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This study focused on the metal bioaccumulation of two aquatic insects (Ephoron virgo and Hydropsyche spp.) in order to evaluate the spatial distribution of metals, the interspecific differences between both filter-feeders and the bioaccumulation dynamics during E. virgo development stages. Hg, Cd, Ni, Cr, As, Pb, Cu, Ti, Zn and Mn were quantified in insects and in suspended particulate matter (SPM) sampled downstream and upstream of a chemical plant, where more than 300,000 t of polluted sediments are deposited. Hg concentrations were one order of magnitude higher downstream of the sediment dump, which showed that the Hg pollution originated in the chemical plant. Cd, Ni, Cr, Pb, Ti, Zn and Mn in invertebrates revealed that metal pollution was present upstream in other parts of the river. Interspecific differences were observed for all metals but Mn; significantly higher concentrations were observed in E. virgo over Hydropsyche exocellata, except for Cd, which showed 10-fold higher values. Hg and Cd increased until E. virgo nymphs reached 11 mm and decreased afterwards in late instars when nymphs were about to emerge. Cr, Pb, Ti and Mn decreased along early instars followed by a steady state in late instars. Similar values were obtained for Cu, As and Zn along all instars. Sexual differences between males and females of E. virgo were observed for Cd, Cu and Mn. Hg and Cd persistence was strong across developmental stages since high concentrations were found in eggs and emerging adults. Because the behavior of different metals varied for the two species and during the developmental stages of E. virgo, care should be taken in the interpretation of insect metal concentrations when analyzing the food chain transfer of metals in river ecosystems.  相似文献   

In order to meet environmental quality criteria, grey water was treated in four different ways: 1) aerobic 2) anaerobic + aerobic 3) aerobic + activated carbon 4) aerobic + ozone. Since each treatment has its own specific advantages and disadvantages, the aim of this study was to compare the ecotoxicity of differently treated grey water using Chironomus riparius (96 h test) and Daphnia magna (48 h and 21d test) as test organisms. Grey water exhibited acute toxicity to both test organisms. The aerobic and combined anaerobic + aerobic treatment eliminated mortality in the acute tests, but growth of C. riparius was still affected by these two effluents. Post-treatment by ozone and activated carbon completely removed the acute toxicity from grey water. In the chronic toxicity test the combined anaerobic + aerobic treatment strongly affected D. magna population growth rate (47%), while the aerobic treatment had a small (9%) but significant effect. Hence, aerobic treatment is the best option for biological treatment of grey water, removing most of the toxic effects of grey water. If advanced treatment is required, the treatment with either ozone or GAC were shown to be very effective in complete removal of toxicity from grey water.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness and life-strategies of freshwater lichens in colonizing newly constructed stone structures in low-elevation streams in a small nature reserve in northern Italy. Species richness, size of thalli, morphological and ontogenetic traits of the species were related to the age of restored habitats. Lichen colonization was surprisingly rapid, indicating the high potential of these organisms in colonizing restored habitats. However, the species pool found in the restored habitats was different than that found in natural sites in the same study area. The age of newly constructed habitats influenced both species richness and thallus size of the two most frequent Verrucaria species. Verrucaria aquatilis was a rapid colonizer invading the substrate by several small-sized and thin thalli which soon supported a large number of small perithecia whose development began in the earlier phase of thallus formation. V. elaeomelaena, on the contrary, developed according to a different strategy, establishing a thick thallus on which relatively large perithecia were formed much later than in V. aquatilis. As these taxa are important photoautotrophic components of freshwater ecosystems more ecological knowledge is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of different measures of river restoration on lichen communities. The main practical implication of our study is related to the value of small stone structures, such as riffles and ramps, for enhancing the establishment of pioneer freshwater lichens to rapidly colonize newly available substrata.  相似文献   

The relative discriminatory powers of two trace metal biomonitors in European streams (the amphipod crustacean Gammarus fossarum and mayfly larvae of the genus Baetis-B. rhodani and B. vernus) are compared by discriminant function analysis using data from streams draining a zinc and lead mining area of Upper Silesia, Poland. The mayfly larvae (whether or not distinguished into the two separate species) had the better discriminatory power to distinguish between sites on the basis of local bioavailabilities of cadmium, copper, iron, lead and zinc. The bioavailabilities of the two metals lead and cadmium were the major local contributing factors to the stronger discrimination shown by the Baetis larvae.  相似文献   

In environmental quality bioassessment studies, analysis of host-parasite interactions may well be a valuable alternative to classical macroinvertebrate sampling approaches. Herein, we investigated whether zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) parasites could be useful biomonitoring tools. Mussel populations were sampled twice at two sites in northeastern France representing different levels of contamination and were characterized for parasite infection following standard histological methods. Our results indicated that sites of different environmental quality (i.e. chemical contamination) exhibited different parasite communities characterized by different trematode species and parasite associations. An additional significant finding was the positive correlation established between the prevalence of Rickettsiales-like organisms and metal contamination. Multivariate analyses were valuable in examining parasite communities.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the environmental dispersal of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis in two distinct areas (coastal and inland) in Galicia (NW Spain). Faecal samples were collected from healthy asymptomatic domestic (cows and sheep) and wild animals (deer and wild boars) in the selected areas. In each of the selected areas, samples of untreated water (influent) and of treated water (final effluent) were collected from each of the 12 drinking water treatments plants (DWTPs) and 12 wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) under study. Analysis of a single sample from each of the 635 (coastal) and 851 (inland) domestic and wild animals selected at random revealed that the prevalences of cryptosporidiosis and giardiosis in coastal area were 9.2% and 15.9% respectively, and in inland area, 13.7% and 26.7% respectively. In the coastal area, Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts were detected in influent and effluent samples from 2/12 (16.6%) DWTPs and 8/12 (66.6%) WTPs, while G. duodenalis cysts were detected in influent and effluent samples from 3/12 (25.0%) DWTPs and 12/12 (100%) WTPs. The concentrations were notably higher in WTPs; the mean parasite concentrations in the final treated effluent were 10 oocysts per litre and 137.8 cysts per litre for Cryptosporidium and Giardia, respectively. The mean concentration of G. duodenalis cysts per litre was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the mean concentration of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts per litre in both the influent and the effluent samples from all the treatment plants. In the coastal area, C. parvum, C. hominis and G. duodenalis assemblages A (I and II) and E were most repeatedly detected. In the inland area, C. parvum, C. andersoni and G. duodenalis assemblages A (I and II), B and E were most frequently identified.  相似文献   

Cell densities of the fecal pollution indicator genus, Enterococcus, were determined by a rapid (3 h or less) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) analysis method in 100 ml water samples collected from recreational beaches on Lake Michigan and Lake Erie during the summer of 2003. Measurements by this method were compared with counts of Enterococcus colony-forming units (CFU) determined by Method 1600 membrane filter (MF) analysis using mEI agar. The QPCR method had an estimated 95% confidence, minimum detection limit of 27 Enterococcus cells per sample in analyses of undiluted DNA extracts and quantitative analyses of multiple lake water samples, spiked with known numbers of these organisms, gave geometric mean results that were highly consistent with the spike levels. At both beaches, the geometric means of ambient Enterococcus concentrations in water samples, determined from multiple collection points during each sampling visit, showed approximately lognormal distributions over the study period using both QPCR and MF analyses. These geometric means ranged from 10 to 8548 cells by QPCR analysis and 1-2499 CFU by MF culture analysis in Lake Michigan (N=56) and from 8 to 8695 cells by QPCR and 3-1941 CFU by MF culture in Lake Erie (N=47). Regression analysis of these results showed a significant positive correlation between the two methods with an overall correlation coefficient (r) of 0.68.  相似文献   

Single filaments of Planktothrix spp. were isolated from laboratory cultures of P. agardhii (NIES 595) and P. rubescens (SL 03) and from four freshwater lakes in England and Turkey. Filament lengths were measured and microcystins were extracted by freeze-thawing and boiling. Microcystin analysis of the isolated single filaments was performed by ELISA using antibodies raised against microcystin-LR with a minimum detection limit (MDL) of 11 pg filament(-1). In some cases a high percentage of the filaments from the environmental samples and laboratory cultures were below the MDL of the assay. Based on the filaments with detectable microcystin contents, P. agardhii from Bassenthwaite Lake (England) had the lowest mean microcystin concentration (0.7 fg microm(-3)), and the highest microcystin concentration (2.9 fg microm(-3)) was measured in P. rubescens from Iznik Lake (Turkey). We investigated the relationship for filaments with microcystin contents above MDL and their biovolume. Relationships varied widely although P. agardhii from Bassenthwaite showed a better (positive) relationship between filament biovolume and microcystin content than P. rubescens from environmental samples. Under culture conditions, P. rubescens showed a good relationship between filament biovolume and toxin content.  相似文献   

Microcystis colonies are known to overwinter on the surface of the sediment of freshwater ecosystems. However, little is known about the genotypic and toxicological dynamics of Microcystis populations during this benthic life stage. In this study, we report a two-year-long survey of benthic populations of Microcystis, which had spent from a few days to more than six years in the sediment. In order to avoid any interaction with the planktonic proliferations, we chose two deeply buried benthic populations, which could be easily dated. Quantitative PCR on mcyB gene and protein phosphatase inhibition assays were performed to measure their toxic potential, and their genotypic structure was assessed by Capillary Electrophoresis-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (CE-SSCP), based on 16S-23S Intergenic Transcribed Spacer (ITS). The microcystin content of the cells seemed to change sharply during the first few months of benthic survival, whereas this content was low and decreased steadily after several years of benthic life. No genetic selection was observed in either the proportion of potentially toxic clones or the ITS sequences for any of the populations considered. From these results, the benthic life stage of Microcystis appears to preserve the structure and the composition of the population over a far larger time scale than classical overwintering period. Finally, some genotypes were common in both of the benthic populations, even though they originated from planktonic blooms that had developed five years apart, suggesting a major overlap of planktonic proliferations in successive years.  相似文献   

Previous investigations in the Arctic have suggested OHC (organohalogen contaminant) induced immune toxic effects on e.g. polar bears (Ursus maritimus). We therefore studied the dietary impact from minke whale blubber (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and OHCs, on the humoral immunity of 7 captive West Greenland sledge dog (Canis familiaris) bitches and their 4 pups constituting a sentinel model species for polar bears. A control group was composed of 8 bitches and their 5 pups all fed pork (Suis scrofa) fat. The study included serum IgG measurements (bitches and pups) and specific immune responses towards tetanus toxoid (bitches) and diphtheria toxoid (pups) as well as influenza virus (pups). The analyses showed that IgG concentrations were non-significantly lowest in exposed bitches and pups (t-test: all p > 0.05). In addition, significant lower antibody response was detected in exposed pups immunized with influenza virus at age 3 months (t-test: both p < 0.05). No clear group differences were found for tetanus toxoid in bitches and diphtheria toxoid in pups. The results suggest that the humoral immune system of sledge dogs may be suppressed by the dietary blubber composition of OHCs and polyunsaturated fatty acids while a larger follow-up study is recommended in order to investigate this relationship further.  相似文献   

Choi CJ  Berges JA  Young EB 《Water research》2012,46(8):2615-2626
Chlorophyll a fluorescence of microalgae is a compelling indicator of toxicity of dissolved water contaminants, because it is easily measured and responds rapidly. While different chl a fluorescence parameters have been examined, most studies have focused on single species and/or a narrow range of toxins. We assessed the utility of one chl a fluorescence parameter, the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm), for detecting effects of nine environmental pollutants from a range of toxin classes on 5 commonly found freshwater algal species, as well as the USEPA model species, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Fv/Fm declined rapidly over <20 min in response to low concentrations of photosynthesis-specific herbicides Diuron® and metribuzin (both <40 nM), atrazine (<460 nM) and terbuthylazine (<400 nM). However, Fv/Fm also responded rapidly and in a dose-dependent way to toxins glyphosate (<90 μM), and KCN (<1 mM) which have modes of action not specific to photosynthesis. Fv/Fm was insensitive to 30-40 μM insecticides methyl parathion, carbofuran and malathion. Algal species varied in their sensitivity to toxins. No single species was the most sensitive to all nine toxins, but for six toxins to which algal Fv/Fm responded significantly, the model species P. subcapitata was less sensitive than other taxa. In terms of suppression of Fv/Fm within 80 min, patterns of concentration-dependence differed among toxins; most showed Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics, with half-saturation constant (Km) values for the PSII inhibitors ranging from 0.14 μM for Diuron® to 6.6 μM for terbuthylazine, compared with a Km of 330 μM for KCN. Percent suppression of Fv/Fm by glyphosate increased exponentially with concentration. Fv/Fm provides a sensitive and easily-measured parameter for rapid and cost-effective detection of effects of many dissolved toxins. Field-portable fluorometers will facilitate field testing, however distinct responses between different species may complicate net Fv/Fm signal from a community.  相似文献   

In this study, two types of drinking water treatment facilities (two conventional drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) and two compact units (Cus)) were compared referring to their production capacity. Water samples were collected from three main points: (a) different water treatment steps (b) washings of sand filters and (c) distribution system at different distances from the water treatment plants. Both viruses and protozoa were concentrated from each water sample by adsorption and accumulation on the same nitrocellulose membrane filters (0.45 microm pore size). Enteroviruses were detected by plaque infectivity assay in BGM cells and HAV, HEV and Norovirus were detected by RT-PCR. Giardia and Cryptosporidium were detected by conventional staining methods and PCR. The results revealed that enterovirus load at the intake ranged between 10-15 PFU/L for the two compact units and between 4.5 and 75 PFU/L for the two conventional DWTPs. The virus load in distribution system of the first type DWTPs at 1 km from the plant was the same as that of the intake. Viruses in the other type of treatment plants CUs at 1, 5 and 7 km, were much reduced. Investigation of raw water sediments of the two DWTPs showed enterovirus counts between 12 and 17.5 PFU/L. Virus count was reduced in sand of filters after washing. Giardia cysts were equally detected by microscopy and PCR in only intake samples of EL-Hawamdia CU (33.3%) and Meet Fares DWTP (50%). Cryptosporidium oocysts were equally detected by microscopy and PCR in intake samples of Abo EL-Nomros CU (100%), EL-Hawamdia CU (66.7%) and Fowa DWTP (50%). At Meet Fares DWTP three positive intake samples for Cryptosporidium were detected by PCR, compared with only two positive samples by microscopy. Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in raw water sediment and sand of filters before washing. Only one sample from Meet Fares DWTP sand of filters after washing was positive for both Giardia and Cryptosporidium. It can be concluded that the poor microbial quality of the water may be due to improper operational skills and management of the various water treatment plants (especially at the two high capacity treatment plants).  相似文献   

Kim DJ  Kim SH 《Water research》2006,40(5):887-894
Genus Nitrospira and Nitrobacter species are the key nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in nitrifying wastewater treatment plants. It has been hypothesized that genus Nitrospira are K-strategists and can exploit low amounts of nitrite more efficiently than Nitrobacter. In contrast, Nitrobacter species are r-strategists that can grow faster than Nitrospira. To elucidate the K/r hypothesis and to analyze the effect of substrate (nitrite) concentration on the competition and distribution of the two NOB, two different reactor types were employed for nitrite oxidation (nitratation) and NOB growth. The continuous biofilm airlift reactor (CBAR) maintained low nitrite concentration due to the complete oxidation of nitrite in continuous operation while the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was kept in a relatively high nitrite concentration environment due to a cyclic substrate concentration profile. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed that both Nitrobacter species and genus Nitrospira were present in the CBAR and the SBR. Quantitative FISH analyses of the CBAR showed that Nitrospira occupied 59% of the total bacteria while Nitrobacter occupied only 5%. On the other hand, Nitrobacter, occupying 64%, was the dominant NOB in the SBR, and only 3% of total bacteria belonged to genus Nitrospira. Nitrite oxidation kinetics and quantitative FISH analyses revealed that the specific nitrite oxidation activities of Nitrobacter and Nitrospira are 93.8 and 10.5 mg/g NOB h, respectively, and the specific activity of Nitrobacter is about 9 times higher than that of Nitrospira. In conclusion, the results confirm the K/r hypothesis and the distribution of Nitrobacter and Nitrospira is likely to depend mainly on nitrite concentration. It seems that nitrite load and starvation conditions do not give a direct effect on the distribution of NOB.  相似文献   

Both Shigella spp. and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) are important human pathogens that are responsible for the majority of cases of endemic bacillary dysentery. However, they are difficult to identify and differentiate by biochemical tests or molecular methods alone. In this study, we developed a procedure to detect Shigella spp. and EIEC from environmental water samples using membrane filtration followed by nutrient broth enrichment, isolation using selective culture plates, and identification of the invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene by PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Finally, we used a biochemical test and a serological assay to differentiate between Shigella and EIEC. Among the 93 water samples from nine reservoirs and one watershed, 76 (81.7%) water samples of culture plates had candidate colonies of Shigella and EIEC and 5 water samples were positive (5.4%) for a Shigella- and EIEC-specific polymerase chain reaction targeting the ipaH gene. Guided by the molecular method, the biochemical test, and the serological assay, 11 ipaH gene-positive isolates from 5 water samples were all identified as EIEC.  相似文献   

The presence of pathogenic free-living amoebae (FLA) such as Naegleria fowleri in freshwater environments is a potential public health risk. Although its occurrence in various water sources has been well reported, its presence and associated factors in biofilm remain unknown. In this study, the density of N. fowleri in biofilms spontaneously growing on glass slides fed by raw freshwater were followed at 32 °C and 42 °C for 45 days. The biofilms were collected with their substrata and characterized for their structure, numbered for their bacterial density, thermophilic free-living amoebae, and pathogenic N. fowleri. The cell density of N. fowleri within the biofilms was significantly affected both by the temperature and the nutrient level (bacteria/amoeba ratio). At 32 °C, the density remained constantly low (1-10 N. fowleri/cm2) indicating that the amoebae were in a survival state, whereas at 42 °C the density reached 30-900 N. fowleri/cm2 indicating an active growth phase. The nutrient level, as well, strongly affected the apparent specific growth rate (μ) of N. fowleri in the range of 0.03-0.23 h−1. At 42 °C a hyperbolic relationship was found between μ and the bacteria/amoeba ratio. A ratio of 106 to 107 bacteria/amoeba was needed to approach the apparent μmax value (0.23 h−1). Data analysis also showed that a threshold for the nutrient level of close to 104 bacteria/amoeba is needed to detect the growth of N. fowleri in freshwater biofilm. This study emphasizes the important role of the temperature and bacteria as prey to promote not only the growth of N. fowleri, but also its survival.  相似文献   

A comparison of the role of two blue-green algae in THM and HAA formation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The contribution of two blue-green algae species, Anabaena flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa, to the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) was investigated. The experiments examined the formation potential of these disinfection by-products (DBPs) from both algae cells and extracellular organic matter (EOM) during four algal growth phases. Algal cells and EOM of Anabaena and Microcystis exhibited a high potential for DBP formation. Yields of total THMs (TTHM) and total HAAs (THAA) were closely related to the growth phase. Reactivity of EOM from Anabaena was slightly higher than corresponding cells, while the opposite result was found for Microcystis. Specific DBP yields (yield/unit C) of Anabaena were in the range of 2-11 μmol/mmol C for TTHM and 2-17 μmol/mmol C for THAA, while those of Microcystis were slightly higher. With regard to the distributions of individual THM and HAA compounds, differences were observed between the algae species and also between cells and EOM. The presence of bromide shifted the dominant compounds from HAAs to THMs.  相似文献   

Metal levels (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn) together with metallothioneins (MTs) were determined in the liver of two commercial fish species collected along the Northern Iberian coast. The four-spotted megrim (Lepidorhumbos boscii) and the pouting (Trisopterus luscus) were selected as representative species of the middle/outer (200-500 m) and inner shelf (70-120 m), respectively. Metal pollution in the middle/outer shelf was mostly detected in the Asturias and Basque Country areas, whereas in the inner shelf, pollution was widely spread along the coast. Significantly high levels of Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg were detected in T. luscus from different sampling sites and associated to anthropogenic pressure. MTs were induced in fish that had higher amounts of Zn, Cd, Cr and Hg in their livers, supporting the use of MT as a biomarker of metal exposure. The study supports the usefulness of the selected fish species as sentinel organisms for future biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

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