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非线性现象在DC-DC开关变换器中普遍存在,具体表现为次谐波振荡和混沌等不稳定现象。针对此,研究了峰值电流控制下的DC-DC Boost变换器,通过采取固定斜坡补偿可消除其电路中的非线性现象,但降低了参考电流和输入功率。为解决上述问题,提出了一种优化的斜坡补偿方案来解决固定斜坡补偿带来的参考电流和输入功率降低的问题,同时推导出其参考电流和电感电流平均值的表达式,通过仿真和实验验证了理论分析的正确性及所提优化补偿策略的有效性。  相似文献   

分析了Boost变换器的输出电压纹波,将谷值V2控制技术应用于Boost变换器。详细分析了谷值V2控制Boost变换器的工作原理,讨论了系统的稳定性,研究了斜坡补偿对其稳定性的影响。搭建了基于PSIM软件的仿真模型和实验平台,仿真及实验结果表明:工作于连续导电模式的谷值V2控制Boost变换器稳定工作范围为占空比大于0.5;在占空比小于0.5时会发生次谐波振荡,该次谐波振荡可以通过加入适当的斜坡补偿有效地消除。  相似文献   

峰值电流控制二次型Boost变换器   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
二次型Boost变换器因其具有宽输入电压范围特性而得到广泛关注.与传统Boost变换器相比,二次型Boost变换器含有两个LC滤波器,呈现四阶动力学特性.本文提出将二次型Boost变换器输入电感电流和输出电容电压作为反馈信号的峰值电流控制策略,简化了控制环路设计.实验结果验证了峰值电流控制二次型Boost变换器具有瞬态...  相似文献   

在光伏发电系统中,前级Boost升压变换器采用单环电压模式控制时,动态响应速度慢,系统的稳定性差,针对上述问题,利用UC3842设计了双环电流模式控制系统、内部电流环和外部电压环。先对内部电流环进行斜坡补偿,然后推导控制系统的开环传递函数,根据其开环频率特性对外部电压环进行PI调节,提高系统的动态响应速度和稳定性。试验结果与理论分析一致,证明了双环电流模式控制系统具有动态响应速度快和稳定性好等优点,控制效果较好。  相似文献   

开关电感并联Boost变换器的非线性行为严重影响系统的性能。为研究变换器参数变化对系统性能的影响,建立系统的离散映射模型。通过分岔图观察变换器参数变化时其非线性动力学的演化过程,研究发现考电流、负载电阻增大时,变换器并不遵循周期倍增的分岔轨迹,而是在2倍周期后突然激变为6倍、8倍周期运行并通往混沌;当输入电压、电感数值减少时,变换器极易发生突变而进入混沌态;而当开关频率增大时,输出纹波减少,但不能让变换器稳定运行在单周期态。针对这些非线性动力学行为,提出一种指数延迟反馈控制方法对系统施加控制。搭建的仿真模型证明这种特殊的非线性现象的存在,验证所提出的控制方法控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

电压反馈型Boost变换器的混沌现象研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了电压反馈型BOOST变换器不连续运行模式下的混沌模型,分析了BOOST变换器的稳定运动条件,研究了BOOST变换器在电压反馈系统变化情况下的混沌现象。  相似文献   

高频条件下的Boost变换器具有功率密度大、转换效率高和适于大规模集成等特点而备受关注,但因其强非线性特性,在工作中更容易因参数选择不当或外部受到大干扰使得系统产生分岔和混沌现象。通过建立高频Boost变换器的频闪映射模型,利用Jacobian矩阵特征值变化判断系统的稳定参数域,分析了该变换器各参数在不同条件下产生分岔的情况,通过电路仿真及实验验证了高频Boost变换器中出现的分岔及混沌现象与理论分析结果一致。本结论能够为Boost变换器在高频条件下维持稳定运行提供参考,也为系统的进一步优化设计和控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

褚利丽  张薇琳 《电源学报》2006,4(3):212-215
该文建立了Boost变换器在电流可编程控制模式下的离散数学模型和迭代方程,并通过仿真分析了不同分岔参数变化下的工作规律,证实了该变换器中的倍周期和混沌行为。  相似文献   

时延反馈是一种混沌或混沌化控制的有效方法,本文建立了电流模式控制DC-DC Boost变换器输出电压时延反馈混沌化模型,以非线性微分方程时延反馈混沌化理论为基础,研究了控制策略中不同控制参数对变换器混沌化的影响,并给出了控制参数的选择依据.时延反馈混沌化方法控制范围宽,结构简单且设计过程系统性强.同时,验证了变换器系统的混沌化对EMI的有效抑制,为相关混沌研究的工程应用提供了实现思路.  相似文献   

峰值电流控制变换器斜坡补偿电路的优化设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
指出工作于DCM的变换器是稳定的,而工作于CCM且占空比D>0.5的峰值电流控制变换器需要进行斜坡补偿。论述了由单只电阻与电容简单串联构成的最佳斜坡补偿电路,分析了斜坡补偿系数与D的关系及斜坡补偿电路对振荡器参数的影响,论述了电流前沿尖峰滤波参数设计和斜坡补偿网络各元件参数的优化设计方法。文中给出了以UC3843控制的反激变换器设计实例,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性和方案的可行性。  相似文献   

A novel chaotic pulse‐width‐modulation (PWM) boost converter has been previously proposed to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) in DC–DC converters, where the circuit design and simulations have been conducted, but the problems such as the mean value estimation of state variables for circuit parameter design, the ripple estimation of the input current and the stability analysis have been remained to be addressed in this paper. Here, a mean value estimation method is first proposed, which is used to estimate the mean values of state variables of chaotic PWM boost converters for facilitating the circuit parameter design and selection of circuit components. Although ripples are slightly increased, caused by adopting chaotic carriers, the DC–DC converter with reduced EMI is still stable under the chaotic PWM control. This work provides a theoretic verification of the effectiveness and practicability of the proposed chaotic PWM DC–DC converters. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汪莉丽 《电源技术》2012,36(3):384-387
峰值电流模式控制Boost PFC变换器中存在着丰富的非线性行为,为了控制以削弱不稳定现象的范围,工程上通常采用斜波补偿的方法,但完全靠设计经验。以非线性系统理论的分叉控制观点给出了系统稳定性的临界参数条件及判据,推导了斜波补偿法的参数选择公式,为设计电路时的参数选择提供了理论依据,对实际产品开发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

无传感器电流型控制开关电源斜坡补偿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先介绍了几种常用的开关电源电流检测方法,并分析了这些电流检测方法的不足之处.在此基础上,本文重点介绍了不需要电流检测电路的无传感器电流型控制方法.通过以Boost变换器为例对无传感器电流型控制原理以及无传感器电流型控制的斜坡补偿问题进行的详细分析研究发现,对控制环路中的误差放大器输出信号提供具有适当斜率的补偿斜坡,可使系统获得更优的环路稳定性.  相似文献   

新能源汽车能处于正确的电压级别下安全可靠地运行,DC/DC变换器发挥着重要作用,针对其现有控制方法多为线性控制,难以应对负载与输入电压参数多变的情况的问题;在非线性控制既无源控制的基础上引入了PI阻抗反馈补偿环路的概念,提出了一种PI阻抗补偿无源控制策略。为证明其优越性,与现有方法进行了比较。并针对负载与输入电压参数变化情况进行了模拟仿真,结果表明,该策略在输入电压跌落8 V后,仅产生了2 V的波动;负载突变为初值的一半时,仅用了不到0.01 s便重新抬升至给定电压值。由仿真结果可得,该策略不仅响应速度快、不会产生超调现象,而且在负载和输入电压发生较大变化的情况下,仍能很好的抵御外部干扰并保持输出电压的稳定性和优秀的电压纹波抑制效果,具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This paper describes a three‐phase power converter which utilizes the neutral point of an induction motor and demonstrates the performance of the motor using the proposed method under various operating conditions. Several motor test results, such as the speed–torque characteristic, the torque impact, and the acceleration–deceleration characteristic, are included to confirm the performance of the induction motor. The structure of the proposed circuit consists primarily of an AC/AC converter [indirect matrix converter (IMC)] and a boost converter connected to the neutral point of the induction motor. In addition, this paper also proposes a method to reduce the ripple found in the battery current. Several experimental results show that the motor works well, and even the leakage inductance is utilized in the boost converter. © 2012 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

针对目前矩阵变换器存在电压传输比低的缺陷,在对拓扑结构的基本构成及其工作原理分析基础上,提出一种新型的称为Boost矩阵变换器的电路拓扑结构.推导了其电压传输比与占空比之间函数关系的解析表达式,阐述了所采用的离散滑模控制策略的设计方法,并通过仿真对其有效性和可行性进行了验证.结果表明,该拓扑结构能实现输出电压和频率在一定范围内的任意调节,其电压传输比既可大于1,也可小于1,且直接输出高品质的正弦波而无需滤波环节,从而有效解决了传统矩阵变换器电压传输比低的难题.  相似文献   

The increasing need to improve power quality with the reduction of the harmonic content of current and voltage waveforms has been intensively analyzed in several studies, thus motivating the proposal of many high power factor rectifiers based on the classic converters such as boost and buck-boost. Moreover, distinct control techniques have also been proposed due to the commercial availability of integrated circuits (ICs) dedicated to impose sinusoidal input currents in switch-mode power supplies (SMPSs). The boost converter operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) is by far the most traditional choice for this purpose due to circuit simplicity and low electromagnetic interference (EMI) levels. Within this context, this work analyzes some of the most important control techniques used in power factor correction (PFC). The performance of a single-phase boost converter using peak current mode control (PCMC), average current mode control (ACMC), and one cycle control (OCC) is evaluated experimentally in detail. A comprehensive analysis of key aspects such as the input current waveform and respective harmonic content, dc output voltage, and dynamic response of the converter is also presented.  相似文献   

冯景晓  王希娟 《防爆电机》2005,40(6):13-16,41
从提高功率因数谈起,阐述交流电动机电容补偿与变频调速的节能原理,并对它们作以简单比较,以便合理选用配置,取得良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

Predicting the power losses in a semiconductor is an essential design process to determine the converter's size. In the continuous conduction mode (CCM) boost converter, the power loss of MOSFETs can be divided into the loss not depending on the gate current (the conduction loss) and losses depending on the gate current (the switching losses) leading to IDS transition period and VDS transition period. Therefore, analysis of both conduction and switching losses based on constant gate current can realize the MOSFET selection to improve the efficiency of the CCM boost converter.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide schottky barrier diodes (SiC SBDs) have much better characteristic than Si PiN diode in high voltage applications because SiC SBDs do not have recovery effect. However, simple replacing is not the most effective way. In a boost converter, the power loss caused by the SiC SBD can be divided into the conduction loss of the SiC SBD and the loss caused by the energy stored in the junction capacitance of the SiC SBD. Therefore analysis of not only the conduction loss but also the loss caused by the energy stored in the junction capacitance of the SiC SBD can realize the SiC SBD selection to improve the efficiency of the boost converter. © 2016 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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