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Benzene and alkylbenzene biodegradation rates and patterns were measured using an in situ microcosm in a crude-oil contaminated aquifer near Bemidji, Minnesota. Benzene-D6, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-, m- and p-xylenes and four pairs of C3- and C4-benzenes were added to an in situ microcosm and studied over a 3-year period. The microcosm allowed for a mass-balance approach and quantification of hydrocarbon biodegradation rates within a well-defined iron-reducing zone of the anoxic plume. Among the BTEX compounds, the apparent order of persistence is ethylbenzene > benzene > m,p-xylenes > o-xylene  toluene. Threshold concentrations were observed for several compounds in the in situ microcosm, below which degradation was not observed, even after hundreds of days. In addition, long lag times were observed before the onset of degradation of benzene or ethylbenzene. The isomer-specific degradation patterns were compared to observations from a multi-year study conducted using data collected from monitoring wells along a flowpath in the contaminant plume. The data were fit with both first-order and Michaelis-Menten models. First-order kinetics provided a good fit for hydrocarbons with starting concentrations below 1 mg/L and Michaelis-Menten kinetics were a better fit when starting concentrations were above 1 mg/L, as was the case for benzene. The biodegradation rate data from this study were also compared to rates from other investigations reported in the literature.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

The project was set to construct an extensive wetland in the southernmost region of Israel at Kibbutz Neot Smadar (30°02′45″ N and 35°01′19″ E). The results of the first period of monitoring, summary, and perspectives are presented. The constructed wetland (CW) was built and the subsequent monitoring performed in the framework of the Southern Arava Sustainable Waste Management Plan, funded by the EU LIFE Fund. The specific aims were: (1) To end current sewage disposal and pollution of the ground, the aquifer, and the dry river bed (wadi) paths by biologically treating the sewage as part of the creation of a sustainable wetland ecosystem. (2) Serve as an example of CW in the Negev highlands and the Arava Valley climates for neighboring communities and as a test ground for plants and building methods appropriate to hyper arid climate. (3) Serve as an educational resource and tourist attraction for groups to learn about water reuse, recycling, local wildlife and migrating birds, including serving the heart of a planned Ecological–Educational Bird Park. This report is intended to allow others who are planning similar systems in hyper arid climates to learn from our experience.

Materials and methods

The project is located in an extreme arid desert with less than 40 mm of rain annually and temperature ranges of ?5°C to +42°C. The site receives 165–185 m3 of municipal and agricultural wastes daily, including cowshed and goat wastes and winery outflow.


The CW establishment at Neot Smadar was completed in October 2006. For 8 months, clean water flowed through the system while the plants were taking root. In June 2007, the wetland was connected to the oxidation pond and full operation began. Because of seepage and evaporation, during the first several months, the water level was not high enough to allow free flow from one bed to the next. To bed A, the water was pumped periodically from the oxidation pond (Fig. 1) and from there flowed by gravitation through the rest of the system. The initial results of the monitoring are promising. In nearly all measurements, the system succeeded as expected to reduce levels of contaminants at least to the level acceptable for irrigating fruit trees and often to the level of unlimited irrigation. The introduction of the plants in the system and their physiological performance were evaluated and were found to correlate well to the quality of water in the various beds.


It should be said at the outset that evaluation of the performance of a CW system is a long-term process. Thus, the main aim of this report is to present the problems, difficulties, preliminary results, and concepts concerned with the first stage of establishment of CW in an extremely dry region.


The CW system was designed to dispose of municipal and agricultural wastes in a way that not merely reduces pollution, but adds to environmental quality by creating accessible parkland for local residents and tourists. Several factors affected the performance of the system at the initial stages of operation: ecological balance between microbes and plants, big seasonal variations, seepage and evaporation reduced the flow in the initial operation of the system. Despite the initial difficulties, the quality of water coming out the system is acceptable for irrigation.

Recommendations and perspectives

The CW can function well under extreme dryland conditions. The oxidation pond was the major source of evaporation and bad odors. Therefore, alternatives to the oxidation pond are needed. Cost effectiveness of the system still has to be evaluated systematically.  相似文献   

人工湿地数学模型模拟与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工湿地生态系统具有投资低、出水水质好、抗冲击力强、增加绿地面积和操作简单等优点,在国外得到了较好应用.综述了人工湿地净化技术及湿地模型的研究进展,重点介绍了国外已经成功验证与应用的3种人工湿地模型的开发情况.同时应用某人工湿地的实测数据,通过对模型的验证和率定,表明模型在评估湿地功能和优化设计上的实用性.最后,对人工湿地模拟模型的应用前景及存在问题进行了评述.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of the chemical composition of recharge sewage effluent and associated contaminated groundwater from the Dan Region Sewage Reclamation Project shows, after 16 years of recharge operation, the presence of a distinct saline plume (up to 400 mg/l Cl), extending 1600 m downgradient in the Coastal Plain aquifer of Israel. The recorded electrolyte composition of groundwater in the vicinity of the recharge area reflects the variations in the compositions of the sewage effluents, as well as water-rock interactions induced by the recharge of treated sewage effluents. The original sewage composition was modified, particularly during early stages of effluent migration in the unsaturated zone, by cation-exchange and adsorption reactions. Since the soil sorption capacity is finite these reactions caused only limited modifications, and once the system reached a steady state the inorganic composition of the contaminated groundwater became similar to that of the recharge water. Decomposition of organic matter in the unsaturated zone resulted in CO2 generation and dissolution of CaCO3 minerals in the aquifer. It was shown that chemical and/or bio-degradation of organic matter takes place mainly in the unsaturated (vadose) zone. Hence, monitoring the efficiency of the vadose zone to retain contaminants is essential for evaluating the quality of groundwater since it was shown that organic compounds behave almost conservatively once the effluents enter and flow within the saturated zone.  相似文献   

The role of Phragmites sp. in phytoremediation of wastewaters containing azo dyes is still, in many ways, at its initial stage of investigation. This plant response to the long-term exposure to a highly conjugated di-azo dye (Direct Red 81, DR81) was assessed using a vertical flow constructed wetland, at pilot scale. A reed bed fed with water was used as control. Changes in photosynthetic pigment content in response to the plant contact with synthetic DR81 effluent highlight Phragmites plasticity. Phragmites leaf enzymatic system responded rapidly to the stress imposed; in general, within 1 day, the up-regulation of foliar reactive oxygen species-scavenging enzymes (especially superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and peroxidase) was noticed as plants entered in contact with synthetic DR81 effluent. This prompt activation decreased the endogenous levels of H2O2 and the malonyldialdehyde content beyond reference values. Glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity intensification was not enough to cope with stress imposed by DR81. GPX activity was pivotal for the detoxification pathways after a 24-h exposure. Carotenoid pool was depleted during this shock. After the imposed DR81 stress, plants were harvested. In the next vegetative cycle, Phragmites had already recovered from the chemical stress. Principal component analysis (PCA) highlights the role of GPX, GST, APX, and carotenoids along catalase (CAT) in the detoxification process.  相似文献   

针对某受1,2-二氯乙烷污染场地,开展水文地质实验并求解水文地质参数,采用水动力控制强化原位化学氧化技术修复了地下水含水层中受污染的地下水,探究了碱活化过硫酸盐对地下水中目标污染物去除效果,并对地下水水化学因子进行了长期监测。结果表明,实验区含水层渗透系数为7.89 m·d−1,导水系数为101 m2·d−1,在一维稳定流场中二维弥散条件下,含水层纵、横向弥散度αLαT分别为0.89 m和0.089 m,地下水流速为3.85 m·d−1,水动力条件明显优于自然状态,通过水动力控制法干扰地下水流场可有效控制修复药剂在含水层中的扩散速度和影响范围。注药后实验区污染物浓度整体呈下降趋势,在第14天,注药井4 m以内1,2-二氯乙烷浓度低于检出限,药剂修复效果在含水层中可保持28 d。碱活化过硫酸盐降解1,2-二氯乙烷的反应速率常数为0.022 d−1,半衰期为29 d。实验期间地下水中硫酸盐浓度先上升后下降,140 d后恢复至原浓度水平,对实验场地二次污染影响较小。碱活化过硫酸盐在氯代烃类污染场地修复中将有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

有机污染物湿地生物降解实验规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以苯、甲苯和萘为对象 ,通过实验研究 ,测定有机污染物的土壤 水吸附平衡过程、在水溶液中生物降解过程以及在湿地系统 (即土壤 水 微生物系统 )中生物降解过程 ,并以质量守恒定律为基础 ,建立有机污染物湿地生物降解过程综合数学模型 ;数学模型通过实验验证。利用模型 ,定量预测了污染物生物降解所需的时间和程度 ,并提出动力学因子FK,判断污染物湿地生物降解速度的控制因素 ,定量预测了污染物在土壤固相的浓度分布规律  相似文献   

人工湿地植物研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
人工湿地具有去除污染效果好、运行费用低和易维护等特点,已被广泛用于污水处理中.湿地植物在其中起着重要作用,主要包括直接吸收氮、磷等污染物,通过根系输氧促进根区的氧化还原反应与好氧微生物活动及增强和维持介质的水力传输等.综述了人工湿地植物的去污机理,阐述了湿地植物对生物可降解的有机物、营养性污染物和有毒有害物质净化的研究成果与应用,并展望今后进一步研究的重点.  相似文献   

自由表面流人工湿地微生物气溶胶研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物气溶胶的种类、浓度和粒径分布与人类健康关系密切。采用MD8空气浮游菌采样仪和FA-1型6级筛孔撞击式空气微生物采样器,对人工湿地细菌和真菌气溶胶的数量和粒径分布进行研究。结果表明,人工湿地进水前,细菌和真菌气溶胶平均值较低,分别为64.0、126.0CFU/m3;进水后,细菌气溶胶平均值在6月26日达到最高,为2292.5CFU/m3,真菌气溶胶平均值在8月27日达到最高,为6200.0CFU/m3;易进入肺部的细菌和真菌(粒径为0.65~4.70μm)粒子数分别占粒子总数的22.2%~62.3%、54.2%~87.6%;空气细菌中值直径为1.88~4.13μm,空气真菌中值直径在3.00μm左右波动。空气细菌中革兰氏阳性菌明显多于革兰氏阴性菌,空气真菌主要为酵母菌、镰刀菌属、枝孢属、毛霉属、交链孢属、肉座菌属、枝霉属、青霉属和曲霉属。  相似文献   

采用Oasis HLB柱固相萃取的前处理技术,以气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS)的分析方法,对我国北方永定河上游黑土洼人工湿地中多环芳烃污染的特征以及分布规律进行了研究.结果表明,该湿地系统以低环数多环芳烃污染为主,其中浓度最高的是菲和蒽,未检出高环数(5环、6环)多环芳烃.通过比较进水和出水的浓度,湿地系统总体上不能有效去除进水中的多环芳烃.但是比较不同工艺单元进出水浓度,复氧、植物根系及微生物等均影响到多环芳烃的去除效果,去除率在28%~65%之间.  相似文献   

采用Oasis HLB柱固相萃取的前处理技术,以气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS)的分析方法,对我国北方永定河上游黑土洼人工湿地中多环芳烃污染的特征以及分布规律进行了研究.结果表明,该湿地系统以低环数多环芳烃污染为主,其中浓度最高的是菲和蒽,未检出高环数(5环、6环)多环芳烃.通过比较进水和出水的浓度,湿地系统总体上不能有效去除进水中的多环芳烃.但是比较不同工艺单元进出水浓度,复氧、植物根系及微生物等均影响到多环芳烃的去除效果,去除率在28%~65%之间.  相似文献   

Little information has been gathered on the effect of avian species on the microbial water quality in constructed wetlands. To address this concern, fecal pollution from nonpoint and point sources was evaluated in a constructed wetland in Tolleson, Arizona. Antibiotic resistance profiling and biochemical fingerprinting were performed on 325 Escherichia coli isolates, collected from key points in the wetlands. Multivariate statistical analysis was used to interpret the data for samples collected on October 3 and December 12, 2000, and January 16, 2001. It was found that the passerine population was the major source of the Escherichia coli in the water samples collected in the wetlands on October 3 and December 12, 2000, whereas the regrowth in the treated municipal wastewater was the main source on January 16, 2001. This information is useful in providing data for operators in the monitoring of wetlands created for wastewater treatment and wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands are a suggested best management practice to help mitigate agricultural runoff before entering receiving aquatic ecosystems. A constructed wetland system (180 m × 30 m), comprising a sediment retention basin and two treatment cells, was used to determine the fate and transport of simulated runoff containing the pyrethroid insecticides lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin, as well as suspended sediment. Wetland water, sediment, and plant samples were collected spatially and temporally over 55 d. Results showed 49 and 76% of the study's measured lambda-cyhalothrin and cyfluthrin masses were associated with vegetation, respectively. Based on conservative effects concentrations for invertebrates and regression analyses of maximum observed wetland aqueous concentrations, a wetland length of 215 m × 30 m width would be required to adequately mitigate 1% pesticide runoff from a 14 ha contributing area. Results of this experiment can be used to model future design specifications for constructed wetland mitigation of pyrethroid insecticides.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the effect of vegetation on performance of constructed wetlands (CWs) treating low and high chlorinated hydrocarbon, two pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) CWs (planted with Phragmites australis and unplanted) treating sulphate rich groundwater contaminated with MCB (monochlorobenzene, as a low chlorinated hydrocarbon), (about 10 mg L−1), and PCE (perchloroethylene, as a high chlorinated hydrocarbon), (about 2 mg L−1), were examined. With mean MCB inflow load of 299 mg m−2 d−1, the removal rate was 58 and 208 mg m−2 d−1 in the unplanted and planted wetland, respectively, after 4 m from the inlet. PCE was almost completely removed in both wetlands with mean inflow load of 49 mg m−2 d−1. However, toxic metabolites cis-1,2-DCE (dichloroethene) and VC (vinyl chloride) accumulated in the unplanted wetland; up to 70% and 25% of PCE was dechlorinated to cis-1,2-DCE and VC after 4 m from the inlet, respectively. Because of high sulphate concentration (around 850 mg L−1) in the groundwater, the plant derived organic carbon caused sulphide formation (up to 15 mg L−1) in the planted wetland, which impaired the MCB removal but not statistically significant. The results showed significant enhancement of vegetation on the removal of the low chlorinated hydrocarbon MCB, which is probably due to the fact that aerobic MCB degraders are benefited from the oxygen released by plant roots. Vegetation also stimulated completely dechlorination of PCE due to plant derived organic carbon, which is potentially to provide electron donor for dechlorination process. The plant derived organic carbon also stimulated dissimilatory sulphate reduction, which subsequently have negative effect on MCB removal.  相似文献   

Hadad HR  Maine MA  Bonetto CA 《Chemosphere》2006,63(10):1744-1753
A pilot-scale wetland was constructed to assess the feasibility of treating the wastewater from a tool industry in Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina. The wastewater had high conductivity and pH, and contained Cr, Ni and Zn. This paper describes the growth of vegetation in the experimental wetland and the nutrient and metal removal. The wetland was 6 x 3 x 0.4 m. Water discharge was 1000 l d(-1) and residence time was 7d. After the wetland was rendered impermeable, macrophytes from Middle Paraná River floodplain were transplanted. Influent and effluent quality was analyzed every 15 d. TP, Cr, Ni and Zn concentrations in leaves, roots and sediment (inlet and outlet) were measured monthly. Cover and biomass of predominant species were estimated. Also, greenhouse experiments were carried out to measure the effects of conductivity and pH on floating species. The variables measured in the influent were significantly higher than those in the effluent, except for HCO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+). TP and metal concentrations in sediment at the inlet were significantly higher than those at the outlet. Conductivity and pH of the incoming wastewater were toxic for the floating species. Typha domingensis displaced the other species and reached positive relative cover rate and biomass greater than those at the undisturbed natural environment. T. domingensis proved to be highly efficient for the treatment of wastewater. For that reason, it is the advisable species for the treatment of wastewater of high conductivity and pH enriched with metals, characteristic of many industrial processes.  相似文献   

In this study, the bioaccessibility of petroleum hydrocarbons in aged contaminated soils (1.6-67gkg(-1)) was assessed using four non-exhaustive extraction techniques (100% 1-butanol, 100% 1-propanol, 50% 1-propanol in water and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin) and the persulfate oxidation method. Using linear regression analysis, residual hydrocarbon concentrations following bioaccessibility assessment were compared to residual hydrocarbon concentrations following biodegradation in laboratory-scale microcosms in order to determine whether bioaccessibility assays can predict the endpoint of hydrocarbon biodegradation. The relationship between residual hydrocarbon concentrations following microcosm biodegradation and bioaccessibility assessment was linear (r(2)=0.71-0.97) indicating that bioaccessibility assays have the potential to predict the extent of hydrocarbon biodegradation. However, the slope of best fit varied depending on the hydrocarbon fractional range assessed. For the C(10)-C(14) hydrocarbon fraction, the slope of best fit ranged from 0.12 to 0.27 indicating that the non-exhaustive or persulfate oxidation methods removed 3.5-8 times more hydrocarbons than biodegradation. Conversely, for the higher molecular weight hydrocarbon fractions (C(29)-C(36) and C(37)-C(40)), biodegradation removed up to 3.3 times more hydrocarbons compared to bioaccessibility assays with the resulting slope of best fit ranging from 1.0-1.9 to 2.0-3.3 respectively. For mid-range hydrocarbons (C(15)-C(28)), a slope of approximately one was obtained indicating that C(15)-C(28) hydrocarbon removal by these bioaccessibility assays may approximate the extent of biodegradation. While this study demonstrates the potential of predicting biodegradation endpoints using bioaccessibility assays, limitations of the study include a small data set and that all soils were collected from a single site, presumably resulting from a single contamination source. Further evaluation and validation is required using soils from a range of hydrocarbon contamination sources in order to develop robust assays for predicting bioremediation endpoints in the field.  相似文献   

Removal efficiencies on xenobiotics from polluted water in a twin-shaped constructed wetland consisting of a vertical flow chamber with the crop plant Colocasia esculenta L. Schott and a reverse vertical flow one with Ischaemum aristatum var. glaucum Honda, were assessed by chemical analysis and bioassays. After a four-month period of application, removal efficiencies of the applied pesticides parathion and omethoate were 100% with no detectable parathion and omethoate in the effluent. For the applied herbicides, the decontamination was less efficient with removal efficiencies of 36% and 0% for 4-chloro-2-methyl-phenoxyacetic acid and dicamba, respectively. As shown by toxicity assay with duckweed Lemna minor L., growth retardation may occur if the water treated for herbicide removal is used in irrigation of sensitive cultivars in agriculture or horticulture. In contrast to I. aristatum var. glaucum Honda, the crop C. esculenta L. Schott has a high yield in biomass production as a valuable source of renewable energy.  相似文献   

A tracer study was conducted in a 3-ha surface flow constructed wetland to analyze transport performance of PRD1, an enteric virus model. The convection-dispersion equation (CDE), including a first-order reaction model, adequately simulated transport performance of PRD1 in the wetland under an average hydraulic loading rate of 82 mm/d. Convective velocity (v) and longitudinal dispersion coefficient (D) were estimated by modeling a conservative tracer (bromide) pulse through the wetland. Both PRD1 and bromide were simultaneously added to the entering secondary treated wastewater effluent. The mass of bromide and PRD1 recovered was 76 and 16%, respectively. The PRD1 decay rate was calculated to be 0.3/day. The findings of this study suggest that the CDE model and analytical moment equations represent a suitable option to characterize virus transport performance in surface flow constructed wetlands.  相似文献   

基质酶是催化土壤生物化学反应的重要催化剂,其对有机污染物具有高度敏感性。实验测定了5座人工湿地(CWs)反应器中过氧化氢酶、脱氢酶和脲酶活性的动态变化及其与进水医药活性物质(PhACs)浓度、湿地植物的关系。结果显示:种植植物反应器3种基质酶的活性均高于未种植植物的反应器;随培养时间增长过氧化氢酶的活性逐渐提高,在培养150 d后达到最高;脱氢酶和脲酶的活性随培养时间增长先升高后降低,分别于120 d和90 d时达到最高;不同基质酶对不同PhACs浓度响应不同,脲酶活性均表现为被抑制,而脱氢酶和过氧化氢酶活性在低PhACs浓度时被激活,在高PhACs浓度时被抑制。为CWs应用于去除水环境中存在的PhACs类污染物提供参考。  相似文献   

依托建立在新沂河河漫滩上的人工湿地中试工程进行现场试验,研究分析潜流和垂直流2种人工湿地对污染河水的净化效果及其耐污染负荷冲击能力。结果表明:在相同的进水高锰酸盐指数浓度条件下,垂直流对高锰酸盐指数的净化效果明显优于潜流;2种人工湿地对NH4+-N的去除率均比较高(平均去除率均高于80%),且没有明显差异;2种人工湿地构造不同引起的水流运行方式及截留、过滤作用的差异对高锰酸盐指数的去除影响较大,而对NH4+-N去除的影响较小;进水污染负荷变化对人工湿地污染物去除的影响显著,垂直流耐高锰酸盐指数污染负荷冲击能力明显强于潜流,而对NH4+-N污染负荷变化,两者都表现出了较强的耐受能力,差异不明显。  相似文献   

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