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Microfabrication technology offers the opportunity to construct microfluidic modules which are designed to perform specific, dedicated functions. Here we report the construction of a microfabricated device for the generation and delivery by electroosmotic pumping of solvent gradients at nanoliter per minute flow rates. The device consists of three solvent reservoirs and channels which were etched in glass. Solvent gradients and solvent flows were generated by computer controlled differential electroosmotic pumping of aqueous and organic phase, respectively, from the solvent reservoirs. The device was integrated into an analytical system consisting of the solvent gradient delivery module, a reverse phase microcolumn and an electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometer (MS). The system was used for the analysis at high sensitivity of peptides and peptide mixtures generated by proteolytic digestion of proteins. We have measured an absolute limit of detection as low as 1 fmol and a concentration limit of detection at the 100 amol/microL level. The system was also successfully used for the identification of proteins separated by 1D and 2D gel electrophoresis. This was achieved by gradient frontal analysis of the peptide mixture generated by proteolysis of the respective proteins, and the automated generation and interpretation of collision-induced dissociation spectra.  相似文献   

A method for the identification of proteins by their amino acid sequence at the low-femtomole to subfemtomole sensitivity level is described. It is based on an integrated system consisting of a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) instrument coupled to an electrospray ionization triple- quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer (ESI-MS/MS) via a microspray interface. The method consists of proteolytic fragmentation of a protein, peptide separation by CZE, analysis of separated peptides by ESI-MS/MS, and identification of the protein by correlation of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) patterns of selected peptides with the CID patterns predicted from all the isobaric peptides in a sequence database. Using standard peptides applied to a 20-microns-i.d. capillary, we demonstrate an ESI-MS limit of detection of less than 300 amol and CID spectra suitable for searching sequence databases obtained with 600 amol of sample applied to the capillary. Successful protein identification by the method was demonstrated by applying 50 and 38 fmol of a tryptic digest of the proteins beta-lactoglobulin and bovine serum albumin, respectively, to the system.  相似文献   

An ion trap/ion mobility/time-of-flight mass spectrometry technique is shown to be a rapid and sensitive means of analyzing peptide/protein mixtures. In this approach, an ion trap is used to accumulate ions that have been electrosprayed from a mixture into concentrated packets. The ion packets are injected into a drift tube where components of the mixture are separated based on differences in mobility through a buffer gas. Ions that exit the drift tube are dispersed in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer for mass-to-charge (m/z) determination. The gas-phase separation strategy reduces congestion in the mass spectrum, and experimental mobilities complement m/z measurements in assigning peaks. Examples of the application of the approach to identification of peptides (from tryptic digests) and to separation of charge-state distributions from electrospray of a mixture containing ubiquitin and myoglobin are presented. Most peptides that are observed from tryptic digests of proteins such as cytochrome c and myoglobin can be identified from data that are acquired in under 1 min; studies of mixtures with known compositions indicate that detection limits are approximately 0.5-3 pmol for individual components. Factors that may influence the distributions that are observed, such as storage time in the trap, injection voltages used for the mobility experiment, and variations in ion cross section with charge state, are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate tandem mass spectrometry on an ion trap storage-reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer (IT/reTOFMS). Ion isolation and activation were achieved by resonant excitation using multi- and single-frequency waveforms generated from an analog circuit. Product-ion spectra of small polypeptides are obtained, which are comparable in fragmentation to those acquired on sector or hybrid mass spectrometers. Several important parameters governing the tandem mass spectrometry process, including the activation tickle voltage, type of collision gas, activation period and cooling period after the fragmentation were optimized using leucine-enkephalin as a model. Although the limited energy deposition from collisional activation in our experiments does not allow efficient fragmentation of large singly charged polypeptides with m/z higher than 1000, the problem may be partially solved by taking advantage of fragmenting the multiply charged ions produced from the electrospray ionization source as demonstrated for a synthetic polypeptide of molecular weight 2782. Compared to the singly charged form, the reduced m/z of multiply charged forms experience a greater trapping force as described by the pseudopotential well-depth model. Increased pseudopotential well-depths for multiply charged species permit the use of greater fragmentation energy at lower RF potentials. These conditions facilitate the fragmentation of large polypeptides, yet are suitable for trapping singly charged fragments. These experiments indicate that the high efficiency associated with ion dissociation and fragment-ion collection in the trap and the storage capability for detection of ions using the non-scanning mode of the IT/ reTOF analyzer may provide an alternative means for acquiring sequence-specific information of polypeptides at low picomol levels of sensitivity.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) ion trap mass spectrometry is shown to be a powerful tool for the elucidation of protein modifications. Low-energy covalent bonds that originate from certain posttranslational modifications dissociate preferentially to produce characteristic mass spectrometric signatures that prove useful for the accurate, confident identification and characterization of such modifications. Because the MALDI ion trap is an authentic tandem mass spectrometer, it proves feasible to acquire secondary information to test hypotheses as to the nature and site of the putative modifications--further increasing the reliability of the tool. The method combines the advantageous features of MALDI (i.e., the ability to measure the same sample repeatedly, to measure unfractionated complex mixtures without the need for sample cleaning, and to determine peptide mixtures with subpicomole sensitivity) with the ease and the speed of the ion trap measurement. We demonstrate how the unique properties of MALDI ion trap MS can be used to address problems involving the determination of both native posttranslational modifications of proteins (e.g., disulfide mapping, glycosylation determination, and phosphorylation determination) and non-native chemical modifications of proteins (e.g., methionine oxidation and photo-cross-linking of proteins with DNA).  相似文献   

Complete and rapid peptide and glycopeptide mapping of a mouse monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG2b) were carried out by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization ion trap-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/ ESI IT-MS/MS). It was possible to obtain spectra of a minor glycopeptide at a quantity as low as 1.8 pmol. Reduced and carboxymethylated mouse antidansyl monoclonal IgG2b (RCM-IgG2b) was digested with lysyl-endopeptidase. Proteolytic peptides were subjected to capillary HPLC separation followed by analysis with an ion trap mass spectrometer. The complete amino acid sequence of the IgG2b was characterized by using LC/ ESI IT-MS/MS. The structures of 12 different types of O-linked oligosaccharides attached to Thr-221AH in the hinge region and those of three major types of N-linked oligosaccharides attached to Asn-297H have been characterized.  相似文献   

A methodology to determine the linkage position of oligosaccharides is presented. In order to illustrate this technique, several oligosaccharides and disaccharides were ionized by electrospray and analyzed in a Paul trap mass spectrometer. Multiple stage tandem mass spectrometry experiments were used to determine linkage and structural information for the following four cobalt coordinated and singly charged ([M + Co-H]+) pentasaccharides: Lacto-N-fucopentaose I, II, III, and V. In order to differentiate between linkage positions, multiple low energy collision induced experiments with mass selected C type ions have been carried out in an ion trap mass spectrometer. Because of the coordination with cobalt, which directs the dissociation pathways, these C type ions undergo specific fragmentation reactions upon low energy collision induced dissociation. These dissociation pathways are unambiguously dependent on their linkage position, thus allowing differentiation between 1-->2, 1-->3, 1-->4, and 1-->6 linkage positions throughout the oligomers. Studies on various linked disaccharides and N-acetyl-disaccharides, which are smaller constituents of the pentasaccharides, were used to verify and confirm the results obtained from the pentasaccharides.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the utility of an ion trap mass spectrometer as a detector for trace quantitative determinations of pharmaceuticals in human plasma by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (CI-1002) was selected as an illustrative example for the technique. When coupled with a selective solid-phase extraction, this approach was capable of quantifying as little as 34 pg (0.50 ng ml-1, RSD = 12.7%) of compound on the column, and the inter-run precision was typically 3-4% RSD over a 0.5-25 ng ml-1 linear range. The advantages and requirements of the technique, in addition to the prospects for improvements in the detection limit, are discussed.  相似文献   

A solution-based microscale approach for determination of high-affinity noncovalent complexes from mixtures of compounds is presented, based on capillary isoelectric focusing coupled on-line with electrospray ionization ion trap mass spectrometry. The studies are performed using the src homology 2 domain and tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide ligands as a model system. Tight complexes are formed in solution, preconcentrated up to 2 orders of magnitude and separated on the basis of their isoelectric points. The complexes are then dissociated in the mass spectrometer and the freed ligands identified. Picomole or less amounts of protein reagent are consumed per experiment. Structural information for the ligands involved in tight complex formation may be obtained using the MSn capabilities of the ion trap. The methodology can potentially be used to screen rapidly combinatorial mixtures of compounds for high-affinity ligands.  相似文献   

Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is applied to the determination of cannabidiol, delta 8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 8-THC), delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-THC), and cannabinol in pure water and human saliva. The inherent extraction behavior of the cannabinoids in pure water is evaluated along with optimization of the method in human saliva. The commercially available poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) SPME fibers were found to be the best class for the cannabinoid analysis. Partition coefficients were found to be extremely large for all of the cannabinoids (log K > 4.0). Equilibrium times for the 7- and 30-micron PDMS fibers were 50 and 240 min, respectively. A shorter extraction time of 10 min with the 30-micron PDMS fiber may be used for multiple extractions from the same vial, thus conserving the sample necessary for analysis and speeding up the total analysis time. Recoveries for the cannabinoids in saliva, relative to pure water, were dramatically improved by a method developed in our laboratory involving addition of glacial acetic acid to the sample vial prior to performing SPME. Using this method, recoveries relative to SPME in pure water ranged from 21 to 47% depending on the cannabinoid. The linear range for spiked saliva samples was established at 5-500 ng/mL (r2 > 0.994) with precisions between 11 and 20% RSD. The ultimate level of detection by SPME for the cannabinoids in saliva was 1.0 ng/mL, with signal-to-noise values of > or = 12. A saliva sample collected 30 min after marijuana smoking was subject to SPME and traditional liquid-liquid extraction analysis. Internal standard quantitation results for delta 9-THC by both methods yielded comparable results, indicating that the SPME method of analysis is highly accurate and precise. The level of delta 9-THC by SPME was found to be 9.54 ng/mL for the saliva sample.  相似文献   

Capillary electrophoresis/electrospray ionization (CE/ESI) high mass accuracy time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used for the first time to characterize small proteins using peptide mapping. To identify small proteins, the intact proteins were first analyzed to obtain their average molecular weights with errors less than 1 Da. On-line capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry of the tryptic digests of these small proteins was then performed to obtain the accurate molecular weights of the peptides with accuracies of approximately 10 ppm. Next, this information was used for the identification of the proteins using a protein database. It was found that high mass accuracy is an effective tool in reducing the list of most-likely proteins generated by the database. In addition, on-line collision-induced dissociation of the completely or partially resolved capillary electrophoresis peaks of the protein digests was used to unambiguously identify the sequences of these peptides. Each CE/ESI-MS analysis used only 5 nL of sample containing approximately 120 fmol of each peptide in protein digests. The results indicate that the combination of capillary electrophoresis and high resolution, high mass accuracy time-of-flight mass spectrometry is a viable option for the identification of small proteins using peptide mapping.  相似文献   

Bone repair by regeneration as we know it continues to undergo changes, with advances approaching that may change our treatment of patients with craniofacial deformities and skeletal defects. Perhaps by the turn of the century, patients born with asymmetric deformities due to lack of growth will be treated early in life by skeletal stretching, and then later in life by skeletal distraction that is followed by use of accelerating factors to assist the healing processes. All of these available modalities are part of the regeneration of new bone formation. The future of such changes is very interesting, and our ability to help our patients will be maximized. We may even look back 25 years from now at bone grafting and find it to be obsolete and crude. It is hoped that with the new modalities being developed, we will not deviate from the use of a bone grafting procedure, which is the workhorse of the craniofacial surgeon. Bone grafting is used by all surgeons working on the craniofacial skeleton despite the problems of unpredictability of healing and an inability to calculate what percentage of the original graft will survive. The transplantation issue will be solved. The problems with donor site morbidity will continue. The use of inorganic bone substitutes will continue to have its limitation, particularly in type II wounds, which we as plastic surgeons see in the craniofacial region. As we redefine our approach to skeletal repair, we may look back and find solutions to some of the major problems we have had. The rapid stretch of soft tissue after facial advancement or structural alteration that is accompanied by a relapse due to the elastic recoil of the soft tissue could be eliminated by gradual distraction. The bone will undergo better functional adaptation when it has a gradual change in structure based on adjustment and molding in a gradual fashion. The problem of donor site morbidity and a prediction formula for bone could be resolved with new bone formation in situ by mineralization of the area under repair. Bone healing enhancers are here to stay and their clinical application will produce a far-reaching better final outcome (Fig. 11).  相似文献   

The influence of polymer surface-protein binding affinity on protein ion signals in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry is examined. The surfaces of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(ethylene terephthalate) polymer substrates are modified by pulsed rf plasma deposition of allylamine. By varying the on/off duty cycle of the pulsed rf plasma, the polymer substrate surfaces are coated with thin films having varying densities of surface amine groups. The varying surface amine density is shown to lead to systematic changes in the surface binding affinity for the 125I-radiolabeled peptides angiotensin I and porcine insulin. Unlabeled angiotensin I and porcine insulin are then deposited on the pulsed rf plasma-modified substrates and analyzed by MALDI mass spectrometry. The experimental approach involves applying the peptide to the modified polymer surface in an aqueous phosphate-buffered saline solution and allowing the peptide solution to dry completely under ambient conditions. Subsequently, the MALDI matrix alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid in methanol and 10% trifluoroacetic acid in water are added to the peptide-coated modified polymer surfaces. The results of these studies demonstrate that, for the sample preparation method employed, increases in the surface peptide binding affinity lead to decreases in the peptide MALDI ion signal.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the fragmentation pattern of phosphopeptides in an electrospray (ESI) ion trap mass spectrometer is presented. We show that phosphotyrosine- and phosphothreonine-containing peptides show complicated fragmentation patterns. These phosphopeptides were observed to lose the phosphate moiety in the form of H3PO4 and/or HPO3, but were also detected with no loss of the phosphate group. The tendency to lose the phosphate moiety depends strongly on the charge state. Thus, the highest observed charge state tends to retain the phosphate moiety with extensive fragmentation along the peptide backbone. We also show that phosphoserine-containing peptides have relatively simple fragmentation patterns of losing H3PO4. This loss is independent of the charge state. We suggest strategies for the accurate identification of phosphorylation sites using the ion trap mass spectrometer.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization coupled to a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer is used to differentiate between the isobaric amino acids lysine and glutamine in sequence analysis of peptides. Collision-induced dissociation is used for fragmentation. Several isobaric peptides with one or more lysines or glutamines at different positions were investigated. The ambiguous amino acid either in the peptide chain or at the C- or N-terminus can be clearly identified based on specific side chain fragment ions resulting from MS3 or MS4 of B- and Y"-fragment ions.  相似文献   

In the search for novel nuclear binding proteins, two bands from a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gel were analyzed and each was found to contain a number of proteins that subsequently were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) on a quadrupole ion trap instrument. The bands were digested with trypsin in situ on a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane following electroblot transfer. Analysis of a 2.5% aliquot of each peptide mixture by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) followed by an initial database search with the peptide masses failed to identify the proteins. The peptides were separated by reversed-phase capillary high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in anticipation of subsequent Edman degradation, but mass analysis of the chromatographic fractions by MALDI-MS revealed multiple, coeluting peptides that precluded this approach. Selected fractions were analyzed by capillary HPLC-electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spectrometry. Tandem mass spectrometry provided significant fragmentation from which full or partial sequence was deduced for a number of peptides. Two stages of fragmentation (MS3) were used in one case to determine additional sequence. Database searches, each using a single peptide mass plus partial sequence, identified four proteins from a single electrophoretic band at 45 kDa, and four proteins from a second band at 60 kDa. Many of these proteins were derived from human keratin. The protein identifications were corroborated by the presence of multiple matching peptide masses in the MALDI-MS spectra. In addition, a novel sequence, not found in protein or DNA databases, was determined by interpretation of the MS/MS data. These results demonstrate the power of the quadrupole ion trap for the identification of multiple proteins in a mixture, and for de novo determination of peptide sequence. Reanalysis of the fragmentation data with a modified database searching algorithm showed that the same sets of proteins were identified from a limited number of fragment ion masses, in the absence of mass spectral interpretation or amino acid sequence. The implications for protein identification solely from fragment ion masses are discussed, including advantages for low signal levels, for a reduction of the necessary interpretation expertise, and for increased speed.  相似文献   

We describe the coupling of a microfabricated fluidic device to an electrospray ionization (ESI) quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (QqTOFMS) for the identification of protein samples. The microfabricated devices consisted of three reservoirs connected via channels to a main capillary, which in turn was linked via a microspray interface to the QqTOFMS. Here we present preliminary results obtained using this system. Standardized solutions of myoglobin tryptic digest were analyzed indicating a limit of detection at the low to sub fmol/microL. The combination of the microfabricated device for rapid sample delivery and the rapid acquisition capability, enhanced resolution and mass accuracy of the QqTOF offers unique possibilities for the rapid identification of proteins by database searching. This platform can generate MS data suitable for protein database searching by the peptide-mass fingerprinting approach and MS/MS data suitable for protein database searching. Here the results of the two database-searching approaches are compared and the possibilities of combining the two approaches for rapid identification of protein are discussed. Also, we present a comparison of the results obtained using the three-position microfabricated device coupled to the ESI-QqTOFMS and to an ESI-ion trap MS. Finally the combination of C-terminal 18O labeling of peptides and the microfabricated system for automated combined peptide-mass fingerprinting and sequence-tag database searching is discussed.  相似文献   

Applications of a microfabricated device for evaluating sperm function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mesoscale structures (microns dimensions, nL-pL volumes) have been designed and fabricated in silicon for use in various analytical tasks. We studied sperm motility and performed sperm selection in channels (80 microns wide x 20 microns deep), branching structures (40 microns wide x 20 microns deep, eight bifurcations), and channels containing barriers (7 microns feature size). Sperm-cervical mucus and sperm-hyaluronic acid interactions were assessed by using appropriate microchannel-chamber structures filled with either cervical mucus or hyaluronic acid. Simultaneous assessment of the potency of different spermicides (e.g., nonoxynol-9, C13G) and spermicide concentrations was achieved with structures comprising chambers containing spermicide connected via channels to a central chamber into which semen was introduced. Semen was also tested for the presence of sperm-specific antibodies by using microchannels filled with human anti-IgG antibody-coated microbeads.  相似文献   

We describe an analytical system for the rapid identification of proteins by correlation of tandem mass spectra with protein sequence databases. The system consists of an integrated solid phase microextraction/capillary zone electrophoresis peptide separation device that is connected through a microelectrospray ion source to a tandem mass spectrometer. The limits of detection are 660 amol of sample at a concentration limit of < 33 amol/microliters for peptide mass measurement, and < 10 fmol of sample, at a concentration limit of < 300 amol/microliters for peptide analysis by collision-induced dissociation. Using this system, we have identified low nanogram amounts of yeast proteins separated by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

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