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Copley A  Avouac JP  Wernicke BP 《Nature》2011,472(7341):79-81
How surface deformation within mountain ranges relates to tectonic processes at depth is not well understood. The upper crust of the Tibetan Plateau is generally thought to be poorly coupled to the underthrusting Indian crust because of an intervening low-viscosity channel. Here, however, we show that the contrast in tectonic regime between primarily strike-slip faulting in northern Tibet and dominantly normal faulting in southern Tibet requires mechanical coupling between the upper crust of southern Tibet and the underthrusting Indian crust. Such coupling is inconsistent with the presence of active 'channel flow' beneath southern Tibet, and suggests that the Indian crust retains its strength as it underthrusts the plateau. These results shed new light on the debates regarding the mechanical properties of the continental lithosphere, and the deformation of Tibet.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of superconductivity at elevated temperatures in the copper oxide materials there has been a considerable effort to find universal trends and correlations amongst physical quantities, as a clue to the origin of the superconductivity. One of the earliest patterns that emerged was the linear scaling of the superfluid density (rho(s)) with the superconducting transition temperature (T(c)), which marks the onset of phase coherence. This is referred to as the Uemura relation, and it works reasonably well for the underdoped materials. It does not, however, describe optimally doped (where T(c) is a maximum) or overdoped materials. Similarly, an attempt to scale the superfluid density with the d.c. conductivity (sigma(dc)) was only partially successful. Here we report a simple scaling relation (rho(s) proportional, variant sigma(dc)T(c), with sigma(dc) measured at approximately T(c)) that holds for all tested high-T(c) materials. It holds regardless of doping level, nature of dopant (electrons versus holes), crystal structure and type of disorder, and direction (parallel or perpendicular to the copper-oxygen planes).  相似文献   

Cuk T  Shen ZX  Gromko AD  Sun Z  Dessau DS 《Nature》2004,432(7015):1 p following 291; discussion following 291
In conventional superconductivity, sharp phonon modes (oscillations in the crystal lattice) are exchanged between electrons within a Cooper pair, enabling superconductivity. A critical question in the study of copper oxides with high critical transition temperature (Tc) is whether such sharp modes (which may be more general, including, for example, magnetic oscillations) also play a critical role in the pairing and hence the superconductivity. Hwang et al. report evidence that sharp modes (either phononic or magnetic in origin) are not important for superconductivity in these materials, but we show here that their conclusions are undermined by the insensitivity of their experiment to a crucial physical effect.  相似文献   

元素替代效应是研究高TC氧化物超导体的电子结构、晶体结构变化及宏观物性间相互关联、相互制约的重要途径,是获得高TC超导氧化物的重要手段。本文就高TC氧化物超导体中的Zn元素替代效应,尤其对Y系、Bi系高TC氧化物超导体的CuO2平面上Cu(2)位部分取代,导致TC被强烈抑制的机理进行了分析研究,讨论了从中给出的有关高温氧化物超导电性微观机制的信息。  相似文献   

Many superconductors do not entirely expel magnetic flux-rather, magnetic flux can penetrate the superconducting state in the form of vortices. Moving vortices create resistance, so they must be 'pinned' to permit dissipationless current flow. This is a particularly important issue for the high-transition-temperature superconductors, in which the vortices move very easily. Irradiation of superconducting samples by heavy ions produces columnar defects, which are considered to be the optimal pinning traps when the orientation of the column coincides with that of the vortex line. Although columnar defect pinning has been investigated using macroscopic techniques, it has hitherto been impossible to resolve individual vortices intersecting with individual defects. Here we achieve the resolution required to image vortex lines and columnar defects in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (Bi-2212) thin films, using a 1-MV field-emission electron microscope. For our thin films, we find that the vortex lines at higher temperatures are trapped and oriented along tilted columnar defects, irrespective of the orientation of the applied magnetic field. At lower temperatures, however, vortex penetration always takes place perpendicular to the film plane, suggesting that intrinsic 'background' pinning in the material now dominates.  相似文献   

Carbotte JP  Schachinger E  Basov DN 《Nature》1999,401(6751):354-356
In conventional superconductors, the most direct evidence of the mechanism responsible for superconductivity comes from tunnelling experiments, which provide a clear picture of the underlying electron-phonon interactions. As the coherence length in conventional superconductors is large, the tunnelling process probes several atomic layers into the bulk of the material; the observed structure in the current-voltage characteristics at the phonon energies gives, through inversion of the Eliashberg equations, the electron-phonon spectral density alpha2F(omega). The situation is different for the high-temperature copper oxide superconductors, where the coherence length (particularly for c-axis tunnelling) can be very short. Because of this, methods such as optical spectroscopy and neutron scattering provide a better route for investigating the underlying mechanism, as they probe bulk properties. Accurate reflection measurements at infrared wavelengths and precise polarized neutron-scattering data are now available for a variety of the copper oxides, and here we show that the conducting carriers (probed by infrared spectroscopy) are strongly coupled to a resonance structure in the spectrum of spin fluctuations (measured by neutron scattering). The coupling strength inferred from those results is sufficient to account for the high transition temperatures of the copper oxides, highlighting a prominent role for spin fluctuations in driving superconductivity in these materials.  相似文献   

阐述了铜氧化物高温超导体的晶体结构 ,指出导电区、蓄电区的划分和电子相图是铜氧化物高温超导体重要的共性特征 .介绍了分块模型及其在研究晶体结合能、弹性模量中的应用 ,对铜氧化物高温超导体结构和性能之间的关系作了探讨 .最后对当前高温超导体研究的几个热点问题及其应用前景予以简介 .  相似文献   

The ground state of superconductors is characterized by the long-range order of condensed Cooper pairs: this is the only order present in conventional superconductors. The high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors, in contrast, exhibit more complex phase behaviour, which might indicate the presence of other competing ground states. For example, the pseudogap--a suppression of the accessible electronic states at the Fermi level in the normal state of high-T(c) superconductors-has been interpreted as either a precursor to superconductivity or as tracer of a nearby ground state that can be separated from the superconducting state by a quantum critical point. Here we report the existence of a second order parameter hidden within the superconducting phase of the underdoped (electron-doped) high-T(c) superconductor Pr2-xCe(x)CuO4-y and the newly synthesized electron-doped material La2-xCe(x)CuO4-y (ref. 8). The existence of a pseudogap when superconductivity is suppressed excludes precursor superconductivity as its origin. Our observation is consistent with the presence of a (quantum) phase transition at T = 0, which may be a key to understanding high-T(c) superconductivity. This supports the picture that the physics of high-T(c) superconductors is determined by the interplay between competing and coexisting ground states.  相似文献   

Reznik D  Pintschovius L  Ito M  Iikubo S  Sato M  Goka H  Fujita M  Yamada K  Gu GD  Tranquada JM 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1170-1173
The attempt to understand copper oxide superconductors is complicated by the presence of multiple strong interactions in these systems. Many believe that antiferromagnetism is important for superconductivity, but there has been renewed interest in the possible role of electron-lattice coupling. The conventional superconductor MgB2 has a very strong electron-lattice coupling, involving a particular vibrational mode (phonon) that was predicted by standard theory and confirmed quantitatively by experiment. Here we present inelastic scattering measurements that show a similarly strong anomaly in the Cu-O bond-stretching phonon in the copper oxide superconductors La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 (with x = 0.07, 0.15). Conventional theory does not predict such behaviour. The anomaly is strongest in La(1.875)Ba(0.125)CuO4 and La(1.48)Nd(0.4)Sr(0.12)CuO4, compounds that exhibit spatially modulated charge and magnetic order, often called stripe order; it occurs at a wave vector corresponding to the charge order. These results suggest that this giant electron-phonon anomaly, which is absent in undoped and over-doped non-superconductors, is associated with charge inhomogeneity. It follows that electron-phonon coupling may be important to our understanding of superconductivity, although its contribution is likely to be indirect.  相似文献   

针对北斗接收机易受高功率微波干扰问题,采用圆极化贴片天线为辐照对象,基于CST(computer simulation technology)微波工作室和ADS(advanced design system)2种软件的联合仿真方法,将天线辐照产生的感应电动势注入接收机射频前端电路,并设置节点监测电路参数。仿真实验分析了窄带和超宽带高功率微波对导航接收机辐照的前门耦合过程,结果表明,超宽带电磁脉冲可以引起北斗接收机二级低噪声放大器晶体管烧毁,窄带电磁脉冲会造成前端限幅二极管击穿,造成导航系统无法工作。研究确定了接收机电路的易损部件,为北斗导航接收机的电磁防护设计提供了依据,研究方法也可为其他电磁脉冲前门耦合效应仿真实验提供参考。  相似文献   

We developed a mathematical optimization model coupling chemical compositions and high-temperature characteristics of sintering materials, targeting the best quality and lowest cost. The simplex algorithm was adopted to solve this model. Four kinds of imported iron ores, two kinds of Chinese iron ore concentrates, and two kinds of fluxes were selected to verify both the model and the algorithm. The results confirmed the possibility of considering both chemical compositions and high-temperature characteristics of iron ores in the optimization model. This model provides a technical roadmap to obtain a precise mathematical correlation between the lowest cost and the grade of iron in sinters based on the condition of given raw materials, which can provide a reference to adjust the grade of iron in the sintering process for enterprise.  相似文献   

McKeever J  Boca A  Boozer AD  Buck JR  Kimble HJ 《Nature》2003,425(6955):268-271
Conventional lasers (from table-top systems to microscopic devices) typically operate in the so-called weak-coupling regime, involving large numbers of atoms and photons; individual quanta have a negligible impact on the system dynamics. However, this is no longer the case when the system approaches the regime of strong coupling for which the number of atoms and photons can become quite small. Indeed, the lasing properties of a single atom in a resonant cavity have been extensively investigated theoretically. Here we report the experimental realization of a one-atom laser operated in the regime of strong coupling. We exploit recent advances in cavity quantum electrodynamics that allow one atom to be isolated in an optical cavity in a regime for which one photon is sufficient to saturate the atomic transition. The observed characteristics of the atom-cavity system are qualitatively different from those of the familiar many-atom case. Specifically, our measurements of the intracavity photon number versus pump intensity indicate that there is no threshold for lasing, and we infer that the output flux from the cavity mode exceeds that from atomic fluorescence by more than tenfold. Observations of the second-order intensity correlation function demonstrate that our one-atom laser generates manifestly quantum (nonclassical) light, typified by photon anti-bunching and sub-poissonian photon statistics.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, strong interactions of light and matter at the single-photon level have enabled a wide set of scientific advances in quantum optics and quantum information science. This work has been performed principally within the setting of cavity quantum electrodynamics with diverse physical systems, including single atoms in Fabry-Perot resonators, quantum dots coupled to micropillars and photonic bandgap cavities and Cooper pairs interacting with superconducting resonators. Experiments with single, localized atoms have been at the forefront of these advances with the use of optical resonators in high-finesse Fabry-Perot configurations. As a result of the extreme technical challenges involved in further improving the multilayer dielectric mirror coatings of these resonators and in scaling to large numbers of devices, there has been increased interest in the development of alternative microcavity systems. Here we show strong coupling between individual caesium atoms and the fields of a high-quality toroidal microresonator. From observations of transit events for single atoms falling through the resonator's evanescent field, we determine the coherent coupling rate for interactions near the surface of the resonator. We develop a theoretical model to quantify our observations, demonstrating that strong coupling is achieved, with the rate of coherent coupling exceeding the dissipative rates of the atom and the cavity. Our work opens the way for investigations of optical processes with single atoms and photons in lithographically fabricated microresonators. Applications include the implementation of quantum networks, scalable quantum logic with photons, and quantum information processing on atom chips.  相似文献   

A model for high-temperature superconductors incorporating antiferromagnetism, d-wave superconductivity, and no double latticesite occupancy can give energy surfaces delicately balanced between antiferromagnetic and superconducting order for specific ranges of doping and temperature. The resulting properties can reconcile a universal cuprate phase diagram with rich inhomogeneity, relate that inhomogeneity to pseudogaps, give a fundamental rationale for giant proximity effects and other emergent behavior, and provide an objective framework to separate essential from peripheral in the superconducting mechanism. high-temperature superconductivity, pseudogap, critical dynamical symmetry, inhomogeneity, complexity, emergent behavior  相似文献   

普适计算随着分布式计算和移动计算的发展而出现.分析了普适计算的特征和需求,提出了一个针对普适计算系统应用的包含上下文感知和服务发现机制的框架设计模型,并进行了深入讨论.  相似文献   

A model for high-temperature superconductors incorporating antiferromagnetism,d-wave superconductivity,and no double lattice-site occupancy can give energy surfaces delicately balanced between antiferromagnetic and superconducting order for specific ranges of doping and temperature. The resulting properties can reconcile a universal cuprate phase diagram with rich inhomogeneity,relate that inhomogeneity to pseudogaps,give a fundamental rationale for giant proximity eects and other emergent behavior,and provide an objective framework to separate essential from peripheral in the superconducting mechanism.  相似文献   

Advances in mobile devices, sensors and wireless networks have motivated the development of location based services(LBS) applications. However, most of the positioning methods specifically designed for either indoor or outdoor and their accuracy and precision differs greatly, so it’s difficult using only one positioning method to meet all people’s demands. This paper proposes a new architecture for ubiquitous location based services in TDSCDMA. In this architecture the proper positioning methods are determined by the uses’ surroundings and the demands of accuracy and precision, and the problem that the user’s environments change has been also resolved commendably. And this architecture solves the problem that environment changes while positioning. The simulation shows that everyone can use the location based services anywhere and anytime with the mobile terminal through this architecture.   相似文献   

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