort less demanding in comparison to moving interface-based models. Drying of eggplant cubic samples was considered as case study: model parameters were estimated by fitting the experimentally measured product temperature and drying time to the calculated ones. The model was proven to be reliable in providing an accurate estimate of both the drying time and the product temperature. Therefore, it can be used for off-line process design and optimization, minimizing the experimental effort required to design and optimize the process.  相似文献   

Final dewatering in the production of dry creped tissue is performed by Yankee drying, which includes hot pressing followed by simultaneous contact and impingement drying. The present study models Yankee drying and compares simulation results to the data obtained from trials on a pilot tissue machine. It advances models published previously by the representations developed for the transport of heat in the pressing stage and for the heat transfer involved in the dehydration of the cylinder coating spray. The model predicts an average specific drying rate within 4% in the range of the experimental data used.  相似文献   

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