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堆肥环境中高浓度腐殖酸的存在阻碍了对这个环境中的未培养微生物的宏基因组研究。我们提出了一个确实可行的提取堆肥环境DNA的方法, 这个方法通过使用Sephadex G200+酸洗PVPP层析柱与电洗脱两步纯化的方法成功地纯化堆肥环境来源的DNA, 用这个DNA成功构建了一个包含约10万个克隆的柯斯质粒文库。从这个文库中筛选到一个新的β-葡萄糖苷酶基因。针对文库低的阳性筛选率问题, 利用分子技术研究了不同的分离速度对提取到的总DNA中真核生物DNA量的影响, 以减少文库中真核生物DNA的污染。  相似文献   

抗生素耐药性在环境中的发展和传播对人体健康造成潜在风险。随着高通量测序技术和生物信息学方法的不断发展,宏基因组学技术被广泛应用于不同环境样本的抗生素耐药组研究。本文介绍了两种针对环境耐药组筛查的宏基因组学分析方法,总结了当前主流的生物信息学软件和数据库,并阐述了环境耐药组的风险评估框架和基于宏基因组学技术的相关实践,以期为环境耐药组的监测、风险评估和管控提供可行的路线图。  相似文献   

海绵宏基因组文库构建及抗菌肽功能基因的初步筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宏基因组文库技术是利用未培养微生物基因资源的有效途径。成功构建澳大利亚厚皮海绵的Fosmid宏基因组文库,插入片段平均大小为36.8kb。利用建立的宏基因组文库,采用PCR技术初步筛选到具有编码抗菌肽的功能基因。这是我国首次尝试构建海绵宏基因组文库,对于今后开发利用海绵丰富的基因资源具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

采用包埋法提取大片段基因组DNA,通过低熔点琼脂糖酶法回收40 kb左右的DNA,经补平磷酸化、与pCC2FOS载体连接、体外包装和转染EP1300-T1R,构建对虾养殖水环境Fosmid文库.对文库进行鉴定,该文库平均插入片段大小约35 kb,共保存8 000个克隆,包括了大概8×108个微生物细胞.用几丁质酶筛选平板对文库进行初步筛选,筛选到4个阳性克隆子.本试验构建Fosmid文库,初步获取了对虾养殖生态系统的微生物遗传信息,对于从虾池原位环境鉴定并筛选具有潜在益生作用的功能微生物意义重大.  相似文献   

雷蕾  冯治洋 《微生物学通报》2021,48(6):2089-2100
[背景]随着抗生素的广泛应用以及滥用,出现了多重耐药的"超级细菌",并且在临床上已出现对治疗"超级细菌"感染的最后一线抗生素——替加环素耐药的细菌.[目的]对土壤环境中存在的替加环素耐药基因进行筛选调查,探讨替加环素耐药机制,为临床抗生素治疗提供借鉴.[方法]利用功能宏基因组学技术对土壤宏基因组文库进行替加环素耐药阳性...  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在通过非培养手段构建和筛选宏基因组文库,以求找到新型的杀线虫蛋白酶基因。【方法】采用密度梯度离心法提取和纯化温室土壤微生物总DNA,经平末端、连接、包装、转染后,构建宏基因组Fosmid文库,同时,以脱脂奶为底物,以根结线虫为靶标,对文库进行功能初筛。【结果】该文库库容31008个克隆,平均插入片段36.5kb,包含1.13Gbp的微生物基因组信息,适合大规模的微生物功能基因筛选,通过功能初筛,筛选到1个含杀线虫蛋白酶基因的Fosmid克隆(pro12)。进一步构建和筛选出亚克隆(espro124a5),通过对基因结构进行了初步分析发现:espro124a5是一种分泌型胞外蛋白酶,与来自于Maricaulis maris MCS10(accession no.YP_756822at NCBI)的丝氨酸蛋白酶S15仅有45%的同源性,是一种新型的丝氨酸蛋白酶,有其保守的催化三元组:Asp469、His541和Ser348。【结论】密度梯度离心法提取到的DNA纯度高、片段长,完全能满足构建宏基因组Fosmid文库的要求;同时,构建的宏基因组Fosmid文库库容大,有利于我们从中筛选其他的微生物基因资源。  相似文献   

目前,绝大部分抗生素用于给人类提供肉奶蛋等食品的畜禽,由此产生的抗生素耐药性对全球公众健康造成了巨大威胁。为了降低畜禽生产环节抗生素耐药性向人类的传播,首先需要明确畜禽消化道或产品微生物携带哪些耐药基因。耐药组指的是某个环境微生物群落全部耐药基因的总和,近年来对于畜禽生产过程中耐药组分析成为研究热点之一。本文综述了基于测序技术研究畜禽(猪、鸡、反刍动物)消化道以及乳中微生物耐药组组成及其影响因素的最新进展,并提出了未来研究方向,包括耐药组研究方法的标准化、基于宏转录组的耐药组基因表达研究,以及可移动遗传元件所携带的耐药基因等,旨在为调控畜禽养殖过程中耐药基因提供思路。  相似文献   

以不吸水链霉菌武夷变种CK-15为材料,提取基因组DNA,经Sau 3A Ⅰ部分酶切后回收35-40 kb之间的片段,连接到pCC1FOS载体上,经过包装转染涂布后构建得到了CK-15基因组的Fosmid文库,文库的滴度为8.8×105CFU/mL.随机挑取16个阳性克隆,经EcoR Ⅰ和Hind Ⅲ双酶切电泳分析,样品插入片段平均长度大于35 kb,插入率为100%,符合构建文库的要求.根据多氧霉素、尼克霉素生物合成基因及大环内酯类聚酮合成酶基因(PKS)设计特异性引物,以基因组为模板进行PCR扩增,筛选特异性引物探针.结果用大环内酯类聚酮合成酶基因设计引物扩增出1 693 bp的片段经Blast比对其与大环内酯类抗生素生物合成基因相似性为95%以上.武夷菌素产生菌CK-15 Fosmid文库的构建及文库探针的获得,为武夷菌素生物合成基因的克隆奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为了快速从土壤中定向筛选抗生素产生菌, 本研究利用宏基因组技术进行了土壤中抗生素产生菌快速筛选方法的探索。对6 种不同土质的土壤利用液氮冷冻法提取土壤基因组DNA 并用PVPP柱层析法进行纯化, 每克湿土可得到32.25?61.25 μg DNA, 片段大小为23 kb左右, 说明宏基因组DNA样品完整, 16S rDNA的 PCR结果证明了该基因组DNA纯度可用于后期的分子操作。利用Herbimycin产生菌掺入法进行了抗生素产生菌筛选方法学的验证。结果证明, 每克湿土掺入103个Herbimycin产生菌时, 利用Herbimycin合成基因簇的特定引物即可从所提取的土壤基因组DNA中扩增出目标条带, 并且可以利用传统菌种分离方法从土壤中重新分离出来被掺入到土壤的Herbimycin产生菌。这些结果证明本研究建立的定向抗生素产生菌筛选方法, 具有快捷、灵敏的特点, 大大减少传统筛选方法的工作强度和时间, 为微生物新药的研发建立一种全新的研究方法。  相似文献   

The bovine fecal microbiota impacts human food safety as well as animal health. Although the bacteria of cattle feces have been well characterized using culture-based and culture-independent methods, techniques have been lacking to correlate total community composition with community function. We used high throughput sequencing of total DNA extracted from fecal material to characterize general community composition and examine the repertoire of microbial genes present in beef cattle feces, including genes associated with antibiotic resistance and bacterial virulence. Results suggest that traditional 16S sequencing using “universal” primers to generate full-length sequence may under represent Acitinobacteria and Proteobacteria. Over eight percent (8.4%) of the sequences from our beef cattle fecal pool sample could be categorized as virulence genes, including a suite of genes associated with resistance to antibiotic and toxic compounds (RATC). This is a higher proportion of virulence genes found in Sargasso sea, chicken cecum, and cow rumen samples, but comparable to the proportion found in Antarctic marine derived lake, human fecal, and farm soil samples. The quantitative nature of metagenomic data, combined with the large number of RATC classes represented in samples from widely different habitats indicates that metagenomic data can be used to track relative amounts of antibiotic resistance genes in individual animals over time. Consequently, these data can be used to generate sample-specific and temporal antibiotic resistance gene profiles to facilitate an understanding of the ecology of the microbial communities in each habitat as well as the epidemiology of antibiotic resistant gene transport between and among habitats.  相似文献   




选择上海市崇明区5家猪养殖场,采集猪粪便和土壤样本,使用Illumina NovaSeq 6000高通量测序平台进行全基因组鸟枪法测序。通过主坐标分析、LEfSe分析、共现网络分析和统计学检验,探究样本微生物组成、多样性特征和抗生素耐药基因之间的关系。






宏基因组学在微生物抗生素抗性基因检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素广泛应用于人类和动物疾病的治疗等过程中。不合理利用和滥用抗生素导致耐药细菌、抗性基因的产生和传播。宏基因组学能够分析不同环境中抗生素抗性基因的多样性,并且完善目前已有的或构建新的宏基因组文库,从而为将来进行基因比对提供有力的参考。本文将综述宏基因组学在人类、动物和环境中微生物抗生素抗性基因检测的应用,以期为未来评估抗性基因风险和解决抗生素耐药性问题提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Studies of the prevalence and identity of genes encoding resistance to antibiotics in a microbial community are usually carried out on only the cultivable members of the community. However, it is possible to include the as-yet-uncultivable organisms present by adopting a metagenomic approach to such studies. In this investigation, four metagenomic libraries of the oral microbiota were prepared from three groups of 20 adult humans and screened for antibiotic-resistant clones. Clones resistant to tetracycline and amoxycillin were present in all four libraries while gentamicin-resistant clones were found in three of the libraries. The genes encoding tetracycline resistance in the clones were identified and found to be tet(M), tet(O), tet(Q), tet(W), tet37 and tet(A). However, only the first three of these were detected in all three groups of individuals investigated.  相似文献   

吴楠  杨静慧  张伟玉  杨帆  曾明 《微生物学通报》2016,43(12):2720-2729
抗生素在医疗和畜禽养殖业的大量使用增加了环境中抗生素抗性微生物(ARB)和抗性基因(ARGs)的丰度与多样性,加速了抗生素耐药性在环境中的传播,给人类公共健康造成潜在威胁。但目前对于环境中耐药性的污染现状缺少足够的信息,相关研究方法亟待优化和完善。本文通过综述环境中抗生素耐药性的国内外研究现状,探讨了不同环境(水、土壤、空气等)样品的采集方法以及耐药性的检测方法——传统微生物培养法和分子生物学方法(如定性与定量PCR、DNA杂交及微阵列技术、宏基因组学方法等),旨在为多环境介质中抗生素耐药性的研究提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in a membrane bioreactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing attention has been paid to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in wastewater microbial communities. The application of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) in wastewater treatment is becoming increasingly widespread. We hypothesized that the transfer of ARGs among bacteria could occur in MBRs, which combine a high density of bacterial cells, biofilms, and antibiotic resistance bacteria or ARGs. In this study, the transfer discipline and dissemination of the RP4 plasmid in MBRs were investigated by the counting plate method, the MIDI microorganism identification system, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques. The results showed that the average transfer frequency of the RP4 plasmid from the donor strain to cultivable bacteria in activated sludge was 2.76 × 10−5 per recipient, which was greater than the transfer frequency in wastewater and bacterial sludge reported previously. In addition, many bacterial species in the activated sludge had received RP4 by horizontal transfer, while the genera of Shewanella spp., Photobacterium spp., Pseudomonas spp., Proteus spp., and Vibrio spp. were more likely to acquire this plasmid. Interestingly, the abundance of the RP4 plasmid in total DNA remained at high levels and relatively stable at 104 copies/mg of biosolids, suggesting that ARGs were transferred from donor strains to activated sludge bacteria in our study. Thus, the presence of ARGs in sewage sludge poses a potential health threat.  相似文献   

食物链中抗生素耐药性基因的转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素的使用,一方面起到预防和治疗疾病的作用,另一方面,饲料、食品和环境中抗生素残留增加,使抗生素耐药性菌产生并进化,从而导致将来治疗某些疾病时无有效抗生素可用,比如,结核病已经卷土重来,而且现在就有许多患者就不能用抗生素治愈。随着人们生活水平的提高,安全、健康问题受到人们广泛的关注和重视。本文初步对耐药性基因在食物链中怎样产生和转移进行综述。  相似文献   

The widespread use of antibiotics for medical and veterinary purposes has led to an increase of microbial resistance. The antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria has been studied extensively. However, antibiotics are not only selective for pathogens: they also affect all members of the gut microbiota. These microorganisms may constitute a reservoir of genes carrying resistance to specific antibiotics. This study was designed to characterize the gut microbiota with regard to the presence of genes encoding tetracycline resistance proteins (tet) in the gut of healthy exclusively breast-fed infants and their mothers. For this purpose we determined the prevalence of genes encoding ribosomal protection proteins (tet M, tet W, tet O, tet S, tet T and tet B) by PCR and characterized the gut microbiota by FISH in stools of infants and their mothers. The gene tet M was found in all the breast-fed infants and their mothers. tet O was found in all of the mothers' samples, whilst only 35% of the infants harboured this gene. tet W was less frequently found (85% of the mothers and 13% of the infants). None of the other genes analysed was found in any sample. Our results suggest that genes carrying antibiotic resistance are common in the environment, as even healthy breast-fed infants with no direct or indirect previous exposure to antibiotics harbour these genes.  相似文献   

抗生素耐药性的研究进展与控制策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
抗生素是治疗细菌感染的有效药物,然而抗生素在人类医学及农业生产中的大规模使用催生了细菌耐药性在环境中的快速扩散和传播,特别是多种抗生素的联合使用更是促进了多重耐药性的产生,严重威胁着人类和动物健康及食品与环境安全,相关问题已经引起人们的警觉。因此新研究主要集中在以下几方面:利用组学及合成生物学等方法挖掘并合成新型抗生素;利用高通量技术等系统分析环境中耐药菌及耐药基因新的传播途径及产生的新耐药机制;减抗、替抗及控制耐药基因的策略及其相关工艺。因此,在全面认识耐药基因在环境中传播规律的基础上,如何绿色高效地切断传播途径仍是目前研究的热点。基于此,本文在细菌水平上阐述了抗生素的研发历程、耐药性的发展及控制策略,从而为有效遏制细菌耐药性的发展提供思路。  相似文献   

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