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政治信任研究的理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政治信任为我们提供了观察治理实践和国家与社会间关系的洞察力,它日益成为政治学研究中的重要理论话题。论文从政治信任的涵义出发,分别探讨了以政治信任为因变量,现有研究中的三种解释路径,及以政治信任为自变量,其产生的影响与后果,最后评述了当前中国政治信任研究的现状,及西方政治信任理论的可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

夏金华 《行政与法》2014,(10):17-21
信任是主体与主体、主体与客体间的互信关系、依赖关系、合作关系以及承诺与践行关系.以信任为基础的政治合法性能够产生社会和谐,政治合法性只有以信任为前提,才能增强人们之间的信任关系,形成信任与政治合法性的互动双赢格局.本文以信任为切入点,以信任的视域检视政治合法性,以期从中梳理信任与政治合法性的内在关联,从而前瞻其对中国未来政治发展的影响和意义.  相似文献   

唐斌 《行政与法》2012,(3):64-68
我国农民工的数量极其庞大,广州地区是我国农民工重要的集散地。广州地区农民工的政治信任呈现出三大特点:政治信任的水平与信任客体的层级正相关、政治信任的认知基础比较模糊和新生代农民工的政治信任度较低。这一状况容易导致广州地区农民工群体性事件的发生,为此,我们需要采取以下措施来提升其政治信任度:提高农民工的工资水平,拓宽农民工的政治参与渠道,加强对农民工信任网络的整合,发挥电子媒介的政治传播功能。  相似文献   

杨鸣宇 《公共行政评论》2013,(2):52-71,179,180
改革开放后,中国政府获取合法性的方式被形容为绩效合法性。已有的研究显示中国的政治信任的影响因素中,市民基于政府管治绩效评价所形成的主观绩效是相对而言最有影响力的变量。但另一方政治参与行为也证实和政治信任相关,而且近年发生的一系列基于环境邻避问题引起的事件显示市民开始主动地通过不同的参与行为来表达自己的利益诉求,这些诉求和政府经济绩效的取向存在明显的对立。因此对于习惯以绩效合法性为管治基础的政府而言,维持和提高市民的主观绩效是否仍然是政府获取合法性的有效方式?上述两者哪个对政治信任又更有影响?论文运用亚洲民主调查(2008)对这些进行了分析。主要发现是市民对国家经济现状、政治制度的运作效率和社会问题解决能力的主观满意度是三个对政治信任最有影响力的变量,三者的影响力超过所有政治参与行为的影响。这些发现显示政府目前以发展经济为主,兼顾社会福利并不断提高民生问题解决能力来获取政治信任的管治方式,至少现阶段来说仍然是理性和有效的。  相似文献   

伍德志 《中国法学》2023,(4):145-164
普通公民在对现代法律制度的认知方面存在困境,以致大多数人只能有风险地信任或不信任法律。法律信任是基于有限的信息对法律的内在可靠性所作的潜在推断,某些认知成本比较低且与法律的内在可靠性有一定关联的信息,被挑选出来作为判断法律结构与过程整体可靠性的关键依据,并被符号化与象征化。法律信任还通过内在的情感特征来消除因为无知而产生的心理负担,通过严格的“阙限”来控制信任风险的无限制扩大。法律信任的符号信息基础大致包括两方面:效力信息与实效信息。效力信息主要是道德信息,因为其来源广泛、认知成本比较低;实效信息主要是指法律制裁,而制裁作为负面信息具有比奖励更强烈的“表达性效果”。法律信任还需要通过制度化不信任来规避法律信任的符号敏感性,从而实现动态稳定的系统信任。  相似文献   

关于政治信任的心理机制,制度理论主要立足点是空间维度上的现实理性主义,认为个体会从理性计算的角度,在权衡、判断和评估政治组织与机构的业绩基础上形成政治信任的表现。制度在孕育政治信任方面的理性心理表现在便利获取信息的心理促进、经济收入平等的心理期待以及政治认同的心理感染等方面。文化理论主要立足点是时间维度上的早期经验主义,即在个体早期获得的依恋体验和人际信任。在个体层次上,早期经验当中的价值观、生活态度、人际体验都影响着后期政治信任的形成,并且在代际层面上政治信任具有家庭传承的特征。文化理论所反映的政治信任心理机制包括代际传承的心理依恋、学校教育的心理灌输以及知识积累的心理习惯。趋于融合的关系主义认识论取向则试图汲取文化理论和制度理论的基本观点,并将它们具体化结合,重点关注文化理论的早期经验基础性决定作用同制度理论的后期经验适应性调整作用之间的关系问题,从而共同考虑历时态经验变化和相对稳定心理习惯的多层面功能,考察个体所处的家庭环境、经济资源、社会地位、人际关系、认知能力、情感体验是否以及如何直接或间接影响未来的政治信任。  相似文献   

中国传统信任结构及其对现代法治的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统信任结构的总体特征是“儒法并存,以儒为主”。其中儒家信任结构重亲疏之别,以互惠原则为基础;法家信任结构重公私之分,以赏罚机制为基础。中国传统信任结构既与传统法制互动,也对现代法治有深刻影响。  相似文献   

浅析中国政府信任制度构建的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,在政府管理活动中,存在公共政策缺乏稳定性和连续性、政府行为透明度不高、政府公共决策的价值取向发生变异等政府信任缺失的情形,从而引起公众对政府信任度的下降.因此,应建立政府信息公开制度、行政服务承诺制度、行政失信惩戒及补救制度.以重塑政府信任.  相似文献   

随着传统社会向现代社会的转型,信任通过对人们行为一定程度的控制,是现代社会法治、秩序建立的逻辑基础。法律与信任同为社会控制的工具既相互区别又相互补充,秩序是二者共同追求的价值目标。法律在维护社会秩序和促进社会信任等方面发挥重要的作用。对信任、秩序与法律的关系问题作进一步的探究,重塑信任机制与法律整合的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在英语中,“mandate”一词是指下级政府面临的来自上级政府的行政性命令或法令、法规。上级政府的行政性命令并不总是令地方政府头痛,但如果上级政府既要求下级政府承担公共服务责任又不总是提供相应的财力支持或根本不提供财力支持的话,那就会在政府间关系的处理上造成很多问题。  相似文献   

高毅  邱平荣 《行政与法》2006,(11):68-70
日益严重的环境问题已经成为我国经济发展的“瓶颈,”而失衡的产业结构又加重了环境问题的严重性,治理环境问题与产业结构的调整已不容反思。通过制度经济学的路径分析,发现环境问题与产业结构失衡存在共同的制度根源——市场失灵和政府失灵。对于“双重失灵”的存在,有效处方是构建生态化的产业结构法律制度。  相似文献   

Malicious hackers profit from the division of labour among highly skilled associates. However, duplicity and betrayal form an intrinsic part of their daily operations. This article examines how a community of hackers uses an automated reputation system to enhance trust among its members. We analyse 449,478 feedbacks collected over 27 months that rate the trustworthiness of 29,985 individuals belonging to the largest computer hacking forum. Only a tiny fraction of the forum membership (2.4%) participates in the vast majority (75%) of ‘trust exchanges’, limiting its utility. We observe a reporting bias where the propensity to report positive outcomes is 2.81 times greater among beginner hackers than among forum administrators. Reputation systems do not protect against trust decay caused here by the rapid expansion of the community. Finally, a qualitative analysis of 25,000 randomly selected feedbacks indicates that a diverse set of behaviours, skills and attitudes trigger assessments of trustworthiness.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the role of government in relation to cybersecurity. Traditionally, cybersecurity was primarily seen as a technical issue. In recent years, governments have realised that they, too, have a stake in securing the Internet. In their attempts to grapple with cybersecurity, governments often turn to technical solutions to ‘code away’ illegal or undesired behaviours. ‘Techno-regulation’ has become popular because it may seem to be an effective and cheap way of increasing control over end users’ behaviours and increasing cybersecurity. In this article, we will explain why using techno-regulation has significant downsides and, therefore, why it may be unwise to use it as a dominant regulatory strategy for securing the Internet. We argue that other regulatory strategies ought to be considered as well, most importantly: trust. The second part of this article explains that trust can be used as an implicit strategy to increase cybersecurity or as an explicit mechanism for the same goal.  相似文献   

日本信托法修改及其信托观念的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵廉慧 《北方法学》2009,3(4):154-160
日本是大陆法系中引入信托法比较早的国家,日本的信托法经过80多年的发展,在吸收和转化原本来自英美法的信托制度方面有着丰富的经验。这些经验对于我国信托法的理论和实践发展都有重要的借鉴意义。2006年12月,日本信托法进行了大量修改。研究此次修改以及这一修改背后的理论变迁,对我国信托法理论的发展应该有所补益。  相似文献   

Trust is critical in ensuring public co-operation with police and in turn building police legitimacy. Trust has been regarded as especially critical when police have sought to develop more positive interactions with diverse groups. Understanding how police officers perceive others and how this shapes trust in members of diverse groups is still developing. This study contributes valuable information regarding police perceptions of trust in minority group members; an area under-researched in policing studies, particularly in an Australian context. To understand how police recruit perceptions of socialization, interaction, and living and work choices affects their perceptions of trust in diverse groups of people, data were collected from a population of Police Recruits and Protective Service Officers (N = 1609) during pre-service awareness training. These were used in a Stepwise OLS model to ascertain opinions of trust in people distinguished by diverse identities. The results show socializing, and experiencing positive interaction whilst socializing with people from diverse groups, and the age of the participants, has a significant impact on the perceptions of trust police recruits have in members of diverse groups. However, this may not be enough to uphold positive levels of trust over time.  相似文献   

Law students prepare for a legal career and it is therefore of general interest, how much trust they have in the police and the courts. Their views may be influenced by their studies, media consumption, direct experience and other factors. In a previous study it appears as if law students are becoming more critical over the course of their studies. This explorative questionnaire study compares the views of 2012 final year undergraduate law students with the answers the same cohort gave in 2010, when starting their studies, and with final year law students 2010. Contrary to our expectation, the final year law students of 2012 showed more trust in courts and police than their predecessors 2010. The data suggest that the study of law, personal experiences and those of family and friends, as well as media effects are among the factors forming trust in the institutions.  相似文献   

This paper provides a cradle-to-grave model of political merger between two states and highlights the role of cross-border disparities in material and technological endowments in state formation. This issue has not received adequate theoretical attention in the existing scholarship that has largely focussed on factors like defence, trade, and public goods provision. In this paper, merger negotiations are modelled using a bilateral bargaining model with inside options and contest as an outside option. It is shown that the threat of contest constrains the set of mutually acceptable taxes and, more importantly, it provides stability to the federal constitution by making the punishment strategy in the secession rule credible. The existence of negotiated and contested constitutional merger agreements that are path dependent but time-consistent is shown. Also, the rent extracted by the advanced province in the union for transferring technology to the backward province is shown to be increasing in the complexity of technology but bounded from above. Finally, the impact of demographic heterogeneity on the feasibility of inter-state mergers is discussed.  相似文献   

政治教育的内涵及其在思想政治教育中的应有地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史上任何统治阶级,总是要通过各种方式和途径把自己的政治思想注入到社会中去,用以支配人们的思想和行动,实现统治的目标。政治教育是其中一种重要方式。政治教育是教育根据统治阶级和受教育的需要,有目的有计划地采用直接或间接的手段传递政治化以形式和发展受教育的政治素质进而促进社会明的社会实践活动。政治教育是思想政治教育中的核心内容和重要组成部分。在新时期,应避免政治教育的失位,也要防止政治教育的泛化。科学理解政治教育的内涵,正确认识和区分政治教育与政治社会化、政治化、思想教育、道德教育、人教育的区别与联系,以全面加强和改进思想政治工作。  相似文献   

郑飞 《证据科学》2015,(1):71-80
司法公开是司法公信力的基础,但司法公开并不自动实现公众对司法活动过程和结果的信任与认同。通过对9省市的实证调研和数据挖掘,课题组发现除了司法公开以外,司法公信力还与司法独立、司法工作作风、司法过程、司法结果等方面密切相关。因此,建议可从以下几个方面重点着手来提升司法公信力:夯实司法公开以增加司法透明度,增强司法机关的独立性以保证司法权威,转变司法工作作风以提升司法权力主体的公信力,并更加注重司法过程的程序公正和司法结果的实体公正。  相似文献   

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