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贺中 《青岛画报》2012,(10):86-93
行走于青岛的老城和新城之间,犹如穿越在两个截然不同的世界,一个古朴典雅,欧韵风姿绰约,一个时尚摩登,闪耀着现代城市之光,欧洲风韵与现代风情激情碰撞。这其中,建筑不但是凝固的音乐,也是一座城市凝固的历史,是文化、文脉延续的最直接、直观的体现。  相似文献   

渴望结婚但不愿被约束的埃及人,正越来越多地选择丈夫经常造访妻子却不留宿的婚姻形式——走好。“在传统婚姻中,新娘离开娘家与配偶共同生活,家庭中的全部财政事务就由她一井管理,”专门研究伊斯兰法律的开罗律师沙里姆·阿华分析道,“相反,在走婚条件下,丈夫不必承担任何的财政义务但仍可以定期与妻子约会。”这类非传统型夫妇的数量近几个月来在增加,并且已成为埃及社会议论的话题,就像人们所津津乐道的适龄女孩无理想男子求婚而成为老姑娘这个古老而又费时的话题一样。“传统的择偶现提倡在家族范围内寻找配偶,这样一来,使女…  相似文献   

到访Shirley的家.眼前是充满对比强烈的色彩和饶富趣味的不同摆设,充满民族的感觉和古典的韵味,又不乏现代的气息屋里的布置融合了多民族跨时代的特色,像墙上的大理挂画、明式柜椅和西藏饰物等.也没有刻意依照设计原理或特定方向,只是随意把所有喜好凄在一起,可能是因为女主人那股精灵的感觉吧虽然如此,却没有突兀的感觉,反倒营造了独特的个人风格  相似文献   

中学时鲁迅先生的《狂人日记》,半文半白的语言看不懂,在老师谆谆教导下,靠形而上的思维,才知道原来能读出"吃人"来。二十年过去,如今长大后换脑子,再听"狂人"时却往往只想到两个字:花钱。中国人一向懂得花钱,据说最早开始铺地毯的并不是西方人,而是一千八百年前的富豪石崇和王恺。  相似文献   

五月初,在彩云之南行走,流淌的思绪,我心要飞翔。一个多月过去了,我的心始终沉不下来,无着无落。我强迫自己坐下来,静下来,整理纷乱的情绪。在云南的日子,记忆正一点点苏醒。此次去云南,主要是在中国茶城普洱市盘桓。这是一片神奇而美丽的土地,有千百年的历史,是古老的茶马古道的起点。在这片土地上,世居着14个少数民族,千百年来,各民族同胞和谐相处,用勤劳与智慧共同书写着历史。  相似文献   

谭璐 《东西南北》2012,(10):28-29
他们是真正的“空中飞人”。因为任务紧,信使每年出差达200多天,不分昼夜飞往世界各地。作为负责中共中央、国务院各部委与中国252个驻外使领馆之间机密文件、资料传递工作的专业信使,他们隶属于外交部办公厅信使队。  相似文献   

皇明自身做得也不完美,通过行业整体的改进,来完善自身,也是董呜目前需要的。  相似文献   

大约一个月前,我曾在达州的万源、宣汉、开江行走。细雨绵绵,润物无声。弯曲的时间,湿漉漉的心情,记录了一段有味道的时光。很荣幸,也很兴奋,能够参加这次川陕红色文化达州行全国画报媒体采风活动。在这片神奇的土地上徜徉,生发了许多的感触,这段记忆值得珍惜。单从所辖面积说达州之大,是夸张了,它只有1.66万平方公里。打开地图,可以看到,达州地处中国的中心位置,位于四川、湖北、陕西、重庆四省市结合部,是秦巴地区的中心和腹地,是沟通大西北和大西南的桥  相似文献   

Liaoyang is one of a few ancient and famous cultural cities in China. It has a history over 2400 years. Early in the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC), Xiangping Town, the former name of Liaoyang, was set up here, which indicated the  相似文献   

Liaoyang is one of a few ancient and famous cultural cities in China. It has a history over 2400 years. Early in the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC), Xiangping Town, the former name of Liaoyang, was set up here, which indicated the  相似文献   

Gender has been neglected in models of the social determinants of health. We use walking as a case study to demonstrate how gender might be incorporated into multilevel social determinants of health frameworks to investigate health behaviours. We found that while men and women had some similar individual (e.g. confidence in doing regular physical activity) and environmental (e.g. presence of destinations) predictors of walking there were also gender differences in the associations found at both of these levels. For example, low levels of education were only associated with men's walking time while having people in the household who made walking easy or hard was only associated with women's walking time. Likewise, having a variety of places to walk to was important for women's walking but not men's. These results indicate that both universal and gender‐specific approaches to health education, health promotion and planning might be needed to improve walking levels.  相似文献   

传统农区走新型工业化道路分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The path of economic development in traditional agricultural areas should explore the road of new industrialization of agricultural areas according to local conditions,with the premise of promoting agricultural modernization,industrialization and urban industrial.Traditional agricultural areas taking a new road to industrialization are not simply the same as running industry in the traditional agricultural areas,but building and development of industrial and other non-agricultural industries with the new industrialization of the concepts and approach in the context of rural communities,transforming the rural economy including traditional agriculture even the entire rural community,and ultimately realizing the process of economic and social unification.Promoting this development path has its reality and feasibility,and probably are achieved by cultivating predominate industry,accepting industry to transfer,gathering industry cluster and ecosystem industry to develop the path.  相似文献   

Chile represents almost one third of the world’s copper production. Mining is one of the main industries that contributes to our country’s development with resources and is globally recognized. Due to the end of the commodity cycle, improving productivity will be a key variable in mining performance in incoming years. This paper studies mining productivity in Chile by relying on two indicators: measure of the total factor productivity (TFP) using the traditional Solow methodology, and labor productivity. Since 2000, we found a decrease in TFP, explained mainly by the participation of capital as well as diverse factor adjustments to labor and capital inputs. Average labor productivity also decreases 42% from 1999 to 2010, a decrease explained by four determinants: real mining wages, electricity prices, copper prices and mineral grade. Since 2010, average labor productivity has increased 30%, and there is also an opportunity for additional improvement by reducing energy costs as well as by aligning productivity and labor performances.  相似文献   

铜镜与日本原始王权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王凯 《日本研究》2010,(1):58-61
据史书记载,倭奴国王朝贡,光武赐以印绶;孝安帝时,倭王帅升请见;百年之后,倭女王卑弥呼遣使奉献,得特赐铜镜百枚.从帅升朝贡至卑弥呼遣使的百年间,倭国大乱.联系着一系列历史事件的线索便是铜镜.大陆封建王朝下赐倭人铜镜始于帅升朝贡之时,却因吴人工匠东渡而使之在倭国内泛滥.最终导致倭国大乱.直至邪马台国时期,战乱稍平,女王卑弥呼才决定向魏明帝遣使,要求特赐铜镜以重新构筑倭国内统治秩序.日本原始王权在大陆封建王朝的影响力下逐渐发展成熟起来.本文拟从铜镜这一线索入手,初探公元一世纪至三世纪日本原始王权本身的发展以及其与大陆封建王朝交涉的历史.  相似文献   

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