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Gold deposits of the meso-epithermal carbonate type were first proposed based on the study of the Baguamiao gold deposit.This new type of gold deposits has many unique characteristics as follows:(1)Obviously strata-bound.The gold deposits are hosted in Middle Devonian turbidite formations;(2)Structrually controlled.Struc-ture is an important factor leading to metallogenesis of this type of gold deposits.The shape and distribution of orebodies are controlled by byittle-ductile shear zones;(3)Multi-stage wall-rock alteration.According to the characteristics of mineral assemblage,gold mineralization can be classified into three stages in association with various wall-rock al-terations.Wall-rock alterations closely genetically related to the gold mineralization are ankerization ,silicification,pyrrhotization and pyritization ;(4)Mineral compositions of the orebodies are mainly pyrrhotite,pyrite,marcasitolite,chalcopyrite,quartz,ankerite,and sericite.Gold mineralization is associated closely in space and time with iron sulfides;(5)Rare elements and REE in ores are low in contents relative to those of the crust.Au content varies from 1.91g/t to 11.15g/t ,averaging 5.5g/t;(6)Studies of sulfur,hydrogen,oxygen and carbon isotopes in main gangue minerals (quartz and ankerite)indicate that fluids and ore-forming materials came from deep-seated sources;(7)Three types of inclusions are recognized in terms of their composition and the vapor amounts of inclusions.The homogenization temperatures of inclusions range from 210℃to 310℃,averaging 230℃,showing that this type of gold deposits belongs to the meso-epithermal type;(8)Metallogenic age of this type of gold deposits is similar to that of the collision between the Yangtze Plate and the North China Plate,indicating that gold deposits of this type are genetically related to continental-margin plate activity.  相似文献   

The Rushan gold deposit, explored in recent years in the Jiaodong area, Shandong Province, is a quartz vein-type gold deposit hosted in granite. The temperature of its major mineralization episode is between 220°C and 280°C. The salinity of the ore-forming fluid is 5 % to 9% NaCl equivalent, with H2O and CO2 as the dominant gas constituents. The fluid is rich in Na+, Ca2+ and Cl, but relatively impoverished in K+ and F, characterized by either Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ (in three samples) or Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ (in six samples). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the ore-forming fluid are highly variable with δ18 ranging between − 7.70‰ and 5. 97‰ and between − 128‰ and − 71‰. The possibility of lamprophyre serving as the source of gold can be excluded in view of its low gold content on the order of 2.5 × 10−9. Rb-Sr isochron ages of the deposit and the host Kunyushan granite are ( 104.8 ± 1.5) Ma and 134.6 Ma respectively with the respective initial Sr ratios of 0. 71307 and 0.7096. It is considered that the emplacement of the lamprophyre under a tensile environment had provided sufficient heat energy to facilitate deep circulation of meteoric water by which ore metals were extracted from the Kunyushan granite through long-term water-rock reaction. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Geological and geochemical characteristics of cherts of the low-middle parts of the Jinchang Formation indicate that cherts are associated with hydrothermal sedimentation,but the middle-upper parts of the Jinchang Formaiton are mixed with normal sediments.The cherts are characterized by high Fe,As,Sb,Si and Ga,low Al and totoal REE,negative Ce anomaly and HREE enrichment.Their δ^18O values show that the forming temperatures of the cherts range from 128℃ tp 146℃.  相似文献   

The Wendeng gold deposit is located 30 km northwest of Wendeng City,Shandong Province, occurring in a brecciated alteration zone in the foot wall of the NNE-striking fault(F1). It consists of quartz, pyrite, specularite, potash feldspar, sericite, carbonates and chlorite hosted in Proterozoic biotite-plagioclasee gneiss. Three generations of quartz are recognized based on cathodoluminescence and micro morphology. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions provide data to establish P-T-V-X relations for the fluid evolution in mineralization process.It is concluded that the ore-forming solution was evolved from meteoric water through ghermal events during Mesozoic tectonics. The precipitation of gold was related to two boiling events.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the high-K,potassic dike rocks in two types of gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Northwest Jiaodong.The rocks can be divided into three types.i.e.,(1) lamprophyre,(2) andesite porphyrite,and (3) dacite porphyrite,based on their geological occurrence and space-time relationship with gold mineralization.These rocks were the products of early,synchronous and late mineralization.respectively,Element geochemistry shows that variations in chemical composition of major oxides follow the general rules of magmatic fractional crystallization.The fractional crystallization of mineral phases of augite in the early stage(namely in the lamprophyre stage)and hornblende and plagioclase in the late stge(namely from the andesite-porphyrite to dacite porphyrite stage)controlled the magma evolution.The rocks are enriched in alkili and have higher K2O and lower TiO2 contents,as well as strongly enriched in large ion lithophile elements such as Ba,Sr and Rb,and LREE but strongly depleted in transition elements such as Cr and Ni,Rb is depleted relative to Sr and Ba,and Rb/Sr ratios are low.Volatile constituents are abundant.These characteristics indicate that the initial magma originated from the metamorphic subduction ocean-crust that had been intensively contaminated by crustal materials,and retrogressive metamorphism is characterized by low-degree partial melting during back-arc spreading,Varying degrees of partial melting and different emplacement enviornments may be the main causes for the evolution of the rocks and mineralization in different degrees in the two gold ore fields at Linglong and Dayigezhuang,Shandong.  相似文献   

The Hetai ductile shear zone-hosted gold deposit occurs in the deep-seated fault mylonite zone of the Sinian-Silurian metamorphic rock series. In this study there have been discovered melt inclusions, fluid-melt inclusions and organic inclusions in ore-bearing quartz veins of the ore deposit and mylonite for the first time. The homogenization temperatures of the various types of inclusions are 160℃, 180 - 350℃, 530℃ and 870℃ for organic inclusions, liquid inclusions, two-phase immiscible liquid inclusions and melt inclusions, respectively. Ore fluid is categorized as the neutral to basic K+ -Ca2+ -Mg2+ -Na+ - SO2- 4-HCO3-Cl- system. The contents of trace gases follow a descending order of H2O>CO2>CH4>(or < ) H2>CO>C2H2>C2I-I6>O2>N2.The concentrations of K , Ca2 + ,SO2-4,HCO3-,Cl- H2O and C2H2 in fluid inclusions are related to the contents of gold and the Au/Ag ratios in ores from different levels of the gold deposit. This is significant for deep ore prospecting in the region. Daughter minerals in melt inclusions were analyzed using SEM. Quartz, orthoclase, wollastonite and other silicate minerals were identified. They were formed in different mineral assemblages.This analysis further proves the existence of melt inclusions in ore veins. Sedimentary metamorphic rocks could form silicate melts during metamorphic anatexis and dynamic metamorphism, which possess melt-solution characteristics. Ore formation is related to the multi-stage forming process of silicate melt and fluid.  相似文献   

From the studies of ore deposit geologic settings,sulfur isotopes,lead isotopes,carbon isotopes and oxygen isotopes,fluid inclusions and petrochemistry in this paper,the authors have drawn a conclusion that the ore-forming hydrothermal solutions are the high-temperature magmatic hydrothermal solutions for the gold ore deposit,and at the same time,the involvemety of crustal materials can not be ruled out .It is the first time that the authors have proposed that the Laozuoshan gold-ploymetallic ore deposit in Heilongjiang Province was formed in the calc-alkaline series environment at the margin of an active continent.  相似文献   

The differential enrichment of gold and arsenic observed in As-bearing hydrothermal gold deposits in Southwest Gizhou is induced by vapor-liquid separation in response to changing physico-chemical conditions during the hydrothermal evolution and is a reflection of the geochemical behavior of the two elements.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEasternShandongProvincerepresentsthelargestgoldconcentrationregioninChina ,withannualproduc tion >5 5 - 6 0tgoldandpresentreserveofmorethan90 0tgold ,accountingforaquarterofthetotalgoldproductioninthecountry .Amajorityofthegoldde positsishostedintheJurassic Cretaceousgranitoidin trusions .TimingofgoldmineralizationineasternShan donghasbeenamajorfocusofmanypreviousstudies .K Ar,Rb SrandconventionalU Pbisotopicdatinginthelasttwodecadeshaveyieldedawiderangeofminer alizationag…  相似文献   

The Jinjiazhuang gold deposit occurs in the Zhangjiakou gold field,Northwest Hebei.The ore bodies are mostly hosted in Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks dominated by diopsidite.Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the deposit is characterized by the enrichment of some platinum group elements in principal metallic minerals such as chalcopyrite,galena,sphalerite and pyrite,and the presence of millerite,Stable isotope studies show that carbon,sulfur and most of the metallogenic elements were probably derived largely from the host Xiaozhangjiakou ultrabasic rocks and that it is possible that the ore-forming fluid was predominted by meteoric water.  相似文献   

通过对胶东牟平—乳山热液脉状金,铅锌矿床成矿动力学控制规律的研究,说明了建立热液成矿反应体系的方法,并得出以下认识:(1)区域断裂构造活动,通过影响成矿反应体系的热力学性质和条件,控制元素的富集和分散。(2)热液成矿过程中容矿断裂活动可划分为两种作用方式:脆性破裂和韧—脆性张开,构成热液成矿的两种构造动力学环境。(3)热液成矿反应体系是一种开放的动态的热力学体系。断裂的脆性破裂阶段,使体系处于强烈的过饱和状态,矿质在远离平衡状态下快速结晶,加剧物质分异;在脆—韧性张开阶段,矿质在接近平衡态体系中缓慢晶出。(4)热液演化晚期,金在残余溶液中富集;当断裂再次发生构造脉动震颤时,早期形成的块状黄铁矿矿石碎裂,富金溶液充填其中,形成含裂隙金和晶隙金的富矿石。成矿体系热力学演化与构造动力学条件有利的匹配控制着富矿石的形成。  相似文献   

胶东金矿集区矿石中普遍含金属硫化物和碳酸盐矿物,某些矿床中还见有富含炭质的断裂破碎带.成矿溶液中含有大量的SO4^2-、HCO3^-、CO2和有机质等的含硫和含碳组分.矿石硫同位素组成明显富集重硫,结合胶东金矿主要成矿时期(早白垩世)特殊的地质背景、同期海水硫酸盐δ^34S平均值(约+16‰)及现代海水沿NE-NNE向断裂倒灌情况,笔者认为,硫的主要来源与海水硫的大量补给有关.而根据碳、氧同位素组成特征分析,形成金矿床中方解石的物源有很大一部分来自前寒武系碳酸盐岩.浅表环境下成矿金属元素及硫、碳等物质在热液对流系统中的大规模循环是成矿的关键,SO4^2-与S2^-之间的临界转化是制约成矿金属元素活化-迁移-聚集的重要因素,而含碳组分(CO3^2-、HCO3^-、CO2和有机质)则有利于Au、Cu、Pb、Zn等元素的活化和迁移,含硫和含碳组分的循环及有关的物理化学反应之间有明显的关联性.  相似文献   

胶东东部文登金矿床地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文登金矿是受脆性剪切带控制的构造角砾岩 碎裂岩型金矿床 ,是脆性剪切作用形成的 ,为典型的动力成岩成矿。矿石类型主要是含金碎裂岩 ,含金构造角砾岩 ,网状含金构造角砾岩 ,碎裂化、矿化粗中粒二长花岗岩 4种。成矿作用分为 2期 5个阶段 ,第一期碎裂构造作用———热液期 (内生期 )是主成矿期 ,分 4个成矿阶段。成矿物质来源于原岩 ,主要是昆嵛山超单元中晚期粗粒花岗岩。成矿时代可能为燕山晚期 [成矿期绢云母K Ar年龄为 (10 1 97± 2 4 9)Ma]  相似文献   

山东省烟台市双山屯金矿产于牟平—朱吴断裂的构造破碎带中,与区域金矿的特征相似,金矿体严格受断裂的控制。深部的金矿体主要有Ⅱ-7号和M7号矿体,金矿体在空间上呈舒缓波状,并向E侧伏;断裂控制了围岩蚀变的范围、形态和分带,也控制着矿体的产状、形态,使蚀变和金矿化具有时空的一致性。勘查结果表明,深部的金矿体在产状、矿石类型等方面出现了明显变化,在-900m标高以下并未封闭,仍有向深部延伸的可能,因此要注意已知矿体边部和深部的找矿;控矿断裂在晚中生代经历了多次性质的活动,但金的成矿只是在断裂活动的特定时段发生,即早白垩世晚期(130~110 Ma)的张扭活动,该期断裂活动提供了成矿所需的运移通道和储矿空间。  相似文献   

毛兴强  王恩德  杨群  赵兴东 《地质通报》2022,41(10):1855-1868
胶东半岛西北部三山岛-仓上断裂带的新立金矿床是典型的蚀变岩型金矿床。对新立金矿床的矿床地质特征和流体包裹体特征开展研究, 分析了新立金矿床的成矿流体特征, 明确新立金矿床的成因。矿床的矿化阶段划分为Ⅰ黄铁绢英岩阶段、Ⅱ石英-黄铁矿阶段、Ⅲ石英-多金属硫化物阶段和Ⅳ石英-碳酸盐阶段。将新立金矿床中的流体包裹体划分为单相液相包裹体(Ⅰ-l型)、单相气相包裹体(Ⅰ-g型)、两相富液相包裹体(Ⅱ-l型, V/V+L < 50%)、两相富气相包裹体(Ⅱ-g型, V/V+L>50%)和CO2-H2O三相包裹体(Ⅲ型, VCO2+LCO2+LH2O)。阶段Ⅰ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅰ-g、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为201~378℃, 盐度变化为3.06%~13.83%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅱ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为144~355℃, 盐度变化为2.07%~13.45%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅲ中发育Ⅰ-l、Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为108~299℃, 盐度变化为0.35%~11.61%NaCl.eqv.; 阶段Ⅳ中发育Ⅱ-l、Ⅱ-g和Ⅲ型流体包裹体, 均一温度为102~236℃, 盐度变化为0.35%~10.49%NaCl.eqv.。激光拉曼光谱分析表明, 流体包裹体的成分为CO2、H2O和少量的CH4, 成矿流体为中-低温、低盐度的NaCl-CO2-H2O±CH4流体体系。新立金矿床阶段Ⅰ中δ18O水SMOW为4.86‰~6.04‰, δDSMOW为-72.49‰~-69.27‰, 表明成矿流体主要来自岩浆水。黄铁矿中δ34SCDT为10.8‰~13.2‰, 方铅矿中δ34SCDT为7.7‰, 新立金矿床的成矿物质硫元素可能直接来源于郭家岭花岗岩。成矿过程中随着成矿流体温度的降低, 成矿流体与围岩发生反应及流体的不混溶作用使流体发生相分离作用导致金的沉淀, 成因类型是与岩浆热液有关的脉状金矿床。  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜、电子显微镜并结合能谱分析,在金青顶金矿Ⅱ号矿脉深部除含碲化物碲银矿、碲金银矿和碲铋矿外,首次发现碲金矿的存在,进一步证实了前人对于该矿床中存在碲金矿这一新矿物的推测,也打破了该金矿深部无碲金银矿的传统认识。这些碲化物呈连生体或者细脉状产于黄铁矿等硫化物、石英与黄铁矿裂隙中。在金银碲化物矿物中,Te含量变化较小,Au含量变化较大,与Ag呈负相关,与Bi为正相关。结合金-银-碲矿物成分-共生图解,对金银碲化物矿物的共生组合特征进行了研究。研究表明,Te总是优先与Ag结合形成碲银矿或碲金银矿,只有热液中Ag被消耗后才与Au结合形成碲金矿,最后Te被耗尽,矿液中残留很多的Au,从而形成自然金,说明随着成矿过程的演化,成矿热液可能逐渐富金,具体表现为碲银矿-碲金银矿-碲金矿-自然金的析出顺序。  相似文献   

大庄子金矿受胶莱盆地边缘发育于荆山群内的顺层状低角度断裂带控制,以大理岩质碎裂岩及角砾岩等张性构造岩胶结物发生矿化为特点.容矿岩石与成矿流体具有强烈的物质交换,矿化与SiO2、Fe2O3、Na2O及As、Cd、Hg、Cu、Pb等元素关系密切.矿石具有富集轻稀土元素、铕正异常的特征,其稀土元素特征和基性脉岩具有一定的相似性,又具有原岩的一些特点,表明容矿岩石受到了深部成矿流体的影响.硫、铅、碳-氧及氢-氧等同位素地球化学及流体包裹体研究显示,成矿物质较复杂,成矿流体来源于地壳深部或上地幔的岩浆热液,在成矿作用中,萃取了部分围岩,并与围岩发生了强烈反应.  相似文献   

新疆阿希金矿:古生代的低硫型浅成低温热液金矿床   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
新疆阿希金矿床为一形成于古生代的低硫型浅成低温热液金矿床,矿床产于伊犁—中天山板块北部中天山北缘活动大陆边缘的吐拉苏火山岩断陷盆地中。其赋矿围岩为大哈拉军山组安山质火山岩和火岩碎屑岩,矿体呈脉状产于古火山口外围的环形断裂带中,主要金属矿物有自然金、银金矿、黄铁矿、白铁矿、毒砂、赤铁矿、褐铁矿以及微量的浓红银矿、硒银矿、硫锑铜银矿、角银矿等,非金属矿物有石英、玉髓、菱铁矿、方解石、绢云母、冰长石等,围岩蚀变作用主要有硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化和青盘岩化。矿床以富集Au、Ag、As、Sb、Bi、Hg、Se、Te、Mo元素组合为特征,Ag/Au比值小,为0.46~11.1。氢、氧、碳、硫及稀有气体同位素组成特征显示其成矿流体主要为循环大气降水;成矿流体盐度主要为0.7%~3.1%NaCl_(eqv),平均为2.2%NaCl_(eqv);成矿温度为120~240℃,平均190℃;最大成矿深度约700 m。沸腾作用是引起成矿流体中矿质发生沉淀富集的主要成矿机制,成矿作用过程中流体处于近中性pH值的还原环境,成矿时代介于晚泥盆世晚期((363.2±5.7)Ma)到早石炭世维宪期。其一系列特征显示该矿是一个典型的、形成于古生代的低硫型浅成低温热液型金矿床。矿床得以保存与矿床形成后很快被阿恰勒河组沉积盖层覆盖有关,从上新世开始由于印度板块对欧亚板块的碰撞挤压作用,天山造山带被快速抬升遭受风化剥蚀作用使矿床重新露出地表而被发现。阿希金矿的发现对于在中、新生代以前的造山带中寻找浅成低温热液型金矿床具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

照岛山金矿位于胶东牟平-乳山成矿带北段,矿体产于中生代燕山期昆嵛山二长花岗岩中,主要受NNE向金牛山断裂带的控制。对金的成矿背景、矿床地质、控矿因素和矿体隐伏特征的研究结果表明:围岩蚀变从近矿到远矿依次发育黄铁绢英岩化、绢英岩化和钾长石化;金的成矿分为黄铁矿石英、石英黄铁矿、多金属硫化物、石英碳酸盐矿物4个阶段;昆嵛山岩体和荆山群变质岩的接触带附近易于成矿;金牛山主断裂走向NE的拐折地段、不同期次断裂交会处和多期断裂破碎带部位都易于成矿;金品位高值区呈近似等距分布,32线以南有向SW侧伏的趋势,40线以北有向NE侧伏的趋势。总结了照岛山金矿的控矿因素,初步推测了深部找矿方向。  相似文献   

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