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董猛猛  杨天南  信迪  梁明娟 《岩石学报》2022,(11):3484-3502
在通过锆石U-Pb方法测定岩浆活动时代的过程中总会获取或多或少的继承锆石年龄数据,这些数据对于揭示岩浆岩所处构造单元的构造-岩浆事件序列具有独特优势。本文选择印度-欧亚大陆侧向碰撞带内NEE走向的始-渐新世岩浆岩带作为研究对象,详细收集、梳理该岩浆岩带内现有测年结果中的继承锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素数据,采用统计分析方法,尝试探讨被该岩浆岩带穿越的扬子、印支、保山、腾冲地块的构造-岩浆事件及其序列,对比分析其大地构造亲缘性和地块拼贴历史。继承锆石U-Pb年龄频率分布和Hf同位素数据统计结果显示,扬子与印支地块记录了相同的晋宁期、加里东期、印支期构造-岩浆事件,而腾冲与保山地块则记录了相同的加里东期、印支期构造-岩浆事件。结合现有地层学、古生物和古地磁等方面数据,我们提出扬子-印支与腾冲-保山地块作为两个具有不同结晶基底的独立地块,分别就位于古生代-早中生代古大洋(原、古特提斯洋)的两侧,该大洋板块双向俯冲于这两个地块之下,在两个地块内留下了可高度对比的构造-岩浆事件。由此提出,正向碰撞带班公湖-怒江缝合带内完备的地质记录与侧向碰撞带之间的关联、哀牢山洋的构造属性等是值得深入探究的重大问题。  相似文献   

The centers of many Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic glaciations were located on cratons and crystalline shields not necessarily, as some researchers believe, associated with rifts. An example is the Vendian Bol’shoi Patom glacial formation (Lena River, Yakutia). The U-Pb ages of detrital zircons from this formation imply that it was deposited by glaciers located on the pre-Riphean crystalline shields of the Siberian Platform. Glaciation in this region occurred after cessation of rifting and could not be related to the latter. The Bol’shoi Patom Formation is an element of the Middle Siberian glacial horizon that was deposited during the Marino Glaciation and is traceable along the southern periphery of the Siberian Platform from the Aldan Shield to the Baikal and Sayany regions. This indicates that the Marinoan Glaciation in Siberia involved at least the entire southern part of the Siberian Platform. Rifting was not the single, or even a principal, factor responsible for glaciations, although it could accompany and enhance them simultaneously providing space for sedimentation and conditions for preserving glacial deposits from erosion.  相似文献   

The "Taihua Group" is a collective term for a series of old terranes scattered along the southern margin of the North China Craton. The timing of formation and thermal overprinting of the Taihua Group have long been contentious, and its relationship with the Qinling orogenic belt has been unclear. In this study, new data from integrated in-situ U–Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis of zircons from an amphibolite (from the Xiong’ershan terrane) and a biotite gneiss (from the Lantian-Xiaoqinling terrane) indicate that the Upper Taihua Group formed during the Paleoproterozoic (2.3–2.5 Ga) and thus was originally part of the southern edge of North China Craton, detached during the Mesozoic Qinling orogeny and displaced about 100 km north from its original location. This suggests that the Taihua Group became part of the tectonic terrane associated with the Qinling orogeny and now forms part of the overthrust basement section of the Qinling belt. Before the Qinling orogeny, the Taihua Group was metamorphosed at 2.1 Ga. The initial Hf-isotope compositions of zircons, together with positive εNd(t) values for the whole-rocks, imply that the original magmas were derived from a juvenile source with some assimilation of an Archean crustal component.  相似文献   

The western Qinling region of central China is situated centrally in the Kunlun, Qilian, Qinling, Longmenshan, and Songpan–Ganzi orogens. Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic sediments deposited here may provide keys to understanding the tectonic evolution of the Palaeo-Tethys and collision of the North China and Yangtze Cratons. We conducted in situ U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope analyses of 568 detrital zircons collected from Upper Palaeozoic to Mesozoic sandstones in the central Qinling block, Taohe depression, and Bailongjiang block in western Qinling to constrain the sources of these sandstones. Our results reveal that the Bailongjiang block has affinities with the Yangtze Craton, from which it may have been rifted. Therefore, the Palaeo-Tethyan Animaqen suture between the two cratons lies north of the Bailongjiang block. We identified the North China Craton as the main source for Triassic flysch in central China. It is possible that the Bailongjiang block could have blocked detritus shed from the North China Craton into the main depositional basins in the SongpanGanzi area. The dominance of 300–200 Ma detrital zircons of metamorphic origin in Lower Jurassic sandstones indicates that the Dabie–Qinling orogen was elevated during Early Jurassic time. In addition, our Lu–Hf isotopic results also reveal that Phanerozoic igneous rocks in central China were mostly products of crustal reworking with insignificant formation of juvenile crust.  相似文献   

U–Pb detrital zircon geochronology from Lower Devonian quartz arenites of the northwestern margin of the Yangtze block yields dominant early Neoproterozoic (0.85–1.0 Ga), Pan-African (0.5–0.65 Ga) and middle Neoproterozoic (0.68–0.8 Ga) age populations and minor Mesoproterozoic to middle Mesoarchean (1.0–3.0 Ga) ages. Middle Mesoarchean to Mesoproterozoic rocks, however, are widespread in the South China block. Although Hf isotopic compositions show both juvenile crustal growth and crustal reworking for all the age groupings, the crust growth, essentially mantle-derived, occurred mainly around 3.1 Ga, 1.9 Ga and 1.0 Ga, respectively. Zircon typology and youngest grain ages indicate that this suite of quartz arenites was the product of multiphase reworking. Abundant magmatic zircon detritus with concordant U–Pb Grenvillian and Pan-African ages, together with accompanying various εHf(t) values, indicate an exotic provenance for the quartz arenite external to the South China block. Qualitative comparisons of age spectra for the late Neoproterozoic sediments of the Cathaysian Block, early Paleozoic sediments of pre-rift Tethyan Himalaya sequence in North India and lower Paleozoic sandstone from the Perth Basin in West Australia, show that they all have two the largest age clusters representing Grenvillian and Pan-African orogenic episodes. The resemblance of these age spectra and zircon typology suggests that the most likely source for the Lower Devonian quartz arenites of the South China block was the East African Orogen and Kuunga Orogen for their early Grenvillian and Pan-African populations, whereas the Hannan–Panxi arc, Jiangnan orogen, and the Yangtze block basements might have contributed to the detrital zircon grains of the Neoproterozoic and Pre-Grenvillian ages. Hf isotopic data indicate that the crustal evolution of the drainage area matches well with the episodic crust generation of Gondwana. These results imply that the previously suggested position of the SCB in Gondwana should be re-evaluated, and the South China block should be linked with North India and West Australia as a part of East Gondwana during the assembly of Gondwana, rather than a discrete continent block in the paleo-Pacific.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic sedimentary sequences in the South China Block provide great opportunity to examine the tectonic evolution and crustal accretion during this period. This study presents U–Pb ages and Hf isotope composition of detrital zircons and Nd isotope composition of whole rocks of the Neoproterozoic sequences from the Yangtze Block, part of the South China Block. Age patterns of detrital zircons imply that the source area experienced three major periods of magmatic activity at 2,300–2,560, 1,900–2,100 and 770–1,000?Ma and two major episodes of juvenile crust accretion at 2,600–3,400 and 770–1,000?Ma. The maximum age of the Gucheng glaciation can be restricted at?~768?Ma from the youngest detrital zircon ages, probably corresponding to the Kaigas glaciation rather than to the Sturtian glaciation. High La/Sc ratio and low Cr/Th, Sc/Th and Co/Th ratios of the sedimentary rocks point to a derivation from dominantly felsic upper continental crustal sources, whereas large variation of εNd(t) and εHf(t) values indicates that mantle-derived magmatic rocks also provided material to the sedimentary sequences in different degrees. The shift in εNd(t) values of whole rocks and U–Pb age spectra of detrital zircons records the evolution from a back-arc to retro-arc foreland to a rift basin. Age distribution of detrital zircons from the Neoproterozoic sequences, compared with those of the major crustal blocks of Rodinia, implies that the position of the Yangtze Block was probably adjacent to northern India rather than between Australia and Laurentia before the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

庞新龙 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):561-572
山东莒县果庄地区位于华北陆块鲁西隆起汞丹山断隆(次级隆起)构造单元,区内构造复杂,岩浆活动强烈,区域成矿条件优越。为实现区内找矿突破,在区内进行了系统的1:5万水系沉积物测量和1:1万激电中梯测量。本次研究在成矿地质背景研究的基础上,对莒县果庄地区物化探异常特征进行综合分析,结果表明区内水系沉积物测量金异常富集中心明显,且异常高值出露位置与土壤剖面测量金异常高值出露位置基本吻合;激电异常总体分布与断裂构造和沂水岩群分布相一致;激电测深具有明显的高极化异常体;土壤剖面测量金异常与激电中梯异常位置基本对应。据此认为莒县果庄地区具有较好的找金矿潜力,岩体接触带及断裂构造发育带是下一步找矿重点方向。  相似文献   

The Ningzhen metallogenic district is an important part of the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the three intermediate-acid intrusions, i.e., Anjishan, Xinqiao, and Shima, in the central part of the Ningzhen district, indicates that those intrusions were emplaced in the Late Early Cretaceous, with ages of 107.0±1.1 Ma-108.0±1.6 Ma, 108.0±1.3 Ma, and 102.5±1.1 Ma, respectively. Combined with the molybdenite Re-Os isotope age (106-108 Ma) of porphyry copper deposit in this regions, the Ningzhen district exists an intensively magmatic-metallogenic-thermal event at 102.5-108.0 Ma. The age of this event is similar with the age of the third period of large scale mineralization in South China, however obviously later than the magmatic activity of other ore field (124-148 Ma) in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt. It is suggested that the tectonic-magmatic-thermal events in the Ningzhen area is formed under regional lithospheric extension environment, which is also consistent with the tectonic background of the third period of large scale mineralization in South China. The zircon U-Pb ages of the intrusions and the Re-Os ages of molybdenites from the porphyry deposits in the study area demonstrate that the Ningzhen district underwent intensive magmatism and hydrothermal mineralization during the period from 102.5 to 108.0 Ma, which is consistent with the third pulse of large scale mineralization in the South China. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

滇西保山地块是东特提斯构造域的主要微陆块之一,但对其物源和古地理位置仍存在较大争议。本文通过对保山地块西缘早古生代地层进行碎屑锆石U-Pb定年来约束其物源及古地理位置,并进一步探讨原特提斯洋早古生代构造演化模式。保山地块西缘早古生代地层具有相似的年龄分布模式,主年龄峰期为-0.95Ga、次级年龄峰期为-1.2Ga和-2.5Ga。寒武系公养河群最小锆石年龄为526Ma,结合其上部年龄为499.2Ma的火山岩夹层,约束其沉积时代为早寒武世早期。对比保山地块不同区域早古生代地层的碎屑锆石年龄数据,它们都具有相似的锆石年龄分布模式和年龄峰值。-0.95Ga主年龄峰期和-2.5Ga的次级年龄峰期指示保山地块早古生代的沉积物主要来自于印度大陆,而-1.2Ga的次级年龄峰期表明有部分沉积物来自于西澳大利亚,其早古生代古地理位置位于印度和西澳大利亚之间。结合沉积学证据及滇西地区广泛发育的早古生代岩浆作用,本文认为早古生代冈瓦纳大陆北缘为活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

Ion microprobe U?CPb analyses of zircons from three gabbroic intrusions from the Spanish Central System (SCS) (Talavera, La Solanilla and Navahermosa) yield Variscan ages (300 to 305?Ma) in agreement with recent studies. Only two zircon crystals from La Solanilla massif gave slightly discordant Paleoproterozoic ages (1,848 and 2,010?Ma). Hf isotope data show a relatively large variation with the juvenile end-members showing ?Hfi values as high as +3.6 to +6.9 and +1.5 to +2.9 in the Navahermosa and Talavera gabbros, respectively. These positive ?Hfi values up to +6.9 might represent the composition of the subcontinental mantle which generates these SCS gabbros. This ?Hfi range is clearly below depleted mantle values suggesting the involvement of enriched mantle components on the origin of these Variscan gabbros, and is consistent with previous whole-rock studies. The presence of zircons with negative ?Hfi values suggest variable, but significant, crustal contamination of the gabbros, mainly by mixing with coeval granite magmas. Inherited Paleoproterozoic zircons of La Solanilla gabbros have similar trace element composition (e.g. Th/U ratios), but more evolved Hf-isotope signatures than associated Variscan zircons. Similar inherited ages have been recorded in zircons from coeval Variscan granitoids from the Central Iberian Zone. Granitic rocks have Nd model ages (TDM) predominantly in the range of 1.4 to 1.6?Ga, suggesting a juvenile addition during the Proterozoic. However, Hf crustal model ages of xenocrystic Proterozoic zircons in La Solanilla gabbro indicate the presence of reworked Archean protoliths (TDM2 model ages of 3.0 to 3.2?Ga) incorporated into the hybridized mafic magma.  相似文献   

塔里木大火成岩省是我国境内发现的两个重要的二叠纪大火成省之一,不仅有大规模的溢流相玄武岩喷发,还有复杂多样的侵入岩及其组合。以往的研究主要集中在二叠系等显生宙地层发育区,对于前寒武系等古老层系中是否存在二叠纪岩浆侵入未引起重视。本文通过野外地质调查,在阿克苏地区前寒武系中识别出数条侵入南华系的基性岩墙和较大规模侵入震旦系的基性岩床。岩墙、岩床与围岩之间均显示出典型的侵入接触关系,包括岩体内部结晶粗、边部结晶细的淬冷边结构、岩床顶底面显著的切层现象以及包裹围岩团块等;显微镜下观察表明,辉绿岩具有典型的辉绿结构和嵌晶含长结构。锆石U-Pb年代学结果表明,侵入下震旦统的辉绿岩岩床和侵入南华系的辉绿岩岩墙的侵位时代在误差范围内基本一致,约为290Ma。岩石地球化学特征表明,辉绿岩岩床具有与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似的稀土及微量元素配分模式,结合Sr-Nb-Pb同位素测试结果,认为它们来源于碳酸盐化的富集型岩石圈地幔部分熔融,而辉绿岩岩墙具有Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等负异常的地球化学特征,可能来自曾被俯冲相关流体/熔体交代的岩石圈地幔源区。本文的早二叠世辉绿岩岩床和岩墙的形成时代、岩浆源区和岩浆演化...  相似文献   

In order to probe the genesis and tectonic significance of the granite in the Reshui area, geoehronologicai and geochemical studies of the Reshui monzogranite have been carried out in this paper. The results show that the Reshui monzogranite has LA-1CP-MS zircon U-Pb age of 231 ±1 Ma, indicating that it was formed in late Triassic. It has high contents of Si()2(68. 74%-7l.69%) , Al,(),( 14. 78%-15. 18%). and k,()( 3. 78%-4. 32% ) , with k,()/Na,() ratios ranging from 1. 05 to 1. 32 ,r Rttmann indexes ranging from 1. 87 to 2. 21 . and A/CNk values varying from 1. 03 to 1. 07, respectively. Thus, the Reshui monzogranite belongs to the high k calc-Alkaline weak peraluminous granite. In addition, it has total REE contents(ΣREE) of I 18. 28x 10-6 - 148. 1 x 10-6, with right declined REE distribution patterns showing strong enrichment of LREE and relative depletion of HREE. Its large ion lithophile elements( L1LE) , including Rb. Ra, Th, and l.REE are enriched, while its high field strength elements( HESE) , including Nh, Ta, P. and Ti, are relatively depleted. It has characteristics of the 1-Type granite. It could be mainly sourced from the partial melting of the subducted slab or basic rocks of the lower crust, mixed partly with mantle materials. Combining with regional geological background, it is believed that the Reshui monzogranite was formed by the interaction of the crust and mantle under the tectonic environment of collision-post collision.  相似文献   

霍宁  郭谦谦  陈艺超  宋东方 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1253-1279
增生造山带中陆源碎屑岩物源区特征的研究可为解剖造山带结构甚至大陆地壳的形成和演化提供关键证据。北山造山带中部的古硐井群被认为是前寒武纪稳定沉积盖层,是北山造山带存在微陆块的重要依据。本文围绕古硐井群的物源区特征,进行了碎屑颗粒和重矿物统计、全岩主微量元素地球化学分析、碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素测试。古硐井群碎屑岩的碎屑颗粒多呈棱角状,主要为石英、长石,同时含大量硅质岩碎屑和一定数量的火山岩碎屑;重矿物组成以褐铁矿、锆石、白钛石、尖晶石为主,角闪石、电气石、辉石次之,暗示物源区可能存在蛇绿岩、增生杂岩。全岩主量元素以高硅、高铝、富碱、低锰为特征,结合REE、Cr、Co、Sc和Th等惰性元素含量特征共同指示了长英质的物源区。最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄为443.9±13Ma,表明古硐井群最大沉积时限为晚奥陶世。碎屑锆石的年龄高度集中于470Ma附近,且该区间锆石εHf(t)值多为正值,指示物源区存在大量新生地壳物质。本文推测古硐井群可能形成于增生楔楔顶盆地;研究结果支持北山造山带是古生代持续增生造山的产物这一认识。  相似文献   

Due to strong remodification and sparse trace remnants, tectonic restoration is critical for the reconstructing of the paleography and basin-prototype in the multiple-cycles superimposed basin, which is also fundamental for the hydrocarbon exploration of the deep marine carbonate in the Tarim Basin. This study presents the tectonic framework of the transition phase from the Sinian to the Cambrian Period and its constrains on the paleography of the Cambrian in the Tarim Basin based on comprehensive analysis of new geochronology data, seismic data and regional tectonic data. The results showed that (1) there is a large regional unconformity between the Cambrian and Precambrian, suggesting a discontinuous deposition from the Sinian to the Cambrian that is contrary to the major view; (2) a broad flattened paleotopography formed before Cambrian Period, which is favorable for the wide epicontinental sea environment and a gentle homoclinal ramp platform development in the early Cambrian, and the residual basement low relief uplifts that influence the microfacies differentiation in the carbonate platform; (3) the Cambrian carbonate platform has been involved much into the marginal orogenic belts, and the proto-platform is probably of 200 km out of the present basin in S-N direction; (4) there is a weak extensional setting in the Cambrian-Early Ordovician rather than a strong rifting setting with a large aulacogen into the platform, in which a inter-platform shallow depression and stable ramp platform developed in the Cambrian; (5) there is not troughs, but rather low relief uplifts developed in the Early Cambrian in the southwestern Tarim Basin, and lack of large uplifts along the carbonate platform margins; (6) it is showed a broad architecture of platform-wide slope-ocean basin from the inner Tarim plate to its margin in the Cambrian Period. Considering the basin prototype, the restoration of the tectono-paleography in the early Cambrian in the Tarim Basin is distinct from those of the previously proposed. We propose that a gentle pattern with “two platforms and one inter-depression” in E-W striking other than multiple small platform constrained in the basin, and further subdivision of the western platform with inner platform low uplift and sag in N-S striking, which is possibly inherited from the basement architecture. On the outer of the united platform, there is probably broad gentle slope for transition to ocean basin. We therefore argue that tectonic restoration is crucial for reconstruction of the paleogeography and basin prototype, especially for basins experienced multiphase of tectonic cycles. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

Industrial uranium orebodies have recently been found through in-depth uranium exploration in the Luohe Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, which is an important breakthrough in deep prospecting for sandstone-type uranium deposits. The composition, content and characteristics of clay minerals in the Luohe Formation in the Zhenyuan area were systematically studied by means of thin section identification, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and altered mineral spectral scanning. Unlike the most important uranium-bearing rock series in the Zhiluo Formation in the northeast and southwest of the basin, the ore-bearing Luohe Formation sandstone has low contents of clay minerals while the clay mineral assemblages vary in different sand bodies. Among them, the main types of mudstone, oxidized sandstone, calcareous sandstone and mineralized sandstone are illite-smectite mixed-layer mineral and illite, followed by kaolinite and chlorite, the main types uranium-rich sandstone and gray-green sandstone are kaolinite and illite-smectite mixed-layer mineral, followed by illite and chlorite. Even though adsorption of clay minerals, such as chlorite, illite-smectite mixed-layer mineral, kaolinite, and illite may contribute to U enrichment and uranium mineral precipitation, no correlation between clays and uranium minerals have been observed, indicating that clay minerals are not the main factor affecting uranium enrichment during the deep metallogenic process. The study of clay minerals in the Luohe Formation sandstone demonstrated that there are at least two phases of chlorite and one phase of kaolinite in the study area, which respectively represent two phases of alkaline fluid and one phase of acid fluid activities, revealing a fluid phase transition of alkaline-acidic-alkaline. Therefore, the clay minerals can be used as an important indicator for uranium mineralization. © 2020, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

The Yinan gold deposit in the Luxi area of Shandong Province in northeastern China is a skarn-type ore deposit. In this article, we present results from sulphur, lead, carbon–oxygen, and helium–argon isotope chemistry to characterize the ore genesis and source features. We also present rhenium–osmium ages from molybdenite to evaluate the timing of ore formation. The δ34S values of pyrite from the ore deposit range from 0.7‰ to 5.60‰ with a mean at 2.70‰, close to mantle and meteorite sulphur. Among Pb isotopes, 206Pb/204Pb values range from 18.375 to 18.436, 207Pb/204Pb values from 15.694 to 15.8, and 208Pb/204Pb values from 38.747 to 39.067. The δ13C values of calcite associated with the ores range from ?0.2‰ to ?0.5‰ and their δ18O values show variation from 9.4‰ to 12.6‰, suggesting a mixed fluid source. The 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar ratios of fluids trapped in pyrite are in the range of 0.27–1.11 Ra and 439.4–826, respectively, with calculated proportion of the mantle-derived He ranging from 3.25% to 14.03% and atmosphere argon ranging from 35.8% to 67.3%. The data suggest that the ore-forming fluids were derived from the crust and were mixed with a distinct contribution of mantle helium. The Re and Os values vary from 32 × 10?6 to 93.02 × 10?6 and from 0.01 × 10?9 to 0.34 × 10?9, respectively. The model ages of molybdenite range from 126.96 ± 1.82 Ma to 129.49 ± 2.04 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 128.08 ± 0.75 Ma and isochron age of 130.3 ± 3 Ma. These ages are close to the age of the associated quartz diorite porphyrite pluton, suggesting a close relationship between Cretaceous magmatism and metallogeny in NE China. A comparison of the Yinan gold deposit in the Luxi area with those of the Jiaodong area shows that the contrast in metallogenic features between the two are linked with the tectonic and geodynamic history.  相似文献   

The relationship of the Yangtze Block with other continental blocks of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents is hotly debated. Here we report U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopic data for zircons from the latest Neoproterozoic Yanjing Group and the overlying Silurian–Devonian rocks on the western margin of Yangtze Block, which provide critical constraints on the provenance of these sediments and further shed light on the crustal evolution and tectonic affinity of the western Yangtze Block in the context of Rodinia and the subsequent Gondwanaland. Mica schist from the middle part of the Yanjing Group contains dominant Neoproterozoic detrital zircons (0.72–0.80 Ga) with a pronounced age peak at 0.75 Ga. Based on the euhedral to subhedral shapes, high Th/U ratios and exclusively positive εHf(t) values (+ 6 to + 14) for the zircon crystals, and the lack of ancient zircons, we consider the sediments as products of proximal deposition near a Neoproterozoic subduction system in western Yangtze. Combined with the age of rhyolite from the lower part of the Yanjing Group, these strata were estimated to have been deposited in a period between 0.72 and 0.63 Ga. In contrast, the Silurian–Devonian sediments exhibit dominant Grenvillian ages (0.9–1.0 Ga), with middle Neoproterozoic (0.73–0.85 Ga), Pan-African (0.49–0.67 Ga) and Neoarchean (~ 2.5 Ga) age populations, suggesting a significant change of sedimentary provenance and thus a different tectonic setting. Although the shift occurred in the Silurian, the age spectra turn to be consistent along the western margin of the Yangtze Block until the Devonian, indicating persistence of the same sedimentary environment. However, the related provenance of these Paleozoic sediments cannot be found in South China. The presence of abundant Grenvillian, Pan-African and Neoarchean ages, along with their moderately to highly rounded shapes, indicates the possibility of exotic continental terrane(s) as a possible sedimentary provenance. Considering the potential source areas around the Yangtze Block when it was part of the Rodinia or Gondwana, we suggest that the source of these Paleozoic sediments had typical Gondwana affinities such as the Himalaya region, north India, which is also supported by their stratigraphic similarity, newly published paleomagnetic data and the tectono-thermal events of northwestern fragments of Gondwana. This implies that after a prolonged subduction in the Neoproterozoic, the western margin of the Yangtze Block began to incorporate into the assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent and was able to accept sediments from northwestern margin of Gondwanaland as a result of early Paleozoic orogeny.  相似文献   

In situ U–Pb dating and Hf isotopic of detrital zircons from beach sediments of Yalong Bay were analyzed to trace sedimentary provenance and reveal the crustal evolution of Hainan Island in South China. The grain size distribution of the sediments displays a clear single-peak feature, indicating the sediments were formed under the same condition of hydrodynamic force. The detrital zircons had Th/U ratios of greater than 0.1, and REE pattern displayed a positive Ce anomaly and a negative Eu anomaly, indicating that these zircons are predominantly of magmatic origin. The U–Pb spectrum of detrital zircons mainly peaked at the Yanshanian (96–185 Ma), Hercynian–Indosinian (222–345 Ma) and Caledonian (421–477 Ma). A portion of the detrital zircons were of Neoproterozoic origin (728–1,003 Ma), which revealed that the basement in the eastern region of Hainan Island was mainly of Neoproterozoic, with rare Archean materials. The positive ε Hf(t) values (0 to +10.1) of the Neoproterozoic detrital zircons indicated that the juvenile crust grew in the southeastern Hainan Island mainly during the Neoproterozoic period. The Neoproterozoic orogeny in the southeastern part of the island (0.7–1.0 Ga) occurred later than in the northwestern region of the island (1.0–1.4 Ga). Importantly, the Grenvillian orogeny in the southeastern area of Hainan Island shared the same timing with that of the western Cathaysia Block; i.e., both areas concurrently underwent this orogenic event, thereby forming a part of the Rodinia supercontinent. Afterwards, the crust experienced remelting and reworking during the Caledonian Hercynian–Indosinianand Yanshanian accompanied by the growth of a small amount of juvenile crust.  相似文献   

老厂矿床是昌宁-孟连缝合带内唯一大型矿床,本文报道了老厂矿床Ag-Pb-Zn矿体中Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体的方解石C-O同位素组成,以及Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ三个矿体群内闪锌矿的Zn同位素组成。Ⅰ号矿体群下部块状矿体和上部网脉状矿体方解石δ13CPDB的范围分别为-6.17‰~2.71‰和-2.18‰~3.87‰,δ18OPDB的范围分别为-19.57‰~-17.23‰和-22.10‰~-16.21‰;计算获得对应成矿流体的δ13CCO2为-6.16‰~1.53‰和-2.39‰~6.43‰,δ18OH2O分别为1.62‰~7.62‰和4.36‰~16.92‰,通过与岩浆CO213C=-2‰~-8‰)和围岩灰岩(δ13C=-1.6‰~4.0‰)的δ13C值相比较,指示块状矿体成矿流体中的碳主要来自岩浆,网脉状矿体成矿流体中...  相似文献   

The Southwest Indian mid-ocean ridge (SWIR) is an ultraslow spreading ridge. Based on the submarine bathymetric data, we develop a new division principle on submarine morphotectonics and subdivide the SWIR into the seven-order tectonic geomorphologic units. Taking its submarine morphotectonics in the middle segment and adjacent seafloors of the mid-ocean ridge between Discovery II and Gallieni transform faults as a sample, this paper systematically analyzes its tectonic evolution, segmentation, segmentation and propagation mechanism, the formation of the central rift valley, the ridge-plume interactions, and the ocean ridge jumping. The results showed that the mid-ocean ridges can be divided into four three-order morphotectonics units (i.e., one-order segments of mid-ocean ridge), from west to east, which are separated by the Andrew Bain, the Prince Edwards, the Discovery II, and the Gallieni transform faults, respectively, corresponding to ridge landforms associated with a strongly hotspot-affected ridge, a weakly hotspot-affected ridge, and a normal ultraslow spreading ridge. Each segment can be further subdivided into three or four secondary segments. This paper focuses only on the segmentation and division from fourth-order to seventh-order morphotectonics units between the Discovery II and the Gallieni transform faults (i.e., the fourth-order morphotectonics unit of mid-ocean ridges can be subdivided into other three secondary units). Here the seventh-order morphotectonics unit consists of segments of laterally-aligned rifts (shear zone), en echelon rifts, and other transverse-faulting structures. The mid-ocean ridge segment experienced three oceanic ridge jumping at about 80 Ma, 60 Ma and 40 Ma, respectively, which were affected by the Marion and Crozet hotspots, or the Madagascar Plateau, etc. The oceanic processes of the SWIR are related to the Gondwana breakup, and its tectonic processes has been analyzed in detail as the periodic pull-apart extension, domino-style half-graben, graben subsidence, oceanic core complex, etc. in axial mid-oceanic ridge since 20 Ma. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   

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