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An electron microscopic analysis of regions of Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes into which DNA fragments of different genetic composition were inserted by the P element-mediated transformation was performed. In 4 of 5 regions studied with integrated DNA sequences of the hsp28-ry, hsp70-Adh, ry-hsp70-beta-gal genes new bands appeared. Apparently their generation is mainly caused by integration of the DNA fragments in interbands. Absence of a new band in transformed region in one of the stocks can be explained by fusion of the insertion with a band existed in the initial untransformed stock. Among the transformants studied, the minimum length of DNA fragment revealed as a new band is about 5 kb. DNA packing ratio of such the bands varies from 30 to 50. The activation of the inserted genes by heat shock allows to trace peculiarities of the new bands puffing. The puff sizes correlate with the length of the activated genes. If the DNA of the fragment consists of the sequence of one gene, its activation will lead to decondensation of the whole band. In the case when DNA fragment consists of 2 genes and the promoter of activated gene is situated inside the sequence, the band is splitted after gene activation at the beginning and then separated portion of the band is decondensed and puffed. The data obtained evidence that a band of polytene chromosome is not a unit of decondensation. DNA packing ratio in puffs is equal to 1.5-3.5.  相似文献   

Chromosome-sized DNA molecules from Drosophila   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
Measurements of viscoelastic retardation times of detergent-Pronase lysates of Drosophila cells demonstrated the presence of large numbers of DNA molecules of a size commensurate with that of the chromosomes. The values estimated from the retardation times for the molecular weights of the largest molecules ranged from about 20×109 to 80×109 daltons depending on the species of Drosophila. The molecular weights of the DNA molecules were independent of the metaphase shapes (i.e., metacentric or submetacentric), but were proportional to the DNA contents of the chromosomes in the case of translocations or deletions. It was concluded, therefore, that the DNA molecules must run the length of the chromosome and cannot be discontinuous at the centromere. When compared with the values of the DNA contents of Drosophila chromosomes determined by other methods, the results were consistent with the model of one, or possibly two, DNA molecules per chromosome; the simplest conclusion, that there is only one DNA molecule per chromosome (for simple chromosomes), rests on a long extrapolation of an empirical relation between retardation time and molecular weight, but is also favored by indirect evidence. Further possibilities which could not be excluded were that the large DNA molecules contained Pronase-resistant, non-DNA links, or that a fraction of smaller DNA molecules might also have been present in the chromosomes. Chromosome-sized DNA molecules were obtained almost quantitatively from unsynchronized cultured cells, suggesting that the size of the chromosomal DNA is conserved throughout much of the cell cycle. The molecules were stable for periods of up to several days at 50° C in solutions containing detergent, Pronase, and EDTA.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA from Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Aggregate formation from short fragments of plant DNA   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Large aggregates have been observed after partial reassociation of pea (Pisum sativum L.) DNA preparations sheared to mean single strand fragment lengths as short as 350 nucleotides. At high DNA concentrations and conditions of salt and temperature which require only moderate precision of base pairing, aggregates pelletable by brief centrifugation account for 30 to 40% of the total DNA from peas, while calf thymus DNA reassociated under similar conditions forms less than 10% pelletable structures. In contrast to networks formed during the reassociation of long DNA fragments containing interspersed repetitive sequences, these aggregates contain a high percentage of double-stranded DNA and are enriched in repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

P Keohavong  C C Wang  R S Cha  W G Thilly 《Gene》1988,71(1):211-216
Conditions for DNA amplification in vitro using modified T7 DNA polymerase have been devised to obtain 2000-bp DNA fragments of the HGPRT gene directly from human genomic DNA. The DNA obtained from a 1.2 x 10(5)-fold amplification has been used for direct sequencing.  相似文献   

CTP synthase (CTPsyn) plays an essential role in DNA, RNA, and lipid synthesis. Recent studies in bacteria, yeast, and Drosophila all reveal a polymeric CTPsyn structure, which dynamically regulates its enzymatic activity. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the formation of CTPsyn polymers is not completely understood. In this study, we found that reversible ubiquitination regulates the dynamic assembly of the filamentous structures of Drosophila CTPsyn. We further determined that the proto-oncogene Cbl, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, controls CTPsyn filament formation in endocycles. While the E3 ligase activity of Cbl is required for CTPsyn filament formation, Cbl does not affect the protein levels of CTPsyn. It remains unclear whether the regulation of CTPsyn filaments by Cbl is through direct ubiquitination of CTPsyn. In the absence of Cbl or with knockdown of CTPsyn, the progression of the endocycle-associated S phase was impaired. Furthermore, overexpression of wild-type, but not enzymatically inactive CTPsyn, rescued the endocycle defect in Cbl mutant cells. Together, these results suggest that Cbl influences the nucleotide pool balance and controls CTPsyn filament formation in endocycles. This study links Cbl-mediated ubiquitination to the polymerization of a metabolic enzyme and reveals a role for Cbl in endocycles during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Duplex segments of HeLa-cell nuclear DNA were generated by cleavage with DNA restriction endonuclease from Haemophilus influenzae. About 20-25% of the DNA segments produced, when partly degraded with exonuclease III and annealed, were found to form rings visible in the electron microscope. A further 5% of the DNA segments formed structures that were branched in configuration. Similar structures were generated from HeLa-cell DNA, without prior treatment with restriction endonuclease, when the complementary polynucleotide chains were exposed by exonuclease III action at single-chain nicks. After exposure of an average single-chain length of 1400 nucleotides per terminus at nicks in HeLa-cell DNA by exonuclease III, followed by annealing, the physical length of ring closures was estimated and found to be 0.02-0.1mum, or 50-300 base pairs. An almost identical distribution of lengths was recorded for the regions of complementary base sequence responsible for branch formation. It is proposed that most of the rings and branches are formed from classes of reiterated base sequence with an average length of 180 base pairs arranged intermittenly in HeLa-cell DNA. From the rate of formation of branched structures when HeLa-cell DNA segments were heat-denatured and annealed, it is estimated that the reiterated sequences are in families containing approximately 2400-24000 copies.  相似文献   

Fragments of rDNA3 from Drosophila melanogaster produced by the restriction endonuclease EcoRI were cloned in the form of recombinant plasmids in Escheriehia coli. Maps were prepared showing the location of the coding regions and of several restriction endonuclease sites. Most rDNA repeats have a single EcoRI site in the 18 S gene region. Thus, 19 of 24 recombinant clones contained a full repeat of rDNA. Ten repeats with continuous 28 S genes and repeats containing insertions in the 28 S gene of 0.5, 1 and 5 kb were isolated. The 0.5 and 1 kb insertion sequences are homologous to segments of the 5 kb insertions; because of this homology they are grouped together and identified as type 1 insertions. Four recombinant clones contain an rDNA fragment that corresponds to only a portion of a repeating unit. In these fragments the 28 S gene is interrupted by a sequence which had been cleaved by EcoRI. The interrupting sequences in these clones are not homologous to any portion of type 1 insertions and are therefore classified as type 2. In one of the above clones the 28 S gene is interrupted at an unusual position; such a structure is rare or absent in genomic rDNA from the fly. Another unusual rDNA fragment was isolated as a recombinant molecule. In this fragment the entire 18 S gene and portions of the spacer regions surrounding it are missing from one repeat. A molecule with the same structure has been found in uncloned genomic rDNA by electron microscopic examination of RNA/DNA hybrids.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for the resolution of restriction enzyme digests of mammalian genomic DNA in two dimensions. Fragments from a first digestion are separated on a column of purified agarose containing a second restriction enzyme in the absence of the divalent cation required for enzyme activity. After enzyme activation and digestion, the fragments are resolved on an agarose slab gel. We have digested rat genomic DNA and found in the ethidium-stained pattern a variety of features which have not been described previously.  相似文献   

Isolation of giant DNA fragments from flow-sorted human chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have established a method using a conventional cell sorter equipped with a single argon laser to sort intact human chromosomes that can be used as a source for the production of giant DNA fragments. Various improvements were made to both the equipment and sorting method to enhance the sorting resolution and avoid destruction of chromosomal DNA. Using this improved method chromosomes 21 and 22 were sorted from the B-lymphoblastoid line GM00130B, digested with the rare cutting restriction endonuclease NotI, and analyzed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis followed by Southern hybridization using the Alu repetitive sequence as a probe. More than 25 discrete NotI giant DNA fragments ranging from 50 kb to longer than 2.5 Mb were separated and the size distribution pattern was unique for each chromosome, indicating successful sorting of intact chromosomes. The cumulative size of these Alu-positive NotI DNA fragments were 22.7 Mb and 25.5 Mb for chromosomes 21 and 22, respectively. These values are 47% and 49% of the estimated size of chromosomes 21 (48 Mb) and 22 (52 Mb).  相似文献   

Two polyacrylamide-rich, non-toxic, gelable copolymers have been developed to facilitate the formation of user-cast electrophoresis gels. Gel formation is accomplished with dithiothreitol as the chemical cross-linking agent. The higher molecular weight copolymer is suitable for casting gels of copolymer concentration less than or equal to 8%. Gels of 3% concentration are excellent for resolving dsDNA fragments up to approximately 3000 base pairs. Because the cross-linking chemistry is not thwarted by the presence of urea, it is also possible to cast denaturing gels with these copolymers.  相似文献   

Extracts of Drosophila embryos contain an enzymatic activity that converts circular DNAs into huge networks of catenated rings in an ATP-dependent fashion. The catenation activity is resolved into two protein components during purification. One component is a novel DNA topoisomerase that requires the presence of ATP in order to relax supercoiled DNA. We have shown that the ATP-dependent DNA topoisomerase relaxes DNA by a mechanism distinct from that of nicking-closing enzymes. The Drosophila ATP-dependent topoisomerase allows one segment of a circular DNA to pass through transient breaks in both strands at another site on the DNA circle without any relative rotation between the ends at the transient break. This mechanism can convert negative supertwists to positive twists and vice versa until a relaxed equilibrium state is reached. The formation of catenated rings is mediated by an analogous bimolecular reaction which can occur between two nonhomologous DNA circles. The catenation reaction is fully reversible: in the presence of the second protein component, circular DNA is converted quantitatively into catenated forms; in its absence, the ATP-dependent topoisomerase resolves catenated networks back into monomer circles. The Drosophila ATP-dependent topoisomerase appears to be closely related to E. coli DNA gyrase in that both use a similar mechanism to change the topology of DNA, both require ATP and both are inhibited by the antibiotic novobiocin. The presence of an enzyme that allows one DNA helix to pass freely through another could not only be useful in relaxation of topological constraints, but also may be involved in the folding and unfolding of eucaryotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

K Brynolf  R Eliasson  P Reichard 《Cell》1978,13(3):573-580
When dUTP replaced dTTP during polyoma DNA replication in isolated cell nuclei, radioactivity from labeled deoxynucleoside triphosphates was almost exclusively recovered in very short Okazaki fragments and incorporation ceased after a short time. Addition of uracil, a known inhibitor of the enzyme uracil-DNA glycosidase (Lindahl et al., 1977), increased total synthesis and shifted the incorporation to longer progeny strands. The presence of as little as 2.5% of dUTP in a dTTP-containing system gave a distinct increase in isotope incorporation into Okazaki pieces accompanied by a corresponding decrease in longer strands. This effect was reversed completely by uracil. The short strands formed from dUTP could be chased efficiently into long strands. Our results suggest that dUTP can be incorporated in place of dTTP into polyoma DNA, and that polyoma-infected nuclei, similar to E. coli (Tye et al., 1977), contain an excision-repair system which by removal of uracil causes strand breakage and under certain circumstances may contribute to the formation of Okazaki fragments.  相似文献   

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