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目的分析原始神经外胚叶肿瘤(PNET)的CT、MRI表现,以提高对该病的认识。方法回顾分析29例经病理证实的PNET的临床表现和CT、MRI征象。结果原发于上肢PNET 3例,上颌窦1例,肺1例,纵隔2例,腹膜后2例,颈部1例,下肢2例,额叶6例,颞叶3例,脑室内3例,CPA区1例,椎管内2例,盆腔内2例。病灶体积较大,呈浸润生长,推压邻近结构,并可凸入椎管。肿瘤密度/信号不均,CT为软组织密度,轻至中度强化;MR T1WI肿块与肌肉等信号,T2WI呈不均匀高信号,增强扫描呈花环状或蜂窝状强化。3例有钙化,2例邻近骨质破坏,呈溶骨性破坏伴骨膜反应。肿瘤DWI上呈高信号,ADC值低于其他颅内原发性肿瘤。结论 PNET的常规MRI表现和DWI特点有助于其术前定性诊断和鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

外周性原始神经外胚层肿瘤的CT、MRI表现与病理对照分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 分析外周性原始神经外胚层肿瘤(pPNETs)的CT与MRI表现,以提高对本病的认识。方法 回顾性分析经病理证实的19例pPNETs的CT和MRI表现。患者发病年龄7~57岁,中位年龄22岁;男11例、女8例。19例全部行CT检查,其中13例同时行MR检查。结果 3例病灶位于颅内,7例位于四肢,2例位于胸部,4例位于腹部,3例位于脊柱。软组织pPNETs的CT表现为大的、边界不清的软组织肿块,密度不均匀伴坏死囊变,不伴钙化,增强后呈不均匀强化。骨pPNETs主要表现为较大的溶骨性骨质破坏伴软组织肿块,有1例可见瘤骨形成,增强后呈不均匀强化。在MRSE T1WI上表现为等肌肉信号,T1WI上表现为不均匀高信号,部分病例可见假包膜改变。免疫组织化学结果,肿瘤均表达CD99,并不同程度地表达上皮细胞膜抗原(EMA)、突触素(Syn)、胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)等,但不表达白细胞共同抗原(LCA)等。结论 pPNETs的CT与MRI缺乏特征性表现,但能较好的显示肿瘤的内部结构、明确肿瘤的范围,有助于该病的鉴别诊断、指导制定治疗方案、检出远处转移和评价治疗效果。  相似文献   



We aimed to analyze the computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of pelvic solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) and to improve the diagnostic efficacy for such tumors.


Six cases of pelvic SFTs confirmed by histopathology were analyzed retrospectively. Of the 6 patients, 4 had undergone CT scanning, and 2 had undergone magnetic resonance imaging. All the patients had undergone unenhanced and contrast-enhanced examinations, and 2 had also undergone dynamic CT enhancement examination. Image characteristics such as shape, size, number, edge, attenuation or intensity for each lesion before and after contrast enhancement were analyzed and compared with the pathomorphology of the tumors.


All the 6 cases showed oval or rounded and well-defined masses. Unenhanced CT images showed heterogeneous masses with patchy, necrotic foci in 3 cases and homogeneous mass in 1 case. None of the tumors showed calcification. Contrast-enhanced CT images showed marked, heterogeneous enhancement in the first and second cases. Dynamic enhancement scan demonstrated mild homogeneous enhancement in the third case and mild prolonged, delayed enhancement and washout in the fourth case. T1-weighted MR images showed heterogeneous mild hypointense lesion with linear hyperintensity in 1 case, and homogeneous isointensity in the other. T2-weighted images showed heterogeneous mixed intensity in 1 case and mostly hyperintensive lesion with hypointense foci in another case. A case showed marked heterogeneous enhancement and another showed marked homogeneous enhancement on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images.


Radiological findings of pelvic SFTs are variable and nonspecific. However, a well-defined, ovoid or rounded mass with hypointense on MR T2-weighted images and variable enhancement on CT and MR images may suggest the diagnosis of SFTs. Pelvic SFTs should be included in the differential diagnosis of regional tumors.  相似文献   

目的:探讨外周原始神经外胚层肿瘤(pPNET )的CT 及MRI表现。方法回顾性分析9例经病理证实的pPNET 的CT、MRI表现及病理特点。其中8例行CT平扫和(或)增强扫描;5例行MRI平扫和(或)增强扫描。结果病灶位于头颈部2例,胸部3例,阴囊1例,右肩胛区1例,下肢2例。病灶7例为单发,呈类圆形或不规则形,分叶状,最长径约为1.6~13.8cm,平均6.2cm。8例与周围组织分界不清。CT平扫呈以等密度为主的混杂密度;MRI平扫 T1WI为等稍低信号,T2WI多为不均匀高信号。增强扫描呈多种强化表现,常见为中度以上不均匀强化。其中3例与邻近骨关系密切,表现为溶骨性骨质破坏。结论 pPNET CT及M RI表现缺乏特征性,对临床的定位及定性诊断有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Hibernoma is an uncommon, benign soft tissue tumor that arises in brown adipose tissue. The computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of hibernomas are similar to those of well-differentiated liposarcoma or angiolipoma. We report the unique appearance of a rare thoracic wall hibernoma, which appeared as a dumbbell-shaped lipomatous tumor across an intercostal region. A dynamic contrast-enhanced study on MRI revealed early enhancement, which corresponded to the branching low-signal intensity on T2-weighted images of the mass.  相似文献   

Both multislice computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are emerging as methods to detect coronary artery stenoses and assess cardiac function and morphology. Non-cardiac structures are also amenable to assessment by these non-invasive tests. We investigated the rate of significant and insignificant non-cardiac findings using CT and MRI. A total of 108 consecutive patients suspected of having coronary artery disease and without contraindications to CT and MRI were included in this study. Significant non-cardiac findings were defined as findings that required additional clinical or radiological follow-up. CT and MR images were read independently in a blinded fashion. CT yielded five significant non-cardiac findings in five patients (5%). These included a pulmonary embolism, large pleural effusions, sarcoid, a large hiatal hernia, and a pulmonary nodule (>1.0 cm). Two of these significant non-cardiac findings were also seen on MRI (pleural effusions and sarcoid, 2%). Insignificant non-cardiac findings were more frequent than significant findings on both CT (n = 11, 10%) and MRI (n = 7, 6%). Incidental non-cardiac findings on CT and MRI of the coronary arteries are common, which is why images should be analyzed by radiologists to ensure that important findings are not missed and unnecessary follow-up examinations are avoided.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中枢性原始神经外胚层肿瘤(cPNET)的CT、MRI表现及鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析经病理证实的15例cPNET患者的CT、MRI影像资料,总结其影像特征及鉴别诊断。结果本组cPNET病例平均年龄(8.82±2.53)岁,男女比例为9︰6。肿瘤均位于幕上,体积较大(平均直径约6.3 cm),多伴有小灶性或大片状坏死囊变(12/15),瘤周无水肿或轻度水肿。CT平扫肿瘤呈等、稍高或稍低密度,增强扫描较均匀或不均匀强化。MRI 平扫肿瘤实性成分 T1 WI 呈等或稍低信号,T2 WI 呈等或稍高信号, DWI大部分病例(12例)呈高信号,FLAIR呈等信号(9例)或稍高信号;增强扫描实性成分呈较均匀或小蜂窝状、不规则明显强化,坏死囊变成分未见强化。结论 cPNET具有一定特点,包括发病年龄较小、肿瘤大但界限较清且瘤周水肿轻或不明显、实性成分在DWI序列呈高信号、FLAIR序列呈等信号等。  相似文献   

成人幕上原始神经外胚层肿瘤的MRI表现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨成人幕上原始神经外胚层肿瘤(PNET)的MRI表现,提高对本病的诊断水平。方法:回顾分析10例经手术和病理证实的幕上PNET的MRI资料(其中3例为术后复发而再次手术的病例)。结果:病灶多数位于额叶及额顶叶,病灶普遍较大,病灶绝大多数信号不均匀,病灶内可见囊变/坏死(9例)、出血(3例)、钙化(2例)、流空小血管影(5例),增强后病灶呈明显不均匀强化(9例),2例显示肿瘤脑脊液通路播散,1例显示肿瘤侵犯上矢状窦和颅骨。结论:PNET的MRI表现无特异性,一些MR特征对本病的诊断有一定的帮助,最后的确诊依赖于病理学诊断。  相似文献   

Purpose The diagnosis of the rare primary malignant tumors of the pulmonary arteries is often delayed as symptoms are nonspecific.Methods Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of three patients with occlusion of the right pulmonary artery, two with sarcoma and one with chronic thromboembolic disease were analyzed for discriminating diagnostic criteria.Results Criteria suggesting pulmonary artery sarcoma are inhomogeneous high or low attenuation (hemorrhage, necrosis), soft-tissue density in pulmonary arteries, vascular distension, enhancement after administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine. Criteria for chronic thromboembolic disease are homogeneous soft-tissue lesions, abrupt vascular narrowings and cutoffs, as well as regional parenchymal hyperdensities.Conclusion CT and MRI provide complementary findings suggesting advanced pulmonary artery sarcoma instead of chronic thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyolysis is rare in the head and neck. Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to prevent serious complications such as hyperkalaemia, acidosis, acute renal failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation. We present a case of rhabdomyolysis of the head and neck. CT and MRI findings supported the diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis with the patient's clinical and laboratory findings. While imaging is not crucial, it can aid in the detection of rhabdomyolysis and narrow the differential diagnosis along with laboratory findings and physical examination.  相似文献   

目的:探讨外周性原始神经外胚层肿瘤的影像学表现.方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的12例外周性神经外胚层瘤的影像学资料.9例行CT扫描,4例行MR扫描,其中1例行DSA检查.结果:胸壁软组织5例,右肺下叶1例,肱骨2例,股骨1例,胫骨1例,脊椎2例.胸壁软组织的pPNETs CT平扫表现为大而边界欠清的软组织肿块,内见坏死,无钙化,增强后明显不均匀强化.右肺下叶的pPNETs CT平扫表现为分叶状肿块,内见少量出血,边界清晰,增强后明显强化.长骨pPNETs表现为溶骨性骨质破坏伴巨大软组织肿块,无钙化,无骨膜反应.T1WI上表现为等或低信号,T2 WI上表现为不均匀高信号,增强后明显强化.脊椎pPNETs表现为椎体或附件骨质破坏伴软组织肿块,不累及椎间盘,其中1例骶骨pPNETs DSA检查示肿瘤由髂内动脉供血和大量新生血管.结论:CT和MRI均能很好地显示pPNETs的内部结构、病变范围、有无侵犯毗邻组织器官或远处转移.DSA可明确肿瘤供血动脉和反映新生肿瘤血管丰富的特点,可作为一种补充检查方法.确诊仍需依靠病理和免疫组化检查.  相似文献   

Summary The neuroradiological findings in four cases of primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the cerebrum are described. These highly malignant neoplasms of childhood present as large, enhancing cerebral masses with extensive neovascularity. Cerebrospinal fluid seeding is common and distant extraneural metastases may occur.  相似文献   

Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma (LGFMS) is a rare tumor that commonly arises in the lower extremities but rarely in the mesentery. We report computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of LGFMS of the small bowel mesentery. On CT, the mass was composed of two components. One component, on its right side, appeared to have isointense attenuation relative to muscle, whereas the other component, on its left side, appeared to have low attenuation. On MRI the mass on the right side showed hypointensity similar to muscle on both T1-and T2-weighted images as well as mostly slight enhancement on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. On the other hand, the mass on the left side showed relative hypointensity on T1-weighted images and hyperintensity on T2-weighted images as well as intense enhancement on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images, suggesting that the tumor contained myxoid tissue. The myxoid area of LGFMS may have a tendency to reveal intense enhancement on contrast-enhanced images.  相似文献   



To retrospectively review CT and MRI findings in a series of six intraspinal primitive neuroectoderal tumors and to find out their radiological features.


CT and MRI of six patients with surgically and pathologically proved intraspinal primitive neuroectoderal tumor were retrospectively reviewed. The tumor location, morphological features, signal intensity, calcification, contrast enhancement characteristics, involvement of paraspinal soft tissues and adjacent bony structures were assessed.


Of six patients, four had extradural lesions and two had intradural, extramedullary lesions. Most lesions were well defined and manifested heterogeneous iso- or hypo-intense signal on T1-weighted imaging and hyper-intense signal on T2-weighted imaging and moderate attenuation on CT, and were heterogeneously enhanced after contrast enhancement. The lesion extending through the intervertebral foramen with a large paraspinal soft tissue mass formed was found in four patients and vertebral bone involvement was seen in four patients.


Although imaging findings are not specific of intraspinal primitive neuroectoderal tumor, this diagnosis could be suggested when MR imaging depicts an intradural, extramedullary or extradural large well-circumscribed mass which extends out from intervertebral foramen and invades paraspinal soft tissues or vertebral bones in a young patient.  相似文献   

We report a case of primary heart angiosarcoma and its appearance on plain and post-contrast computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in 21-year-old woman. The tumour involved the right atrium, expanded superiorly among the superior vena cava, ascending aorta and innominate vein, and infiltrated the pericardium. The tumour was disseminated into lungs, liver and bones at the time of its clinical presentation. Received 24 January 1997; Revision received 13 March 1997; Accepted 28 April 1997  相似文献   

幕上原始神经外胚叶瘤的影像学表现   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨幕上原始神经外胚叶瘤(SPNET)的MRI及CT特征。方法 回顾性分析10例经手术病理证实的SPNET的MRI及CT表现。结果 SPNET的影像学表现有以下特点;(1)肿瘤呈类圆形,边界清楚,病灶周围无水肿或水肿较轻,且大部分位于中线附近及侧脑室旁,少数位于皮层下;(2)MRI示肿瘤实质T1WI呈稍低或等倍,T2WI呈等信号,与脑灰质信号相等,增强较明显。(3)CT示肿瘤实质呈稍高密度,影像学表现与髓母细胞瘤相似。(4)中线附近的肿瘤为实体结构。无囊变;囊变明显的肿瘤多们于皮质下。(5)部分肿瘤内有出血或钙化,有的可见到脑脊液扩散灶。结论 SPNET影像学表现有一定特征。结合其影像学表现及临床症状有助于与其他肿瘤区分。  相似文献   

Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumours: diffusion-weighted MRI   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We report the clinical and pathological findings of supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumours (PNETs). These are rare, poorly differentiated, highly malignant neoplasms occurring primarily in young individuals. They frequently show dissemination to the spinal cord and sometimes also beyond neuraxis. Preoperative radiological diagnosis is difficult, due to the nonspecific CT and MRI characteristics. Our findings indicate that diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can be used to show the solid portion of the tumour preoperatively and to monitor postsurgical recovery. We describe the MRI findings in three patients with histologically confirmed supratentorial PNET, focussing on the role of DWI for improving the specificity of radiological diagnosis. Received: 27 January 1999/Accepted: 3 September 1999  相似文献   


Aim of work

The aim of this work is to assess the role of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of spinal trauma.

Patients and methods

Between January 2013 and April 2014, 98 patients (78 males and 20 females) with spinal injuries were investigated by MDCT and MRI. Assessment of the radiological findings of spinal injury was performed and the following were investigated: vertebral compression fractures, bursts and dislocations, posterior element fractures, C1 and C2 lesions, vertebral listhesis, bone marrow edema, spinal canal compression, disk herniation, extradural hematoma, spinal cord contusions, spinal cord swelling and posterior ligamentous complex injuries.


A total of 271 lesions were diagnosed as follows: 217 lesions were diagnosed using MRI alone, 1 54 lesions were diagnosed using MDCT alone and 100 lesions were diagnosed using MRI and MDCT conjointly. By using MRI 117 more lesions were detected than using MDCT. MRI was significantly superior to MDCT in the diagnosis of bone marrow edema, posterior ligamentous complex injuries, disk herniations, spinal canal compressions, and spinal cord contusions and edema. In cervical spine injuries, MRI was useful for the evaluation of the supporting ligaments and the spinal cord after the patient has been stabilized. The average times required to perform CT and MRI were 1.38 ± 19.83 and 2.00 ± 19.58 days, respectively; this difference was significant (p?0.05) according to the Mann–Whitney test.


MRI was significantly superior to MDCT in the diagnosis of bone marrow edema, posterior ligamentous complex injuries, disk herniations, spinal canal compressions, and spinal cord contusions and edema. In cervical spine injuries, MRI was useful for the evaluation of the supporting ligaments and the spinal cord after the patient has been stabilized.MDCT and MRI are complementary to each other in evaluation of spine injuries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the most recent concepts and pertinent findings of hepatocellular adenomas, including clinical presentation, gross pathology and histology, pathogenesis and transformation into hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and imaging findings at ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the discriminative computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of cerebral hydatid disease.Methods: The CT and MRI findings of four cases of surgically proven cerebral hydatid cysts were retrospectively reviewed. Results: CT demonstrated well-defined cystic lesions with no perilesional oedema and no contrast enhancement in all cases except one recurrent disease that showed both peripheral oedema and rim enhancement. MR images revealed well-defined cystic lesions with a quite clear rim that showed relative hypointensity limited to some aspects of the cyst walls on T2-weighted images. The cysts were spherical and obvious mass effect was observed on both CT and MR examinations. Conclusions: Although the cystic nature of intracranial hydatid disease could be equally well demonstrated on CT and MR examinations, CT is superior in detecting calcification of the cyst wall or septa, when present, and MR is better in demonstrating cyst capsule, detecting multiplicity and defining the anatomic relationship of the lesion with the adjacent structures and helps in surgical planning.  相似文献   

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