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利用弱测量和量子反弱测量方法研究了一个V-型三能级量子系统处在振幅耗散退相干环境作用下的问题.得到了相应的最优化条件、保真度以及成功率解析表达式.通过数值模拟,发现到当弱测量和量子反弱测量强度在满足一定条件下,该退相干的三能级量子系统能有效稳定.  相似文献   

讨论了量子力学中绘景的概念,给出了三种绘景的确切定义,分析了绘景与表象之间的相互关系。给出了与Hamilton量分解相关的绘景的一个定理,最后,借助于这个定理,统一地计算了量子力学中常见的三种绘景相互变换的幺正算符。  相似文献   

For finite-dimensional quantum systems,we propose a quantum control scheme based on a multi-step unitary evolution and quantum projective measurements.The objective is to design a control law to steer the system to a target eigenstate of the measurement operator in the least number of steps.Within each control step,unitary evolution and quantum projective measurement are performed in turn until the system reaches the target state.The control process can be modeled as a finite-state Markov chain with an absorbing state.We prove that the controlled system will converge to the target eigenstate with probability one after a finite number of control steps and find a minimal-step-number condition that would steer the system to the target eigenstate in the least number of steps.  相似文献   

基于腔QED技术,我们提出一种无需Bell态联合测量的两原子任意态量子隐态传输方案.在传输过种中,在一个强经典场驱动下,原子与非共振的单模腔场相互作用,对原子的分离测量来代替实验上难以实现的联合Bell态测量,且不受腔泄漏及环境热库的影响,  相似文献   

在量子系统中利用被控系统的本征值,构造用来进行坐标旋转的幺正矩阵.通过幺正变换操作抵消系统每个状态所具有的局部相位,并选择变换后的被控状态与目标态之间的误差作为李雅普诺夫函数.在此基础上,基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,在保证控制系统稳定的前提下进行控制律的设计,给出了系统状态制备所需控制的详细设计过程,并对结果进行了对比分析.最后,在一个自旋1/2粒子系统上,采用本文所提方法分别对目标态是本征态和叠加态的制备进行了系统仿真实验,并对系统状态演化时间与不同参数情况下控制值之间的关系进行了分析.  相似文献   

We derive that sufficient and necessary conditions for existence of a quantum channel φ and a generalized unitary operation ε sending Ai to Bi(1≤ i≤ k) for two given families {Ai}i=1k,{Bi}i=1k of matrices,respectively.As an application,a sufficient and necessary condition for existence of a unitary duality quantum computer with given input-output states is obtained.  相似文献   

提出了用2个3粒子GHZ态作为量子信道远程制备实系数和复系数4粒子团簇态的2种方案.对于实系数的4粒子团簇态,提出了一个确定性的远程制备方案.在这一方案中,先让发送者Alice与接受者Bob共享2个3粒子GHZ态,然后Alice对自己手中的粒子在适当的基下进行2粒子联合测量,并将测量结果通知Bob,Bob通过进行适当的幺正变换就能获得需要制备的4粒子团簇态,这个制备方案成功的概率是100%.对于更一般的复系数4粒子团簇态的远程制备,提出了一个成功概率为25%的一般方案,并讨论了在某些特殊条件下,制备成功的概率可以达到50%甚至100%.此外,还讨论了不同方案的经典资源成本.  相似文献   

利用特殊酉群SU(3)的典型生成元及其性质构造矩阵空间MR(C)的一组Hamel基, 并给出其线性无关性的证明; 利用特殊酉群SU(R)的典型生成元构造矩阵空间MR1R2Rn(C)的两组Hamel基, 并在这两组基底下描述了多体量子系统密度矩阵的表示.  相似文献   

基于阶梯形三能级原子与经典和量子腔场之间的共振相互作用,提出了一个在腔量子电动力学系统中实现Bernstein-Vazirani算法的方案.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic influence of quantum probing on an object is studied. Here, quantum probing is understood to be a pre-measurement based on a non-demolition interaction, which records some information of the probed object but does not change its energy state when both the probing apparatus and the probed object are isolated from the environment. It is argued that when the probing apparatus and the probed object are immersed in the same equilibrium environment, the probing can affect the effective temperature of the object or induce a quantum isothermal process for the object to transfer its energy. This thermodynamic feature can be regarded as a witness of quantum probing.  相似文献   

基于测量的单向量子计算是重要的通用量子计算模型,可以模拟一般量子计算任务。单向量子计算基于量子簇态作为计算资源,利用每个量子位的局部量子测量和经典通信执行一般量子计算。单向量子计算是与量子线路模型等价的量子计算模型。近年来,研究者们对单向量子计算的量子资源、纠缠度量、局部操作简化,以及量子通信等给出一系列研究成果,并基于光学平台开展了一些量子模拟实验。量子簇态与单向量子计算为一般量子计算提供非常好的量子任务处理方式,受到研究者们的广泛关注。该文主要总结基于测量的单向量子计算模型,包括重要的量子资源态、局部信息处理方式,以及与单向量子计算相关的研究;该文对单向量子计算存在的问题和前沿研究方法进行展望,为研究者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

In this study, we report an experiment realization of quantum superdense coding (QSDC) between three parties using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The experimental results have shown that in terms of the QSDC schemes between multiparties proposed by Liu et al. and Crudka et al., three-qubit QSDC can transmit three bits of classical information by sending two qubits only. Our results experimentally show that quantum superdense coding, as one of the quantum information processing protocols, is superior to classical ones.  相似文献   

提出了一种广播多重量子数字签名方案,通过执行CNOT操作来对所要签名的信息进行加密,并利用幺正变换来实现信息的签名和验证.分析表明,本方案不受签名者多少的限制,具有可验证性,安全性高且技术实现简单,是一种可实现的广播多重量子数字签名方案.  相似文献   

简述了量子计算机的并行算法。设计了一个2^n 1*2^n 1的幺正矩阵,并根据量子Grover搜索算法求解出在无序数据库中满足条件的单项或多项数据的计算方法。  相似文献   

勿需测量坍缩假设的量子隐形传态方案   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在Busch等勿需测量坍缩假设的单粒子态隐形传态方案的基础上,进一步研究了二粒子任意自旋态的隐形传递方案。  相似文献   

两个独立量子信道中一对量子纠缠态的隐形传送   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从量子纠缠及量子态隐形传送的基本原理出发,简单介绍在一个量子信道中单粒子量子态的隐形传送,进而详细讨论在两个独立量子信道中一对量子纠缠态的隐形传送,寻找其中的规律,为以后热纠缠信道中隐形传送的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

A subdynamics theory framework for describing multi-coupled quantum computing systems is presented first. A general kinetic equation for the reduced system is given then, enabling a sufficient condition to be formulated for constructing a pure coherent quantum computing system. This reveals that using multi-coupled systems to perform quantum computing in Rigged Liouville Space opens the door to controlling or eliminating the intrinsic de-coherence of quantum computing systems. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (79970121) Biography: Liu Gui-Ping (1964-), male, Lecturer. Research direction: quantum networks.  相似文献   

如同无限小正则变换服从正则方程一样,经无限小酉变换后的态矢量服从以生成元为哈密顿量,以小参数为“时间”的薛定谔方程,直接用酉变换给出量子系统超收敛微扰的简化推导。  相似文献   

Quantum measurement is a fundamental problem in quantum control theory and experiments.It can obtain unknown information of quantum systems,and can also change state of the systems inevitably.Both the outcome and back action could be used to control quantum systems.This paper presents recent research progress about optimal control of state transformation in finite-dimensional quantum systems by back action of non-selective quantum measurement,and optimal control of signal and background of CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy) by phase shaping technique.In measurement sequence control of finite-dimensional quantum systems,the necessary condition for critical points of the underlying state transformation objective is found to be a highly symmetric form as a chain of equalities,and analytical and numerical solutions in several cases are explored.In the CARS control,it is found that the maximal resonant signal and minimal background at a specific frequency can be achieved by shaping the probe pulse only while keeping pump and Stokes pulses in transform limited forms (TLFs).An arctan-type phase function is obtained for the probe pulse to simultaneously enhance the resonant signal and suppress the background.For broadband background elimination,we find that the optimal phase shaping scheme of probe pulse is quasi-time-delay while keeping the pump and Stokes pulses in TLFs.These conclusions could help design control strategies of quantum devices.  相似文献   

本文研究了开放超导量子电路系统中,含时电磁场对两超导量子比特间的几何量子关联和量子相干性的影响. 我们发现,加入磁场之后,几何量子关联被冻结的现象会出现,并且冻结的时间会随着含时电磁场的加入而得到延长. 利用迹距离的方法,我们探讨了含时电磁场对超导量子比特与环境之间量子信息流动的影响,我们发现含时电磁场可以抑制环境的影响,降低超导量子比特与环境之间的量子信息流动.  相似文献   

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