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A double-labelling procedure combining immunohistochemical staining with in situ hybridization using a radiolabelled cRNA probe was employed to demonstrate oestrogen receptor-like immunoreactivity and preproenkephalin-A mRNA in the medullary and spinal dorsal horn of female rats. Both markers labelled large numbers of neurons in the substantia gelatinosa and its trigeminal homologue. Many of these neurons were double-labelled, displaying both oestrogen receptor-like- immunoreactivity and preproenkephalin-A mRNA; cell counts showed that 40–60% of the of the oestrogen receptor-like-immunoreactive cells in the superficial laminae also were labelled for preproenkephalin-A mRNA, and that 60–70% of the preproenkephalin-A mRNA-labelled neurons in the same laminae displayed oestrogen receptor-like immunoreactivity. Previous studies have shown that oestrogen receptors can bind to the promoter region of the preproenkephalin-A gene, and studies on the hypothalamus have demonstrated that oestrogen regulates enkephalin expression in select neuronal populations. The present results demonstrate that enkephalinergic neurons in the superficial dorsal horn contain oestrogen receptors and suggest that oestrogen may play an important role in the modulation of sensory and nociceptive processing in the lower medulla and spinal cord.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors β (TGF-β), a family of pleiotropic cytokines, are widely distributed in the developing and adult nervous system. In order to further determine the neural functions of TGF-β, we have localized the TGF-β isoforms 1, 2 and 3 in the adult rat adrenal medulla and studied the neuroprotective capacity of one representative family member, TGF-β2, for those spinal cord neurons which innervate adrenal chromaffin cells and which die after destruction of the adrenal medulla. Unilateral electrothermal destruction of the adrenal medulla led to the disappearance of 25% of sympathetic preganglionic neurons, which are located in the intermediolateral (IML) column of thoracic spinal cord segments 7–10 and can be selectively marked by NADPH-diaphorase. The neurons which disappeared following adrenomedullectomy constitute the full set of neurons that innervate the adrenal medulla. Implantation of gelfoam soaked with 0.5 μg TGF-β2 into the adrenal wound cavity rescued all spinal cord neurons in the IML ipsilaterally to the lesioned side. Cytochrome c was not effective. Injections of [125l]TGF-β2 into the adrenal medulla did not result in retrograde transport and subsequent labelling of spinal cord neurons, suggesting that TGF-β may exert its neuroprotective actions by indirect mechanisms. TGF-β applied to cultured adrenocortical cells did not overtly increase the amount of mRNA for fibroblast growth factor-2, an established trophic molecule for sympathetic preganglionic spinal cord neurons. The mechanisms by which TGF-β exerts its neurotrophic effect are therefore unclear. Even so, our data provide the first evidence that TGF-β may play an important role in vivo in the control of maintenance of a population of spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   

The adult rat brain contains progenitor cells that can be induced to proliferatein vitroin response to FGF-2. In the present study we explored whether similar progenitor cells can be cultured from different levels (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral) of adult rat spinal cord and whether they give rise to neurons and glia as well as spinal cord-specific neurons (e.g., motoneurons). Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral areas of adult rat spinal cord (>3 months old) were microdissected and neural progenitors were isolated and cultured in serum-free medium containing FGF-2 (20 ng/ml) through multiple passages. Although all areas generated rapidly proliferating cells, the cultures were heterogeneous in nature and cell morphology varied within a given area as well as between areas. A percentage of cells from all areas of the spinal cord differentiate into cells displaying antigenic properties of neuronal, astroglial, and oligodendroglial lineages; however, the majority of cells from all regions expressed the immature proliferating progenitor marker vimentin. In established multipassage cultures, a few large, neuron-like cells expressed immunoreactivity for p75NGFr and did not express GFAP. These cells may be motoneurons. These results demonstrate that FGF-2 is mitogenic for progenitor cells from adult rat spinal cord that have the potential to give rise to glia and neurons including motoneurons.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) potentiates the development of murine spinal cord neurons in vitro , suggesting that it, or related factors, may play an important regulatory role in neuronal development. We have further investigated this role and show here that the generation of neurons in cultures of embryonic day 10 spinal cord cells is inhibited by antibodies to the β subunit of the LIF receptor. Since there are more undifferentiated precursors in antibody-treated cultures than in control and LIF-treated cultures, it is concluded that the primary action of LIF, or related molecules, is to promote neuronal differentiation, not precursor survival. In addition, the failure of LIF to support neuronal survival in the period immediately following differentiation suggests that the increased numbers of neurons generated with LIF are not attributable to its neurotrophic action. By selecting neuronal precursors on the basis of their inability to express class I major histocompatibility complex molecules, it was shown that LIF acted directly upon these cells and not via an intermediary cell. LIF also appears to be involved in regulating the differentiation of astrocytes, since it increases the number of glial fibrillary protein (GFAP)-positive cells present in the cultures and since the spontaneous production of GFAP-positive cells is blocked by antibodies to the LIF β receptor. These findings suggest that LIF or related factors promote the differentiation of neural precursors in the spinal cord, but that they are not involved in preferentially promoting precursors down a specific differentiation pathway.  相似文献   

ObjectivesHow spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in its different modes suppresses pain is poorly understood. Mechanisms of action may reside locally in the spinal cord, but also involve a larger network including subcortical and cortical brain structures. Tonic, burst, and high-frequency modes of SCS can, in principle, entrain distinct temporal activity patterns in this network, but finally have to yield specific effects on pain suppression. Here, we employ high-density electroencephalography (EEG) and recently developed spatial filtering techniques to reduce SCS artifacts and to enhance EEG signals specifically related to neuromodulation by SCS.Materials and MethodsWe recorded high-density resting-state EEGs in patients suffering from pain of various etiologies under different modes of SCS. We established a pipeline for the robust spectral analysis of oscillatory brain activity during SCS, which includes spatial filtering for attenuation of pulse artifacts and enhancement of brain activity potentially modulated by SCS.ResultsIn sensor regions responsive to SCS, neuromodulation strongly reduced activity in the theta and low alpha range (6–10 Hz) in all SCS modes. Results were consistent in all patients, and in accordance with thalamocortical dysrhythmia hypothesis of pain. Only in the tonic mode showing paresthesia as side effect, SCS also consistently and strongly reduced high-gamma activity (>84 Hz).ConclusionsEEG spectral analysis combined with spatial filtering allows for a spatially and temporally specific assessment of SCS-related, neuromodulatory EEG activity, and may help to disentangle therapeutic and side effects of SCS.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings have been made from neurons of the superficial dorsal horn in slices of the lumbar and thoracic spinal cord of young adult rats. Three broad categories of neurons could be distinguished on the basis of their firing patterns to intracellular current pulses and their afterhyperpolarizations (AHP); there was no detectable difference in the regional distribution of the three types. Category 1 cells were characterized by maintained firing to intracellular depolarizing current pulses, brief action potential durations and polyphasic AHPs. Category 2 cells showed spike adaptation, without spike attenuation, during intracellular current pulses, and had monophasic AHPs. Category 3 cells fired only 1 or 2 spikes to maintained depolarizing pulses and had smaller monophasic AHPs than category 2 neurons. Spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potential (epsp and ipsp) activity was seen with psp durations varying widely. Low intensity electrical stimulation of afferent fibres, or of superficial white matter, resulted in polyphasic epsps and/or ipsps. The spike discharge in response to such afferent inputs correlated with the membrane properties of the cells, such that the synaptic responses of category 1 neurons were usually bursts of spikes, whereas category 2 and 3 neurons either failed to fire or fired only a single spike. These results in adult rat spinal cord suggest that the discharge pattern within synaptic sensory responses of superficial dorsal horn neurons is determined by postsynaptic membrane properties as well as by the pattern of the afferent input.  相似文献   

Two new oligonucleotide anti-sense probes and their corresponding sense probes specific for mouse GAP-43 mRNA were synthesized and end-labelled with digoxygenin. They were used to localize GAP-43 mRNA in the spinal cords of normal mice and in mice 3 and 7 days following unilateral sciatic nerve cut. GAP-43 mRNA was found to be expressed at low levels in motor and other neurons of the normal spinal cords. As expected from other studies, up-regulation occurred in the cell bodies of axotomized motor neurons but, in addition, up-regulation was also observed in the cell bodies of intact motor neurons contralateral to the lesion. Densitometer measurements showed that the up-regulation of GAP-43 mRNA was less in the intact, contralateral motor neuron cell bodies than in the axotomized motor neuron cell bodies and furthermore was transient, being higher at 3 days than at 7 days following axotomy. Both anti-sense probes gave the same result, although differences in cellular localization were observed, and the two sense probes were negative. Probe binding was abolished by pretreatment of the sections with ribonuclease and hybridization was carried out under different conditions of stringency in order to ascertain whether the contralateral expression of GAP-43 mRNA was a true reflection of its distribution in vivo. There is conflicting evidence on the presence or absence of contralateral effects following unilateral peripheral nerve injury in the literature, and it is suggested that these differences can be accounted for by the methodology and type of probe used.  相似文献   

Cellular properties have been examined in ventrally located Xenopus spinal cord neurons that are rhythmically active during fictive swimming and presumed to be motoneurons. Resting potentials and input resistances of such neurons are - 75 +/- 2 mV (mean +/- standard error) and 118 +/- 17 M ohm respectively. Most cells fire a single impulse, 0.5 to 2.0 ms in duration and 48.5 +/- 1.8 mV in amplitude, in response to a depolarizing current step. A minority fire several spikes of diminishing amplitude to more strongly depolarizing current. Cells held above spike, threshold fire on rebound from brief hyperpolarizing pulses. Spikes are blocked by 0.1 to 1.0 microM tetrodotoxin (TTX) and are therefore Na+-dependent. Current/voltage (I/V) plots to injected current are approximately linear near the resting potential but become non-linear at more depolarized levels. Cells recorded in TTX with CsCI-filled microelectrodes show a linearized I/V plot at depolarized membrane potentials suggesting the normal presence of a voltage-dependent K+ conductance activated at relatively depolarized levels. Most cells recorded in this way but without TTX fire long trains of spikes of near constant amplitude, pointing to a role of the K+ conductance in limiting firing in normal cells. Spike blockage with TTX reveals, in some cells, a transient depolarizing Cd2+-sensitive and therefore presumably Ca2+-dependent potential that increases in amplitude with depolarization. Cells in TTX, Cd2+, and strychnine, and recorded with CsCI-filled microelectrodes to block active conductances respond to hyperpolarizing current steps with a two component exponential response. The cell time constant (tau0) obtained from the longer of these by exponential peeling is relatively long (mean 15.7 ms). These findings contribute to an increased understanding of the cellular properties involved in spinal rhythm generation in this simple vertebrate.  相似文献   

Advances in the purification and expansion of Schwann cells (SCs) from adult human peripheral nerve, together with biomaterials development, have made the construction of unique grafts with defined properties possible. We have utilized PAN/PVC guidance channels to form solid human SC grafts which can be transplanted either with or without the channel. We studied the ability of grafts placed with and without channels to support regeneration and to influence functional recovery; characteristics of the graft and host/graft interface were also compared. The T9–T10 spinal cord of nude rats was resected and a graft was placed across the gap; methylprednisolone was delivered acutely to decrease secondary injury. Channels minimized the immigration of connective tissue into grafts but contributed to some necrotic tissue loss, especially in the distal spinal cord. Grafts without channels contained more myelinated axons (x= 2129 ± 785) vs (x = 1442 ± 514) and were larger in cross-sectional area (x = 1.53 ± 0.24 mm2) vs (x= 0.95 ± 0.86 mm2). The interfaces formed between the host spinal cord and the grafts placed without channels were highly interdigitated and resembled CNS–PNS transition zones; chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans was deposited there. Whereas several neuronal populations including propriospinal, sensory, motoneuronal, and brainstem neurons regenerated into human SC grafts, only propriospinal and sensory neurons were observed to reenter the host spinal cord. Using combinations of anterograde and retrograde tracers, we observed regeneration of propriospinal neurons up to 2.6 mm beyond grafts. We estimate that 1% of the fibers that enter grafts reenter the host spinal cord by 45 days after grafting. Following retrograde tracing from the distal spinal cord, more labeled neurons were unexpectedly found in the region of the dextran amine anterograde tracer injection site where a marked inflammatory reaction had occurred. Animals with bridging grafts obtained modestly higher scores during open field [(x = 8.2 ± 0.35) vs (x = 6.8 ± 0.42),P = 0.02] and inclined plane testing (x = 38.6 ± 0.542) vs (x= 36.3 ± 0.53),P = 0.006] than animals with similar grafts in distally capped channels. In summary, this study showed that in the nude rat given methylprednisolone in combination with human SC grafts, some regenerative growth occurred beyond the graft and a modest improvement in function was observed.  相似文献   

The location and distribution of estradiol-concentrating neurons in the hypothalamus afferent to segments of lumbar spinal cord that contain the sexually dimorphic spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) were determined by combining retrograde fluorescent tract tracing with steroid hormone autoradiography. Injections of Fluorogold were made into segments of L5-L6 of the spinal cord of adult male rats and 12 days later animals were castrated. One week following castration, males received injections of [3H]estradiol and were perfused. Their brains were then processed for steroid hormone autoradiography. Following exposure times of 11 to 12 months, autoradiograms were developed and the hypothalamus was analyzed for neurons that concentrate estradiol and project to the spinal cord. Numerous neurons in the hypothalamus projected to the spinal cord, specifically neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the lateral hypothalamus and the dorsal area of the hypothalamus. Although many subnuclei of PVN, as well as lateral hypothalamus, contained Fluorogold labelled neurons and estradiol concentrating neurons, the majority of double labeled cells were found in the lateral parvocellular (lp) subnucleus of PVN. Approximately 30% of the neurons in the lp subnucleus that projected to spinal cord also concentrated estradiol. Up to one half of the estradiol-concentrating neurons in Ip sent axons to the lower lumbar spinal cord. These results suggest that some of the effects of gonadal steroid hormones on SNB development, plasticity and function may in fact, be indirect, via steroid-sensitive afferents.  相似文献   

Muscle recruitment after central cord syndrome (CCS), a cervical spinal cord injury leading to a weaker motor function in the upper limbs versus the lower limbs, was examined in 14 individuals by means of voluntary muscle contractions and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Previously obtained data from able-bodied (AB) and non-CCS spinal cord injured subjects were used for comparison. Surface EMG was recorded from as many as six pairs of affected muscles. Individual muscle EMG activity was scored from 0 to 5. Cortical stimulation was applied while subjects maintained a weak contraction in each muscle. When CCS subjects attempted to produce a maximal voluntary contraction of an isolated muscle, this frequently resulted in cocontraction of nonsynergists in the same limb or/and in other limbs. Although the EMG scores in both upper and lower extremity muscles improved within postinjury time, in general, the lower extremity muscles, particularly the distal ones, demonstrated better recovery than the upper extremity muscles. CCS and AB subjects showed a similar high probability of “well-defined” responses to TMS (amplitude >150 μV) in all studied muscles. In contrast, latencies to TMS-evoked motor responses were prolonged by significant amounts after CCS. The delays in muscle responses were not significantly different from those observed in subjects with more severe cervical injury. Despite improvement in EMG scores, repeated measurements of TMS-evoked muscle response latencies in the same CCS subjects did not reveal significant shortening in central conduction latency. This argues against remyelination as an important contributor to the recovery process.  相似文献   

The effect of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) on cerebral blood flow (CBF) has, in the past, been evaluated by semiquantitative techniques, but has not been used to treat CBF diseases. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of cervical SCS on regional blood flow by both semiquantitative and quantitative methods. Thirty‐five patients with cervical SCS‐implanted devices were enrolled. The following parameters were measured before and after cervical SCS: systolic and diastolic velocity (cm/s) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) by transcranial Doppler (TCD) and volume blood flow quantification (ml/min) in the common carotid artery (CCA) by color Doppler. During cervical SCS there was a significant and bilateral increase in systolic (21%) and diastolic (26%) velocity in the MCA and in CCA blood flow (50%). We conclude that cervical SCS increases blood flow in the middle cerebral artery and common carotid artery. The consistent increase supports the potential usefulness of cervical SCS as an adjuvant treatment for cerebral blood flow diseases.  相似文献   

Neural circuitry generating locomotor rhythm and pattern is located in the spinal cord. Most spinal cord injuries (SCIs) occur above the level of spinal locomotor neurons; therefore, these circuits are a target for improving motor function after SCI. Despite being relatively intact below the injury, locomotor circuitry undergoes substantial plasticity with the loss of descending control. Information regarding cell type-specific plasticity within locomotor circuits is limited. Shox2 interneurons (INs) have been linked to locomotor rhythm generation and patterning, making them a potential therapeutic target for the restoration of locomotion after SCI. The goal of the present study was to identify SCI-induced plasticity at the level of Shox2 INs in a complete thoracic transection model in adult male and female mice. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of Shox2 INs revealed minimal changes in intrinsic excitability properties after SCI. However, afferent stimulation resulted in mixed excitatory and inhibitory input to Shox2 INs in uninjured mice which became predominantly excitatory after SCI. Shox2 INs were differentially modulated by serotonin (5-HT) in a concentration-dependent manner in uninjured conditions but following SCI, 5-HT predominantly depolarized Shox2 INs. 5-HT7 receptors mediated excitatory effects on Shox2 INs from both uninjured and SCI mice, but activation of 5-HT2B/2C receptors enhanced excitability of Shox2 INs only after SCI. Overall, SCI alters sensory afferent input pathways to Shox2 INs and 5-HT modulation of Shox2 INs to enhance excitatory responses. Our findings provide relevant information regarding the locomotor circuitry response to SCI that could benefit strategies to improve locomotion after SCI.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Current therapies to gain locomotor control after spinal cord injury (SCI) target spinal locomotor circuitry. Improvements in therapeutic strategies will require a better understanding of the SCI-induced plasticity within specific locomotor elements and their controllers, including sensory afferents and serotonergic modulation. Here, we demonstrate that excitability and intrinsic properties of Shox2 interneurons, which contribute to the generation of the locomotor rhythm and pattering, remain intact after SCI. However, SCI induces plasticity in both sensory afferent pathways and serotonergic modulation, enhancing the activation and excitation of Shox2 interneurons. Our findings will impact future strategies looking to harness these changes with the ultimate goal of restoring functional locomotion after SCI.  相似文献   

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