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本文在试验基础上,论述了水泥混合材的类别及组合方式对水泥强度的影响,提出了水泥混合材最佳组合的方法。  相似文献   

混合材对高铝水泥强度影响的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了石灰石、粉煤灰 ,矿渣三种矿物混合材不同掺量对高铝水泥强度的影响 .分析了它们在高铝水泥水化过程中的作用和水化产物的微观形貌 ,以及对高铝水泥水化产物晶型转变的影响 .研究表明 :对于高铝水泥净浆试件 ,掺适量的石灰石能够抑制高铝水泥水化产物的晶型转变 ,并能够生成单碳型水化碳铝酸钙 (C3 A·CaCO3 ·11H2 O) .但掺合粉煤灰和矿渣的作用效果不明显 ,对于高铝水泥胶砂试件 ,掺加适量的三种混合材都有利于高铝水泥强度的稳定 ,其中石灰石的作用效果较为明显 .  相似文献   

活化复合水泥的研制及性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了混合材及活化剂掺量变化对复合水泥的水化性能以及强度的影响。结果表明:活化复合水泥的强度有显著提高,尤其是早期强度,另外活化剂助磨效果明显,并改善了复合水泥的性能,最大限度地节约了熟料用量和增加了混合材的掺入量,最高掺量可达60%且强度达32.5级,其中抗折强度3d的增长率为215%,28d的增长率为27.8%,抗压强度3d的增长率为39.4%,28d的增长率为6.4%。用扫描电镜对活化复合水泥的水化进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

本文对活化煤矸石及矿渣作为复合硅酸盐水泥混合材进行试验研究。通过正交试验寻找煤矸石热活化的最优条件,优化设计活化煤矸石-矿渣作混合材制备复合硅酸盐水泥,探索不同配比混合材、石膏对复合硅酸盐水泥性能影响。结果表明:煤矸石最佳热活化条件为煅烧温度700℃、保温时间1 h、物料粒度0.08 mm;以活化煤矸石为主的混合材掺量为40%,能够制备出强度等级达到32.5的复合硅酸盐水泥。  相似文献   

利用正交实验设计方法对复合水泥中各组分对强度的影响进行了研究,结果表明,在适当配比条件下,复合水泥的强度高于硅酸盐水泥型水泥,最佳配比范围为:ω(石灰)=2.1%~2.4%;m(钢渣);m(粉煤灰)=10:10~14:14;ω(沸石)=7%~12%,ω(石膏)=4%~6%;ω(矿渣)=15%~19%。  相似文献   

以水泥净浆为研究对象,研究了萘磺酸盐系、聚羧酸盐系和氨基磺酸盐系3种高效减水荆对混凝土早期自收缩性能的影响.研究发现,减水剂对水泥石的毛细孔细化作用、缓凝作用以及抑制水化作用使其早期自收缩增大.此外,水泥的水化初期,水泥石的自收缩随着减水剂掺量的增加而降低;而随着水化的不断进行,其自收缩随着减水荆掺量的增加而增大.  相似文献   

本文对微铬渣的矿物组成,胶凝性和用微铬渣作混合材生产的水泥力学性能,保水性及压蒸安定性进行了研究。结果表明:微铬渣的主要矿物组成为α′-C2S、β-C2S、γ-C2S、MgO、C3A和微量Cr、Cr2O3等,它具有一定的胶凝性,并且,硫酸盐激发剂能显著提高其水化活性。微铬渣作水泥混合材料够改善水泥的保水性,但考虑安定性因素,微铬渣在水泥中的掺量应控制在30%以内。  相似文献   

石墨烯对水泥净浆力学性能及微观结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善石墨烯纳米材料疏水性,采用硝酸氧化和超声波法制备石墨烯分散悬浮液,考察石墨烯质量分数对水泥净浆力学性能及其微观结构的影响,探讨石墨烯的增强增韧作用机制,结果表明,水泥基复合材料的抗压、抗折强度随着石墨烯质量分数的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,且最佳质量分数为水泥质量的0.02%.通过SEM和FT-IR对硬化水泥石的结构进行表征,发现石墨烯能够促进水泥水化产物的生长,改变水化晶体的形状、尺寸,使其有形成完整、簇状的趋势,但并未与水泥发生化学反应,改变其生成物类型.  相似文献   

研究了掺加木素磺酸钙(简称木钙)后水泥净浆液相中钙离子、硫酸根离子和氢氧根离子浓度随水化时间的变化,以及除糖后木素磺酸钙对水泥净浆凝结时间的影响.结果表明,掺加木钙后在水化初期水泥净浆中S042-浓度大幅度上升,OH-浓度变化不大.木钙掺量越大,水泥净浆中游离Ca2 浓度的峰值出现越迟,浆体的初凝时间越长.进一步研究发现木钙的掺加能促进熟料矿物的水解,当木钙掺量为0.5%(质量分数)时,水泥净浆中的总Ca2 浓度峰值比未掺加木钙时增加48%,被络合的Ca2 量峰值较水化开始时增加2倍.在水泥净浆强碱性溶液中木钙的络合能力增强导致Ca(OH)2不能达到过饱和,是造成水泥净浆缓凝的重要原因,木钙对水泥净浆的缓凝机理为“吸附-络合”机理.  相似文献   

影响粉煤灰水泥净浆的流动性与早期抗压强度等问题一个重要原因就是拌合是否充分,搅拌时间是否合适。现有的相关规范中对于拌合时间的规定大都针对普通混凝土,随着高性能混凝土的发展,尤其是粉煤灰混凝土近几年来的广泛使用,导致现有的拌合时间规定无法满足粉煤灰混凝土均匀性的控制要求。为此,通过初步研究不同拌合时间对不同掺量的粉煤灰水泥净浆流动性及早期抗压强度的影响,最终确定合理的粉煤灰水泥净浆拌合时间,供进一步研究与工程应用参考。  相似文献   

采用Hummers法和超声剥离制备了氧化石墨烯(GO)纳米片层分散液,再与萘系减水剂(NS)复合得到NS/GO复合材料.研究了NS/GO复合材料对水泥净浆流动性和水泥石抗压耐折强度的影响.研究结果表明,当NS/GO的掺量为4.8g/0.06g(每100g水泥)时,净浆流动度可以达到204mm,所得水泥石的抗压强度为65.4MPa,且耐折强度达到10.6MPa,分别比对照样品提高了29.3%和41.4%.SEM形貌结果表明,GO能够促使水泥水化反应形成致密的片层状结构.这些结果对于提高混凝土的抗压耐折强度,以及抗裂性和耐久性等具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) were added to improve the performances of regenerated binding materials (RBM) which refer to dehydrated phases with rebinding ability of waste hardened cement paste. Flowability tests, compressive strength tests, SEM, TG-DSC, and non-evaporable water content tests were employed to study the performances of the combined binding materials and the interactions between RBM, FA, and GGBFS. Results show that adding FA or GGBFS can improve the workability of RBM paste, and GGBFS has positive effects on strength of RBM. Pozzolanic reactions happen between RBM, FA, and GGBFS. And the activation effect of RBM to FA and GGBFS is superior to that of P.O grade-32.5 cement, especially at earlier ages, because of the high reactive f-CaO existing in RBM. On the advantages of the synergetic effects of RBM and pozzolanic admixtures such as FA and GGBFS, new combined binding materials can be prepared by blending them together. Funded by the National Science Foundation of China(No. 50508034)  相似文献   

通过电子探针微区分析(EPMA)和X射线衍射分析(XRD)技术探明了碳化对硬化水泥浆内亚硝酸根离子分布的影响,阐明了游离亚硝酸根离子的迁移和吸附规律,有利于精确评价亚硝酸根离子在混凝土中的阻锈作用。结果表明:含亚硝酸盐的水泥浆体水化后生成新的水化产物结晶相NO_2-AFm,并均匀分布于水泥浆内。NO_2-AFm在碳化过程中重新分解生成亚硝酸根离子并向未碳化区扩散,致使碳化区NO_2-含量减少,非碳化区NO_2-含量增加。由于碳化过程中C-S-H凝胶分解,吸附于凝胶表面的游离亚硝酸根离子重新转变成游离态,碳化区游离态亚硝酸根离子含量增多,同时硅元素从碳化区向未碳化区迁移,未碳化区C-S-H凝胶非晶态含量增加,提高了游离态亚硝酸根离子的固化率,使碳化区游离态亚硝酸根离子含量高于未碳化区。  相似文献   

为探究超轻质水泥基复合材料(ultra lightweight cement composite,ULCC)的基本力学性能及应力-应变曲线本构关系.以粉煤灰空心微珠为唯一轻质微集料,以水泥和硅灰为胶凝材料,以高效减水剂和减缩剂为外加剂,配制了钢纤维体积掺量为1%,表观密度介于1 250~1 550 kg/m3,轴心抗压强度介于47.9~70.0 MPa的4种不同密度等级的ULCC.对其分别进行单轴抗压和单轴抗拉试验,分别研究了ULCC的轴心抗压和轴心抗拉力学性能,测得了ULCC材料轴心抗压强度、轴心抗拉强度、弹性模量、泊松比及单轴抗压和单轴抗拉应力-应变曲线.结果表明:ULCC的抗压强度、抗拉强度和弹性模量均随密度的增加而增加; ULCC的轴心抗压强度和弹性模量与密度呈较强线性相关性.轴心抗拉试验结果表明ULCC抗拉应力-应变曲线关系呈现明显的峰后平台段,ULCC材料具有良好的拉伸变形能力.根据试验测得的ULCC单轴抗压和单轴抗拉应力-应变全曲线,建立了ULCC单轴抗压和单轴抗拉的分段式应力-应变本构方程.研究成果可为ULCC结构的设计和非线性有限元计算提供理论依据.  相似文献   

We investigated the temperature dependency of the dynamic mechanical properties of cement asphalt paste by the dynamic mechanical thermal analysis(DMTA) method. The experimental results show that the dynamic mechanical properties of cement asphalt pastes are sensitive to temperature due to the inclusion of asphalt, and may go through different states within a temperature range of-40 ℃ to 60 ℃, which is different from that of pure cement and asphalt. As the temperature of the cement asphalt paste increases, a considerable change of dynamic mechanical properties, including storage modulus(E'), loss modulus(E') and loss factor(tand) is observed. Moreover, the influence of asphalt to cement(A/C) ratio on the temperature sensitivity of the dynamic mechanical properties of cement asphalt composites was investigated. The temperature dependency of cement asphalt composites is ascribed to the temperature dependency of the asphalt and its interaction with cement paste. A simple fractional model is proposed to describe the viscoelastic behavior of cement asphalt composites.  相似文献   

Functionalized graphene nano-sheets(FGN) of 0.01%-0.05%(mass fraction) were added to produce FGN-cement composites in the form of mortars. Flow properties, mechanical properties and microstructure of the cementitious material were then investigated. The results indicate that the addition of FGN decreases the fluidity slightly and improves mechanical properties of cement-based composites significantly. The highest strength is obtained with FGN content of 0.02% where the flexural strength and compressive strength at 28 days are 12.917 MPa and 52.42 MPa, respectively. Besides, scanning electron micrographs show that FGN can regulate formation of massive compact cross-linking structures and thermo gravimetric analysis indicates that FGN can accelerate the hydration reaction to increase the function of the composite effectively.  相似文献   

Unilateral sulfate attack of cementitious materials containing 40% slag with different water to binder ratios was investigated. The results showed that the degradation of slag blended cement pastes was nearly from the corners of paste surface with cracking and spallings, water-to-binder(w/b) ratio made a significant sense to the damage that low w/b ratio led to little weight loss, less cracking and spalling damage and vice versa. Microstructural experimental results demonstrated that in the three different stages of sulfate attack, degradation of pastes was primarily associated with the migration behavior and bonding configuration of aluminum, in the early ages Al was mostly present in C-(A)-S-H, and thus, the damage of pastes hardly appeared while at later ones Al had been largely transferred from C-(A)-S-H into AFt, leading to expansive damage.  相似文献   

By means of 29Si and 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) combined with deconvolution technique, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as well as energy dispersive X-ray system(EDX), the effect of 5 wt% corrosive solutions (viz. 5 wt% Na2SO4, MgSO4, Na2SO4+NaCl and Na2SO4+NaCl+Na2CO3) on C-S-H microstructure in Portland cement containing 30 wt% fly ash was investigated.The results show that, in MgSO4 solution, Mg2+ promotes the decalcification of C-S-H by SO 4 2- ,increasing silicate tetrahedra polymerization and mean chain length (MCL) of C-S-H. However, the substituting degree of Al3+ for Si4+ (Al[4]/Si) in the paste does not change evidently. Effect of Na2SO4 solution on C-S-H is not significantly influenced by NaCl solution, while the MCL and Al[4]/Si of C-S-H in fly ashcement paste slightly change. However, the decalcification of C-S-H by SO 4 2- and CO 3 2- attack, as well as the activation of fly ash by SO 4 2- attack will increase the MCL and Al[4]/Si, which are both higher than that under Na2SO4 corrosion, MgSO4 or Na2SO4 +NaCl coordination corrosion.  相似文献   

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