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The late Cretaceous A-type Karaçay?r pluton in Central Anatolia, Turkey, intrudes and entrains xenoliths of Palaeozoic limestone. Carbonatitic magmatic rocks within the syenite have been previously interpreted (Schuiling in Nature, 192:1280, 1961) to result from metasomatic alteration and syntectic melting of marble. Carbonatites and associated calcite-syenites exhibit mineralogical characteristics (Ab-rich plagioclase, Ba-rich K-feldspar, low-Mg# biotite) that are petrogenetically more evolved than the host syenitic suite. Geochemically, carbonate-rich magmatic rocks are greatly enriched in Sr, Ba, Th, and REE and have higher LREE/HREE ratios than either syenites or marbles. In terms of O-C-Sr-Pb isotope ratios, the carbonatite/calcite-syenite suite form a consistent and geochemically coherent group that is distinct from the marble country rock and xenolith population, but similar to some of the syenitic, and particularly the nepheline syenite components of the Karaçay?r pluton. Other silicate magmatic rocks are geochemically, isotopically, and geochronologically different, suggesting the pluton is composite. Overall, the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the carbonatites are incompatible with binary mixing of syenite and marble but are consistent with derivation of carbonatite from petrogenetically evolved foid syenite. Carbonate–silicate rock types have modal variations compatible with an origin by fractional crystallisation, rather than by liquid immiscibility.  相似文献   


A large sinistral intracontinental transcurrent structure, the Central Anatolian Fault Zone (CAFZ), is located between Erzincan in the northeast and offshore of Anamur county in the southwest of Turkey. Northeastern and southwestern segments of the fault zone are linked to each other by an intervening and approximately N-S-trending transtensional structure, the Erciyes pull-apart hasin (EPB). The Krzihrmak-Erkilet and Dökmeta? segments of the CAFZ bend southwards at about 45°-50° near Kayseri and result in a releasing double bend, which has nucleated both the EPB and its main feature, the Erciyes stratovolcano complex (ESVC) since Middle Pliocene time. The EPB is a ~35-km-wide, 120-km-long, 1.2-km-deep, lazy S-shaped and actively-growing depression with the ESVC forming a high-standing central barrier between the northern and southern parts of the basin. Hence, the EPB appears as two separate basins, namely the ‘Sultansazh?i and Kayseri-Sarimsakli depressions’. However, this is not correct, because development of the EPB and ESVC has been coeval with the volcanic activity producing the ESVC continuing into prehistoric times. Development of the EPB is continuing as indicated by faulted, uplifted and terraced Pleistocene-Early Holocene palaeolake beach deposits, and historical to recent earthquakes. Accumulative throws on the eastern and western margin-bounding faults of the EPB are 1225 m and 720 m respectively and show that basin development has been asymmetrical. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(1-3):133-145
A large sinistral intracontinental transcurrent structure, the Central Anatolian Fault Zone (CAFZ), is located between Erzincan in the northeast and offshore of Anamur county in the southwest of Turkey. Northeastern and southwestern segments of the fault zone are linked to each other by an intervening and approximately N–S-trending transtensional structure, the Erciyes pull-apart basin (EPB). The Kızılırmak–Erkilet and Dökmetaş segments of the CAFZ bend southwards at about 45°–50° near Kayseri and result in a releasing double bend, which has nucleated both the EPB and its main feature, the Erciyes stratovolcano complex (ESVC) since Middle Pliocene time. The EPB is a ∼35-km-wide, 120-km-long, 1.2-km-deep, lazy S-shaped and actively-growing depression with the ESVC forming a high-standing central barrier between the northern and southern parts of the basin. Hence, the EPB appears as two separate basins, namely the ‘Sultansazlığı and Kayseri–Sarımsaklı depressions’. However, this is not correct, because development of the EPB and ESVC has been coeval with the volcanic activity producing the ESVC continuing into prehistoric times. Development of the EPB is continuing as indicated by faulted, uplifted and terraced Pleistocene–Early Holocene palaeolake beach deposits, and historical to recent earthquakes. Accumulative throws on the eastern and western margin-bounding faults of the EPB are 1225 m and 720 m respectively and show that basin development has been asymmetrical.  相似文献   

Sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks from NW Anatolia, Turkey   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The metamorphic rocks from near Kütahya in north-west Anatolia record different stages in the history of closure of the Neo-Tethyan İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean. Sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks within the Tavşanlı zone are a tectonically composite sequence of quartz–mica schists, amphibole schists, amphibolites and garnet amphibolites. They show increasing metamorphic grade towards the base of the ophiolite. A first metamorphic event, typical of sub-ophiolite metamorphic sole rocks, was characterized by high-grade assemblages, and followed by retrograde metamorphism. A second event was marked by a medium-to high-pressure overprint of the first-stage metamorphic assemblages with assemblages indicating a transition between the blueschist and greenschist facies. The chemistry of the sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks indicates an ocean island basalt origin, and Ar–Ar dating indicates a high temperature metamorphic event at 93±2 Ma. Counter-clockwise P–T–t paths recorded by the sub-ophiolite metamorphic rocks are interpreted to result from intra-oceanic thrusting during the closure of the İzmir– Ankara–Erzincan ocean, initiating subduction, which formed the high-temperature assemblages. Further subduction then produced the widespread blueschists of the Tavşanlı zone during the Late Cretaceous. Later cold thrusting obducted the ophiolite (with the metamorphic sole welded to its base), ophiolitic melanges and blueschists onto the Anatolide passive margin in the latest Cretaceous. All these events pre-date the final Anatolide–Pontide continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

Cappadocia is essentially covered by nine rhyolitic ignimbrite units, being the products of a multi-phase volcanism of Upper Miocene-Pliocene age. Around Ürgüp and the Kizilirmak River, these ignimbrites constitute a volcanic-sedimentary succession together with lacustrine sediments, called the Ürgüp formation. In the zeolite occurrences of Cappadocia that were found in the lacustrine parts of pyroclastics outcropping around the Tuzköy, Sarihidir, Karain, Çökek, Ibrahim Pasa and Karadag areas, clinoptilolite is the most common mineral and is associated with chabazite, erionite and phillipsite in some areas. A gain of alkaline-earths from the lake water, which is compensated by a loss of alkalis from the glass, took place during the formation of the different zeolite assemblages, which were probably controlled by the composition of the parent glasses. The distribution of erionite confirms its relation with mesothelioma cases in Tuzköy, Sarihidir and Karain villages that are located outside tourist areas. The high incidence of malignant mesothelioma in Karain may be explained by uncontrolled occupational exposure to erionite. The fairy chimneys, canyons and underground cities, which are situated in the unaltered or slightly altered parts of the Kavak, Zelve, Cemilköy, Gördeles and Kizilkaya ignimbrites do not constitute any health risk for the inhabitants or for visitors.  相似文献   

A large volcanic area (∼7600 km2), the Galatean Volcanic Province (GVP), developed in northwest Central Anatolia during the Miocene along the Neo-Tethys Ocean suture zone possibly by post-collisional processes. The GVP mainly comprises 20–14 My old acid to intermediate volcanites with a geochemical signature indicating a mantle source modified by earlier (Late Cretaceous) subduction-related events. 100 km south of the GVP, near Polatlı, Ankara, basaltic rocks that cover large areas are intercalated with the Miocene deposits of the Beypazarı basin, an intra-continental subsidence zone at the southwest of the GVP. Field observations, geochemistry and K–Ar age dating of the Polatlı volcanites show that they are Early (19.9 Ma) to mid (14.1 Ma) Miocene in age, covering an area as large as 215 km2. Variations in lava thickness and the thickness of the underlying silicified/baked zones suggest that the basaltic lavas erupted from a southern source, possibly from the Eskişehir fault zone, and flowed northwards. Most Polatlı samples have chemical compositions that indicate derivation from a mantle source with crustal contamination during ascent. They do not display any characteristic to suggest a subductional component. Although the GVP and Polatlı lavas formed close in time and space, they were derived from different mantle sources. Considering the positions of these two magmatic regions with regard to the Tethyan suture zone, we propose that the mantle beneath the GVP and near the suture zone memorised the earlier subduction while the mantle beneath Polatlı that is located about 100 km further from the suture zone remained apparently unchanged. After a significant volume of magma was consumed in the GVP, a later (∼10 My) and last activity (Güvem activity) has produced quantitatively much less basaltic rocks where this subductional signature seems to completely disappear. Considering that the western Anatolian crust is proposed to undergo extension since the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene times, the Early Miocene intra-plate Polatlı activity may have developed within this extensional tectonic regime. Combined with regional data, Polatlı data also provide broad estimations on how long a subductional event continues to modify the mantle after the subduction ceased (at least ∼20 My), how long the subductional signature is preserved during significant magmatism (between 6 and 10 My) and how far the subductional effect disappears laterally on the mantle with respect to the collision zone (<100 km).  相似文献   

The Balkuyumcu region, located in the southwestern part of Ankara in the Izmir-Ankara suture zone (central Anatolia, Turkey), consists of basic andesitic, andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic rocks extruded during the Early Miocene (20–22 Ma) as a result of post-collisional volcanism. Balkuyumcu volcanic rocks can be divided into two groups on the basis of their mineralogy and composition: The basic andesitic (BA) and andesitic, dacitic and rhyolitic (ADR) groups. The ADR and BA group of rocks have adakite-like and calc-alkaline characteristics, respectively. The ADR group has higher SiO2 content, Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low MgO, Mg#, Y and Yb contents than the BA group. Both groups have nearly the same Sr, Nd isotopic compositions and display similar normalized multi-element patterns with enrichments in LILE and LREE, depletions in Nb, Ti, Zr, P and a lack of Eu anomalies. Major, trace element and Sr, Nd isotopic data indicate that both groups of rocks were derived from the same source but affected by different magmatic processes during ascent. The adakite-like rocks may have been produced by partial melting of thickened lower continental crust. Fractional crystallization also played a major role in their formation. However, the BA group rocks were derived from partial melting of lower continental crust that was probably delaminated. These rocks appear to have had limited interaction with mantle peridodite during ascent to the surface.  相似文献   

The Kozbudaklar scheelite skarn deposit in the Tavşanlı Zone, located approximately 22 km southeast of Bursa, is hosted by the Triassic calcic İnönü Marble and Eocene Topuk Pluton. At least four stages have been recognized through skarn evolution. Scheelite skarn distributed close to the Topuk Pluton occurred during the early (stage 1) and late (stage 2) prograde substages. The early prograde endo and exoskarn are composed of hedenbergite (Hd96Joh4)–plagioclase (An55–64) and hedenbergite (Hd61–94Joh4–7), accompanied by calcic garnet (Grs38–94Sps1–5Alm0) and scheelite (Pow1–6). The second stage represents a relatively oxidized mineralogy dominated by diopside (Hd16–48Joh0–9), subcalcic garnet (Grs24–92Sps0–11Alm0–31) and scheelite (Pow7–32). The stage 3 and 4 mineral assemblages are characterized by few hydrous minerals in the retrograde stage and intense fracturing.Fluid inclusions from skarn rocks are indicative of multiple fluid events: (1) low-moderate salinity (5–16 wt.%NaCl equiv.) inclusions homogenized dominantly by a high-temperature (308 °C to > 600 °C) liquid phase in stage 1. Fluid inclusions in an early garnet homogenized over a similar temperature range (440 °C and 459 °C) into both liquid and vapor phases. Eutectic temperatures ranging from − 61.7 °C to − 35.0 °C that indicate the presence of H2O–NaCl–(± MgCl2 ± CaCl2)–CO2 solutions; (2) coexisting daughter mineral-bearing high salinity (29.5  70 wt.%NaCl equiv.) and vapor-rich moderate salinity (11.5–16.7 wt.%NaCl equiv.) inclusions that homogenized in the liquid phase by the disappearance of the vapor phase at a similar temperature range (308 °C to > 600 °C) in stage 2. Eutectic temperatures range from − 67.9°C to − 51.8°C that shows the presence of H2O–NaCl–CO2–(± CH4/N2) solutions; (3) low-moderate salinity (12.5–7.6 wt.%NaCl equiv.) and temperature (320 °C to 215 °C) inclusions homogenized by the liquid phase in stage 3. Eutectic temperatures range from − 59.5 °C to − 44.2 °C indicating the presence of H2O–NaCl–(± MgCl2 ± CaCl2)–CO2 solutions; (4) inclusions of low salinity (9.9–0.9 wt.%NaCl equiv.) and homogenization temperature (183 °C to 101 °C) in stage 4.These data show that the Kozbudaklar skarn deposit was formed in a magmatic–hydrothermal system. In this model, carbonaceous fluids may have been exsolved from the plutonic rock during its emplacement and crystallization. Fluid inclusion data indicate that fluid boiling and immiscibility occurred at temperatures between 440 °C and 459 °C and pressures ranging from 50 MPa to 60 MPa based on hydrostatic considerations. Early scheelite was precipitated with relatively reduced mineral compositions. As a result of depressurization, Mo-rich scheelite with oxidized minerals formed via high salinity and vapor-rich inclusions. The second scheelite mineralization occurred in a normal hydrothermal system by an infiltration mechanism at pressures between approximately 40 and 1.5 MPa. At shallow depths (< 1.5 MPa) with increasing permeability, sulfide and oxide minerals were deposited in the retrograde stage, greatly assisted by meteoric water. Finally, as a result of the diminishing of ore-forming fluids, post-depositional barren quartz and calcite veins were formed.  相似文献   

Annual abstraction of 2.6?×?109 m3 of groundwater in the 53,000 km2 Konya Closed Basin of central Turkey has caused a head decline of 1 m/year over the last few decades. Therefore, understanding the hydrogeology of this large endorheic basin, in a semi-arid climate, is important to sustainable resource management. For this purpose, the groundwater’s radiocarbon age distribution has been investigated along a 150-km transect parallel to regional flow. Results show that the groundwater ranges in age from Recent at the main recharge area of the Taurus Mountains in the south, to about 40,000 years around the terminal Salt Lake located in the north. In this predominantly confined flow system, radiocarbon ages increase linearly by distance from the main recharge area and are in agreement with the hydraulic ages. The mean velocity of regional groundwater flow (3 m/year) is determined by the rate of regional groundwater discharge into the Salt Lake. Calcite dissolution, dedolomitization and geogenic carbon dioxide influx appear to be the dominant geochemical processes that determine the carbon isotope composition along the regional flow path. The groundwater’s oxygen-18 content indicates more humid and cooler paleorecharge. A maximum drop of 5°C is inferred for the past recharge temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Mt. Hasan is a complex stratovolcano located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. It exhibits four evolutionary stages: (1) Kecikalesi volcano, (2) Palaeovolcano, (3) Mesovolcano and (4) Neovolcano. Each stage is characterized by differentiated magmas varying from basaltic andesite to rhyolite, but basaltic activities are recorded on the volcano flanks. Garnets occur in rhyodacitic and rhyolitic pumices of the Palaeo-, Meso- and Neovolcanoe, as well as in the basaltic andesite lava flows of Palaeovolcano. In addition, garnets are recognised also in recent basalts which were erupted contemporaneously with Neovolcano during the late Quaternary. Garnets appear as euhedral grains in a basaltic groundmass. Mineralogy and geochemistry of older volcanics (Kecikalesi, Palaeovolcano) exhibit a tholeitic trend, while Mesovolcano and Neovolcano are calc-alkaline in affinity. However, the recent basalts exhibit alkaline chemistry and mineralogy. Garnets of Mt. Hasan volcanic rocks are pyrope- and almandine-rich and display rather uniform composition throughout the volcanic evolution. Trace element data suggest that while subduction components in magma composition decreased from Miocene to late Quaternary, the within plate character increased. We propose that the generation of garnet-bearing volcanics reflects an enriched source inherited from ancient subduction processes. Received November 1, 1999; revised version accepted June 30, 2001  相似文献   

Hydrothermal iron ores at Divri?i, east Central Anatolia, are contained in two orebodies, the magnetite-rich A-kafa and the limonitic B-kafa (resources of 133.8 Mt with 56% Fe and 0.5% Cu). The magnetite ores are hosted in serpentinites of the Divri?i ophiolite at the contact with plutons of the Murmano complex. Hydrothermal biotite from the Divri?i A-kafa yield identical weighted mean plateau ages of 73.75?±?0.62 and 74.34?±?0.83 Ma (2σ). This biotite represents a late alteration phase, and its age is a minimum age for the magnetite ore. Similar magnetite ores occur at Hasançelebi and Karakuz, south of Divri?i. There, the iron ores are hosted in volcanic or subvolcanic rocks, respectively, and are associated with a voluminous scapolite ± amphibole ± biotite alteration. At Hasançelebi, biotite is intergrown with parts of the magnetite, and both minerals formed coevally. The weighted mean plateau ages of hydrothermal biotite of 73.43?±?0.41 and 74.92?±?0.39 Ma (2σ), therefore, represent mineralization ages. Hydrothermal biotite from a vein cutting the scapolitized host rocks south of the Hasançelebi prospect has a weighted mean plateau age of 73.12?±?0.75 Ma (2σ). This age, together with the two biotite ages from the Hasançelebi ores, constrains the minimum age of the volcanic host rocks, syenitic porphyry dikes therein, and the scapolite alteration affecting both rock types. Pyrite and calcite also represent late hydrothermal stages in all of these magnetite deposits. The sulfur isotope composition of pyrite between 11.5 and 17.4‰ δ34S(VCDT) points towards a non-magmatic sulfur source of probably evaporitic origin. Calcite from the Divri?i deposit has δ18O(VSMOV) values between +15.1 and +26.5‰ and δ13C(VPDB) values between ?2.5 and +2.0‰, which are compatible with an involvement of modified marine evaporitic fluids during the late hydrothermal stages, assuming calcite formation temperatures of about 300°C. The presence of evaporite-derived brines also during the early stages is corroborated by the pre-magnetite scapolite alteration at Divri?i, and Hasançelebi-Karakuz, and with paleogeographic and paleoclimatic reconstructions. The data are compatible with a previously proposed genetic model for the Divri?i deposit in which hydrothermal fluids leach and redistribute iron from ophiolitic rocks concomitant with the cooling of the nearby plutons.  相似文献   

The Palaeocene alluvial-fan succession in central Anatolia, Turkey, contains three isolated zones of beekite-encrusted clasts. Each zone is 3–5 m thick and c. 1 km long. Beekite is developed as thin (1–5 mm), concentric silica rings formed by replacement and encrustation of carbonate clasts. The formation of beekites requires a relatively long time, with non-deposition and fluctuating arid/semiarid conditions. The significance of beekite is thus analogous to that of silcrete. The presence of beekite encrustation within the Palaeocene alluvial-fan succession indicates considerable breaks in sedimentation in the eastern part of the basin, and this inference is supported by the lower thickness of the alluvium in the east.  相似文献   

A digital terrain model and a 3D fly-through model of the Nigde province in central Anatolia, Turkey were generated and quantitatively analyzed employing the shuttle radar topographic mission (SRTM) digital elevation model (DEM). Besides, stream drainage patterns, lineaments and structural–geological features were extracted and analyzed. In the process of analyzing and interpreting the DEM for landforms, criteria such as color and color tones (attributes of heights), topography (shaded DEM and 3D fly-through model) and stream drainage patterns were employed to acquire geo-information about the land, such as hydrologic, geomorphologic, topographic and tectonic structures. In this study, the SRTM DEM data of the study region were experimentally used for both DEM classification and quantitative analysis of the digital terrain model. The results of the DEM classification are: (1) low plain including the plains of Bor and Altunhisar (20.7%); (2) high plain including the Misli (Konakli) plain (28.8%); (3) plateau plain including the Melendiz (Ciftlik) plateau plain (1.0%); (4) mountain including the Nigde massif (33.3%); and (5) high mountain (16.2%). High mountain areas include a caldera complex of Mt Melendiz, Mt Hasan and Mt Pozanti apart from the Ala mountains called Aladaglar and the Bolkar mountains called Bolkarlar in the study region (7,312 km2). Analysis of both the stream drainage patterns and the lineaments revealed that the Nigde province has a valley zone called Karasu valley zone (KVZ) or Nigde valley zone (NVZ), where settlements and agricultural plains, particularly the Bor plain in addition to settlements of the Bor town and the central city of Nigde have the most flooding risk when a heavy raining occurs. The study revealed that the NVZ diagonally divides the study region roughly into two equal parts, heading from northeast to southwest. According to the map created in this study, the right side of the NVZ has more mountainous area, where the Aladaglar is a wildlife national park consisting of many species of fauna and flora whereas the left side of the NVZ has more agricultural plain, with exception of a caldera complex of Mt Melendiz and volcanic Mt Hasan. The south of the study region includes the Bolkarlar. In addition, the Ecemis fault zone (EFZ) lying along the Ecemis rivulet, running from north to south at the west side of the Aladaglar, forms the most important and sensitive location in the region in terms of the tectonics.  相似文献   

The volcanics exposed in the northeast Niğde area are characterized by pumiceous pyroclastic rocks present as ash flows and fall deposits and by compositions ranging from dacite to rhyolite. Xenoliths found in the volcanics are basaltic andesite, andesite and dacite in composition. These rocks exhibit linear chemical variations between end‐member compositions and a continuity of trace element behaviour exists through the basaltic andesite–andesite–dacite–rhyolite compositional range. This is consistent with the fractionation of ferromagnesian minerals and plagioclase from a basaltic andesite or andesite parent. These rocks are peraluminous and show typical high‐K calc‐alkaline differentiation trends with total iron content decreasing progressively with increasing silica content. Bulk rock and mineral compositional trends and petrographic data suggest that crustal material was added to the magmas by subducted oceanic crust and is a likely contaminant of the source zone of the Niğde magmas. The chemical variations in these volcanics indicate that crystal liquid fractionation has been a dominant process in controlling the chemistry of the northeast Niğde volcanics. It is also clear, from the petrographic and chemical features, that magma mixing with disequilibrium played a significant role in the evolution of the Niğde volcanic rocks. This is shown by normal and reverse zoning in plagioclase and resorption of most of the observed minerals. The xenoliths found in the Niğde volcanics represent the deeper part of the magma reservoir which equilibrated at the higher pressures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the development of collapse dolines is crucially important because sudden formation of these landforms threatens property and life. Obruks are mega collapse dolines developed in the lacustrine Neogene carbonates of the Konya Closed Basin in central Turkey. These landforms with diameters and depths reaching several hundreds of meters are characterized by their cylindrical or inverted truncated cone shaped surface morphology and contain lakes if they intersect the local water table. Evaluations based on geological, geophysical, hydrogeological data and the groundwater’s chemical and isotopic compositions suggest a hypogenic mechanism for the development of obruks. This process seems to be driven by the upward migration of a deep-seated carbon dioxide flux from an intrusive magmatic body. Presence of volcanogenic elements (i.e. Li and F) and remarkably high dissolved carbon dioxide (logPCO2?=?10?1 atm) in fresh groundwater, hydrothermal springs with elevated He contents (R/Ra?=?4.77), highly enriched carbon-13 isotopic composition of total dissolved inorganic carbon (13C_TDIC?=??1.12 ‰ V-PDB) in the regional groundwater and presence of widespread carbon dioxide discharges, constitute apparent evidence for the hypogenic fluid migration into the Neogene aquifer where enhanced dissolution due to mixing between the shallow-fresh and deep-saline groundwaters gives rise to obruk formation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the geological-depositional and environmental characteristics of diatomite. The diatomite deposit is situated in the southern part of the Alayunt (Kutahya) Basin. Samples of 18 diatomites and 12 host rocks were collected from four sedimentary profiles in the spring season. Basement rocks are Paleozoic-aged metamorphic rocks (schist, phyllite, quartzite, etc.) and Mesozoic-aged ophiolitic and complex rocks. Host rocks are rhyodacitic–rhyolitic tuffite, volcanic glass. Diatomite is composed of Upper Miocene–Upper Pliocene-aged diatom species. Diatomite shows layer morphology and lies on volcanic glass layer. XRD characteristic peaks of diatomite show that it comprises dominantly of Opal-A silica, whereas volcanic glass has Opal-CT constituent. SEM and NPM photomicrographs indicate that diatomites are dominantly composed of benthic freshwater diatom species, such as Pinnularia microstauron, Pinnularia lundii, Pinnularia subrostrata, Pinnularia brevicostata, Pinnularia tenuis, Pinnularia sp., Navicula eligensis, Fragilaria construens, Mastogloia braunii Grunow, Melosira varians Agardh, Surirella capronii Brébisson, Cymbella lanceoloata, Amphora venata, Gomphonema germainii, Gomphonema angustatum and Rhapalodia gibba. These species are general indicators of shallow paleolake environment and cool climate conditions. Due to the fluvial currents and climatic conditions; lake water levels, temperature and nutrient content fluctuated through the time. Chemical data obtained from 18 diatomite samples show that while silica is the bodybuilding material for diatomite (over 89 % SiO2), Al, Mg and Fe contents of diatomite samples might be derived from clastic materials. The concentration of Al, Mg and Fe decreases toward the lake center. Diatom genera, sedimentary profile sections and mineralogic data suggest that diatomite deposited in lacustrine-type freshwater shallow lake is associated with Upper Miocene-aged extension tectonics. Physical and filtration tests along with environmental characteristics of diatomite suggest that calcined diatomite can be used for waste treatment processes in the filter aid industry.  相似文献   

Small‐mammalian faunas enable the discrimination and correlation of uppermost Lower Miocene lacustrine sedimentary units in central western Anatolia. On the basis of sequential stratigraphic relationships, early Early Miocene and latest Early Miocene relative ages are suggested for the older lacustrine mass‐flow deposits and younger paper shale units, respectively, which are devoid of age‐diagnostic fossils. In central western Anatolia, the sequential differences between the uppermost Lower Miocene successions delineate a deformation zone of NE–SW‐trending fault blocks separated by vertical faults. This deformation zone, inherited from Late Oligocene tectonics, underwent an early Early Miocene sinistral transtension leading to pull‐aparts that were emplaced by granitoids. Limited extension caused the late Early Miocene repetitive up‐ and down‐wards motions of the fault blocks, with variable magnitudes. This led to contrasting subsidence histories in the relevant basinal system. During the latest Early Miocene, fault blocks coalesced into a regional body characterized by uniform slow subsidence and non‐extensional deformation facies. The general trend of the above tectonic events can be explained by lateral slab segmentation and progressive asthenospheric wedging, in response to NE‐directed and decelerated palaeosubduction in the Aegean. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A thick sedimentary sequence comprising fluvial, lacustrine and volcano-sedimentary rocks is present in the Neogene Beypazari Basin, central Anatolia. These units display considerable lateral facies variation and interfinger with alkaline volcanic rocks along the north-eastern margin of the basin. The uppermost Miocene Kirmir Formation contains numerous evaporite horizons. The evaporite sequence is up to 250 m thick and may be divided into four lithofacies. In ascending stratigraphical order these are: (1) gypsiferous claystone facies, (2) thenardite-glauberite facies, (3) laminar gypsum facies and (4) crystalline gypsum facies. These facies interfinger with one another laterally along a section from the margins to central parts of the basin. The lithological and sedimentological features of the Kirmir Formation indicate fluvial, saline playa mudflat, hypersaline ephemeral playa lake and very shallow subaqueous playa lake depositional environments, which probably were influenced by alternating semi-arid and evaporative conditions.  相似文献   

Geochemical works were conducted on anthropogenically effective lithologic unit exposing along the Susanoglu coast in Mersin, Turkey. For this purpose, beach sand sediments from 33 stations were collected and heavy metal and oxide concentrations were analyzed. To determine the source of heavy metals (natural and anthropogenic), simple and multivariate statistical analyses were applied. According to factor analysis, three factors were determined. The first factor consists of SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, Cr, Ni, Cu and Mo and total variance is explained with 27.502% and expressed as “natural process factor”. These elements (Cr, Ni, Cu, Mo) are closely associated with geogenic materials and came from same sources of ultrabasic rocks (ophiolite). The second factor consists of CaO, MgO, TiO2, MnO, Ni, Pb, Zn and W and total variance is explained with 21.505% and expressed as “anthropogenic factor”. These elements (Pb, Zn, Cd, V, W) are anthropogenic and are mainly due to the effluent or industrial input/activities and came from different sources of pollution in the study area. The third factor consists of Pb, Cd and Sb and total variance is explained with 9.748% and expressed as “intermediate factor”. The factor analysis and the cluster analysis are in support of each other. Cr, Ni, Co, Cd, Hg and Mo concentrations are greater than Turkish acceptable values and they show toxic effect. Al, Cu, Pb, Cd and Mo concentrations in beach sand deposits in the Susanoglu coast are found as 1.44, 1.26, 1.21, 1.02 and 1.04 mg/kg and higher than those in Kızkalesi beach sands. However, all other heavy metal contents are determined in low concentrations.  相似文献   

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