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日前加速推进的上市国企混合所有制改革,对解决国有企业股权治理结构中长期存在的弊端带来新的生机,但混改带来的股权结构变化,也将导致上市公司治理迎来新的挑战。如何进一步推动公司治理,加强董事会治理的核心作用将成为国企混改后的重中之重。本文旨在抛砖引玉,结合本人在国有企业董事会工作的十几年工作经验及教训,探索在新的股权结构下,国有企业董事会在公司治理方面的关键作用,期望能通过对董事会的运作分析研究,发现找出其中的弊端,并提出相应的处理措施,从而推动国企改革中董事会在公司治理中的积极作用,发挥企业董事会的独立性、积极性、主动性、创造性,激发国有企业活力,更好地推动国有企业改制成功,实现国有资产保值增值,在激烈的市场竞争中发挥国企的优势。  相似文献   

国有企业在国民经济和人民生活中起着重要作用,国有企业分为央企和地方国有企业,央企在法人治理结构方面取得了不错的成绩,但现今大多数地方国有企业虽然也建立了企业法人治理结构,但不足之处还是不容忽视的:大多数地方国有企业缺乏竞争力与创新精神,其重要原因之一是地方国有企业法人治理体系中的决策权和经营权边界不清晰造成的。如何解决该问题,使地方国有企业建立完善的现代企业管理制度是当前必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

我国地方国有"僵尸企业"长期存在、大而不倒,成为各级地方政府进行经济体制改革的首要障碍。"僵尸企业"的成因很多,政府过度干预、公司治理结构畸形、缺乏偿债能力和有效退出机制是地方国有"僵尸企业"频出的主要原因。提出处置地方国有"僵尸企业"的对策:减少政府行政干预,正确引导舆论,完善配套政策措施,分类采取不同措施处置"僵尸国企",或清理退出或兼并重组,最终使地方国企能够真正自主经营、自负盈亏。  相似文献   

混合所有制是不同产权所有者按比例分担收益和风险的原则而建立的,它不仅是"责任分担、利益共享"的新型运营模式,还会进一步激发企业活力,促进国有资本良性流动,从而改善国有经济布局,通过创立现代企业治理结构,提升经济运行效率。介绍了我国国有企业混合所有制改革及治理情况并分析其主要影响因素,探讨了混合所有制改革下公司治理结构设计,提出国企混合所有制改革及优化治理结构措施。  相似文献   

王贤绪 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):210-211
结合我国国有企业公司制改革,在分析我国国有企业公司法人治理结构所存在问题的基础上,提出了健全和完善我国国有企业公司法人治理结构的相关建议和对策,从而提高企业市场竞争力。  相似文献   

随着国企改革的不断深入,国有企业领导班子的激励机制问题备受争议。在激励机制中大多采用物质激励,比如年薪制、股权激励等措施,加之国企与行政直通,一些国企领导班子成员可以进入行政通道,晋升或者平调,进行身份转换。如何采取有效措施规范国有企业领导班子建设,做好激励机制设计显得尤其重要。为此,本文就我国国有企业领导班子激励问题进行分析,提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

员工激励机制是我国国有企业普遍关注的课题,对企业员工进行适当和有效的激励已成为提高我国国有企业竞争力、综合能力的必要选择。本文通过分析当前国有企业激励机制存在的主要问题,有针对性地提出了完善国有企业员工激励机制的途径和措施。  相似文献   

市场经济中的国有企业需要通过不断完善融资结构来促进企业整体治理结构以及经营发展水平的优化与提升,对于企业公司在经济市场中的发展价值实现也有着十分重要的影响意义。国有企业一般通过股权融资方式来构建融资结构,但随着我国经济产业结构调整升级,国有企业公司化改革不断深化,必须以债权融资方式来过渡股权融资,以债券融资市场作为最根本的企业融资途径。文章介绍了目前国有企业的融资表现,指出当前国有企业的融资结构中存在的不足与弊端,最后就如何进一步改革国有企业融资渠道,优化融资结构建设提出相关建议与应用措施。  相似文献   

文章基于我国处于高度变革转型经济以及上市公司大量国有控股的特殊制度环境背景,考察股权性质对财务舞弊与上市公司高管声誉之间关系的影响。研究发现,国有上市企业高管声誉受财务舞弊影响的程度总体上低于民营上市企业,当财务舞弊为非信息披露类或受到监管部门口头处罚类等性质不严重的状况下尤其如此。研究结论对推动我国国有企业公司治理和高管选聘体制改革,充分发挥声誉激励机制对财务舞弊的治理作用具有启示意义。  相似文献   

近年来,政府狠抓国企改革,国企需提高自身的市场竞争力,才能在这场改革中生存下来。因此,全面预算管理对国企的企业管理变得尤为重要,尤其是中小型国企更需要做好全面预算管理对企业内部资源进行优化配置,协调好企业的生产经营活动,增强企业的市场竞争力。本文介绍了企业加强全面预算管理的现实意义,通过对中小型国有企业案例分析,分析了目前企业在全面预算管理方面存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出具体的对策建议。  相似文献   

Affordable housing is of much importance for Chinese subsidized housing. However, the implementation of the affordable housing policy is facing several problems. One crucial problem is that the current policy cannot effectively identify high-income applicants who are not qualified to apply for affordable housing. Based on the theory of incentive mechanism design, this paper reveals that the current allocation institution has no incentive compatibility. To remedy this shortcoming, a new model for the management of affordable housing is established. Finally, an example is given to show how the proposed model can help improve the overall process of managing the allocation of affordable housing in China.  相似文献   

Insofar as the dynamic interaction between construction firms and their external environment is concerned, little empirical work has been done to examine how the external environment as it is perceived by senior executives affects the way firms operate. Results from 526 firms across various construction-related sectors show a link exists between senior executives’ perceived environmental uncertainty and the kinds of activities or strategic functions that firms use. Results also show that while the day-to-day firm support activities are not generally affected by differences in perceived managerial environmental uncertainty, firms do not seem to consistently put more emphasis on strategic functions like long-range planning process, and R&D activities even when the perceived environmental uncertainty is high. The contradictory results indicate that broader industry characteristics might be at play in influencing this lack of innovativeness by firms to pursue high-end strategic functions that could potentially improve the competitiveness of the industry.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the potential of Advanced Communications (ACs) to contribute to regional economic development has been of increasing interest to policy makers. Recent policy in Europe has focused particularly on how ACs can contribute to job creation in peripheral or less favoured regions, through various forms of teleworking. This paper argues that most policy initiatives in this area have been underlain by a conceptual model which assumes that advanced infrastructure and services will contribute to job creation (or preservation) through improving the competitiveness of existing regional firms, particularly SMEs, through enhancing access to core markets. The paper questions the empirical validity of this model and proposes, on the basis of a case study of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, that in reality employment growth is more likely to result from inward investment — from exogenous firms accessing under-utilised regional attributes such as labour supplies — than through growth in indigenous firms.  相似文献   

In the process of promoting the development of a low carbon society, economic incentive policies play an important role. In order to see the effectiveness of implementing the economic incentive policies, we put forward two questions in this study: How effective are economic incentive policies in the building industry in China and Japan? What are the obstacles preventing these policies from being effectively applied and how to overcome them? Considering the energy consumption in the building industry accounts for a significant proportion in both China and Japan, economic incentive policies for promoting building energy saving in the two countries have been chosen as case studies. Policies discussed in this article are divided into national and city levels, in which the city level policy analysis mainly focused on the active Carbon Trading Programs. Methods of stakeholder investigation and literature review are applied in exploring the economic incentive polices' effects and constraints. Based on the outcomes of our research, policy recommendations for overcoming the barriers of economic incentive policies in the building industry are worked out.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, urban conservation has become an important strategy to improve urban competitiveness in the global economy. Insufficient attention has been paid to how urban conservation is governed and funded. Drawing on Lijiang Ancient Town, a Chinese World Heritage city, this study examines the power structure and funding systems of urban conservation, how social groups negotiate with the state in this process, and how this framework of governance and funding fits the general patterns of neoliberalism with Chinese characteristics. It argues that the framework turns urban heritage into a growth machine and strengthens the state’s politico-economic power. It also reveals that the entrepreneurial governance strategies are implicated in the interaction between state institutions and social groups. This paper will unravel how different forces can influence the conservation of heritage, and will contribute to an understanding of urban governance in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

程变琴 《山西建筑》2007,33(11):219-220
针对国有施工企业人才流失严重的现象,介绍了寻求人才结构优化的途径,并就如何释放人才的内在潜力作一阐述,指出施工企业应不断培育和发现高素质人才,从而提高企业的创新力、竞争力,促进企业的飞跃发展。  相似文献   

建筑业国企和民企的竞争力存在差异,选取了2014~2018 年39 家建筑业国企和51 家建筑业民企,共计396 个股市基础数据样本。应用因果理论模型,构建建筑业企业竞争力评价指标体系。发现观察期内国企竞争力比民企强2.74 倍,差距明显;影响建筑业国企竞争力的关键因素依次为规模能力、融资能力、运营能力和研发能力;影响建筑业民企竞争能力的关键因素依次为:运营能力、规模能力、人力能力和融资能力。为此,建议制定差异化竞争力提升战略,或通过国有企业民营化实现融合性共赢,政府也应落实支持民企的“28 条”政策,给予民企更多的发展空间,使二者协调发展,共同为建筑业的高质量发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

吴晓君 《山西建筑》2012,38(10):276-277
结合我国某大型国有建筑企业实际,对公司治理中存在问题进行了分析,提出了优化股权结构、归位董事会职能、创新监督机制等思考和对策,以完善该企业法人治理结构。  相似文献   

城市特色能为城市带来竞争优势。论文首先分析了城市特色的内涵与形成机制,然后从城市文化与城市特色的源流关系深入剖析了城市特色的形成根源。最后以梅州为例,在分析梅州的两大特色资源基础后,从城市规划与建设的角度,讨论了梅州如何建设特色城市。  相似文献   

城市基础设施建设中采用 PPP 模式,是带动城市经济与社会双重效益的新特征。公私部门合作需要利用激励约束 机制来调动参与项目建设投资的积极性,以获得经济社会公益与经济效益共赢。通过对实践案例研究发现,有效建立激励机 制,取决于政府在项目建设中为私有部门提供的报酬及其为自身积极努力的程度。激励机制效用是政府独特约束控制权确定 的关键。为了论证研究方法在项目实施中的效用,构建了激励约束机制方法模型。研究结果表明,采用 PPP 模式的项目运 营决策标准存在差异性,激励约束机制在 PPP 项目运营中作用和风险分担能力最强,收益约束监管难度最高。因此,建立 激励约束机制便于规避 PPP 模式在城市建设运营中的风险且有利于促进社会公平。  相似文献   

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