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百色盆地煤中壳质组的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

镜质组反射率各向异性分析技术及其在构造研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
煤对温度和压力十分敏感,镜质组反射率各向导性主要受煤化过程中应力条件的影响.反射率各向异性分析技术的应用,为煤田构造研究开辟了一条新途径.本文简要讨论了该技术的基本原理及其应用方面的最新进展,着重介绍了一套实用的工作方法.  相似文献   

煤镜质组反射率光性组构变形实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不同煤级煤的高温高压实验表明,在温、压和差异应力作用下,煤镜质组反射率值和各向异性都有一定程度增加,变形越强烈,增加越明显,尤其在中煤级中、晚期阶段更是如此。在变形过程中,反射率主轴将发生有规律的偏转,变形越强烈,最小反射率主轴越接近于最大挤压应力方向。随着变形的增强,镜质组反射率椭球由单向伸长同压缩型转化。  相似文献   

层状页岩的微观非均质性及力学各向异性对研究井壁稳定以及水力裂缝扩展形态具有重要意义.为了向页岩优化钻井、压裂工艺参数提供一定的理论和试验依据,对沿不同角度取心的页岩试样开展单轴压缩实验,配合场发射扫描电镜、原子力显微镜观测实验和波速测试等,研究龙马溪组层状页岩微观非均质性及力学各向异性特征,并讨论这些物理力学特征对水力...  相似文献   

新密矿区晚古生代含煤岩系热液方解石,石英晶洞中产出一种中间相碳沥青,由不同生长状态的中间相组成,包括5种光学结构:中间相基质、中间相小球体、中间相复合小球体、片状体及流动型。笔者认为这种碳沥青的原始物质来源于煤层本身,它与煤层中出现的各向异性体具有密切的戍因联系,是热变员作用时期煤中富氢壳质组排出的液态烃类(煤成油)运移出煤层,聚集于晶洞中逐步转变而成。由于中间相是一种过渡相态,作为一种特殊地质现象保存下来具有一定的地质意义。它的发现表明了地质时间的作用在有机质热成熟作用过程中是重要的,但是是有限的;同时亦证明了腐植煤只有一定产出液态烃类的能力,在其变质作用过程中,也存在烃类产出、运移与聚集的过程。  相似文献   

通过采用地面物探、钻探和井下巷探、钻探相结合的综合勘探方法,对鲁村井田深部进行了补充勘探,并对井田以往地质资料进行了重新对比分析,发现该井田-400~-1 300 m的埋深范围内不但存在以往认为已被剥蚀缺失的太原组上部地层,还保存了较完整的山西组,尤其是在该段地层中新发现了5个局部可采煤层,为井田增加了资源储量、延长了服务年限。填补了沂源煤田太原组上部和山西组含煤地层资料的空白。  相似文献   

河东煤田上石盒子组上段海绵硅质岩是“海泛作用”的产物。该层位可与河南禹县上石盒子组七煤段中的海绵硅质岩对比,为等时地层标志。本文以太原组5 ̄7层生物碎屑灰岩、紫斑泥岩、海绵硅质岩等3个等时地层为标志,建立华北西部晚古生代的等时地层格架。在此基础上,论述华北西部晚古生长聚煤盆地沉积体系的时空演化及聚煤规律,并以聚煤过程分析为原则,提出“聚煤事件”的理论,认为“煤基本上是淡水成因”,聚煤作用发生在盆地  相似文献   

冀北滦平县西瓜园南李营剖面是西瓜园组的命名剖面,自下而上可划分为西瓜园组一至四段,为一套单一岩相的沉积岩。在火斗山乡马圈子,西瓜园组以一层水下分流河道砾岩与其下伏大店子组四段为连续沉积,拉海沟马圈子剖面为西瓜园组与大店子组的界线层型。西瓜园组自下而上可连续划分为5个叶肢介化石带,与辽西义县组尖山沟层、老公沟层一金刚山层的叶肢介组合完全可以对比.义县阶的单位层型应以西瓜园组为层型剖面,原定义县阶的单位层型马神庙一宋八户标准地层剖面仅能作为义县阶的副层型。由于辽西义县组尖山沟层至金刚山层的叶肢介化石在冀北西瓜园组中的系统发现,冀北地区西瓜园组与辽西义县组完全可以对比,从而解决了30余年来冀北辽西晚期中生代地层的对比问题,具有重要的地层意义。  相似文献   

曲跃  曹成润  张武  张宜 《地质通报》2015,(Z1):419-424
最近在辽宁本溪牛毛岭剖面上的上石炭统(宾夕法尼亚亚系)本溪组新洞沟段(本溪组中段)的煤系地层中发现了大量鳞木化石。现有资料证明,在牛毛岭剖面本溪组复洲湾段(本溪组上段)灰岩中发现了属于晚石炭世莫斯科期的牙形石,而在牛毛岭剖面邻近地区本溪组湖田段(本溪组下段)中则发现了属于早石炭世(密西西比亚纪)的亚鳞木、大脉羊齿和贝叶。由此认为,新发现的牛毛岭剖面本溪组新洞沟段(本溪组中段)的鳞木化石,应晚于早石炭世,早于晚石炭世莫斯科期,即应属巴什基尔期。鳞木是辽宁东部第一次成煤期滨海沼泽相成煤植物群中的代表性植物。  相似文献   

The coalification pattern of the Pittsburgh coal as established by isoreflectance contours has an overall trend which intersect with the prevailing structural trend of the Dunkard basin. Reflectance values increase from 0.53% in southeastern Ohio to 1.57% in the Maryland panhandle. Divergences of the reflectance contour pattern from the overall trend coincide in part with the present areas of high geothermal gradient. Crustal radiogenic heat, or regional geothermal heating, was probably the dominant heat source responsible for the coalification of the Pittsburgh coal in the Dunkard basin.A time-temperature, Lopatin-type diagram, which was constructed for the Dunkard basin near Wheeling, West Virginia, delineates conditions on maturation of sediments and provides clues to the times of petroleum migration and to the possible source beds. Silurian strata matured during subsidence and burial prior to the orogeny. The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian strata matured during or after the orogeny. The Pennsylvanian strata west of the Dunkard basin, as suggested by vitrinite reflectance values, are apparently still immature.  相似文献   

地球生物学是生命科学和地球科学两大基础学科交叉而成的学科。拟通过学科门类的知识流动和研究主题的演变了解地球生物学的形成、发展和演化趋势;通过科研团队的分析,提供全球科研团队的科研合作可能性;通过研究前沿和热点分析对科技创新提供参考。研究发现,地球生物学发展早期主要从地球科学学科汲取知识,而发展中后期被其他学科引用较多,存在明显的学术溢出情况,流入学科主要为环境/生态学、植物&动物科学、微生物学、生物&生物化学和分子生物学&遗传学。地球生物学的研究主题变化不明显,天体生物学可能成为未来重点发展方向之一。麻省理工学院和哈佛大学地球生物学组研究方向重合最多,合作也最紧密。  相似文献   

The only significant deposits of anthracite and meta-anthracite in Canada occur in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous strata of the Groundhog coalfield in northcentral British Columbia. The coal rank in the coalfield varies from low volatile bituminous (1.70% R0 max) to meta-anthracite (5.8% R0 max). The main coal bearing unit, the Currier, includes up to 17 seams of anthracite and meta-anthracite most of which are less than 1 m thick. In the McEvoy unit, which overlies the Currier, up to 9 coal seams, mainly of semi-anthracite, occur that are up to 0.8 m thick. The coals are variably argillaceous, locally sheared and cut by quartz and less commonly, by carbonate veins. Coalification gradients in the coalfield vary from 0.8% to 3.0% R0 max km?1. The rank of coal within both the McEvoy and Currier units appears to increase towards the eastern edge of the coalfield.The level of coalification and the coalification gradients in the coalfield are anomalously high considering an indicated maximum depth of burial of 3500 m. From comparison with coalification models it appears that geothermal gradients in the order of 50° to 70°C/km must have existed for a period of time measured in millions of years. Studies to date suggest the coalification is pre-tectonic and thus pre-Late Cretaceous although there is some evidence for high heat flow in the Tertiary. The origin of the high heat flow may be related to intrusion accompanying collision of the Stikine terrain with the early Mesozoic margin of North America and/or high heat flux over an easterly dipping subduction zone below the Coastal volcanic-plutonic arc to the west.  相似文献   

An immature humic coal (subbituminous rank) from the Mahakam delta (Kutei basin, Kalimantan, Indonesia) was isothermally pyrolyzed in confined conditions at temperatures ranging from 250 to 400°C (10°C steps) at 700 bar pressure for 72 h. Solid, liquid and thermodesorbable phases originating from the pyrolyzates have been analyzed by different analytical techniques. Results indicate that a 10°C pyrolysis step is necessary to determine the timing and the sequence of the different transformations affecting the kerogen as well as the effluents. Four maturation/coalification stages are distinguished. Stage 1 (75–80 wt.% C) occurs when modifications mainly concern the oxygen-bearing functions of the kerogen. Stage 2 (82–85 wt.%o C) is characterized by the decrease of the aliphaticity and the primary cracking of the coal. Stage 3 (86–89 wt.% C) corresponds to the production of methane and the condensation of aromatic rings in the solid residue.  相似文献   

Palaeo-heat flow values and thicknesses of eroded Permo-Carboniferous sediments in the Saar Basin were evaluated using one dimensional thermal modelling techniques. Thermal, burial and erosion histories for 16 wells were calibrated by comparing measured and calculated vitrinite reflectance using the kinetic EASY%Ro algorithm and by comparing measured and calculated temperature data. On the basis of 37 wells, coalification maps were constructed revealing a syn-kinematic coalification pattern. Thermal maturity of the sediments can only be explained by deep burial and moderate heat flows during time of maximum burial, i.e., in the Permo-Carboniferous. Calculated heat flow data range between 50 and 75 mW/m2, which implies a crustal thickness between 30 and 40 km during the time of maximum burial. These values are in accordance with the geodynamic setting of the basin. The influence of the Permo-Carboniferous volcanism on the palaeo-temperature distribution was overwhelmed by the subsequent deep burial. During Permian times, between 1800 and 3000 m of Permo-Carboniferous sediments were eroded. Different sedimentation and erosion histories are characteristic for anticlines and synclines, respectively.  相似文献   

煤变质作用对煤层气赋存和富集的控制--以沁水盆地为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对国内外有关煤变质作用与煤层气形成、赋存和富集关系研究成果的系统总结,阐述了煤变质作用类型及煤变质作用程度与煤层气的生成、吸附量、煤储层孔隙—裂隙系统形成发育及煤层特性的相互关系,认为煤变质作用对煤层气赋存富集的影响集中体现在它对煤储层孔隙一裂隙系统形成发育过程的控制上。并以沁水盆地为例,探讨了高阶煤煤变质作用对煤层气赋存富集的控制作用,提出了对沁水盆地高阶煤煤层气勘探开发研究的几点思考和建议。  相似文献   

从冰前风沙地貌初看普若岗日冰原的形成演变   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
野外实地考察和室内样品分析表明,位于普若岗日冰原西侧冰川前缘带的大片风沙地貌,直接发育在冰碛之上,并以冰碛为主要物质来源,与冰川运动和冰原环境具有密切的联系,是相关冰川和冰原形成演化过程的良好反映与记录.结合沙丘沉积序列中的沉积构造测量、粒度分析及腐殖质夹层的14C测年等结果,初步得出:普若岗日冰原至少形成于18kaBP;冰原降水可能主要来自西风降水;18kaBP以来,冰原在总体上处于收缩过程,在约108kaBP来,冰原西缘的零平衡线的年均水平退缩速率约为088~102m·a-1,铅直升高速率约为24~32mm·a-1。  相似文献   

河流系统水质时空格局演化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘丙军  陈晓宏  王兆礼 《水文》2007,27(1):8-13
河流系统是一个经济社会、自然资源、生态环境相互耦合的开放系统,它通过水事活动直接或间接地与外界进行物质与能量交换,促使系统形成不同时空演化格局。根据耗散结构原理,本文对河流系统耗散结构进行了识别,并将模糊理论和信息熵结合起来,建立了一种基于耗散结构理论的河流系统水质演化模型,促进和完善了水资源系统分析理论和方法。并将此模型运用于广东省东江惠州河段河流系统时空格局演化规律的研究中,得到了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

新近纪是海南的主要成煤期之一,煤层主要见于王五-文教断裂以北的儋州市长坡盆地和临高县南宝-加来盆地的长坡组.本文记述了在长安盆地澄迈县瑞溪镇平坡岭发现的含煤地层,扩展了煤层的分布范围.通过与长坡盆地、南宝-加来盆地煤系地层的对比研究,暂将其划归长坡组.通过对比长坡盆地、南宝-加来盆地和平坡岭中新世-中更新世的地层序列,...  相似文献   

The thermal histories of Tertiary basins situated around and within the Eastern Alps are examined using coalification data.Waples' method is used to estimate paleogeothermal conditions. The data suggest that the basins' thermal histories are intimately related to late Alpidic geodynamics of the Eastern Alps.Basins situated near the thrust front (Eastern Alpine foredeep, Vienna basin) are characterized by hypothermal histories and low coalification gradients. This is a consequence of relatively thick crust, high paleosedimentation rates in the Alpine foredeep, and Oligocene to Early Miocene stacking of cool sediments along the southern margin of the Eastern Alpine foredeep. Extension in the Vienna basin region is restricted mainly to shallow crustal levels and did not change the thermal pattern beneath the Alpine nappes. Major hyperthermal events of Oligocene age and local coalification maxima in the central Slovenian basin date from magmatic activity along the Periadriatic lineament, caused by Oligocene subduction. In Miocene times subduction migrated eastward and magmatic activity shifted to the northern Slovenian and Styrian basins, resulting in a strong hyperthermal phase of Ottnangian to Lower Badenian age in these basins.Rapid uplift of the Tauern window in the central part of the Eastern Alps, due to buoyancy, is related to E-W directed crustal stretching and resulted in raised heat flow in Miocene times in the Tauern window region, and in relatively high rank in adjacent Tertiary basins (Wagrain, Tamsweg).Present geothermal patterns are controlled primarily by raised heat flow along the south-eastern margin of the Alps, a consequence of thinned crust beneath the Pannonian basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Inkohlungsbilder von tertiären Sedimentbecken, die im Bereich der Ostalpen situiert sind, werden hinsichtlich der thermischen Geschichte diskutiert. In einigen Becken erfolgt eine Abschätzung der paläogeothermischen Verhältnisse mit Hilfe derWaples-Methode. Die Inkohlungsbilder der Tertiärbecken belegen eine enge Beziehung zwischen der thermischen Geschichte dieser Becken und der jungalpidischen Geodynamik der Ostalpen.In der Nähe der Überschiebungsfront gelegene Becken (Molassebecken, Wiener Becken) werden durch hypothermische Verhältnisse und geringe Inkohlung charakterisiert. Dies ist eine Folge relativ dicker Kruste, hoher Paläo-Sedimentationsraten in der alpinen Vortiefe und des Übereinanderstapelns kühler Sedimente am Südrand des Molassebeckens während Oligozän und frühem Miozän. Die Extension im Wiener Becken war auf den obersten Krustenabschnitt beschränkt und hat die thermischen Verhältnisse unterhalb der alpinen Decken nicht beeinflußt.Die magmatische Aktivität entlang der Periadriatischen Naht steht in Zusammenhang mit der oligozänen Subduktion und ist für hyperthermische Ereignisse und lokale Inkohlungsmaxima in oligozänen Sedimenten des zentralen Slowenischen Beckens verantwortlich. Im Miozän wanderte die Subduktion ostwärts und die magmatische Aktivität verlagerte sich in das nördliche Slowenische und Steirische Becken. Dadurch wurde in diesen Becken eine starke hyperthermische Phase während Ottnang bis Unterbaden initiiert.Der rasche isostatische Aufstieg des Tauernfensters in den zentralen Ostalpen steht mit miozäner, E-W gerichteter Dehnungstektonik in Zusammenhang. Er ist für erhöhten Wärmefluß im Miozän im Bereich des Tauernfensters und für die relativ hohe Inkohlung des Wagrainer und Tamsweger Beckens verantwortlich.Die heutigen geothermischen Verhältnisse werden vor allem durch erhöhten Wärmefluß am Südostrand der Alpen geprägt. Dieser ist eine Folge der Krustenausdünnung unter dem Pannonischen Becken.

Résumé La houillification des bassins sédimentaires tertiaires des Alpes orientales est discutée dans la perspective de leur histoire thermique. Les conditions paléogéothermiques sont estimées au moyen de la méthode deWaples. L'étude de la houillification de ces bassins montre une relation étroite entre leur histoire thermique et la géodynamique des Alpes orientales à la fin du Tertiaire.Ces bassins, situés à proximité du front de charriage — il sagit du Bassin molassique et du Bassin viennois —, se caractérisent par leur condition «hypothermique» et leur faible gradient de houillification; cette propriété provient de l'épaississement de la croute terrestre due à une sédimentation rapide en avant des Alpes et à l'empilement tectonique des sédiments froids les uns sur les autres le long de la bordure méridionale du Bassin molassique au cours de l'Oligocène et du Miocène inférieur. L'extension, dans la région du Bassin viennois, s'est limitée à un niveau crustal peu profond et n'a pas influencé la situation thermique dans les nappes alpines.L'activité magmatique le long du linéament périadriatique, due à la subduction oligocène, est contemporaine des événements «hyperthermiques» et des maxima locaux de houillification dans les sédiments oligocènes du bassin central de Slovénie.Pendant le Miocène, la subduction progressa vers l'est et l'activité magmatique se déplaça vers les bassins de Slovénie septentrionale et de Styrie, avec comme conséquence, dans ces bassins, une phase «hyperthermique» marquée à l'Ottnangien et au Badenien inférieur.La montée isostatique rapide de la Fenêtre des Tauern dans la partie centrale des Alpes orientales est en relation avec l'extension tectonique est-ouest au Miocène; elle est responsable d'un flux thermique élevé dans la région de la Fenêtre et d'une houillification relativement importante dans les bassins tertiaires adjacents de Wagrain et de Tamsweg.La géothermie actuelle de la bordure sud-est des Alpes est régie par un flux thermique élevé, conséquence de l'amincissement crustal sous le bassin Pannonique.

. Waples'a. - . , ( , ) »« . , . . » « . . .. » «. - . . . . - . .

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