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页岩总有机碳(TOC)质量分数是评价页岩储层生烃能力的重要参数,也是页岩气"甜点"预测的关键要素。以四川盆地长宁地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩气储层为研究对象,提出一种页岩TOC地震定量预测方法。首先,通过测井解释和地震资料处理分析,明确页岩优质储层地震和测井响应特征;然后,通过地震岩石物理分析和测井资料分析,确定TOC的敏感参数为密度,并建立它与TOC质量分数之间的拟合关系,得到研究区TOC质量分数经验公式;最后,结合叠前地震反演技术获得的密度体和经验公式,将密度体转化为TOC数据体,进而定量预测TOC质量分数。结果表明,利用叠前反演获得的密度体可进行TOC质量分数定量预测,并且预测的TOC质量分数相对误差小。该技术在研究区页岩气勘探中有很好的适应性。  相似文献   

富有机质泥页岩裂缝类型及其发育分布特征是影响页岩气聚集与散失的重要因素。基于岩心观测和高分辨微电阻率成像测井(FMI),对焦石坝区块2口关键井(JYA井和JYB井)裂缝发育特征进行了精细标定与定量解释,并在此基础上联合含气性资料简要探讨了裂缝对页岩含气性的影响。研究结果表明,JYA井和JYB井主力层段及下伏地层裂缝差异较小,均以层理缝为主,但上覆盖层具有明显差异。JYA井上覆盖层天然裂缝发育程度较低,以高阻缝为主,高导缝和断层次之,三者的倾角变化范围分别为20.31°~75.83°(平均44.65°)、16.65°~61.17°(平均39.43°)和36.41°。裂缝线密度最高为0.6条/m,其中断层仅为0.025条/m,页岩系统封闭能力较好,压裂投产为高产井。JYB井上覆盖层天然裂缝发育程度较高,且以断层为主,高阻缝和高导缝次之,三者的倾角分别介于13.71°~72.23°(平均37°)、6.9°~78.49°(平均37.9°)和13.53°~61°(平均32°)之间。裂缝线密度高达0.98条/m,其中断层线密度约为0.654条/m,页岩系统封闭能力较差,压裂投产为低产井。裂缝发育类型及其程度决定了不同区块页岩气保存条件与页岩气富集程度。   相似文献   

蜀南地区茅口组古岩溶识别标志及储层预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为预测蜀南地区茅口组储层,通过地质、钻井与岩心观察,地震及测井、地化指标分析等方法确定古岩溶发育状况,结合生产测试资料分析古岩溶储层在地震和测井上的响应特征.结果表明:该区主要储集空间类型为裂缝—溶洞型;储层地震响应总体表现为地震波的异常反射、相干剖面的不连续性及速度反演出现低速区;测井响应表现为深、浅侧向电阻率降低且出现正差异,密度减小,中子孔隙度和声波时差增大,而井径和自然伽马曲线的变化受空隙充填控制.该结果对该区储层预测及油气勘探具有指导意义.  相似文献   

Aiming at the shortage of sufficient continuous parameters for using models to estimate farmland soil organic carbon (SOC) content, an acquisition method of factors influencing farmland SOC and an estimation method of farmland SOC content with Internet of Things (IOT) are proposed in this paper. The IOT sensing device and transmission network were established in a wheat demonstration base in Yanzhou Distict of Jining City, Shandong Province, China to acquire data in real time. Using real-time data and statistics data, the dynamic changes of SOC content between October 2012 and June 2015 was simulated in the experimental area with SOC dynamic simulation model. In order to verify the estimation results, potassium dichromate external heating method was applied for measuring the SOC content. The results show that: 1) The estimated value matches the measured value in the lab very well. So the method is feasible in this paper. 2) There is a clear dynamic variation in the SOC content at 0.2 m soil depth in different growing periods of wheat. The content reached the highest level during the sowing period, and is lowest in the flowering period. 3) The SOC content at 0.2 m soil depth varies in accordance with the amount of returned straw. The larger the amount of returned straw is, the higher the SOC content.  相似文献   

地震属性技术是砂体厚度预测的重要手段,由于目前可从地震数据中提取的地震属性种类较多,在利用地震属性技术前,必须优化出对砂体厚度最敏感的地震属性组合,以减少地震属性信息的重复与冗余。为此提出了一种联合关联规则与随机森林回归算法的地震多属性砂体厚度预测方法。随机森林回归算法能够建立地震多属性与砂体厚度之间的非线性关系,并能进行属性选择,但是该算法无法识别地震多种属性中的冗余特征。关联规则能够发现地震属性之间的非线性关联,并能借助卡方检验消除地震属性间的冗余性。分别采用了随机森林回归算法(RFR)、联合关联规则与随机森林回归(AR-RFR)及BP神经网络回归的算法(AR-BP)对滩坝砂岩合成模型和某实际工区进行了砂体厚度预测。对比结果表明,基于关联规则的属性优选得到的属性间相关性低,关联规则与随机森林算法的结合提高了砂体厚度的预测精度。数值实验证明了该方法的有效性。   相似文献   

基于测井方法的辽河坳陷沙河街组页岩发育特征评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以辽河坳陷沙四段—沙三段富有机质页岩为研究对象,根据测井、录井和有机地球化学实验分析等资料,采用多元线性回归及Δlg R方法,识别富有机质页岩;从纵向发育、横向分布和平面展布等方面,对页岩发育特征进行综合评价.结果表明:研究区富有机质泥页岩呈现"展布面积广、连续厚度大"特点,其中西部凹陷沙三下亚段富有机质页岩平均厚度约为75.20m,且厚度大于90m的富有机质页岩分布面积达到210.26km2,为页岩油气勘探的首选层位.该结果为研究区乃至东部渤海湾地区寻找新的天然气勘探领域具有指导作用.  相似文献   

基于页岩气藏压裂水平井三线性流模型,考虑页岩气滑脱效应,分析页岩气的吸附、天然裂缝的应力敏感和人工裂缝的非达西效应,建立页岩气产能模型,运用全隐式有限差分和牛顿—拉普森迭代法进行数值求解,绘制无因次产量递减曲线。结果表明:页岩气的流动阶段分为人工裂缝中不稳定线性流阶段、人工裂缝和微裂缝的双线性流阶段、微裂缝中不稳定线性流阶段、微裂缝和基质的双线性流阶段、基质中线性流动阶段、边界流阶段;如果忽略滑脱效应,将导致页岩气产能预测产生误差。当页岩基质孔隙直径小于20nm时,滑脱效应造成的产量增加5%~25%。该结果对于认识页岩气藏水平井产能递减规律具有指导意义。  相似文献   

In Process of seismic exPloration,the noise of seismic signals Produces serious interference. Conven-tional methods of wavelet threshold denoising cannot fully use the characteristics of seismic signal...  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric(MT)inversion and seismic inversion are important methods for the interpretation of subsurface exploration data,but separate inversion of MT and seismic produces ambiguous and non-unique results due to various factors.In order to achieve accurate results,the authors propose a joint inversion method of two-dimensional MT and seismic data in the frequency domain.The finite element method is used for numerical simulation of electromagnetic data in the forward modelling,and the Gauss-Newton method is used for the inversion.The 9-point-finite-difference method is used to solve the seismic wave field in the acoustic wave equation,and the inverse problem of seismic data is solved by full waveform inversion with a conjugate gradient,a simple and fast method.Cross gradient functions are used to provide constraint structure between resistivity and velocity parameters to carry out the joint inversion.The joint inversion algorithm is tested by double-rectangular model synthesis data,and the accuracy of the algorithm is verified.The results show that the joint inversion results are better than those from separate inversion.The algorithm is applied to a geophysical model of a metalliferous deposit in Jinchuan and is compared with the separate inversion results.It shows that the results obtained with joint inversion are much closer to the real model.  相似文献   

多传感器数据融合技术与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了多传感器数据融合理论的相关算法及其在多传感器系统中的应用,分析了数据融合技术目前在应用方面存在的问题;针对应用证据理论(D-S方法)解决多传感器条件下的数据融合过程中存在的失效问题,给出了修正合成规则;通过实例对其进行了验证。  相似文献   

According to the relationships among state transition probability matrixes with different step lengths, an improved Markov chain model based on autocorrelation and entropy techniques was introduced. In the improved Markov chain model, the state transition probability matrixes can be adjusted. The steps of the historical state of the event, which was significantly related to the future state of the event, were determined by the autocorrelation technique, and the impact weights of the event historical state on the event future state were determined by the entropy technique. The presented model was applied to predicting annual precipitation and annual runoff states, showing that the improved model is of higher precision than those existing Markov chain models, and the determination of the state transition probability matrixes and the weights is more reasonable. The physical concepts of the improved model are distinct, and its computation process is simple and direct, thus, the presented model is sufficiently general to be applicable to the prediction problems in hydrology and water resources.  相似文献   

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