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We have found some mistakes in the article by Jianwei Song et al. (2007). The revisions arc given below: 1. "NEHRP 2003" in Figs.8 and 9 should be changed to "BSSC 2003". 2. "Tsopelas" or "Tsopelas method"  相似文献   

In this paper, a method, which synthesizes the artificial ground motion compatible with the specified peak velocity as well as the target acceleration response spectrum, was proposed. In this method, firstly, an initial acceleration time history α8^(0) (t), which satisfies the prescribed peak ground acceleration, the target spectral acceleration ST(ω, ζ),and the specified intensity envelope, is generated by the traditional method that generates the requency domain; secondly,α8^(0) (t)is further modulated by superimposing narrow-band time histories upon it in the time domain to make its peak velocity, approach the target peak ground velocity, and at the same time to improve its fitting precision to the target spectrum. Numerical examples show that this algorithm boasts high calculation precisions.  相似文献   

The effect of peak ground velocity (PGV) on single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) deformation demands and for certain ground‐motion features is described by using a total of 60 soil site records with source‐to‐site distances less than 23 km and moment magnitudes between 5.5 and 7.6. The observations based on these records indicate that PGV correlates well with the earthquake magnitude and provides useful information about the ground‐motion frequency content and strong‐motion duration that can play a role on the seismic demand of structures. The statistical results computed from non‐linear response history analyses of different hysteretic models highlight that PGV correlates better with the deformation demands with respect to other ground motion intensity measures. The choice of PGV as ground motion intensity decreases the dispersion due to record‐to‐record variability of SDOF deformation demands, particularly in the short period range. The central tendencies of deformation demands are sensitive to PGV and they may vary considerably as a function of the hysteretic model and structural period. The results provided in this study suggest a consideration of PGV as a stable candidate for ground motion intensity measure in simplified seismic assessment methods that are used to estimate structural performance for earthquake hazard analysis. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为满足重要工程对设计地震动的需要,文中研究了一种考虑场地附近天然地震记录数据相位非平稳特性、同时拟合S0A(T)、PGA和PGV的人造地震动技术,并以新疆玛纳斯县城区基岩场地为例,利用该区域强震记录提取的天然地震动非平稳相位,进行了非平稳人造地震动的合成。研究成果可为拟合反应谱人造地震动的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The peak floor acceleration (PFA) is a critical parameter influencing the performance of non‐structural elements in buildings. This paper develops a response spectrum analysis method based on the complete quadratic combination (CQC) rule to estimate the PFA. The method accounts for the rigid contribution of truncated higher modes and the cross‐correlations between all pairs of modes. The approximation is introduced in the time domain and then formulated in the frequency domain by CQC. Application of the method to a continuous cantilever beam idealizing a building with shear walls is presented and compared with alternative formulations. The proposed method is able to provide a consistent estimation of the PFA along the entire structure, not only where the PFA is principally influenced by the first few flexible modes but also where the PFA is mainly related to the rigid response of the structure, for example, near its base. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究利用测震台网数字化宽频带速度型记录仿真加速度时程,并通过提取其相位信息和拟合场地设计反应谱(目标谱)的方法来获得场地设计地震波的有关技术途径与应用实例,所提供的具体算式采用便于编程和利用快速傅氏变换(FFT)技术进行计算的离散化傅氏正逆变换的复数表达式。有关研究结果可拓宽现有地震观测资料的使用价值,减少地面运动模拟中人造地震波与原始地震记录存在的差异,并可使所合成的设计地震波满足给定的目标谱,且能较好地反映其非平稳性特征,因此在地震工程中具有实际的应用价值。  相似文献   


本文以国内川滇甘陕地区263个有详细场地资料的强震台站获得的802组地震动加速度记录为基础,研究了该地区加速度峰值比的总体分布特征,分别探讨了震中距和震级对加速度峰值比的影响特征,按照水平反应谱的标定方法对竖向反应谱进行标定并对其进行了统计分析。统计分析结果显示:竖向与水平向加速度峰值比的概率分布总体服从极值Ⅱ型分布,加速度峰值比均值为0.6,加速度峰值比≤0.65的累积频率为64%;Ⅱ类场地的加速度峰值比随震中距增大而减小;大震近场的加速度峰值比基本上远高于0.65;最后本文给出了不同场地类别下竖向反应谱特征参数,并与水平向反应谱特征参数进行了比较。  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical method to compute uniform hazard floor acceleration spectra for linear oscillators attached to a linear structure. The method builds on a probabilistic seismic demand model that relates the acceleration response of the oscillator with that of the generic mode of vibration of the supporting structure. Interaction between oscillator and structure is ignored. Independency of the model on the specific characteristics of seismic hazard at the site is shown. By using the method floor spectra are determined through a closed‐form expression, given the mean annual frequency of interest, the damping ratio of the oscillators, the modal properties of the structure, and three uniform hazard spectra representing seismic hazard at the site. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of design forces in ductility‐based earthquake‐resistant design continues to be carried out with the application of response modification factors on elastic design spectra, and it remains interesting to explore how best to estimate strength reduction factors (SRFs) for a design situation. This paper considers the relatively less explored alternative of modelling SRF spectrum via a given response spectrum. A new model is proposed to estimate the SRF spectrum in terms of a pseudo‐spectral acceleration (PSA) spectrum and ductility demand ratio with the help of two coefficients. The proposed model is illustrated for an elasto‐plastic oscillator, in case of 10 recorded accelerograms and three ductility ratios. The proposed model is convenient and is able to predict SRF spectrum reasonably well, particularly at periods up to 1.0 s. Coefficients of the proposed model may also be determined in case of a given design spectrum when there is uncertainty in SRF spectrum due to uncertainty in temporal characteristics of the ground motion. This is illustrated with the help of 474 accelerograms recorded in western U.S.A. and different scaled PSA spectra. It is shown that probabilistic estimates may be obtained in this situation for SRF spectrum by assuming the error residuals to be log normally distributed with period‐dependent parameters. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approximate‐simple method for nonlinear response estimates of reinforced concrete frames subjected to near‐field and far‐field records is presented in this paper. The approximate method is based on equivalent single‐degree‐of‐freedom and linear multi‐degree‐of‐freedom models. In this procedure, the nonlinear maximum roof displacement is estimated using an effective period factor and elastic response spectrum with an equivalent damping. The effective period factor was proposed for far‐field and near‐field ground motion records. For regions of high seismicity, the maximum roof displacement can be estimated by applying an effective period factor of 2.3 and 2.1 for near‐field and far‐field records, respectively, and 9% damped displacement response spectrum. For regions of moderate seismicity, a lower effective period factor of 1.9 and 1.8, for near‐field and far‐field records, respectively, can be applied to estimate the maximum roof displacement. A relationship between linear and nonlinear response of multi‐degree‐of‐freedom systems was also proposed to obtain estimates of the maximum inter‐story drift of nonlinear responding reinforced concrete frames. In addition, the effects of number of ground motion records used in the analyses on the scatters of results were investigated. The required number of ground motions to produce a reliable response was proposed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the framework of the revision of Part 1 of Eurocode 8, this study aims at developing new empirical correlations to compute peak values of ground velocity (PGV) and displacement (PGD) as a function of elastic spectral ordinates for design. At variance with the expressions for PGV and PGD currently adopted in the Eurocode 8, based solely on the peak ground acceleration (PGA), in this paper reference is made to spectral ordinates of the short and intermediate period range, namely Ss, which is the constant acceleration spectral ordinate, and S1, which is the spectral ordinate at 1 s. On the one hand, a relationship between PGV and the product (Ss?S1) was found based on the regression analysis on a high‐quality strong‐motion dataset. On the other hand, the PGD was estimated by extrapolating to long periods the constant displacement branch of the elastic response spectrum, introducing a correlation between the corner period TD and S1. For this purpose, results of a long period probabilistic seismic hazard assessment study for Italy, encompassing low to high seismicity areas, were considered. Furthermore, verification of the proposed relationship against strong‐motion records was carried out, and differences justified in terms of the concept of uniform hazard spectrum.  相似文献   

液化土层对地表加速度反应谱的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用一种改进的有效应力方法研究土层液化对地表加速度反应谱的影响,分析中考虑了砂层的厚度、埋深和输入地震波的幅值和波型等因素。分析结果表明,土层液化使地表加速度反应谱的特征周期至少延长0.1秒以上,使原Ⅱ类场地变为Ⅲ类场地,高烈度时易变成Ⅳ类场地,反应谱中周期0.8秒-1.0秒是液化砂层加震或减震的一个分界点,液化对反应谱短周期分量具有一定的减震作用,而对长周期分量有非常显著的放大作用。  相似文献   

GeneratinggroundmotionbytwonewtechniquesofaddingharmonicwaveinthetimedomainandapproximatingtoresponsespectrumasawholeCHANG...  相似文献   

本文对加速度和速度谐波失真度进行了理论计算, 并基于美国国家仪器公司研发的实验室虚拟仪器工程平台(Labview), 设计出低频振动信号数字化测量系统, 实现了振动台面对加速度波形、 速度波形及其失真度的测量. 基于该系统的实验数据与中国计量科学研究院设定的参考值偏差较小. 对地震计的测试结果表明, 加速度波形及其失真度对振动波形的精度描述更为严格, 能有效提高地震计振动测试的准确程度.   相似文献   

In this paper, response spectral characteristics of one-, two-, and three-lobe sinusoidal acceleration pulses are investigated, and some of their basic properties are derived. Furthermore, the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) method is utilized as an adaptive filter to decompose the near-fault pulse-like ground motions, which were recorded during the September 20, 1999, Chi-Chi earthquake. These ground motions contain distinct velocity pulses, and were decomposed into high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) components, from which the corresponding HF acceleration pulse (if existing) and LF acceleration pulse could be easily identified and detected. Finally, the identified acceleration pulses are modeled by simplified sinusoidal approximations, whose dynamic behaviors are compared to those of the original acceleration pulses as well as to those of the original HF and LF acceleration components in the context of elastic response spectra. It was demonstrated that it is just the acceleration pulses contained in the near-fault pulse-like ground motion that fundamentally dominate the special impulsive dynamic behaviors of such motion in an engineering sense. The motion thus has a greater potential to cause severe damage than the far-field ground motions, i.e. they impose high base shear demands on engineering structures as well as placing very high deformation demands on long-period structures.  相似文献   

强震近场加速度峰值比和反应谱统计分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
本文对国内外数十次强地震的近场加速度记录进行了统计分析,给出了近场加速度峰值比及反应谱的统计结果,并将统计反应谱与设计反应谱进行了比较。  相似文献   

Damping modification factors (DMF) are used in modern seismic codes to adjust elastic response spectral values corresponding to 5% of viscous damping to other higher or lower damping levels. This paper presents a simple and effective procedure to estimate DMF for single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems. Empirical expressions are proposed for displacement, velocity and acceleration response spectra, where four types of soil conditions, from hard rock to soft soil are considered. This study also examines, for the first time, the influence of artificial earthquakes on DMF. Furthermore, natural near‐fault and far‐fault seismic ground motions are considered where it is testified that the fault distance has no impact on DMF. Finally, it confirms that, in contrast to the considerations of many seismic codes, DMF are strongly dependent on the period of structural vibration while there are significant problems of using the same modification factor to estimate maximum displacement, velocity and seismic forces. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) is an important ground motion intensity measure used in seismic hazard analysis. Based on the Next Generation Attenuation strong motion database, a simple ground‐motion prediction equation is proposed for the geometric mean of as‐recorded horizontal components of CAVs using mixed regression analysis. The proposed model employs only four parameters and has a simple functional form. Validation tests are conducted to compare the proposed model with the recently developed Campbell–Bozorgnia (CB10) model using subsets of the strong motion database, as well as several recent earthquakes that are not used in developing the model. It is found that the predictive capability of the proposed model is comparable with the CB10 model, which employs a complex functional form and more parameters. The study also corroborates previous findings that CAV has higher predictability than other intensity measures such as the peak ground acceleration. The high predictability of CAV warrants the use of the proposed simple model as an alternative in seismic hazard analysis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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