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水库大容量气枪震源激发条件优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through manual pickup of seismic phases,the number of recording stations,the farthest observation distance of station and received energy are determined,then optimal operating condition processing software is developed to evaluate the excitation effect of operating conditions. The optimal operating conditions in the Mianhuatan Reservoir are determined using this software. They are: optimal water depth 25 m,airgun array sink depth 9m and airgun array size 7m × 7m. At the same time,accumulative stacking results for every 10 times are analyzed for 300 fixed-point excitations. It is concluded that the excitation effect shows a rapidly rising trend at 10 to 90 times stacking,a slowly rising trend at 100 to 150 times stacking,a rapidly rising trend at 160 to 240 times stacking,and a slowly rising trend at 250 to 300 times stacking. As the number of stacking increases,the propagation distance and the number of recording stations also increase gradually.  相似文献   

气枪主动源探测实验需要获得信噪比较优的波形数据,因此实验前很有必要进行不同工况的激发实验。通过综合分析台站记录特征,寻找最优激发效果的工况条件,为后续定点激发奠定重要基础。本文在福建南一水库大容量气枪震源实验时通过单次激发分析、叠加分析、信噪比系数等方法综合研判工况激发效果,确定出最优工况,再利用台网噪声评估对得到的最优工况做进一步验证。结果表明:南一水库最优工况为:水深25m、枪阵沉放深度12 m、枪阵尺寸7 m×7 m。该最优工况激发时段未处在低噪声时刻,说明该工况的激发效果确为优越,结果较为可靠。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源长江定点激发信号检测   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
地学长江计划安徽段实验是大容量气枪震源在长江的首次激发。本文对布设在气枪固定激发点附近的流动台和周边固定台接收到的气枪信号进行线性叠加,以分析近场、远场信号的时频特性,并利用叠加结果检测气枪信号的传播特性,分析不同环境因素对信号传播距离的影响。结果表明:1近岸首台可以接收到清晰的压力脉冲、气泡脉冲的体波和面波信号;2气枪信号主频为5Hz左右,随着震中距的增加,压力脉冲信号衰减很快,信号主频频带变窄;3对信号传播距离进行初步检测发现,最近的传播距离为180km,最远共有3个激发点传播达到260km,夜晚激发时信号传播距离较远。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源长江定点激发信号检测   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
地学长江计划“安徽段实验”是大容量气枪震源在长江的首次激发。本文针对布设在气枪固定激发点附近的流动台和周边固定台接收到的气枪信号进行线性叠加分析近场和远场信号的时频特性,利用叠加结果检测气枪信号的传播特性,分析不同环境因素对信号传播距离的影响。结果表明:①近岸首台可以接收到清晰的压力脉冲、气泡脉冲的体波和面波信号;②气枪信号主频为5Hz左右,随震中距的增加,压力脉冲信号衰减很快,信号主频频带变窄;③对信号传播距离进行初步检测,最近的传播距离为180km,最远共有3个激发点传播达到260km,夜晚激发信号传播距离较远。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源子波激发特性分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
大容量气枪水库激发作为陆地震源的可行性与有效性已经得到成功验证.为进一步提高气枪震源激发效果,本文通过水库气枪激发试验对单枪容量为2000 in3的气枪震源激发子波特征及规律进行了研究.依据近场水听器和远场短周期地震仪记录数据,分析气枪震源沉放深度、工作压力等不同激发条件对压力脉冲和气泡脉冲的影响.有助于人们根据不同尺度地下结构探测对震源激发信号的要求,调整气枪激发参数和激发环境,获得最佳激发效果.试验结果表明:(1)沉放深度对压力脉冲波形影响较小,其优势频率不随沉放深度而改变;(2)随着沉放深度从5 m增加到11 m,气泡脉冲的优势频率由5 Hz增加至7 Hz,其最大振幅亦近线性递增;(3)工作压力越大,激发压力脉冲能量越强,而对气泡脉冲的影响主要体现在主频降低.适合远距离深穿透地下结构探测的低频信号主要来自大容量气枪所激发气泡的反复振荡,由于气枪振荡过程非常复杂,本文通过较为简洁的数学和物理模型进行了解释.  相似文献   

本文结合实验结果从信号分析的角度研究了陆上水体大容量气枪激发的特性,大容量气枪震源激发的信号具有丰富的低频能量成分和高度的可重复性,此外还含有丰富的S波信息,分析这些特征产生的主要原因及其应用前景为大容量气枪震源的充分利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

大容量气枪震源的实验与模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
气枪震源是一种新兴、环保、绿色的人工震源,在区域尺度深部探测中有重要的应用前景.本文通过实验模拟研究了用于深部探测的大容量气枪震源,主要工作为:(1)根据陆上气枪实验分析了大容量气枪震源的特征;(2)采用自由气泡振荡理论模拟气枪信号,探讨深部探测中增强气泡效应从而增大气枪低频部分能量的方法;(3)研究气枪容量、工作压力和沉放深度等对单枪信号的影响及枪阵激发时刻和气枪间距对枪阵信号的影响,指导深部探测中气枪震源工作参数的选择;(4)研究不同类型水底对反射透射系数的影响,其结果对于选择合适的场地条件有指导意义.  相似文献   

不同激发环境下井中气枪震源特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于单枪容量为250 in~3的BHS-2200LL井中气枪,在内径0.2、5.0m不同激发井中开展了气枪震源特征对比分析,研究表明:15.0m井中气枪激发产生的信号优势频率集中在10~40Hz,比在0.2m井中的低,这主要是由于较大水体利于气泡的振荡;2在能量方面,5.0m井中激发信号的能量强于0.2m井中的,相差1个数量级,单次激发的传播距离可达9km;32种激发环境下产生的气枪信号都具有较好的重复性。  相似文献   

基于单枪容量为250in3的BHS-2200LL井中气枪,在内径0.2、5.0m不同激发井中开展了气枪震源特征对比分析,研究表明:①5.0m井中气枪激发产生的信号优势频率集中在10~40Hz,比在0.2m井中的低,这主要是由于较大水体利于气泡的震荡;②在能量方面,5.0m井中激发信号的能量强于0.2m井中的,幅度上相差1个数量级,单次激发的传播距离可达9km;③2种激发环境下产生的气枪信号都具有较好的重复性。  相似文献   

Un-tuned large volume airgun array in a water reservoir is recently proposed as a new way to generate seismic waves on land. It can be used to explore the earth velocity structure and its temporal variations as well. However, the characteristics of seismic signals (especially far-field signals) from an airgun array in a reservoir and its affecting factors (firing pressure, airgun towing depth, water level of the reservoir, etc.) has not been adequately studied. We analyzed the seismic data collected from field experiments at Binchuan Transmitting Seismic Station in 2011 and 2013 and found that (1) The similarity of seismic signals decrease with distance, which is most likely induced by the decay of signal amplitude and signal to noise ratio (SNR); (2) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are almost linearly proportional to the firing pressure; (3) The towing depth of airgun has less effects on the far-field signals; (4) The amplitudes of far-field airgun signals are proportional to the water level of the reservoir.  相似文献   




基于显式有限元方法和运动学震源模型并利用昆明盆地三维地下构造模型,本文研究了震源参数对断层附近长周期地震动的影响.结果表明,断层的破裂方式、埋藏深度、破裂速度以及断层面上位错的不均匀分布对断层附近长周期地震动有重要影响.不同破裂方式下,破裂的方向性强的区域分布不同,由于破裂的方向性效应和复杂场地条件的共同作用,导致不同破裂方式的断层附近地震动分布差别很大.随着破裂速度的增加,方向性效应更加明显,断层附近的长周期地震动也随之增大;对于浅源地震,随着断层埋深的增加,地震动明显下降.对于埋藏深度很浅的断层,当Asperity靠近断层上沿时,会显著增大其在地表投影附近的长周期地震动.能否合理地估计这些基本震源参数,是预测未来发震断层周围地震动场的关键.  相似文献   

为分析均质地基中各参数变化对土体振动响应和空沟隔振效果的影响,通过有限元软件建立二维均质地基计算模型,分析空沟尺寸、激振频率等对土体的影响,研究了不同土体弹性模量、密度及泊松比下的振动加速度差异。结果表明,空沟深度为重要影响因素,空沟深度越深,隔振效果越好;空沟宽度对隔振效果几乎无影响;弹性模量对空沟隔振效果的影响较密度大,且弹性模量越大,隔振效果越差;密度对土体振动加速度和振幅衰减系数的影响较小;泊松比对空沟隔振效果的影响大于密度,但低于弹性模量,泊松比越大,振动加速度越小,隔振效果越差;激振频率越大,空沟隔振效果越好。  相似文献   

It is commonly understood that earthquake ground excitations at multiple supports of large dimensional structures are not the same. These ground motion spatial variations may significantly influence the structural responses. Similarly, the interaction between the foundation and the surrounding soil during earthquake shaking also affects the dynamic response of the structure. Most previous studies on ground motion spatial variation effects on structural responses neglected soil–structure interaction (SSI) effect. This paper studies the combined effects of ground motion spatial variation, local site amplification and SSI on bridge responses, and estimates the required separation distances that modular expansion joints must provide to avoid seismic pounding. It is an extension of a previous study (Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. 2010; 39 (3):303–323), in which combined ground motion spatial variation and local site amplification effects on bridge responses were investigated. The present paper focuses on the simultaneous effect of SSI and ground motion spatial variation on structural responses. The soil surrounding the pile foundation is modelled by frequency‐dependent springs and dashpots in the horizontal and rotational directions. The peak structural responses are estimated by using the standard random vibration method. The minimum total gap between two adjacent bridge decks or between bridge deck and adjacent abutment to prevent seismic pounding is estimated. Numerical results show that SSI significantly affects the structural responses, and cannot be neglected. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clay-rich deposits are usually considered as hard materials to be eroded by wind.Data from both surface monitoring and field survey at the dry-up bottom of Aiby Lake present thatclay-rich lacustrine deposits are easily broken down and eroded away by wind in the seasonalalternation process under the natural arid environment, and are the significant source of air dust.The surface of the clay-rich deposits is broken and softened by the freezing-and-thawing action inwinter season and/or by salt and alkali action with precipitation. Impact of wind-input particles andplow of plant branches with wind force drive the clay-rich sediments moving. Wind picks up theclay pebbles and repeats the impaction further-ward onto the dry-up surface. Tremendous finematerials, including soft salts, are contributed to air dust, and transported in long distance.  相似文献   

长期的地震观测发现,北京地震台记录到的S波影区地震存在定位误差大的现象.由于来自震中距9°~36°的地震经过了低速层,造成了S波不发育.所以S波影区地震多用LG波来确定震中距.造成影区地震定位偏差大的现象有两个原因:①长期以来多是用短周期记录来区分LG1和LG2,定位偏差较大;②有的影区地震,S波也少许发育,但用S波来定位也存在定位偏差大的现象.为此搜集了北京地震台记录到的影区地震,通过NCDSN仿真成SK记录,通过理论震中距的比较,找到了准确定位影区地震的LG2识别位置.  相似文献   

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