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Structure and stability of diastereoisomers of cucurbit[n]urils (CB[n = 5–10]), the inverted CB[n]s, were investigated by density functional theory (DFT) computations. All the inverted CB[n]s were less stable than their normal CB[n]s and the mono-inverted ones with one inverted glycoluril unit in their structures were more stable than their doubly-inverted isomers. Relative change in dipole moments and molecular electrostatic potentials (MEP) were discussed with the deformation in geometric structure and charge distribution of the normal and inverted CB[n]s.  相似文献   

We have studied the magnetic structure of the high symmetry vanadyl pyrophosphate ((VO)(2)P(2)O(7), VOPO), focusing on the spin exchange couplings, using density functional theory (B3LYP) with the full three-dimensional periodicity. VOPO involves four distinct spin couplings: two larger couplings exist along the chain direction (a-axis), which we predict to be antiferromagnetic, J(OPO) = -156.8 K and J(O) = -68.6 K, and two weaker couplings appear along the c (between two layers) and b directions (between two chains in the same layer), which we calculate to be ferromagnetic, J(layer) = 19.2 K and J(chain) = 2.8 K. Based on the local density of states and the response of spin couplings to varying the cell parameter a, we found that J(OPO) originates from a super-exchange interaction through the bridging -O-P-O- unit. In contrast, J(O) results from a direct overlap of 3d(x(2)-y(2)) orbitals on two vanadium atoms in the same V(2)O(8) motif, making it very sensitive to structural fluctuations. Based on the variations in V-O bond length as a function of strain along a, we found that the V-O bonds of V-(OPO)(2)-V are covalent and rigid, whereas the bonds of V-(O)(2)-V are fragile and dative. These distinctions suggest that compression along the a-axis would have a dramatic impact on J(O), changing the magnetic structure and spin gap of VOPO. This result also suggests that assuming J(O) to be a constant over the range of 2-300 K whilst fitting couplings to the experimental magnetic susceptibility is an invalid method. Regarding its role as a catalyst, the bonding pattern suggests that O(2) can penetrate beyond the top layers of the VOPO surface, converting multiple V atoms from the +4 to +5 oxidation state, which seems crucial to explain the deep oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the bulk and surface geometrical and electronic properties of a series of transition-metal carbides (TMC with TM = Ti, V, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, and W) by first-principles methods is presented. It is shown that in these materials the chemical bonding is strongly covalent, the cohesive energies being directly related to the bonding-antibonding gap although the shift of the center of the C(2s) band related peak in the density of states with respect to diamond indicates that some metal to carbon charge transfer does also take place. The (001) face of these metal carbides exhibits a noticeable surface rumpling which grows along the series. It is shown that neglecting surface relaxation results in very large errors on the surface energy and work function. The surface formation induces a significant shift of electronic energy levels with respect to the corresponding values in the bulk. The extent and nature of the shift can be understood from simple bonding-antibonding arguments and is enhanced by the structural rippling of this surface.  相似文献   

The He I photoelectron spectra of benzo-2,1,3-thia-, selena-, and telluradiazole were measured, and the observed ionization bands were assigned by comparison with the results of DFT calculations. Whereas the B3LYP exchange-correlation functional provided orbital energies that permitted a preliminary assignment by application of Koopman's theorem, a more-accurate interpretation was established by calculation of the vertical ionization energies with the PW91 functional and analysis of the correlation of energy levels along the homologous series. This strategy clarified earlier disagreements in the assignment of the spectrum of benzo-2,1,3-thiadiazole.  相似文献   

We have carried out extensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations for possible redox states of the active center in Fe-only hydrogenases. The active center is modeled by [(H(CH(3))S)(CO)(CN(-))Fe(p)(mu-DTN)(mu-CO)Fe(d)(CO)(CN(-))(L)](z)() (z is the net charge in the complex; Fe(p)= the proximal Fe, Fe(d) = the distal Fe, DTN = (-SCH(2)NHCH(2)S-), L is the ligand that bonds with the Fe(d) at the trans position to the bridging CO). Structures of possible redox states are optimized, and CO stretching frequencies are calculated. By a detailed comparison of all the calculated structures and the vibrational frequencies with the available experimental data, we find that (i) the fully oxidized, inactive state is an Fe(II)-Fe(II) state with a hydroxyl (OH(-)) group bonded at the Fe(d), (ii) the oxidized, active state is an Fe(II)-Fe(I) complex which is consistent with the assignment of Cao and Hall (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3734), and (iii) the fully reduced state is a mixture with the major component being a protonated Fe(I)-Fe(I) complex and the other component being its self-arranged form, Fe(II)-Fe(II) hydride. Our calculations also show that the exogenous CO can strongly bond with the Fe(II)-Fe(I) species, but cannot bond with the Fe(I)-Fe(I) complex. This result is consistent with experiments that CO tends to inhibit the oxidized, active state, but not the fully reduced state. The electronic structures of all the redox states have been analyzed. It is found that a frontier orbital which is a mixing state between the e(g) of Fe and the 2 pi of the bridging CO plays a key role concerning the reactivity of Fe-only hydrogenases: (i) it is unoccupied in the fully oxidized, inactive state, half-occupied in the oxidized, active state, and fully occupied in the fully reduced state; (ii) the e(g)-2 pi orbital is a bonding state, and this is the key reason for stability of the low oxidation states, such as Fe(I)-Fe(I) complexes; and (iii) in the e(g)-2 pi orbital more charge accumulates between the bridging CO and the Fe(d) than between the bridging CO and the Fe(p), and the occupation increase in this orbital will enhance the bonding between the bridging CO and the Fe(d), leading to the bridging-CO shift toward the Fe(d).  相似文献   

A computational and conceptual density functional study has been performed on metal tricarbonyl complexes (MTC) of both Re(I) and Tc(I). The fully optimized complexes of fac-[Tc(OH(2))(CO(3))](+) and mer-[Tc(OH(2))(CO(3))](+) show geometries that compare favorably with the X-ray data. These structures were used as a starting point to investigate the relative stability of MTC complexes with various ligands containing combinations of N, O, and S as chelating atoms and to evaluate the stabilizing/destabilizing influence of these ligands. Both for Tc and for Re complexes the nitrogen content turns out to be decisive in the stability of the metaltricarbonyl complexes, the finer details being determined by the hardness sequence N > O > S. As the core of the complexes, [(M(CO)(3)(+)], is hard, the main ordering parameter is changed as compared to our previous studies on Tc(V) [3+1] complexes where the number of sulfur atoms was decisive in accordance with the much softer character of the MOCl core. All results are successfully interpreted in terms of the hard and soft acids and bases principle (HSAB) at the local level.  相似文献   

A solid understanding of the Lieb functional FL is important because of its centrality in the foundations of electronic density functional theory. A basic question is whether directional derivatives of FL at an ensemble‐V‐representable density are given by (minus) the potential. A widely accepted purported proof that FL is Gâteaux differentiable at EV‐representable densities would say, “yes.” But that proof is fallacious, as shown here. FL is not Gâteaux differentiable in the normal sense, nor is it continuous. By means of a constructive approach, however, we are able to show that the derivative of FL at an EV‐representable density ρ0 in the direction of ρ1 is given by the potential if ρ0 and ρ1 are everywhere strictly greater than zero, and they and the ground state wave function have square integrable derivatives through second order. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2007  相似文献   

针对聚苯胺(PANI)包覆Pt/C催化剂以后,形成的Pt/C@PANI核壳结构催化剂稳定性和催化氧还原活性显著提高的现象,采用密度泛函方法从理论角度研究了其稳定性和催化活性提高的原因.结果发现,随着PANI将电子转移给载体C,自身空穴增加,PANI部分氧化,导电性增强;PANI在Pt/C表面主要通过共轭苯环的形式(3C、N2C.I)相互作用且伴随着电子转移;PANI的存在使Pt/C@PANI体系的HOMO能级升高,减小了与氧气分子LUMO能级的差异,有利于电子从催化剂HOMO转移到氧分子的LUMO轨道,使得氧容易得到电子;PANI吸附后,Pt原子d带中心显著降低,利于中间物种的脱附,催化活性更高;分态密度表明,PANI使Pt、C均向低能级方向移动,使Pt/C体系更稳定.  相似文献   

Density functional theory (DFT ) was used to study reactions involving small molecules. Relative energies of isomers and transition structures of diazene, formaldehyde, and methylenimine were determined using various DFT functionals and results were compared with MP 2 and MP 4 calculations. DFT reaction barriers were found to be consistently lower. For some reactions, such as OH + H2→ H2O + H, gradient-corrected functionals predict very low or nonexistent barriers. The hybrid Hartree–Fock–DFT adiabatic connection method (ACM ) often provides much better results in such cases. The performance of several density functionals, including ACM , was tested in calculations on over 100 atomization, hydrogenation, bond dissociation, and isodesmic reactions. The ACM functional provides consistently better geometries and reaction energetics than does any other functional studied. In cases where both HF and gradient-corrected DFT methods underestimate bond distances, the ACM geometries may be inferior to those predicted by gradient-corrected DFT methods. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The study of the energetics of phenolic compounds has a considerable practical interest since this family of compounds includes numerous synthetic and naturally occurring antioxidants. In this work, density functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate gas-phase thermochemical properties of the following tri-substituted phenols: 2,4,6-trimethylphenol, 2,6-dimethyl-4-tert-butylphenol, 2,6-dimethyl-4-methoxyphenol, 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol, 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxy-4-methylphenol and 2,6-dimethoxy-4-tert-butylphenol. Molecular structures were computed with the B3LYP and the ωB97X-D functionals and the 6-31G(d) basis set. More accurate energies were obtained from single-point energy calculations with both functionals and the 6-311++G(2df,2pd) basis set. Standard enthalpies of formation of the phenolic molecules and phenoxyl radicals were derived using an appropriate homodesmotic reaction. The OH homolytic bond dissociation enthalpies, gas-phase acidities and adiabatic ionization enthalpies were also calculated. The general good agreement found between the calculated and the few existent experimental gas-phase thermochemical parameters gives confidence to the estimates concerning the phenolic compounds which were not yet experimentally studied.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance spin Hamiltonian parameters of mononuclear thiomolybdenyl complexes based upon the tris(pyrazolyl)borate ligand, together with their molybdenyl analogues, are calculated using density functional theory. The electronic g matrix and 95Mo hyperfine matrix are calculated as second-order response properties from the coupled-perturbed Kohn-Sham equations. The scalar relativistic zero-order regular approximation (ZORA) is used with an all-electron basis and an accurate mean-field spin-orbit operator which includes all one- and two-electron terms. The principal values and relative orientations of the g and A interaction matrices obtained from the experimental spectra in a previous EPR study are compared with those obtained from unrestricted Kohn-Sham calculations at the BP86 and B3LYP level, and the latter are found to be in good quantitative agreement. A quasi-restricted approach is used to analyze the influence of the various molecular orbitals on g and A. In all complexes the ground state magnetic orbital is dX2-Y2-based and the orientation of the A matrix is directly related to the orientation of this orbital. The largest single contribution to the orientation of the g matrix arises from the spin-orbit coupling of the dYZ-based lowest-unoccupied molecular orbital into the ground state. A number of smaller, cumulative charge-transfer contributions augment the d-d contributions. A comparison of the theoretical EPR parameters obtained using both crystallographic and gas-phase geometry-optimized structures of Tp*MoO(bdt) (Tp* = hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate, bdt = 1,2-benzenedithiolate) suggests a correspondence between the metal-dithiolate fold angle and the angle of noncoincidence between g and A.  相似文献   

The neutral, five-coordinate platinum nitrosyl compounds [Pt(C(6)F(5))(3)(L)(NO)] (2) [L=CNtBu (2 a), NC(5)H(4)Me-4 (2 b), PPhMe(2) (2 c), PPh(3) (2 d) and tht (2 e)] have been prepared by the reaction of [NBu(4)][Pt(C(6)F(5))(3)(L)] (1) with NOClO(4) in CH(2)Cl(2). The ionic compound [N(PPh(3))(2)][Pt(C(6)F(5))(4)(NO)] (4) has been prepared in a similar way starting from the homoleptic species [N(PPh(3))(2)](2)[Pt(C(6)F(5))(4)] (3). Compounds 2 and 4 are all diamagnetic with [PtNO](8) electronic configuration and show nu(NO) stretching frequencies at around 1800 cm(-1). The crystal and molecular structures of 2 c and 4 have been established by X-ray diffraction methods. The coordination environment for the Pt center in both compounds can be described as square pyramidal (SPY-5). Bent nitrosyl coordination is observed in both cases with Pt-N-O angles of 120.1(6) and 130.2(7) degrees for 2 c and 4, respectively. The bonding mechanism of the nitrosyl ligand coordinated to various model [Pt(II)R(4)](2-) (R=H, Me, Cl, CN, C(6)F(5) or C(6)Cl(5)) and [Pt(C(6)F(5))(3)(L)](-) (L=CNMe, PH(3)) systems has been studied by density functional calculations at the B3LYP level of theory, using the SDD basis set. The R(4)Pt-NO and (C(6)F(5))(3)(L)Pt-NO interactions generally involve two components: i) a direct Pt-NO bonding interaction and ii) multicenter-bonding interactions between the N atom of the NO ligand and the donor atoms of the R and L ligands. Moreover, with the more complex R groups, C(6)F(5) or C(6)Cl(5), a third component has been found to arise, which involves multicenter electrostatic interactions between the positively charged NO ligand and the negatively charged halo-substituents in the ortho-position of the C(6)X(5) groups (X=F, Cl). The contribution of each component to the Pt-NO bonding in R(4)Pt-NO and (C(6)F(5))(3)(L)Pt-NO compounds seems to be modulated by the electronic and steric effects of the R and L ligands.  相似文献   

A complete conformational analysis on the isolated and polarizable continuum model (PCM) modeled aqueous solution cation, quinonoidal, and anion forms of pelargonidin, comprising the diverse tautomers of the latter forms, was carried out at the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) level. The results indicate that the most stable conformer of cationic and quinonoidal forms of pelargonidin are completely planar in the gas phase, whereas that of the anionic form is not planar. In contrast, PCM calculations show that the plane of the B ring is slightly rotated with regard to the AC bicycle in the most stable conformer of the cation and quinonoidal form. The most stable conformers of the cation, both in gas phase and aqueous solution, display anti and syn orientations for, respectively, C2-C3-O-H and C6-C5-O-H dihedral angles, whereas syn and anti orientation of hydroxyls at 7 and 4' positions are nearly isoenergetic. The most stable tautomer of quinonoidal pelargonidin is obtained by deprotonating hydroxyl at C5 in gas phase but at C7 according to PCM. Also, the most stable tautomer of the anion is different in gas phase (hydrogens are abstracted from hydroxyls at C5 and C4') and PCM simulation (C3 and C5). Tautomeric equilibria affect substantially the geometries of the AC-B backbone providing bond length variations that basically agree with the predictions of the resonance model. Most of the conformers obtained display an intramolecular hydrogen bond between O3 and H6'. Nevertheless, this interaction is not present in the most stable anions. Ionization potentials and O-H bond dissociation energies computed for the most stable conformers of cation, quinonoidal, and anion forms are consistent with an important antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Multiplet splittings for six excited electronic configurations of the permanganate ion, MnO4, are calculated. Earlier density functional calculations on the same subject are improved upon by the numerical evaluation of some two-electron integrals to resolve certain multideterminantal states. Excellent agreement with the experimental spectrum is obtained, and a reassignment of bands in the 25,000–35,000 cm−1 range is proposed. Fully symmetric (a1) vibrational frequencies are calculated, and the origin and magnitude of the most significant Jahn-Teller distortions of the excited states are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The intermolecular interaction of the benzene-water complex is calculated using real-space pseudopotential density functional theory utilizing a van der Waals density functional. Our results for the intermolecular potential energy surface clearly show a stable configuration with the water molecule standing above or below the benzene with one or both of the H atoms pointing toward the benzene plane, as predicted by previous studies. However, when the water molecule is pulled outside the perimeter of the ring, the configuration of the complex becomes unstable, with the water molecule attaching in a saddle point configuration to the rim of the benzene with its O atom adjacent to a benzene H. We find that this structural change is connected to a change in interaction from H (water)/pi cloud (benzene) to O (water)/H (benzene). We compare our results for the ground-state structure with results from experiments and quantum-chemical calculations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the conformational analysis of ethylene glycol-(water)n (n=1-3) complex by using density functional theory method and the basis set 6-311++G*. Different conformers are reported and the basis set superposition error corrected total energy is -306.767 5171, -383.221 3135, and -459.694 1528 for lowest energy conformer with 1, 2, and 3 water molecules, respectively, with corresponding binding energy -7.75, -15.43, and -36.28 kcal/mol. On applying many-body analysis it has been found that relaxation energy, two-body, three-body energy have significant contribution to the binding energy for ethylene glycol-(water)3 complex whereas four-body energies are negligible. The most stable conformers of ethylene glycol-(water)n complex are the cyclic structures in which water molecules bridge between the two hydroxyl group of ethylene glycol.  相似文献   

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