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Based on 10 shale samples collected from 4 wells in Qinshui Basin,we investigate the full-sized pore structure and fractal characteristics of Marine-Continental transitional shale by performing organic geochemistry,mineralogical composition,Nitrogen gas adsorption(N_2 adsorption)and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR)measurements and fractal analysis.Results show that the TOC content of the shale samples is relatively high,with an average value of 2.44wt%,and the thermal evolution is during the mature-over mature stage.The NMR T_2 spectrum can be used to characterize the fullsized pore structure characteristics of shale.By combining N_2 adsorption pore structure parameters and NMR T_2 spectrums,the surface relaxivity of samples are calculated to be between 1.7877 um/s and 5.2272 um/s.On this basis,the T_2 spectrums are converted to full-sized pore volume and surface area distribution curves.The statistics show that the pore volume is mainly provided by mesopore,followed by micropore,and the average percentages are 65.04%and 30.83%respectively;the surface area is mainly provided by micropore,followed by mesopore,and the average percentages are 60.8004%and39.137%respectively;macropore contributes little to pore volume and surface area.The pore structure characteristics of shale have no relationship with TOC,but strong relationships with clay minerals content.NMR fractal dimensions D_(micro) and D_(meso) have strong positive relationships with the N_2 adsorption fractal dimensions D_1 and D_2 respectively,indicating that D_(micro) can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore surface,and D_(meso) can be used to characterize the fractal characteristics of pore structure.The shale surface relaxivity is controlled by multiple factors.The increasing of clay mineral content,pore surface area,pore surface fractal dimension and the decreasing of average pore size,will all lead to the decreasing of shale surface relaxivity.  相似文献   

为了探讨中-高煤级深部煤层孔隙结构特征和吸附性,以陕西宜川和山西柿庄地区埋深100~1 800 m的中-高煤级样品为研究对象,对样品进行了煤岩煤质分析以及压汞法、核磁共振、低温液氮和等温吸附等测试,结果表明:(1)随着深度的增加,煤层吸附孔含量增多,渗流孔含量减小,渗透性降低,储层物性变差。(2)比表面积和总孔体积在1 000 m附近出现高值区域,随后才出现如前人所述的随深度逐渐降低的趋势,这与小孔的贡献率一致,可见比表面积和总孔体积并非完全由微孔决定,小孔作用显著。(3)深部煤层吸附性是压力的正效应与温度的负效应共同作用的结果,随着压力的增高,吸附量明显增加,温度每升高1 ℃,吸附量平均减少0.25 cm3/g;兰氏压力并不是简单地随温度递增而递增,而是存在随温度变化的拐点(35 ℃),大于拐点温度时,兰氏压力才呈现增高趋势。  相似文献   

采用低场核磁共振实验的方法研究了鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田上古生界石盒子组3段岩芯样品的核磁共振弛豫时间T2分布与由压汞毛管压力曲线所获得的孔喉半径分布之间的对应关系和转换方法,建立了T2几何平均值与毛管压力曲线孔喉结构参数之间的统计关系.研究结果表明,致密砂岩储层的核磁共振T2分布与由毛管压力曲线所获得的孔径分布之间存在密切的相关性,二者都反映了岩石的孔隙结构,利用核磁共振技术来评价致密砂岩储层的孔喉结构是有效的,同时也为利用核磁共振测井技术开展致密砂岩储层评价提供了实验基础.  相似文献   

运用扫描电镜、核磁共振和计算机断层扫描3种孔隙结构研究方法对页岩进行了实验分析。研究结果表明:(1)扫描电镜对于页岩样品的局部观察能力较强,能够直观地反映页岩样品的微观孔隙类型和形态等信息,经氩离子抛光后还可观察到样品的有机质纳米级孔隙,但扫描电镜对样品的总体情况反映能力不够完善;(2)核磁共振受岩石骨架的影响小,可以更精确地测定页岩的孔隙度,进行孔隙大小分布、孔隙连通性和可动流体分析,得到样品的总体特征,但对样品细节的反映较欠缺;(3)CT扫描能够定量分析页岩组分,通过三维重构技术建立页岩样品孔隙和高密度物质分布状况的三维模型,从宏观角度反映孔隙的形态和空间配置特征,其主要不足在于三维重构时CT数阀值的选择对结果具有一定影响。综合运用3种方法,才能更准确地对页岩储层孔隙结构进行研究,以得到更加完善的储层孔隙结构资料。  相似文献   

本文利用钻井取芯资料和铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X衍射等分析化验资料,对准噶尔盆地车排子地区侏罗系低渗储层的孔隙结构特征及影响因素进行了研究.结果表明:该区孔隙类型多样,孔径中等偏小;排驱压力和中值毛管压力偏高,喉道细小;孔喉分选较差、连通性较差、孔隙结构非均质性强.孔小喉细、渗透率低的主要原因有三方面:原始孔渗条件差;砂岩粒径大小不一、岩屑含量高、普遍含塑性岩屑、含煤导致压实作用强;溶蚀对象主要是颗粒,对孔隙和喉道改善作用不大,同时溶蚀产物不能有效迁移,堵塞孔喉,降低渗透率.  相似文献   

利用薄片、扫描电镜、物性及压汞等资料,对金龙2地区三叠系上乌尔禾组二段(P_3w_2)低渗(含砾)砂岩储层孔隙结构及其影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:①乌二段属于低孔低渗储层,根据压汞曲线参数特征,将其孔隙结构划分为三类。②成岩作用控制了储层孔隙结构,定量计算结果表明,乌二段视压实率平均为53.54%、视胶结率平均为47.53%、视溶蚀率平均为13.84%、视微孔隙率平均为60.67%,表现为中等压实、中—强胶结、弱溶蚀、微孔发育等特征;压实作用、胶结作用、微孔隙发育主要控制储层孔隙结构的形成。③引入成岩综合指数来定量表征各种成岩作用的综合强度,其与储层孔隙结构参数(排驱压力、分选系数)以及储层品质因子(RQI)具有较好的统计相关关系,Ⅰ类储层成岩综合指数大于8%,Ⅱ类储层成岩综合指数为2%~8%,Ⅲ类储层成岩综合指数小于2%。因此,可以利用成岩综合指数定量评价储层孔隙结构。  相似文献   

张晓波  司庆红  左兆喜  张超  周帅 《地质学报》2016,90(10):2930-2938
认识储层特殊性并遴选优质层段是进行陆相煤系页岩勘探开发的首要工作。本文运用TOC、Ro、有机岩石热解、XRD、SEM、高压压汞、低温液氮吸附等实验,对大同组陆相页岩储层特征进行定性与定量表征,探讨孔隙结构特殊性及主控因素。结果表明,宁武地区大同组泥页岩厚度大,成熟度中等,具有生烃潜力,按照岩性可划分为4个层段。大同组微纳米孔隙可划分为“双峰型”、“单峰型”和“弱峰型”,孔隙比表面积与TOC呈正相关趋势,比表面积与黏土矿物含量正相关,相关性较好,大孔和微孔分别由脆性矿物和黏土矿物提供。陆相页岩孔隙主要受沉积成岩和构造改造影响,分流河道沉积表现为由下至上黏土矿物含量增多,沉积物颗粒变细,泥页岩孔隙度逐渐减小,深湖相沉积表现为由下至上黏土矿物含量降低,碎屑矿物颗粒增多,沉积物颗粒变粗,孔隙度增大,成岩作用对页岩有机质生烃孔隙具有贡献,同时发生压实作用使孔隙率降低,构造改造对页岩气渗流和逸散利弊并存。  相似文献   

This work investigated the pore structure characteristics and reservoir features of the finegrained tight reservoirs in the lower member of the Xinhe Formation(J_2 x_1) in the Xiaohu subsag,Yabulai Basin based on core samples through various techniques. Interbedded silt/fine sandstones and mudstones are developed in the study area. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) images were used to delineate different types of pores, including primary intergranular pores, secondary intergranular and intragranular pores, organic pores and fractures. The pore types were distinguished by pore size, pore area, location and formation process. The pore radii of the fine-grained rocks range from 1 nm to 1.55μm, mainly concentrated between 5 and 300 nm by low pressure N_2 adsorption and MICP analyses. The pore structure parameters of pore throat size and pore throat sorting coefficient are both positively correlated with porosity, while pore throat sorting coefficient has a negative correlation with permeability. The pore structures of the studied samples are much related to the mineral type and content and grain size, followed by TOC content. In these rocks with relatively low TOC and low maturity, the rigid minerals protect pores with pressure shadow from collapse, and dissolution-related pores contribute a lot to inorganic porosity. In contrast, these rocks with abundant TOC contain a large number of organic pores. The permeability of the fine-grained tight reservoir is mainly dominated by larger pore throats, while a large number of small pores(mostly 0.1 μm) contribute considerably to porosity. These results have deepened our understanding of the interbedded fine-grained tight reservoirs and can be applicable to fine-grained reservoirs in a similar setting.  相似文献   

王海云  李捷 《世界地质》1998,17(3):28-31
论述了东北晚中生代断陷盆了J3-K1储层的孔隙组合特征及砂岩储层的孔隙结构类型,砂岩储层的孔隙组合为5种类型,正常粒间孔及缩小粒间孔组合;正常粒间孔及粒间扩大溶孔组合;粒间扩大溶孔及铸模孔组合;粒内溶孔及胶结物内溶孔组合,微孔和裂缝与少量原生粒间孔及残余缩小溶孔组合;特殊储层的孔隙组合因储层类型的不同而异,砾岩储层以砾间孔隙+砾间填隙物孔隙为主,安山岩储层为气孔+裂缝或气孔+裂缝+砾(粒)间空隙。  相似文献   

Pore distribution and micro pore-throat structure characteristics are significant for tight oil reservoir evaluation, but their relationship remains unclear. This paper selects the tight sandstone reservoir of the Chang 7 member of the Xin’anbian Block in the Ordos Basin as the research object and analyzes the pore size distribution and micro pore-throat structure using field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM), high-pressure mercury injection(HPMI), highpressure mercury injection, and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) analyses. The study finds that:(1) Based on the pore size distribution, the tight sandstone reservoir is characterized by three main patterns with different peak amplitudes. The former peak corresponds to the nanopore scale, and the latter peak corresponds to the micropore scale. Then, the tight sandstone reservoir is categorized into three types: type 1 reservoir contains more nanopores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 82:18;type 2 reservoir has a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 47:53;and type 3 reservoir contains more micropores with a nanopore-to-micropore volume ratio of 35:65.(2) Affected by the pore size distribution, the throat radius distributions of different reservoir types are notably offset. The type 1 reservoir throat radius distribution curve is weakly unimodal, with a relatively dispersed distribution and peak ranging from 0.01 μm to 0.025 μm. The type 2 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a wide distribution range and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. The type 3 reservoir’s throat radius distribution curve is single-peaked with a relatively narrow distribution and peak from 0.1 μm to 0.25 μm. With increasing micropore volume, pore-throat structure characteristics gradually improve.(3) The correlation between micropore permeability and porosity exceeds that of nanopores, indicating that the development of micropores notably influences the seepage capacity. In the type 1 reservoir, only the mean radius and effective porosity have suitable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities. The pore-throat structure parameters of the type 2 and 3 reservoirs have reasonable correlations with the nanopore and micropore porosities, indicating that the development of these types of reservoirs is affected by the pore size distribution. This study is of great significance for evaluating lacustrine tight sandstone reservoirs in China. The research results can provide guidance for evaluating tight sandstone reservoirs in other regions based on pore size distribution.  相似文献   

王瑞飞  陈明强  孙卫 《地质论评》2008,54(2):270-277
通过物性分析、扫描电镜、铸体薄片、高压压汞技术对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组沿25、庄40、庄19三个区块超低渗透砂岩储层样品进行分析测试,研究其微观孔隙结构特征。研究表明,超低渗透砂岩储层岩石孔隙结构非均质性强,孔隙喉道类型多样是储层渗透性差的主要原因;孔喉分选系数在2.0~2.5之间、变异系数在0.1~0.2之间物性较好;较大孔喉是决定和改善储层渗透性的重要因素,细小孔道对储层储集能力的贡献较大,储层微裂缝较为发育。储层物性参数的差异、孔喉特征参数的差异等,均归因于微观孔隙结构的差异。  相似文献   

CO2驱油是提高特低渗、超低渗油藏驱油效率的重要途径,但目前由于匮乏CO2驱油微观可视化实验技术,制约了CO2驱油微观机理研究及驱油效果评价。本研究提出特低、超低渗油藏高温高压下CO2驱油微观可视化实验技术,为该类油藏CO2驱油机理研究提供良好的研究手段。以鄂尔多斯盆地超低渗储层为例,利用首次研制成功的高温、高压、防暴真实砂岩模型,成功进行了CO2驱油微观可视化实验研究,首次镜下观察不同相态CO2在超低渗储层复杂孔喉中驱替原油的动态现象,重新认识超低渗油藏注CO2驱油时不同孔喉结构中CO2赋存状态和渗流规律。结果表明,储层微观孔喉结构,尤其是孔喉大小分布的均匀程度,对CO2驱油效率的重要影响超出预期,直接决定着CO2能否进入储层以及其后的渗流路径。CO2驱油微观可视化实验技术可有效进行CO2驱油微观机理研究及驱油效果评价研究,并为后期进行油藏矿场试验提供指导意见。  相似文献   

In this study, X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption (N2A), and mercury intrusion (MI) experiments were used to investigate the influence of acid treatment on pore structure and fractal characterization of tight sandstones. The results showed that acid treatment generated a certain number of ink-bottle pores in fine sandstone, aggravated the ink-bottle effect in the sandy mudstone, and transformed some smaller pores into larger ones. After the acid treatment, both the pore volume in the range of 2–11 nm and 0.271–8 μm for the fine sandstone and the entire pore size range for the sandy mudstone significantly increased. The dissolution of sandstone cement causes the fine sandstone particles to fall off and fill the pores; the porosity increased at first but then decreased with acid treatment time. The fractal dimension obtained using the Frenkel-Halsey-Hill model was positively correlated with acid treatment time. However, the total fractal dimensions obtained by MI tests showed different changes with acid treatment time in fine sandstone and sandy mudstone. These results provide good guiding significance for reservoir acidification stimulation.  相似文献   

Deeply buried Lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike sandstones are important gas exploration targets in the Kelasu thrust belt, Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin in China. The sandstones are characterized by low porosity, low permeability and strong microscopic heterogeneity due to diagenesis during their geologic history. Mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical analyses combined with high‐pressure mercury injection analysis have been used to investigate the diagenesis, diagenetic minerals, and their impact on reservoir quality. This article addresses the controls exerted by depositional parameters and diagenetic modifications on pore‐network characteristics (porosity, pore types, sizes, shapes, and distribution), with the aim to unravel the formation mechanisms of this complex pore structures, and to improve the characterization and classification evaluation for the Bashijiqike sandstone reservoirs. The Bashijiqike sandstones are dominated by lithic arkoses and feldspathic litharenite. The pore system consists of intergranular macropores, intergranular micropores, and intragranular pores. Framework grains are generally heavily compacted. Authigenic quartz, authigenic feldspar, clay minerals and carbonates are the major pore‐filling constituents. The pore structure is characterized by small pore radius and poor interconnectivity. Entry pressure reflects the microscopic pore network and macroscopic reservoir property characteristics. Pore structure characteristics are linked to the depositional parameters, type and degree of diagenesis. Clays do not control reservoir pore networks alone, and pores and pore throats are wider in coarser grained sandstones. Entry pressure decreases with the content of the rigid quartz. Compaction and cementation continue to decrease the pore‐throat size, while dissolution enlarges pores and pore‐throats radius. Considerable amounts of microporosity associated with clay minerals and altered grains contribute to the high entry pressure. Comprehensive Coefficient of Diagenesis (CCD), which considers the integrative effect of diagenesis, shows strong statistical correlations with entry pressure. CCD is an integrative modulus of diagenesis and physical property, and generally the higher the values are, the better the pore structure. It is suitable for quantitatively characterizing pore structure in tight gas sandstones. The results of this work can help assess pore‐network characteristics like the Bashijiqike sandstones which had experienced strong diagenetic modifications during their geological history.  相似文献   

利用数字图像分析法对南堡地区碳酸盐岩储层的孔隙结构参数进行定量求取,明确了不同类型孔隙的孔隙结构参数特征,分析了孔隙结构特征对储层物性的影响,并应用优选出的孔隙结构参数建立碳酸盐岩储层物性预测模型。结果表明:研究区内碳酸盐岩储层的储集空间以次生孔隙为主,为一套典型的孔隙型储层。应用孔隙结构参数可以较好的区分铸模孔、粒间孔、粒内孔和晶间孔等孔隙类型,其中铸模孔呈较低的平均等效直径与高的宽纵比,粒间孔以高等效直径25%为特征,粒内孔对应最低的比表面、最高的等效直径标准差,晶间孔比表面较高且宽纵比分布范围局限。等效直径、形状因子、球度和宽纵比等参数对储层物性的影响显著。分别针对孔隙度和渗透率,在提取的28项孔隙结构参数中优选出6种相关性高的参数,并应用多元线性回归方法分别进行拟合。验证结果显示拟合公式具有较高的可信度,且渗透率(R^2=0.916)优于孔隙度(R^2=0.778)。该方法可为研究区及其他地区的孔隙型碳酸盐岩储层评价研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为全面表征缝洞型碳酸盐岩气藏多类型储集层的孔隙结构特征及储渗能力,借助多种测试技术对四川盆地高石梯-磨溪地区灯四段储集层样品进行分析与研究。首先利用铸体薄片和扫描电镜技术定性刻画了储集层的岩性、物性、储集空间和喉道特征,然后根据高压压汞得到的毛管压力曲线对储集层进行分类,最后基于多尺度CT扫描定量表征了3类样品的二维、三维孔隙结构特征。结果表明:研究区储集空间既有受组构控制的粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔和晶间溶孔等,又有不受组构控制的溶洞、溶缝和构造缝;喉道以缩颈、片状和管束状为主;根据毛管压力曲线特征,储集层可划分为缝洞型、孔洞型和孔隙型;缝洞型大孔隙与溶洞发育,分布均匀且连通性好,喉道粗大且数量较多,微裂缝与溶洞串接呈串珠状分布,沟通了孤立的储集空间,具有最好的储渗能力;孔洞型多尺度孔隙与溶洞发育,储集能力强,喉道粗大但数量较少,连通性较差,各储集空间无法有效沟通,渗流能力受限;孔隙型细小孔隙发育且分布不均,大部分区域被岩石骨架占据,喉道数量少且连通性极差,储渗能力弱。  相似文献   

煤层气开发过程中储层应力的变化对束缚水饱和度有重要影响。通过对不同煤阶煤储层的煤样进行覆压低场核磁共振系列实验,采用谱图形态经验判定法对核磁T2截止值进行标定,在此基础上分析了不同煤阶储层束缚水饱和度随应力的变化规律,并对保德和韩城区块的束缚水饱和度开展了动态计算。实验结果表明:束缚水饱和度具有较强的应力敏感性,并且在有效应力增加初期变化最为强烈;由于孔隙结构的差异,这种应力敏感性在保德区块表现得更为强烈。动态预测结果表明:由于保德区块储层埋深变化范围较小,其初始束缚水饱和度受埋深影响的总变化量小于韩城区块;埋深较浅的储层束缚水饱和度在开发过程中的应力敏感性更强,但开发过程进行到末期后,束缚水饱和度总的增加幅度基本一致。  相似文献   

The organic-rich shale of the Shanxi and Taiyuan Formation of the Lower Permian deposited in a marine-continental transitional environment are well developed in the Ordos Basin, NW China, which is considered to contain a large amount of shale hydrocarbon resources. This study takes the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale collected from well SL# in the Ordos Basin, NW China as an example to characterize the transitional shale reservoir. Based on organic geochemistry data, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) observations, the desorbed gas contents of this transitional shale were systematically studied and the shale gas potential was investigated. The results indicate that the Lower Permian Shanxi and Taiyuan shale has a relatively high total organic carbon (TOC) (average TOC of 4.9%) and contains type III kerogen with a high mature to over mature status. XRD analyses show that an important characteristic of the shale is that clay and brittle minerals of detrital origin comprise the major mineral composition of the marine-continental transitional shale samples, while the percentages of carbonate minerals, pyrite and siderite are relatively small. FE-SEM observations reveal that the mineral matrix pores are the most abundant in the Lower Permian shale samples, while organic matter (OM) pores are rarely developed. Experimental analysis suggests that the mineral compositions mainly govern the macropore development in the marine-continental transitional shale, and mineral matrix pores and microfractures are considered to provide space for gas storage and migration. In addition, the desorption experiments demonstrated that the marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration, ranging from 0.53 to 2.86 m3/t with an average value of 1.25m3/t, which is in close proximity to those of terrestrial shale (1.29 m3/t) and marine shale (1.28 m3/t). In summary, these results demonstrated that the Lower Permian marine-continental transitional shale in the Ordos Basin has a significantly potential for shale gas exploration.  相似文献   

储层孔隙特征和孔隙结构是影响页岩气赋存与储集的重要因素。为评价海陆过渡相高演化煤系页岩储层性质与页岩气储集性能,应用扫描电子显微镜、高压压汞、低温N2和 CO2气体吸附、微米CT扫描、核磁共振实验方法,对沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩气储层孔隙微观特征和孔隙结构进行了研究。结果表明,沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩样品中发育多种类型微观孔隙,常见粒间孔、粒内孔和微裂缝,有机质孔几乎不发育;武乡区块煤系页岩气储层样品孔隙总孔容分布在0.021 9~0.073 5 mL/g之间,平均值为0.039 9 mL/g,总比表面积主要分布在11.94~46.83 m2/g之间,平均为29.16 m2/g,其中介孔(2~50 nm)和微孔(<2 nm)是煤系页岩气储集的主要载体。煤系页岩中的高配位数孔隙数量越多,相应的孔容和孔比表面积越大,孔隙连通性越好;在孔隙数量和总孔容相差不大的前提下,山西组煤系页岩储层孔隙结构与连通性比太原组煤系页岩稍好。  相似文献   

玛湖凹陷斜坡区三叠系百口泉组属于致密砂砾岩储层,为讨论该套储层的孔隙结构类型及其与含油性的关系,利用铸体薄片、高压压汞、核磁共振、可视化水驱油等实验方法对研究区内岩石学特征、孔隙结构特征、渗流特征及含油性方面进行研究。结果表明:砂砾岩储层孔隙类型可分为剩余粒间孔、粒内溶孔、晶间孔及微裂缝;孔隙喉道类型主要为片状和点状吼道,以及管束状吼道等;综合两者关系由好到差将研究层段的孔隙结构划分为4类,随着孔隙结构的由好变差其含油性逐渐变差,渗流能力也对应变差。  相似文献   

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