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Reproductive data were collected on 4,595 cow exposures and subsequent calvings over four generations in a rotational crossbreeding study involving Angus, Brahman, Charolais and Hereford breeds. Direct and maternal additive (Ig and Mg) and nonadditive (Ih and Mh) genetic effects were estimated for calving rate, calf survival, weaning rate, calving assistance and calf birth date. Genetic effects were estimated by regressing individual animal response on the proportion of genes from breed of origin and gene combinations expected for the four breeds in offspring and in dams. Breed direct and maternal additive and nonadditive genetic effects were expressed as a deviation from the least squares mean. Brahman Ig effects decreased calving and weaning rate (-9.5 +/- 4.0 and -11.8 +/- 4.4%) but Mh effects for weaning rate that included Brahman were positive, ranging from 16.5 +/- 6.7% for Angus-Brahman to 27.8 +/- 6.9% for Brahman-Hereford. The Brahman Ig effect delayed calf birth date (9.8 +/- 2.1 d; P less than .01), whereas Angus and Hereford Ig effects influenced earlier calf birth dates (-4.3 +/- 1.9 and -4.1 +/- 1.9 d; P less than .05). Brahman combination Mh effects also influenced earlier calf birth dates (P less than .01). The Charolais Ig effect for calving assistance was positive (4.3 +/- 1.9%; P less than .05), whereas Angus-Brahman and Brahman-Charolais Mh effects for calving assistance were negative (-6.5 +/- 3.2 and -7.0 +/- 3.2%; P less than .05) and more desirable. Predicted reproductive traits for rotational mating systems were intermediate between predicted reproductive traits for two- and three-breed terminal crosses. Predicted calving and weaning rates were maximized when Brahaman first-cross and Charolais-Hereford cows were used in three-breed cross mating systems.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the influence of clinical mastitis and time of first mastitis occurrence on reproductive and milk performance of Holstein cows. Data were collected in a dairy farm from 2008 to 2012 on 1725 cows, among which 464 cows with mastitis. To determine the influence of clinical mastitis on reproductive and milk performance, models included fixed effects of parity, calving season, calving year, and group (cows with and with no mastitis). To determine the effect of time of 1st mastitis occurrence on reproductive performance, the mastitic cows group was further reclassified into three groups: prior to 60 days, between 60 and 90 days and greater than 90 days postpartum. For milk performance, the mastitic cows group was divided into two groups: before and after peak milk yield. Clinical mastitis had significant effects on calving to first AI interval, milk yield, and fat yield, but a non-significant effect on days open, number of inseminations per conception, and milk fat percentage. Mastitic cows had a calving to first AI interval 6.1 days longer and 549.6 kg milk and 20.4 kg fat per 305 days of lactation lower than those with no mastitis. Time of 1st mastitis occurrence did not have any significant effect on reproductive performance. Further, milk and fat yields of cows diseased before peak milk yield were 506 kg and 23.9 kg, respectively, lower than those of cows affected after peak milk yield. Extra attention needs to be paid to mastitis during the early postpartum period.


Information about genetic parameters is essential for selection decisions and genetic evaluation. These estimates are population specific; however, there are few studies with dairy cattle populations reared under tropical and sub‐tropical conditions. Thus, the aim was to obtain estimates of heritability and genetic correlations for milk yield and quality traits using pedigree and genomic information from a Holstein population maintained in a tropical environment. Phenotypic records (n = 36 457) of 4203 cows as well as the genotypes for 57 368 single nucleotide polymorphisms from 755 of these cows were used. Covariance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method under a mixed animal model, considering a pedigree‐based relationship matrix or a combined pedigree‐genomic matrix. High heritabilities (around 0.30) were estimated for lactose and protein content in milk whereas moderate values (between 0.19 and 0.26) were obtained for percentages of fat, saturated fatty acids and palmitic acid in milk. Genetic correlations ranging from −0.38 to −0.13 were determined between milk yield and composition traits. The smaller estimates compared to other similar studies can be due to poor environmental conditions, which may reduce genetic variability. These results highlight the importance in using genetic parameters estimated in the population under evaluation for selection decisions.  相似文献   

The intrabreed and interbreed genetic diversity of Lithuanian cattle breeds - two native, namely Lithuanian Light Grey and Lithuanian White-Backed and two modern, namely Lithuanian Red and Lithuanian Black and White was investigated by determination of genetic markers: 4 milk protein systems, Alpha(s1)-casein, Kappa-casein, Beta-casein and Beta-lactoglobulin, which are comprised of 12 different milk protein types. According to results, the B type of Alpha(s1)-casein was found as predominant in all four studied breeds. The most common A and B types of Kappa-casein were found at high frequency in all investigated cattle breeds. All investigated Lithuanian dairy cattle breeds had high frequency of Beta-lactoglobulin whey protein B types, with the highest frequency in Lithuanian Red breed, and the lowest in Lithuanian Light Grey. After investigation the diversity of alleles and genotypes of milk proteins in Lithuanian dairy cattle breeds was determined that, Lithuanian Red breed was distinguished private C allele and BC genotype of Beta-lactoglobulin and CC genotype of Alpha(s1)-casein. The interbreed genetic diversity was estimated by a principal component analysis (PCA). The first principal component (PC) explains 63.39% and the second principal component (PC) explains 33.67% of the genetics diversity between the breeds. Principal component analysis, suggests the hypothesis that native Lithuanian White Backed and Lithuanian Light Grey breeds still have traits tracing to old native populations.  相似文献   

Breed additive and non-additive effects, and heritabilities of birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), 6 months weight (SMWT), yearling weight (YWT), eighteen months weight (EWT), 2 years weight (TWT) and average daily weight gain from birth to 6 months (ADG1) and from 6 months to 2 years (ADG2) were estimated in Ethiopian Boran (B) cattle and their crosses with Holstein Friesian (F) in central Ethiopia. The data analysed were spread over 15 years. Ethiopian Boran were consistently lighter (p < 0.01) than the B-F crosses at all ages. Ethiopian Boran also gained lower weight than all the crosses. At birth, 50% F crosses were significantly (p < 0.01) lighter than all the other crosses. However, the differences in SMWT, YWT, EWT, TWT, ADG1 and ADG2 were all non-significant among the crosses. The individual additive breed differences between B and F breeds were positive and significant (p < 0.01) for all traits. The individual heterosis effects were significant (p < 0.05) for all traits except WWT for which the effect was non-significant. The maternal heterosis effects were significant (p < 0.01) for BWT (2.5 kg) and WWT (-3.0 kg). The heritability estimates for all traits in B and crosses were generally moderate to high indicating that there is scope for genetic improvement through selection. Selection within B and crossbreeding should be the strategy to enhance the growth performance under such production systems.  相似文献   

Summary Data on reproductive performance of the White Fulani (Bunaji) cattle in Southern Nigeria were analysed. Age at first calving, first and overall calving intervals averaged 4·03±0·43 years, 436·19±9·32 and 420·98±4·11 days respectively. The year of birth significantly affected age at first calving and calving interval (P<0·01) but the season of birth had significant effect only on calving interval (P<0·05). In addition the age of the dam also affected the calving interval (P<0·05) but the sex of the calf nursed had no effect. Heritability estimates from half-sib analysis were 0·01±0·03, 0·26±0·10 and 0·28±0·08 respectively for age at first calving, first and overall calving intervals. Low repeatability estimates were obtained for calving intervals.
Resumen Se analizaren datos pertinentes a la función reproductiva de ganado Fulani Blanco (Bunaji) en el sur de Nigeria. La edad al primer parto, el primer intervalo entre partos y el general premediaron 4.03±0.43 a?os, 436.19±9.32 y 420.98±4.11 dias respectivamente. El a?o de nacimiento afectó significantivamente la edad al primer parto y el intervalo de partos (P<0.01), pero la estación de nacimiento tuvo un efecto significativo solamente en intervalo de partos (P<0.05). Adicionalmente, la edad de la madre tambien afectó el intervalo de partos (P<0.05), pero el sexo del recien nacido no tuvo efecto alguno. Los estimativos hereditarios provenientes del análisis medio-sib fueron 0.01±0.03, 0.26±0.10 y 0.28±0.08 respectivamente para edad al primer parto, primer intervalo entre partos y el intervalo general. Se obtuvieron estimativos bajos de repetivilidad de los intervalos entre partos.

Résumé Les données sur la fonction reproductrice du bétail White Fulani (Bunaji) du sud Nigéria ont été analysées. L’age au premier vêlage et les intervalles entre le premier vêlage et les suivants ont été respectivement de 4,03±0,43 ans, de 436,19±9,32 jours et de 420,98±4,11 jours. L’année de naissance affecte de manière significative l’age au premier vêlage et l’intervalle entre les vêlages (P<0,01) mais la saison de naissance n’a d’effet significatif que pour l’intervalle entre vêlage (P<,05). De plus l’age de la mère affecte également l’intervalle entre vêlage (P<0,05) mais le sexe du veau élevé ne joue pas de r?le. Les estimations d’héritabilité des analyses chez les demi-frères ont été respectivement de 0,01±0,03, de 0,26±0,10 et de 0,28±0,08 pour l’age au premier vêlage et les intervalles entre le premier vêlage et les suivants. On n’a observé qu’une faible réceptivité pour les intervalles entre vêlages.

试验旨在研究中国荷斯坦牛Toll样受体4(toll-like receptor 4,TLR4)基因的遗传多态性及其与体细胞评分(somatic cell score,SCS)的关联性,寻找与乳房炎相关的分子标记,加快中国荷斯坦牛的抗病育种。利用PCR-RFLP和PCR-SSCP技术对30个公牛家系的610头中国荷斯坦牛TLR4基因进行多态性检测,用最小二乘均数法对TLR4基因的多态位点与SCS进行相关分析。结果发现,试验共检测到2个单核苷酸多态(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs),TLR4基因5'侧翼区存在SNP -226 G>C突变,经PCR-RFLP检测发现3种基因型:GG、GC和CC,基因型频率分别为0.208、0.482和0.310;外显子3存在SNP 1760 C>T突变,经PCR-SSCP检测发现3种基因型:CC、TC和TT,基因型频率分别为0.738、0.225和0.007,以上2位点均偏离Hardy-Weinberg 平衡。对于SNP -226 G>C位点,基因型个体的SCS差异不显著;对于SNP 1760 C>T位点,CC基因型个体的SCS最小二乘均值极显著低于TT和TC基因型个体(P<0.01)。SNP 1760 C>T的CC基因型对于中国荷斯坦牛的SCS有较大的遗传效应,可作为分子标记应用于奶牛乳房炎抗性筛选。  相似文献   

本文利用PCR-RFLP技术,检测了中国南方荷斯坦牛κ-酪蛋白(κ-casein,κ-CN)基因第四、第五外显子的遗传多态性.结果表明:κ-CN基因第四、第五外显子均存在遗传多态性,第四外显子上存在突变位点g.13100A>C,第五外显子上存在突变位点g.15153 T>C.第四外显子有两种基因型(AA,AB),等位基因频率分别为0.9379和0.0621,第五外显子有三种基因型(AA,BB,AB),等位基因频率分别为0.6512和0.3488.κ-CN两个外显子PCR-RFLP位点的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定理(P>0.05).κ-CN基因第四、第五外显子座位的多态信息含量分别为0.1097和0.3511,第四外显子呈现低度多态,第五外显子呈现中度多态;其杂合度、有效等位基因数分别为0.1165、1.1318和0.4543、1.8324.  相似文献   

本文利用PCR-RFLP技术,检测了中国南方荷斯坦牛κ-酪蛋白(κ-casein,κ-CN)基因第4、第5外显子的遗传多态性。结果表明:κ-CN基因第4、第5外显子均存在遗传多态性,第4外显子上存在突变位点g.10943A〉C,第5外显子上存在突变位点g.15153T〉C。第4外显子有两种基因型(AA,AB),等位基因频率分别为0.9379和0.0621,第5外显子有三种基因型(AA,BB,AB),等位基因频率分别为0.6512和0.3488。κ-CN两个外显子PCR-RFLP位点的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律(p〉0.05)。κ-CN基因第4、第5外显子座位的多态信息含量分别为0.1097和0.3511,第4外显子呈现低度多态,第5外显子呈现中度多态;其杂合度、有效等位基因数分别为0.1165、1.1318和0.4543、1.8324。  相似文献   

Complement component 4 (C4A) is a candidate gene that reflects complement activity. The primary role of this gene in the classical and lectin-activation pathways is to provide protection against bacterial pathogens. In the current study, the bovine complement C4A gene was screened for polymorphisms, and the associations of these polymorphisms with the hemolytic activity of the classical pathway (CH50), C4 serum levels, and milk performance traits were examined. Three novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms (rs 132741478: g.2994 A>G, rs 134006517: g.3508 A>G, and rs 137485678: g.3649 G>C) were detected by DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP in 1182 Chinese Holstein cows. The rs 132741478: g.2994 A>G mutation in exon 10 led to methionine and valine exchange at position 362, whereas rs 134006517: g.3508 A>G and rs 137485678: g.3649 G>C were synonymous substitutions. The statistical analyses revealed that cows with rs 132741478: g.2994 A>G-AG and rs 137485678: g.3649 G>C-CC have significantly lower somatic cell scores (SCS, P<0.01). Homozygote cows with GAC haplotypes have the lowest SCS, whereas AAG/AAC cows have the highest. The serum concentration of C4 by ELISA and the hemolytic and antibacterial activity of CH50 were also evaluated in the current study. The results confirmed that rs 132741478: g.2994 A>G in the coding sequence of the β-chain of the bovine C4A gene is related to mastitis resistance. This polymorphism may be very important in marker-assisted selections in dairy cattle breeding programs.  相似文献   


Toll like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition molecules involved in cellular recognition of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the infectious agent causing Paratuberculosis (PTB), a notified disease of domestic and wild ruminants. The present study was undertaken to investigate the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR2 and TLR4 gene and to evaluate association of these SNPs with occurrence of PTB in Indian cattle. A total of 213 cattle, were subjected to multiple diagnostic tests viz. Johnin PPD, ELISA test (Indigenous and Parachek kit method), fecal microscopy and fecal culture for detection of MAP infection. Based on screening results 51 animals each were assigned to case and control population. Two SNPs viz. rs55617172, rs41830058 in TLR2 gene and two SNPs viz. rs8193046, rs8193060 in TLR4 gene and were genotyped by PCR-RFLP method. All SNPs were found to be polymorphic except rs41830058 in the case-control population. Both SNPs in TLR4 gene but none in TLR2 genes were significantly associated with the occurrence of PTB in our population. The genotypes in SNP rs8193046 and SNP rs8193060 were significantly (P?<?0.01) different in case-control population. These findings suggest that SNPs rs8193046 and rs8193060 are likely a potential marker against MAP infection and a selection programme eliminating AG genotype for rs8193046 and CT genotype for rs8193060 might be beneficial in conferring resistance to MAP infection in Indian cattle population.


Summary Reproductive and lactational performances, including length of productive life, were evaluated from records for 1960 to 1988 for a Jersey herd in coastal lowland semi-humid Kenya. The herd grazed natural pastures and until the mid 1970s received supplementary feeding. Mean performance included 31 months age at first calving, lactation milk yield (MY) of 1,788 kg in 3·3 lactations and a calving interval (CI) of 408 days. Mean milk yields declined from over 2,200 kg in the 1960s to about 1,500 kg in the 1980s with concomitant changes in calving interval, length of productive life and infertility. While annual genetic components of change in MY and CI were not significantly different from zero, the environmental components were large and significant (P<0·01) showing that the declines in performance probably resulted from decreased feed availability and less efficient disease control. Estimates of genetic parameters were consistent with those in the literature. With good management purebred Jersey cows in coastal lowland semi-humid Kenya were productive, but animal and herd productivity were highly dependent on management level which had a major effect on both milk yield and reproductive wastage.
Resumen Se evaluaron los parámetros lactacionales y reproductivos, incluyendo la duración de la vida productiva, de un hato Jersey, desde 1960 hasta 1988, en las tierras bajas semihúmedas de Kenia. El hato estuvo en pasturas naturale y recibió alimentación suplementaria hasta la segunda mitad de la década 1970. La media productiva incluyó 31 meses de edad al primer parto, producciones de leche de 1,788 kg en 3·3 lactaciones y un intervalo entre partos de 408 días. Los promedios lactacionales declinaron de 2,200 kg en los a?os 60 a 1,500 kg en los 80, con cambios asocidos en el intervalo entre partos, duración de la vida productiva e infertilidad. Mientras que los componentes genéticos anuales de cambio, relacionados con la producción láctea y el intervalo entre partos, no fueron significativamente diferentes de cero, los componentes ambientales fueron significativos (P<0·01), mostrando que la disminución en productividad, probablemente se debió a la escasez de alimentos y al pobre control de enfermedades. La determinación de los parámetros genéticos, fueron consistentes con aquellos descritos en la literatura. Con un buen manejo, las Jersey en éste ecosistema fueron productivas, sin embargo altamente dependientes del manejo, el que tuvo el principal efecto en la producción de leche y en la reproducción.

Résumé Les auteurs ont évalué les performances de reproduction et de lactation y compris la durée de la vie productive d'un troupeau jersiais élevé en zone cotière semi humide au Kenya, à partir de données rassemblées de 1960 à 1988. Le troupeau paturait en parcours naturels. Jusqu'au milieu des années 1970, il a re?u des compléments alimentaires. La moyenne des performances a comporté 31 mois au premier vêlage, un rendement en lait par lactation de 1,788 kg en 3,3 lactations et un intervalle de vêlage de 408 jours. Les rendements laitiers moyens sont tombés de plus de 2200 kg dans la décennie de 1960 à environ 1,500 kg dans les années 1980 avec des changements corrélatifs dans l'intervalle des vêlages, la durée de la vie productive et l'infertilité. Alors que les paramètres génetiques annuels du changement pour le rendement en lait et l'intervalle des vêlages n'étaient pas significativement différents de zéro, les facteurs du milieu étaient devenus importants et significatifs (P<0,01), montrant par là que le déclin des performances résultait probablement d'une réduction du disponible alimentaire et d'un contr?le sanitaire moins efficace. Les estimations des paramètres génétiques ont été cohérentes avec celles de la littérature. Dans le cadre d'une bonne gestion, les jersiais de pure race en milieu c?tier semi humide de basse altitude du Kenya étaient des animaux productifs mais leur productivité et celle du troupeau dépendaient étroitement du niveau de gestion et de sa qualité, facteurs dont les effets se sont révélés prépondérants à la fois sur le rendement laitier et sur les pertes en matière de reproduction.

Lactation traits and reproductive performance of three trials of crossing Holstein cattle (H) and German Friesians (F) raised in a hot climatic were evaluated. The first 90-day (M90), 305-day (M305) and total milk yield (TMY), 305-day milk yield per day of calving interval (MCI1), total milk yield per day of calving interval (MCI2) along with length of lactation period (LP), age at first calving (AC1) and calving interval (CI) were used. For these traits, a genetic model was applied for each trial separately to obtain estimates of individual (GI) and maternal (GM) additive effects, individual (HI) and maternal (HM) heterosis and individual recombination effect (RI). Data of 8045 normal lactations from the three trials were analysed. Among the crossbreds obtained in the three trials, cows of ¾H¼F ranked first in their lactational performance. Estimates of GI and GM were generally large and in favour of H cows (daughters) and dams for most milk-yield traits, CI and AC1 in the three trials. Estimates of HI in crossbred cows for milk traits, CI and AC1 were mostly negative and reveal that crossing F with H was associated with a reduction in milk-yield traits, shorter CI and earlier AC1 along with longer LP in the three trials. Estimates of HM for milk yields, LP, AC1 and CI in daughters of crossbred dams were mostly negative. Recombination losses in crossbred cows were negative for milk-yield traits, AC1 and CI in most cases.  相似文献   

Lactation traits and reproductive performance of three trials of crossing Holstein cattle (H) and German Friesians (F) raised in a hot climatic were evaluated. The first 90‐day (M90), 305‐day (M305) and total milk yield (TMY), 305‐day milk yield per day of calving interval (MCI1), total milk yield per day of calving interval (MCI2) along with length of lactation period (LP), age at first calving (AC1) and calving interval (CI) were used. For these traits, a genetic model was applied for each trial separately to obtain estimates of individual (GI) and maternal (GM) additive effects, individual (HI) and maternal (HM) heterosis and individual recombination effect (RI). Data of 8045 normal lactations from the three trials were analysed. Among the crossbreds obtained in the three trials, cows of 3/4H 1/4F) ranked first in their lactational performance. Estimates of GI and GM were generally large and in favour of H cows (daughters) and dams for most milk‐yield traits, CI and AC1 in the three trials. Estimates of HI in crossbred cows for milk traits, CI and AC1 were mostly negative and reveal that crossing F with H was associated with a reduction in milk‐yield traits, shorter CI and earlier AC1 along with longer LP in the three trials. Estimates of HM for milk yields, LP, AC1 and CI in daughters of crossbred dams were mostly negative. Recombination losses in crossbred cows were negative for milk‐yield traits, AC1 and CI in most cases.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of milk, fat, and protein yields, fat and protein contents, somatic cell count, and 17 groups and individual milk fatty acid (FA) contents predicted by mid‐infrared spectrometry for first‐, second‐ and third‐parity Holstein cows. Edited data included records collected in the Walloon region of Belgium from 37 768 cows in parity 1, 22 566 cows in parity 2 and 8221 in parity 3. A total of 69 (23 traits for three parities) single‐trait random regression animal test‐day models were run. Approximate genetic correlations among traits were inferred from pairwise regressions among estimated breeding values of cow having observations. Heritability and genetic correlation estimates from this study reflected the origins of FA: de novo synthetized or originating from the diet and the body fat mobilization. Averaged daily heritabilities of FA contents in milk ranged between 0.18 and 0.47. Average daily genetic correlations (averaged across days in milk and parities) among groups and individual FA contents in milk ranged between 0.31 and 0.99. The genetic variability of FAs in combination with the moderate to high heritabilities indicated that FA contents in milk could be changed by genetic selection; however, desirable direction of change in these traits remains unclear and should be defined with respect to all issues of importance related to milk FA.  相似文献   

Schmallenberg virus (SBV), a novel orthobunyavirus that rapidly spread throughout north-western Europe in 2011, caused congenital malformations in lambs and goat kids (Van den Brom et al., 2012) and newborn calves (Hoffmann et al., 2012). The impact of the SBV epidemic seemed limited however, in terms of the number of affected herds with malformed offspring (European Food Safety Authority, 2012b). Nevertheless, little is known with regard to the overall within-herd impact of SBV infection. The objective of the current study was to quantify the impact of the 2011 SBV epidemic on the productivity of dairy cattle in the Netherlands and the district of Kleve, Germany.  相似文献   

The association between sole ulcer found at routine claw trimming 2–6 months after calving and reproductive, health and productive traits in the same lactation, was investigated in an observational study of 2368 dairy cows in 102 Swedish herds. The data were analysed by mixed multivariable linear-, logistic- and Poisson-regression modelling at the cow level, accounting for clustering within herd. Associations were found between sole ulcer and first-service conception risk in the first study year (OR 0.59), calving interval (2% longer), treatment for anoestrus (OR 1.61), and 305-day milk yield (479 kg ECM higher). No associations could be shown between sole ulcer and first-service conception risk in the second study year, the number of services per conception, clinical mastitis, high milk somatic-cell counts or culling.  相似文献   

dDietary protein and dairy cow fertility. Feeding more dietary protein has been negatively associated with dairy cow fertility in some but not all studies. We used meta-analysis to examine the relationship between dietary crude protein and conception rate. While a higher intake of dietary crude protein significantly lowered conception rate, the potential for feeding less degradable dietary protein to modify this relationship was not demonstrated.

dMilk urea concentrations and dairy cow fertility. The use of milk urea as an indicator of dietary energy and protein intake and as an indictor of reproductive performance has been questioned. We found that changes in urea concentration in body fluids explained only 25% (p = 0.08) of the variance in conception rate after conducting a meta-analysis of available studies.

dInterpretation of milk urea concentrations. High intakes of dietary protein may induce adaptations in urea metabolism, and the negative relationship identified between high intakes of dietary protein and fertility for Northern Hemisphere dairy herds may not necessarily apply in Australasian dairy herds. Because of the potential for cows to adapt to high protein diets, the use of a single milk urea determination on a herd will have limited value as an indicator of nutritional status and little value as a predictor of fertility.  相似文献   

DIETARY PROTEIN AND DAIRY COW FERTILITY: Feeding more dietary protein has been negatively associated with dairy cow fertility in some but not all studies. We used meta-analysis to examine the relationship between dietary crude protein and conception rate. While a higher intake of dietary crude protein significantly lowered conception rate, the potential for feeding less degradable dietary protein to modify this relationship was not demonstrated. MILK UREA CONCENTRATIONS AND DAIRY COW FERTILITY: The use of milk urea as an indicator of dietary energy and protein intake and as an indicator of reproductive performance has been questioned. We found that changes in urea concentration in body fluids explained only 25% (p = 0.08) of the variance in conception rate after conducting a meta-analysis of available studies. INTERPRETATION OF MILK UREA CONCENTRATIONS: High intakes of dietary protein may induce adaptations in urea metabolism, and the negative relationship identified between high intakes of dietary protein and fertility for Northern Hemisphere dairy herds may not necessarily apply in Australasian dairy herds. Because of the potential for cows to adapt to high protein diets, the use of a single milk urea determination on a herd will have limited value as an indicator of nutritional status and little value as a predictor of fertility.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects of oral Ca bolus administration in the early postpartum period of cows on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites, early-lactation health status, and reproductive performance.

METHODS: Multiparous Holstein dry cows (n=66) with a mean parity of 3.1 (SD 0.35) were fed a diet with a positive dietary cation–anion difference (DCAD) prior to calving. They were randomly assigned to receive no treatment (Control; n=33) or two oral Ca boluses (n=33, 45?g of Ca per bolus); one was administered immediately after calving (Day 0) and the second 24 hours (±30 minutes) later. Blood samples were collected at calving, and on Days 2 and 7 to determine concentrations in serum of Ca, P, Mg, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), and β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA). Milk yield was recorded daily and milk composition was determined weekly from calving until 28 day postpartum. Health and outcomes were determined during the first 30 days postpartum and reproductive outcomes to 180 days postpartum.

RESULTS: Mean milk yields and composition over the first month of lactation were similar between cows in the two treatment groups (p>0.1). Mean concentrations of Ca in serum were not different between treatment groups on Day 0, but were higher on Day 2 for cows that received oral Ca boluses (1.77 (SE 0.07)) compared with Control cows (1.54 (SE 0.08)) (p=0.04). Concentrations in serum of P, Mg, glucose, NEFA and ΒHBA did not differ between treatment groups on any day of measurement. Fewer cows that received oral Ca were diagnosed with hypocalcaemia (total concentrations of Ca in serum <1.5?mmol/L) by Day 2 (2/33; 6%) compared with Control cows (12/33; 36%) (p=0.01). There was no difference in the prevalence of other health outcomes between treatment groups. The proportion of cows conceiving to first insemination was greater in cows that received an oral Ca bolus (19/29; 65%) than Control cows (12/29; 41%) (p=0.01).

CONCLUSIONS: Oral Ca bolus administration increased concentrations of Ca in serum on Day 2 postpartum, and increased first service conception rates, in cows fed a diet with a positive DCAD prior to calving compared to cows that received no oral Ca bolus supplementation. Because of the small number of cows used in this study, further studies in large-scale dairy farms should be carried out to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

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