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Between 1977 and 1989, evidence of parasitic infection was found in lymph node sections of twelve cattle (0.5 per cent of lymph nodes) submitted by Canadian federal meat inspectors under the tuberculosis eradication program. Macroscopically, all lesions were green foci of various sizes; microscopically, parasitic larvae were surrounded by a wide zone of eosinophils. Nine larval parasites were identified in mesenteric and one parasite in an unidentified lymph node(s). Although rare, such lesions must be defined in order to differentiate them from other aetiologies such as mycobacterial and sarcocystic granulomas.  相似文献   

A case of visceral botryomycosis which arose in the left kidney of a 60-year-old woman is reported. This is the fifth reported case of renal botryomycosis which, in this patient, was mistaken clinically for a renal carcinoma. The lesion was composed of confluent abscesses containing 'sulphur granule-like' lesions in which irregularly lobed aggregates of Gram-negative organisms surrounded by an eosinophilic capsule were noted. Awareness of this unusual lesion is important because of its histopathological similarity to actinomycosis.  相似文献   

We measured lead concentrations in samples of mineral salt mixtures used in cattle feed in the states of Paraná and S?o Paulo, Brazil. Lead content was determined spectrometrically by the atomic plasma induction method. Of the 30 samples analyzed, 9 had lead concentrations above 30 ppm (range 35.7 to 284.5 ppm) which is the maximum concentration recommended by the National Research Council (NRC 1980). These findings show the necessity for careful industrial monitoring because some mineral mixtures contain sufficient lead to cause toxicity.  相似文献   

本文在尸体肾移植中取尸肾53具,发现供肾血管变异25例,占47.2%,其中多枝肾动脉15例,占28.3%,多枝静脉10例,占18.9%,经对异常血管进行成形术,肾移植术后吻合口无狭窄及出血,肾功能良好,与供肾正常血管比较无明显的差别。  相似文献   

目的:对牦牛和迁饲黄牛及低海拔黄牛肺动脉干与肺组织形态进行比较研究,获得高原土生或迁饲动物慢性低氧时适应进化的模式。方法:采集青海地区海拔3000~4000m的牦牛、2500 m的高山迁饲黄牛及甘肃平凉1300 m的低海拔黄牛的肺动脉干及肺组织,固定、切片、染色后行光镜和电镜比较观察。结果:55%的迁饲黄牛和98%牦牛肺动脉干中膜以弹性纤维及胶原纤维为主,而45%的迁饲黄牛和100%低海拔黄牛以弹性纤维及平滑肌增多为主,且平滑肌增多成团分布。牦牛和迁饲黄牛肺浆膜结构致密,间皮下以弹性纤维为主,而低海拔黄牛肺浆膜结构疏松,间皮下以胶原纤维为主。相比于迁饲黄牛,牦牛和低海拔黄牛肺终末细支气管黏膜纵行皱襞更明显,牦牛肺呼吸性细支气管黏膜上皮为单层或假复层柱状上皮,多数细胞可见到纤毛,并且黏膜仍有皱襞形成;而黄牛主要为单层柱状上皮,部分细胞可见纤毛。迁饲黄牛肺内小动脉血管壁和微动脉管壁厚度增加,与牦牛及低海拔黄牛比较差异有统计学意义。结论:牦牛肺动脉干和肺组织形态与结构有适应高原的独特形式,迁饲黄牛在适应高原时发生了与牦牛一样的趋同性改变,同时又兼具低海拔黄牛的特点。  相似文献   

The present paper reports on the antibiotic resistance of E. coli isolated from Danish piglets and calves in 1987-1988, and compares the results with similar investigations performed during the periods 1971-1972 and 1977-1978. Rectal swabs from 52 piglets and from 78 calves were examined. All the animals studied harboured resistant E. coli. This is a significant increase compared to the previously conducted investigations. The number of strains having three or more resistance markers did not differ significantly from the previous findings. The spectrum of resistance markers among Danish piglets and calves had increased through all three investigations and resistance to chloramphenicol was still found to be considerable 10 years after the withdrawal of chloramphenicol as a therapeutic drug for farm animals in Denmark in 1978. Certain resistance patterns (sulfonamide + streptomycin, sulfonamide + streptomycin + tetracycline, sulfonamide + streptomycin + tetracycline + ampicillin) were found to be shared by numerous strains, suggesting a genetic linkage of the resistance markers.  相似文献   

在以胎肾为供体的肾移植应用解剖学研究的基础上,我们先后为11例患者进行了大月龄胎儿肾整块移植术,成功9例.对于手术至关重要的低温灌洗途径的选择、供体血管的解剖及与受体血管的吻合方式和部位等解剖学技术逐步进行了改进和完善,介绍了供肾体外血循环的建立和观察方法,提出了保护肾上极动脉的初步意见。  相似文献   

Acute rejection, mediated by T lymphocytes recognizing donor MHC class I and II, is a major factor influencing renal transplant survival. To define the specificity of these effector cells we examined cytolytic activity of graft infiltrating T lymphocytes (GIL) from renal biopsies of individuals undergoing acute cellular rejection. The majority of these cells recognized MHC class I on both donor kidney epithelial cells (KCL) and B-lymphoblastoid cells (LCL) suggesting these T cells recognized peptides from various tissues. However, cold target inhibition experiments demonstrated a significant proportion of GIL T cells were tissue specific. We reported previously that kidney specific CTL can be isolated from biopsies of kidney allografts undergoing acute cellular rejection. Here we extend that observation showing we were able to isolate tissue specific CTL from two additional biopsies. Greater than 10% of the clones isolated (4 of 36 and 5 of 37) from these biopsies were CTL recognizing donor KCL but not LCL targets suggesting that peptides, recognized in the context of donor MHC, were tissue specific. Repeated isolation of significant numbers of tissue specific CTL suggests these T cells play a role in allograft rejection and may be important effector cells mediating rejection in HLA matched transplants.  相似文献   

Renal adenomas, defined as minute cortical foci of proliferating epithelium, are frequently occurring lesions reported to be present in 15%-22% of all adult human kidneys. They can often be found in kidneys with renal cell carcinoma. Their light microscopic structure makes it improbable that they should represent intrarenal metastases. The concept does not include clear cell foci. Ultrastructure of these cortical foci in human kidneys is not well known. A series of 10 intrarenal adenomas in carcinoma-bearing kidneys has been studied using tissue fixed rapidly after nephrectomy by perfusion with 2% glutaraldehyde. The results confirm their tubular origin. Ultrastructural markers of different segments of the nephron were demonstrated. Several of these markers might be present in each single case. The interpretation is that their ultrastructural characteristics do not indicate an origin from a special segment of the nephron. They may reflect an abnormal gene expression associated with the neoplastic change of the cell clone. Some changes are similar to those seen in cells from renal cell carcinoma, although not as prominent as in malignant cells.  相似文献   

G- and R banded cattle (Bos taurus L.) karyotypes at about 500 band level are reported and discussed in light of chromosome banding standard nomenclature discrepancies. GTG-, GBG-, RBA- and RBG-banded karyotypes were arranged according to the Reading Conference standard. The G- and R-banding patterns of small acrocentric and disputed chromosomes (25, 27, 28 and 29) are demonstrated using some bovid marker chromosomes. G- and R-banded ideogrammatic representations using only one common banding nomenclature were also performed. This study is a contribution to the construction of new and clearer standard G- and R-banded karyotypes for this important species.accepted for publication by H. C. Macgregor  相似文献   

Transplant science has improved significantly over the last decade. Influenced by novel advancements, rejection rates and short-term graft losses diminished substantially. Induction therapy was shown to reduce rejection rates and improve short-term graft survival. In this article, we discuss the most commonly used induction agents and the choice of induction therapy in different renal transplant recipient subgroups. The medical literature as well as our own experience was used to prepare this review. At this time, induction therapy is commonly used in upwards of 80%, of renal transplant recipients. Depleting agents are the most frequently used agents and they account for more than 75% of all induction therapies in the United States. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the choice of induction therapy. The type of induction therapy is generally selected based on a comprehensive evaluation of the recipient and the donor’s immunological risks, the risk of developing opportunistic infection and malignancy, recipient comorbidities, financial burden and the choice of maintenance immunosuppressive regimen.  相似文献   

Scandinavian countries have successfully pursued bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) eradication without the use of vaccines. In Denmark, control and eradication of BVDV were achieved during the last two decades, but occasionally new BVDV infections are detected in some Danish cattle herds. The aim of this study was to determine recent BVDV subtypes isolated from 4 Danish herds (A, B, C, and D) isolated in 2009–2012 and to analyze the genetic variation of these isolates within the same herd and its relation with those of other herds. The results showed that three herds (B, C, D) were BVDV 1-b and only one herd (herd A) was BVDV 1-d, no other subtypes were detected. The deduced E2 amino acids result showed a high identity percent (99–100 %) between isolates originating from the same herd, but with higher variation compared to isolates of the other herds. Some of these new Danish strains have closer relationship to BVDVs from outside Denmark than to older Danish strains indicating that these are new introductions to Denmark. In conclusion, BVDV-1 subtypes recently detected in Denmark were only subtypes 1b and 1d, and BVDV infections established in a herd is genetically stable over a long time period.  相似文献   

A G- and R-banding comparison of cattle (Bos taurus, 2n=60), goat (Capra hircus, 2n=60) and sheep (Ovis aries, 2n=54) chromosomes at the 450 band level was made. The study revealed a large number of banding homologies among the autosomes of the three species and resolved some ambiguities in arranging some of their small disputed acrocentrics by direct and indirect comparisons with some bovid marker chromosomes. A loss of the subcentromeric G-positive band in sheep chromosome 2q was observed when the G-banding patterns of sheep 2q and homologous cattle and goat chromosome 2 were compared. The chromosomal divergences among cattle, goat and river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis, 2n=50) sex chromosomes are shown to have occurred by pericentric and paracentric inversions with a loss (or acquisition) of constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Social aggregations of free-ranging cattle were studied in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico. Cows reared with animals of their own breed in isolation from other breeds maintained segregated social groups. Cows raised together in a mixed herd containing other breeds allied themselves with herd-mates regardless of breed. Cattle of the mixed herd stayed with their peers rather than rejoining their mothers when they were placed together. Although there were breed differences in group cohesiveness among cattle raised with their own breed, social aggregations appeared to be more dependent on social history than on genetic affiliation and shared phenotype.This research was supported, in part, by a University of California:Mexus Award, US:Mexico Program. Portions of this report were presented at the XVIII Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 25 June 1988.  相似文献   

Causes for pre-implantation embryo loss, which can be as high as 50% or more of fertilized embryos, are multifactorial and largely undescribed. Studies in cattle using mastitis as a model indicate that one cause of early embryonic loss is infectious disease or activation of immune responses at sites outside the reproductive tract. Infection of the mammary gland in dairy cattle is associated with a reduction in pregnancy rate (proportion of inseminated cows that become pregnant) and an increase in the number of inseminations required to establish pregnancy. Also, intravenous challenge with bacterial peptidoglycan and polysaccharide at approximately days 3-5 after breeding reduced subsequent pregnancy rate in sheep that had been previously immunized against the same material. The mechanism by which extrauterine activation of immune and inflammatory responses leads to embryonic loss is not clear although cytokines probably play a crucial role. Effects could be exerted at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, ovary, reproductive tract or embryo. Interferon (IFN)-alpha, for example, which can reduce pregnancy rate in cattle when injected around 13-19 days after breeding, increases body temperature, inhibits secretion of luteinizing hormone, and reduces circulating concentrations of progesterone. Other cytokines or products of cytokine activation could cause embryonic loss by causing hyperthermia (as elevated temperature blocks oocyte function and embryonic development), exerting toxic effects on the corpus luteum [for example, IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and prostaglandin F(2alpha)], stimulating endometrial prostaglandin synthesis [TNF-alpha and interleukin(IL)-1beta], reducing endometrial cell proliferation (IL-1beta), and interfering with oocyte maturation and embryonic development (TNF-alpha, nitric oxide, and prostaglandin F(2alpha)). Although largely neglected by reproductive immunologists, study of the involvement of the immune system in pre-implantation embryonic loss is likely to lead to new methods for enhancing fertility.  相似文献   

In rat kidney, the rate of urinary biopterin [biopterin (B), 7,8-dihydrobiopterin (BH2), and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)] excretion as measured by Crithidia assay, was found to be at least 3 times greater than the rate at which it is filtered (GFR·PBiopt.). At a renal blood flow of 6.43±1.34 ml/min per g kidney wt., biopterin concentrations in arterial and renal venous blood and plasma were similar [art. blood: 250±50 ng/ml, ren. venous blood: 247.3±50.9 ng/ml, art. plasma: 23.1±5.8 ng/ml, ren. venous plasma: 23.4±6.9 ng/ml (means±S.D.)]. 14C-BH4 and3H-inulin, infused by means of a micropump into late proximal segments of single nephrons at concentrations of 10–4–10–6 mol, were excreted at similar fractional rates (inulin: 0.85–0.97, BH4: 0.87–0.92, total recovery 1.00–1.09 and 0.99–1.11, respectively). Similar results were obtained with 6,7-dimethylpterin, but not with 6,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin. The latter is reabsorbed at a fractional rate of 0.20 at concentrations of 10–7 and 10–6 mol.In microperfusion studies in isolated proximal tubular segments in vivo et situ, no reabsorption of 6,7-dimethylpterin could be detected. In case of 6,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin (DMPH4) at concentrations of 5·10–5 and 10–5 mol/l, however, a permeability constant of 2.39·10–5 cm/s has been measured.From the fact that more biopterin leaves the kidney with urine plus venous blood than entered it is concluded that reduced biopterin is synthesized de novo in the kidney. With the exception of DMPH4, all types of biopterin are not significantly reabsorbed, but rather, are excreted into the urine due to an anisotropic permeability characteristic of the nephron.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a highly fatal viral disease of cattle and other susceptible species of ruminants that occurs sporadically and is characterized by two epidemiological aspects. One is known as wildebeest-associated MCF (WA-MCF), whose agent is Alcelaphine herpesvirus-1, and the other is known as sheep-associated MCF (SA-MCF), whose agent is ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2). The researchers developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to detect OvHV-2 genome in three sample groups: (1) Peripheral blood lymphocytes from cattle with clinical signs of MCF (n = 15); (2) lymph node and spleen samples from healthy cattle (n = 68); and (3) lymph node and spleen samples from adult sheep (n = 82). All tissue specimens were collected randomly, and just one sample was taken from each animal. The PCR amplified a specific 422-bp SA-MCFV DNA fragment by pair primers 556 and 755 from samples. Of all 165 specimens, 44 samples had 422 bp SA-MCFV DNA fragment band (26.6%). Of 68 samples from healthy cattle, 20 samples were infected to OvHV-2 genome (29.41%), and of 82 healthy sheep specimens, nine samples were positive (10.98%). According to the data, the present study can confirm at least SA-MCF epidemiological form of the disease in sampling area. However, there may be another form, too. It is significant that infectivity rate of sheep samples was less than cattle, which suggests that healthy cattle are probably as important hidden carriers for OvHV-2 as sheep. In addition, positive lymph node sample rate was more than spleen samples in both groups 2 and 3. It may come from virus tropism to hide in the nearest lymphoid tissue and to cause latent infection.  相似文献   

Social aggregations of three cattle breeds and crosses between them were studied under controlled conditions at a Brazilian research station. Cows raised with animals of their own breed in isolation from other breeds maintained segregated social gruops. Cattle of the same breed raised apart formed aggregations based more on familiarity than on genetic communality. There were breed differences in both of those tendencies. Hybrids were no more likely to associate with cattle with which they had one breed in common than with animals of completely different breeds, although having two breeds in common increased the likelihood that hybrids would be found together. Recently weaned calves did not assort themselves by shared kinship, but they formed phenotypic groupings correlated with color. In the absence of familiar individuals, cattle may use familiar phenotypes in establishing social preferences and cohesive herds.This research was supported, in part, by funds from the Brazilian government's Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa and the Fundação de Amparo de Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo. Portions of this report were presented at the XVIII Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 25 June 1988.  相似文献   

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