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A fine-resolution MOM code is used to study the South China Sea basin-scale circulationand its relation to the mass transport through the Luzon Strait. The model domain includes the South China Sea, part of the East China Sea, and part of the Philippine Sea so that the currents in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait are free to evolve. In addition, all channels between the South China Sea and the Indonesian seas are closed so that the focus is on the Luzon Strait transport. The model is driven by specified Philippine Sea currents and by surface heat and salt flux conditions. For simplicity, no wind-stress is applied at the surface.The simulated Luzon Strait transport and the South China Sea circulation feature a sandwich vertical structure from the surface to the bottom. The Philippine Sea water is simulated to enter the South China Sea at the surface and in the deep ocean and is carried to the southern basin by western boundary currents. At the intermediate depth, the net Luzon Strait transport is out of t  相似文献   

吕宋海峡及南海北部海域的水团分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1992年3月和1994年9月台湾海峡两岸科学家对南海北部两次协同调查的CTD资料以及由此计算的重力势资料,对吕宋海峡及南海北部400m以上海水的温盐性质进行分析。结果发现,调查海区基本可划分为两种水团,即黑潮水和南海水。黑潮水主要从吕宋海峡中部和北部进入南海,侵入的黑潮水向西北方向扩展,受到台湾海峡海底地形的阻挡而大部分集中于台湾西南海域,向西的范围基本不超过119°E。虽然两次观测所处的季节不同(分别为春初和夏末),但黑潮入侵南海的差异并不明显。另外,在二次调查的部分层次上,南海北部陆坡边缘都发现有一团水平尺度约百公里的黑潮性质水。配合重力势的水平分布形式,可以用地转流场的结构解释水团分析的结果。  相似文献   

On the basis of the latest version of a U.S. Navy generalized digital environment model(GDEM-V3.0) and World Ocean Atlas(WOA13), the hydraulic theory is revisited and applied to the Luzon Strait, providing a fresh look at the deepwater overflow there. The result reveals that:(1) the persistent density difference between two sides of the Luzon Strait sustains an all year round deepwater overflow from the western Pacific to the South China Sea(SCS);(2) the seasonal variability of the deepwater overflow is influenced not only by changes in the density difference between two sides of the Luzon Strait, but also by changes in its upstream layer thickness;(3) the deepwater overflow in the Luzon Strait shows a weak semiannual variability;(4) the seasonal mean circulation pattern in the SCS deep basin does not synchronously respond to the seasonality of the deepwater overflow in the Luzon Strait.Moreover, the deepwater overflow reaches its seasonal maximum in December(based on GDEM-V3.0) or in fall(October–December, based on the WOA13), accompanied by the lowest temperature of the year on the Pacific side of the Luzon Strait. The seasonal variability of the deepwater overflow is consistent with the existing longest(3.5 a) continuous observation along the major deepwater passage of the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡海洋环流的基本特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据对高分辨率的并行海洋气候模式输出的较长时间序列的海面高度(SSH)场的分析,推断在吕宋海峡附近海区常年存在吕宋海峡黑潮流套,该流套出现于吕宋海峡的中部和北部,表现为一个舌状的SSH的高值中心自海峡东部的太平洋向西扩展到南海北部,大致到达110°E的位置,但其位置、形状、强度等表现季节变化,年际变化和季节内时间尺度变化的特征。在吕宋海峡东侧的大洋上,经常出现位置和范围时有变化的反气旋涡,与之对应,在SSH的月平均经向和纬向剖面上,吕宋海峡东侧的大洋上有永久存在的SSH高值中心。另外在1995年1~7月期间有一次完整的黑潮流环脱离黑潮主体并在南海北部向西南方向移动的过程。  相似文献   

The mechanism of the anticyclonic eddy's shedding from the Kuroshio bend in Luzon Strait has been studied using a nonlinear 2 1/2 layer model, in a domain including the North Pacific and South China Sea. The model is forced by steady zonal wind in the North Pacific. Energy analysis is adopted to detect the mechanism of the eddy shedding. Twelve experiments with unique changes of wind forcing speed (to obtain different Kuroshio transports at Luzon Strait) were performed to examine the relationship between the Kuroshio transport (KT) and the eddy shedding events. In the reference experiment with KT of 22.7 Sv (forced with zonal wind idealized from the annual mean wind stress from the COADS data set), the interval of eddy shedding is 70 days and the shed eddy centers at (20°N, 117.5°E). When the Kuroshio bend extends westward, the southern cyclonic perturbation grows so rapidly as to form a cyclonic eddy (18.5°N, 120.5°E) because of the frontal instability in the south of the Kuroshio bend. In the evolution of the cyclonic eddy, it cleaves the Kuroshio bend and triggers the separation of the anticyclonic eddy. In statistical terms, anticyclonic eddy shedding occurs only when KT fluctuates within a moderate range, between 21 Sv and 28 Sv. When the KT is larger than 28 Sv, a stronger frontal instability south of the Kuroshio bend tends to generate a cyclonic eddy of size similar to the width of the Luzon Strait. The bigger cyclonic eddy prevents the Kuroshio bend from extending into the SCS and does not lead to eddy shedding. On the other hand, when the KT decreases to less than 21 Sv, the frontal instability south of the Kuroshio bend is so weak that the size of corresponding cyclonic eddy is smaller than half the width of the Luzon Strait. The cyclonic eddy, lacking power, fails to cleave the Kuroshio bend and cause separation of an anticyclonic eddy; as a result, no eddy shedding occurred then, either.  相似文献   

Assessing the west ridge of Luzon Strait as an internal wave mediator   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The Luzon Strait is blocked by two meridional ridges at depths, with the east ridge somewhat higher than the west ridge in the middle reaches of the Strait. Previous numerical models identified the Luzon Strait as the primary generation site of internal M2 tides entering the northern South China Sea (Niwa and Hibiya, 2004), but the role of the west-versus-east ridge was uncertain. We used a hydrostatic model for the northern South China Sea and a nonhydrostatic, process-oriented model to evaluate how the west ridge of Luzon Strait modifies westward propagation of internal tides, internal bores and internal solitary waves. The dynamic role of the west ridge depends strongly on the characteristics of internal waves and is spatially inhomogeneous. For M2 tides, both models identify the west ridge in the middle reaches of Luzon Strait as a dampener of incoming internal waves from the east ridge. In the northern Luzon Strait, the west ridge is quite imposing in height and becomes a secondary generation site for M2 internal tides. If the incoming wave is an internal tide, previous models suggested that wave attenuation depends crucially on how supercritical the west ridge slope is. If the incoming wave is an internal bore or internal solitary wave, our investigation suggests a loss of sensitivity to the supercritical slope for internal tides, leaving ridge height as the dominant factor regulating the wave attenuation. Mechanisms responsible for the ridge-induced attenuation are discussed.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡输送年际变异数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MITgcm数值模式1980—2001年的常规模拟输出数据,研究了吕宋海峡22年平均的体积、热量和盐量输送随深度的变化,并利用小波变换分别分析了吕宋海峡3个层次(0—145、145—915、915—1 837m)体积和热量输送的年际变化,主要结果如下。(1)在吕宋海峡1 837m层以下,仍有一定数量的西北太平洋海水(体积和盐)西向输送到南海;(2)915—1 615m层的年际体积输送的变化趋势与上两个层次(0—145m、145—915m)类似,但是在某些ENSO时期(如1985、1987、1991—1995年),其年际变化与145—915m层年际变化的位相相反;(3)吕宋海峡年际体积(热量)输送的小波谱图较明显地反映出ENSO现象对吕宋海峡不同层次的输送均产生一定影响。145—915m层次的吕宋海峡年际体积输送与ENSO现象相关性显著。  相似文献   

A method of quantifying the penetration of the Kuroshio into the Luzon Strait is improved with simulated salinity. The new method is applied in an area bounded by 0.6 correlation coefficient contour to the point of 20 N, 118 E which is determined by EOF analysis. The results suggest that the method is suitable for indicating Kuroshio’s intrusion into the South China Sea quantitatively. As an indicator, the Kuroshio penetrating the Luzon index (KLI) reveals obvious annual cycle and weak bimodality. For annual periods, indexes on the surface and subsurface which point the same events have totally opposite signs due to the winter burst of surface westward current. On long-term period, the surface and subsurface indexes have consistent signs. A subsurface index on 150 m avoiding high frequency signals from the surface can be used for indicating long-term Kuroshio intrusion variation. An anti-phase pattern in wavelet coherence map between KLI and Japan large meander index shows that the Luzon Strait is a "smoother" reducing the variability of the Kuroshio transport changes on long-term periods.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡两侧中尺度涡统计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1993-2000年间的T/P卫星高度计轨道资料的时间序列和MODAS同化产品中的卫星高度计最优插值资料对南海东北部海区中尺度涡旋进行动态追踪。按照给定的标准从2种资料中提取了涡旋信息并对其特征量进行统计分析。结果表明,南海东北部海区中尺度涡旋十分活跃,平均每年6个,其中暖涡4个,尺度一般为200~250 km,平均地转流速为44 cm/s;冷涡每年平均2个,尺度一般为150~200 km,平均地转流速为-37 cm/s。吕宋海峡两侧涡旋的比较分析表明,南海东北部海区仍属于西北太平洋副热带海区的涡旋带,冷、暖涡旋处于不断的形成—西移—消散过程中。南海东北部中尺度冷涡大多是南海内部产生的,而暖涡与吕宋海峡外侧暖涡有一定的联系又具有相对的独立性。分析认为西北太平洋的西行暖涡在到达吕宋海峡时,受到黑潮东翼东向下倾的等密度面的抑制和岛链的阻碍,涡旋停滞于吕宋海峡外侧并逐渐消弱,被阻挡于吕宋海峡东侧涡旋释放的能量,形成一支横穿吕宋海峡(同时横穿过黑潮)的高速急流,把能量传递给吕宋海峡西侧的涡旋,使其得到强化,这是吕宋海峡两侧涡旋联系的一种重要机制。  相似文献   

沈华 《海洋学研究》2014,32(1):11-18
利用WOD09和Argo剖面资料,结合SODA、OFES、GPCP和WHOI等资料分析了吕宋海峡西侧海域混合层盐度1984—2010年间的长期变化趋势和年代际变化特征,并利用混合层盐度平衡方程探讨了其变化机理。研究结果表明:(1)吕宋海峡西侧海域的盐度整体上呈现下降趋势,线性趋势为-0.020/a;(2)以1999年为界,吕宋海峡西侧海域的盐度在1999年之前为正距平,最大正距平值可达0.14,平均值为0.05,在1999年之后为负距平,最大负距平值为-0.22,平均值为-0.06;(3)影响该海域混合层盐度的长期变化趋势和年代际变化的主要因素为平流作用,特别是黑潮入侵的变化。  相似文献   

Eddy Shedding from the Kuroshio Bend at Luzon Strait   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
TOPEX/POSEDIENT-ERS satellite altimeter data along with the mean state from the Parallel Ocean Climate Model result have been used to investigate the variation of Kuroshio intrusion and eddy shedding at Luzon Strait during 1992–2001. The Kuroshio penetrates into the South China Sea and forms a bend. The Kuroshio bend varies with time, periodically shedding anticyclonic eddies. Criteria of eddy shedding are identified: 1) When the shedding event occurs, there are usually two centers of high Sea Surface Height (SSH) together with negative geostrophic vorticity in the Kuroshio Bend (KB) area. 2) Between the two centers of high SSH there usually exists positive geostrophic vorticity. These criteria have been used to determine the eddy shedding times and locations. The most frequent eddy shedding intervals are 70, 80 and 90 days. In both the winter and summer monsoon period, the most frequent locations are 119.5°E and 120°E, which means that the seasonal variation of eddy shedding location is unclear.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡附近海域水团分布及季节变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2003年2月至2009年4月期间在吕宋海峡附近海域由Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,对该海域的水团分布及季节变化特征进行了探讨.结果表明,在120.5°-122.75°E、19°-23°N范围内,水团特征介于南海水和北太平洋水之间,而19°N以南区域的水交换并不显著.北太平洋热带水(NPTW)和北太平洋中层水(NPIW)通过吕宋海峡入侵南海的趋势在夏季较弱.秋季,NPTW入侵南海的趋势增强,而到了冬季,受东北季风控制,北太平洋水的入侵程度最强,然而并无NPIW进入南海的迹象.值得指出的是,整年没有发现明显的NPIW进入南海,而南海中层水可以通过海峡流入太平洋,其强度在秋、冬季节达到最大.  相似文献   

Several characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheLuzonChannelissituatedonthewest-ernsideofthenorthernPacificandbetweenTaiwanandLuzonIslands.ItisthemainpassageofthePacificwaterenteringtheSCS.Therearenumerousdifferent-sizedislandsformingmanynarrowwaterpassagesinthischannel,sotheLuzonChannelisthegeneralnameofthesepas-sages(includingBabuyan,BalintangandBashiChannels,etc.).Customarily,theLuzonStraitiscalledtheBashiChannel.Itswidthis386kmandhasameandepthof1400m. Toagreatextent,thehydro-meteorologi-calconditionso…  相似文献   

为了考察潮汐混合效应对吕宋海峡附近海域环流场的影响,本文使用ROMS区域海洋模式,通过无潮实验与有潮实验的对比分析指出,潮汐混合作用可以影响121°E断面上的水交换和120d平均的纬向流速分布;在模拟时段内加入潮汐后,模拟结果中台湾岛西南的反气旋涡强度大幅减弱,贴近黑潮东侧的涡旋强度明显强于无潮实验,证明潮汐作用可以引起吕宋海峡海洋环流场较大的改变,特别对黑潮以"跨隙"路径通过吕宋海峡有贡献。  相似文献   

Satellite-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to investigate the transport pathways of near-surface water around the Luzon Strait. Particular attention is paid to the intrusion of Pacific water into the South China Sea(SCS).Results from drifter observations suggest that except for the Kuroshio water, other Pacific water that carried by zonal jets, Ekman currents or eddies, can also intrude into the SCS. Motivated by this origin problem of the intrusion water, numerous simulated trajectories are constructed by altimeter-based velocities. Quantitative estimates from simulated trajectories suggest that the contribution of other Pacific water to the total intrusion flux in the Luzon Strait is approximately 13% on average, much smaller than that of Kuroshio water. Even so, over multiple years and many individual intrusion events, the contribution from other Pacific water is quite considerable. The interannual signal in the intrusion flux of these Pacific water might be closely related to variations in a wintertime westward current and eddy activities east of the Luzon Strait. We also found that Ekman drift could significantly contribute to the intrusion of Pacific water and could affect the spreading of intrusion water in the SCS. A case study of an eddy-related intrusion is presented to show the detailed processes of the intrusion of Pacific water and the eddy-Kuroshio interaction.  相似文献   

A P - vector method is optimized using the variational data assimilation technique(VDAT). The absolute geostrophic velocity fields in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait (LS) are calculated, the spatial structures and seasonal variations of the absolute geostrophic velocity field are investigated. Our results show that the Kuroshio enters the South China Sea (SCS) in the south and middle of the Luzon Strait and flows out in the north, so the Kuroshio makes a slight clockwise curve in the Luzon Strait, and the curve is strong in winter and weak in summer. During the winter, a westward current appears in the surface, and locates at the west of the Luzon Strait. It is the north part of a cyclonic gyre which exits in the northeast of the SCS; an anti-cyclonic gyre occurs on the intermediate level, and it exits in the northeast of the SCS, and an eastward current exits in the southeast of the anti-cyclonic gyre.  相似文献   

在利用1950—2009年NCEP(National Center for Environmental Prediction)资料分析风场数据的基础上,计算吕宋海峡的Ekman输运,研究表明其存在显著的季节变化,除了夏季外,其它季节均为由太平洋向南海输运。分析吕宋海峡Ekman输运和南海海盆表征上层热力状况的海表面温度SST(Sea Surface Temperature)之间的关系发现:在年内时间尺度上,两者不存在显著的同期相关,Ekman输运对SST的影响开始于一个月之后,从北部向南扩展,第二个月最为明显,并扩展至整个海盆,第三个月开始衰减,第四个月影响消失,且相关性为正;在年际尺度上,吕宋海峡Ek-man输运的异常同南海SSTA(Sea Surface Temperature Abnormal)的第二模态存在显著的相关联系,并且吕宋海峡Ekman输运和南海SSTA的相关关系在北部为正,南部为负。吕宋海峡Ekman输运调制南海大尺度环流,通过暖、冷平流的作用影响南海SST的变化。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡水交换季节和年际变化特征的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)建立了一套覆盖西北太平洋的涡尺度分辨率环流模型,并对吕宋海峡附近的环流进行了模拟研究。结果表明,吕宋海峡120.75°E断面净流量季节变化显著,全年均为西向输运,6月份达到最小,为0.40×106 m3/s,然后逐渐增大,在12月份达到最大,为6.14×106 m3/s,全年平均流量为3.04×106 m3/s。在500 m以浅,秋、冬季都有明显的黑潮流套存在,并伴有黑潮分支入侵南海,而春、夏季黑潮南海分支减弱或消失,黑潮入侵不明显。在500 m以深,冬、春季,吕宋海峡以东有非常明显的南向流存在,流速约10 cm/s,而到了夏、秋季该南向流出现明显的减弱,黑潮与南海的水交换主要通过吕宋海峡以北的吕宋海沟进行。在垂向结构上,120.75°E断面浅层呈多流核结构,并且流核的位置和强弱受黑潮的季节性变化影响显著,深层流的季节变化不大。在年际尺度方面,吕宋海峡年际体积输运量异常与Niño3.4滞后6个月相关系数达到41.6%,吕宋海峡水交换与ENSO现象有较为显著的正相关关系,并存在2~3 a和准8 a周期的年际变化。  相似文献   

An analysis of historical oxygen data provides evidence on the water exchange between theSouth China Sea (SCS) and the Pacific Ocean (PO). In the vicinity of the Luzon Strait (LS) , the dissolved oxygen concentration of sea water is found to be lower on the Pacific side than on the SCS side at depths between 700 and 1500 m (intermediate layer) , while the situation is reversed above 700 m (upper layer) and below 1 500 m (deep layer). The evidence suggests that water exits the SCS in the intermediate layer but enters it from the Pacific in both the upper and the deep layers, supporting the earlier speculation that the Luzon Strait transport has a sandwiched structure in the vertical. Within the SCS basin, the oxygen distribution indicates widespread vertical movement, including the upwelling in the intermediate layer and the downwelling in the deep layer.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡浮标轨迹的拉格朗日拟序结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

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